Source code for pint.event_toas

"""Generic functions to load TOAs from events files, along with specific implementations for different missions.
The versions that look like ``get_..._TOAs()`` are preferred: the others are retained for backward compatibility.

**Instrument-specific Functions**

.. autofunction:: pint.event_toas.get_NuSTAR_TOAs(eventname [, minmjd, maxmjd, errors, ephem, planets])
.. autofunction:: pint.event_toas.get_NICER_TOAs(eventname [, minmjd, maxmjd, errors, ephem, planets])
.. autofunction:: pint.event_toas.get_RXTE_TOAs(eventname [, minmjd, maxmjd, errors, ephem, planets])
.. autofunction:: pint.event_toas.get_IXPE_TOAs(eventname [, minmjd, maxmjd, errors, ephem, planets])
.. autofunction:: pint.event_toas.get_Swift_TOAs(eventname [, minmjd, maxmjd, errors, ephem, planets])
.. autofunction:: pint.event_toas.get_XMM_TOAs(eventname [, minmjd, maxmjd, errors, ephem, planets])
.. autofunction:: pint.event_toas.load_NuSTAR_TOAs(eventname [, minmjd, maxmjd, errors, ephem, planets])
.. autofunction:: pint.event_toas.load_NICER_TOAs(eventname [, minmjd, maxmjd, errors, ephem, planets])
.. autofunction:: pint.event_toas.load_RXTE_TOAs(eventname [, minmjd, maxmjd, errors, ephem, planets])
.. autofunction:: pint.event_toas.load_IXPE_TOAs(eventname [, minmjd, maxmjd, errors, ephem, planets])
.. autofunction:: pint.event_toas.load_Swift_TOAs(eventname [, minmjd, maxmjd, errors, ephem, planets])
.. autofunction:: pint.event_toas.load_XMM_TOAs(eventname [, minmjd, maxmjd, errors, ephem, planets])

import os
from functools import partial

import as pyfits
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
from astropy import units as u
import numpy as np
from loguru import logger as log

import pint.toa as toa
from pint.fits_utils import read_fits_event_mjds_tuples

Default TOA (event) uncertainty depending on facility

* XMM:
* Swift:
_default_uncertainty = {
    "NICER": 0.1 *,
    "RXTE": 2.5 *,
    "IXPE": 20 *,
    "XMM": 48 *,
    "NuSTAR": 65 *,
    "Swift": 300 *,
    "default": 1 *,

__all__ = [

[docs]def read_mission_info_from_heasoft(): """Read all the relevant information about missions in xselect.mdb.""" if not os.getenv("HEADAS"): return {} fname = os.path.join(os.getenv("HEADAS"), "bin", "xselect.mdb") if not os.path.exists(fname): return {} db = {} with open(fname) as fobj: for line in fobj: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("!") or line == "": continue allvals = line.split() string = allvals[0] value = allvals[1:] if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] data = string.split(":")[:] mission = data[0].lower() if mission not in db: db[mission] = {} previous_db_step = db[mission] data = data[1:] for key in data[:-1]: if key not in previous_db_step: previous_db_step[key] = {} previous_db_step = previous_db_step[key] previous_db_step[data[-1]] = value return db
# fits_extension can be a single name or a comma-separated list of allowed # extension names. # For weight we use the same conventions used for Fermi: None, a valid FITS # extension name or CALC.
[docs]def create_mission_config(): mission_config = { "generic": { "fits_extension": 1, "allow_local": False, "fits_columns": {"pi": "PI"}, } } # Read the relevant information from $HEADAS/bin/xselect.mdb, if present for mission, data in read_mission_info_from_heasoft().items(): mission_config[mission] = {"allow_local": False} ext = 1 if "events" in data: ext = data["events"] cols = {} if "ecol" in data: ecol = data["ecol"] cols = {"ecol": str(ecol)} mission_config[mission]["fits_extension"] = ext mission_config[mission]["fits_columns"] = cols # Allow local TOAs for those missions that have a load_<MISSION>_TOAs method for mission in ["nustar", "nicer", "xte", "ixpe"]: try: # If mission was read from HEASARC, just update allow_local mission_config[mission]["allow_local"] = True except KeyError: # If mission was not read from HEASARC, then create full new entry mission_config[mission] = {} mission_config[mission].update(mission_config["generic"]) mission_config[mission]["allow_local"] = True # Fix chandra try: mission_config["chandra"] = mission_config["axaf"] except KeyError: log.warning( "AXAF configuration not found -- likely HEADAS env variable not set." ) # Fix xte mission_config["xte"]["fits_columns"] = {"ecol": "PHA"} # The event extension is called in different ways for different data modes, but # it is always no. 1. mission_config["xte"]["fits_extension"] = 1 return mission_config
mission_config = create_mission_config() def _default_obs_and_scale(mission, timesys, timeref): """Default values of observatory and scale, given TIMESYS and TIMEREF. In standard FITS files, + TIMESYS will be 'TT' for unmodified events (or geocentered), and 'TDB' for events barycentered with gtbary + TIMEREF will be 'GEOCENTER' for geocentered events, 'SOLARSYSTEM' for barycentered, 'LOCAL' for unmodified events """ if timesys == "TDB":"Building barycentered TOAs") obs, scale = "Barycenter", "tdb" elif timeref == "LOCAL":"Building spacecraft local TOAs") obs, scale = mission, "tt" else:"Building geocentered TOAs") obs, scale = "Geocenter", "tt" return obs, scale def _get_columns_from_fits(hdu, cols): new_dict = {} event_dat = default_val = np.zeros(len(event_dat)) # Parse and retrieve default values from the FITS columns listed in config for col in cols.keys(): try: val = event_dat.field(cols[col]) except ValueError: val = default_val new_dict[col] = val return new_dict def _get_timesys_and_timeref(hdu): timesys, timeref = _get_timesys(hdu), _get_timeref(hdu) check_timesys(timesys) check_timeref(timeref) return timesys, timeref VALID_TIMESYS = ["TDB", "TT"] VALID_TIMEREF = ["GEOCENTER", "SOLARSYSTEM", "LOCAL"]
[docs]def check_timesys(timesys): if timesys not in VALID_TIMESYS: raise ValueError("Timesys has to be TDB or TT")
[docs]def check_timeref(timeref): if timeref not in VALID_TIMEREF: raise ValueError("Timeref is invalid")
def _get_timesys(hdu): event_hdr = hdu.header timesys = event_hdr["TIMESYS"] log.debug("TIMESYS {0}".format(timesys)) return timesys def _get_timeref(hdu): event_hdr = hdu.header timeref = event_hdr["TIMEREF"] log.debug("TIMEREF {0}".format(timeref)) return timeref
[docs]def load_fits_TOAs( eventname, mission, weights=None, extension=None, timesys=None, timeref=None, minmjd=-np.inf, maxmjd=np.inf, errors=_default_uncertainty, ): """ Read photon event times out of a FITS file as a list of PINT :class:`~pint.toa.TOA` objects. Correctly handles raw event files, or ones processed with axBary to have barycentered TOAs. Different conditions may apply to different missions. The minmjd/maxmjd parameters can be used to avoid instantiation of TOAs we don't want, which can otherwise be very slow. Parameters ---------- eventname : str File name of the FITS event list mission : str Name of the mission (e.g. RXTE, XMM) weights : array or None The array has to be of the same size as the event list. Overwrites possible weight lists from mission-specific FITS files extension : str FITS extension to read timesys : str, default None Force this time system timeref : str, default None Forse this time reference minmjd : float, default "-infinity" minimum MJD timestamp to return maxmjd : float, default "infinity" maximum MJD timestamp to return errors : astropy.units.Quantity or float, optional The uncertainty on the TOA; if it's a float it is assumed to be in microseconds Returns ------- toalist : list of :class:`~pint.toa.TOA` objects Note ---- This list should be converted into a :class:`~pint.toa.TOAs` object with :func:`pint.toa.get_TOAs_list` for most operations See Also -------- :func:`get_fits_TOAs` """ toas = get_fits_TOAs( eventname, mission, weights=weights, extension=extension, timesys=timesys, timeref=timeref, minmjd=minmjd, maxmjd=maxmjd, errors=errors, ) return toas.to_TOA_list()
[docs]def get_fits_TOAs( eventname, mission, weights=None, extension=None, timesys=None, timeref=None, minmjd=-np.inf, maxmjd=np.inf, ephem=None, planets=False, include_bipm=False, include_gps=False, errors=_default_uncertainty["default"], ): """ Read photon event times out of a FITS file as :class:`pint.toa.TOAs` object Correctly handles raw event files, or ones processed with axBary to have barycentered TOAs. Different conditions may apply to different missions. The minmjd/maxmjd parameters can be used to avoid instantiation of TOAs we don't want, which can otherwise be very slow. Parameters ---------- eventname : str File name of the FITS event list mission : str Name of the mission (e.g. RXTE, XMM) weights : array or None The array has to be of the same size as the event list. Overwrites possible weight lists from mission-specific FITS files extension : str FITS extension to read timesys : str, default None Force this time system timeref : str, default None Forse this time reference minmjd : float, default "-infinity" minimum MJD timestamp to return maxmjd : float, default "infinity" maximum MJD timestamp to return ephem : str, optional The name of the solar system ephemeris to use; defaults to "DE421". planets : bool, optional Whether to apply Shapiro delays based on planet positions. Note that a long-standing TEMPO2 bug in this feature went unnoticed for years. Defaults to False. include_bipm : bool, optional Use TT(BIPM) instead of TT(TAI) include_gps : bool, optional Apply GPS to UTC clock corrections errors : astropy.units.Quantity or float, optional The uncertainty on the TOA; if it's a float it is assumed to be in microseconds Returns ------- pint.toa.TOAs """ # Load photon times from event file hdulist = if mission not in mission_config: log.warning("Mission not recognized. Using generic") mission = "generic" if ( extension is not None and isinstance(extension, str) and hdulist[1].name not in extension.split(",") ): raise RuntimeError( f"First table in FITS file must be {extension}. Found {hdulist[1].name}" ) if isinstance(extension, int) and extension != 1: raise ValueError( "At the moment, only data in the first FITS extension is supported" ) if timesys is None: timesys = _get_timesys(hdulist[1]) if timeref is None: timeref = _get_timeref(hdulist[1])"TIMESYS: {timesys} TIMEREF: {timeref}") check_timesys(timesys) check_timeref(timeref) if not mission_config[mission]["allow_local"] and timesys != "TDB": log.error(f"Raw spacecraft TOAs not yet supported for {mission}") obs, scale = _default_obs_and_scale(mission, timesys, timeref) # Read time column from FITS file mjds = read_fits_event_mjds_tuples(hdulist[1]) new_kwargs = _get_columns_from_fits( hdulist[1], mission_config[mission]["fits_columns"] ) hdulist.close() if weights is not None: new_kwargs["weights"] = weights if not isinstance(errors, u.Quantity): errors = errors * u.microsecond # mask out times/columns outside of mjd range mjds_float = np.asarray([r[0] + r[1] for r in mjds]) idx = (minmjd < mjds_float) & (mjds_float < maxmjd) mjds = mjds[idx] for key in new_kwargs.keys(): new_kwargs[key] = new_kwargs[key][idx] location = EarthLocation(0, 0, 0) if timeref == "GEOCENTRIC" else None if len(mjds.shape) == 2: t = Time( val=mjds[:, 0], val2=mjds[:, 1], format="mjd", scale=scale, location=location, ) else: t = Time(mjds, format="mjd", scale=scale, location=location) flags = [toa.FlagDict() for _ in range(len(mjds))] for i in range(len(mjds)): for key in new_kwargs: flags[i][key] = str(new_kwargs[key][i]) return toa.get_TOAs_array( t, obs, include_gps=include_gps, include_bipm=include_bipm, planets=planets, ephem=ephem, flags=flags, errors=errors, )
[docs]def load_event_TOAs( eventname, mission, weights=None, minmjd=-np.inf, maxmjd=np.inf, errors=_default_uncertainty["default"], ): """ Read photon event times out of a FITS file as PINT :class:`~pint.toa.TOA` objects. Correctly handles raw event files, or ones processed with axBary to have barycentered TOAs. Different conditions may apply to different missions. The minmjd/maxmjd parameters can be used to avoid instantiation of TOAs we don't want, which can otherwise be very slow. Parameters ---------- eventname : str File name of the FITS event list mission : str Name of the mission (e.g. RXTE, XMM) weights : array or None The array has to be of the same size as the event list. Overwrites possible weight lists from mission-specific FITS files minmjd : float, default "-infinity" minimum MJD timestamp to return maxmjd : float, default "infinity" maximum MJD timestamp to return errors : astropy.units.Quantity or float, optional The uncertainty on the TOA; if it's a float it is assumed to be in microseconds Returns ------- toalist : list of :class:`~pint.toa.TOA` objects Note ---- This list should be converted into a :class:`~pint.toa.TOAs` object with :func:`pint.toa.get_TOAs_list` for most operations See Also -------- :func:`get_event_TOAs` """ # Load photon times from event file try: extension = mission_config[mission]["fits_extension"] except ValueError: log.warning("Mission name (TELESCOP) not recognized, using generic!") extension = mission_config["generic"]["fits_extension"] return load_fits_TOAs( eventname, mission, weights=weights, extension=extension, minmjd=minmjd, maxmjd=maxmjd, errors=errors, )
[docs]def get_event_TOAs( eventname, mission, weights=None, minmjd=-np.inf, maxmjd=np.inf, ephem=None, planets=False, include_bipm=False, include_gps=False, errors=_default_uncertainty["default"], ): """ Read photon event times out of a FITS file as a :class:`pint.toa.TOAs` object Correctly handles raw event files, or ones processed with axBary to have barycentered TOAs. Different conditions may apply to different missions. The minmjd/maxmjd parameters can be used to avoid instantiation of TOAs we don't want, which can otherwise be very slow. Parameters ---------- eventname : str File name of the FITS event list mission : str Name of the mission (e.g. RXTE, XMM) weights : array or None The array has to be of the same size as the event list. Overwrites possible weight lists from mission-specific FITS files minmjd : float, default "-infinity" minimum MJD timestamp to return maxmjd : float, default "infinity" maximum MJD timestamp to return ephem : str, optional The name of the solar system ephemeris to use; defaults to "DE421". planets : bool, optional Whether to apply Shapiro delays based on planet positions. Note that a long-standing TEMPO2 bug in this feature went unnoticed for years. Defaults to False. include_bipm : bool, optional Use TT(BIPM) instead of TT(TAI) include_gps : bool, optional Apply GPS to UTC clock corrections errors : astropy.units.Quantity or float, optional The uncertainty on the TOA; if it's a float it is assumed to be in microseconds Returns ------- pint.toa.TOAs """ # Load photon times from event file try: extension = mission_config[mission]["fits_extension"] except ValueError: log.warning("Mission name (TELESCOP) not recognized, using generic!") extension = mission_config["generic"]["fits_extension"] return get_fits_TOAs( eventname, mission, weights=weights, extension=extension, minmjd=minmjd, maxmjd=maxmjd, ephem=ephem, planets=planets, include_bipm=include_bipm, include_gps=include_gps, errors=errors, )
# generic docstring for these functions _load_event_docstring = """ Read photon event times out of a {} file as PINT :class:`~pint.toa.TOA` objects. Correctly handles raw event files, or ones processed with axBary to have barycentered TOAs. Different conditions may apply to different missions. The minmjd/maxmjd parameters can be used to avoid instantiation of TOAs we don't want, which can otherwise be very slow. Parameters ---------- eventname : str File name of the FITS event list minmjd : float, default "-infinity" minimum MJD timestamp to return maxmjd : float, default "infinity" maximum MJD timestamp to return errors : astropy.units.Quantity or float, optional The uncertainty on the TOA; if it's a float it is assumed to be in microseconds Returns ------- toalist : list of :class:`~pint.toa.TOA` objects Note ---- This list should be converted into a :class:`~pint.toa.TOAs` object with :func:`pint.toa.get_TOAs_list` for most operations See Also -------- :func:`get_{}_TOAs` :func:`load_event_TOAs` """ load_RXTE_TOAs = partial( load_event_TOAs, mission="xte", errors=_default_uncertainty["RXTE"] ) load_RXTE_TOAs.__doc__ = _load_event_docstring.format("RXTE", "RXTE") load_NICER_TOAs = partial( load_event_TOAs, mission="nicer", errors=_default_uncertainty["NICER"] ) load_NICER_TOAs.__doc__ = _load_event_docstring.format("NICER", "NICER") load_IXPE_TOAs = partial( load_event_TOAs, mission="ixpe", errors=_default_uncertainty["IXPE"] ) load_IXPE_TOAs.__doc__ = _load_event_docstring.format("IXPE", "IXPE") load_XMM_TOAs = partial( load_event_TOAs, mission="xmm", errors=_default_uncertainty["XMM"] ) load_XMM_TOAs.__doc__ = _load_event_docstring.format("XMM", "XMM") load_NuSTAR_TOAs = partial( load_event_TOAs, mission="nustar", errors=_default_uncertainty["NuSTAR"] ) load_NuSTAR_TOAs.__doc__ = _load_event_docstring.format("NuSTAR", "NuSTAR") load_Swift_TOAs = partial( load_event_TOAs, mission="swift", errors=_default_uncertainty["Swift"] ) load_Swift_TOAs.__doc__ = _load_event_docstring.format("Swift", "Swift") # generic docstring for these functions _get_event_docstring = """ Read photon event times out of a {} file as a :class:`pint.toa.TOAs` object Correctly handles raw event files, or ones processed with axBary to have barycentered TOAs. Different conditions may apply to different missions. The minmjd/maxmjd parameters can be used to avoid instantiation of TOAs we don't want, which can otherwise be very slow. Parameters ---------- eventname : str File name of the FITS event list minmjd : float, default "-infinity" minimum MJD timestamp to return maxmjd : float, default "infinity" maximum MJD timestamp to return errors : astropy.units.Quantity or float, optional The uncertainty on the TOA; if it's a float it is assumed to be in microseconds ephem : str, optional The name of the solar system ephemeris to use; defaults to "DE421". planets : bool, optional Whether to apply Shapiro delays based on planet positions. Note that a long-standing TEMPO2 bug in this feature went unnoticed for years. Defaults to False. Returns ------- pint.toa.TOAs See Also -------- :func:`get_event_TOAs` """ get_RXTE_TOAs = partial( get_event_TOAs, mission="xte", errors=_default_uncertainty["RXTE"] ) get_RXTE_TOAs.__doc__ = _get_event_docstring.format("RXTE") get_NICER_TOAs = partial( get_event_TOAs, mission="nicer", errors=_default_uncertainty["NICER"] ) get_NICER_TOAs.__doc__ = _get_event_docstring.format("NICER") get_IXPE_TOAs = partial( get_event_TOAs, mission="ixpe", errors=_default_uncertainty["IXPE"] ) get_IXPE_TOAs.__doc__ = _get_event_docstring.format("IXPE") get_XMM_TOAs = partial( get_event_TOAs, mission="xmm", errors=_default_uncertainty["XMM"] ) get_XMM_TOAs.__doc__ = _get_event_docstring.format("XMM") get_NuSTAR_TOAs = partial( get_event_TOAs, mission="nustar", errors=_default_uncertainty["NuSTAR"] ) get_NuSTAR_TOAs.__doc__ = _get_event_docstring.format("NuSTAR") get_Swift_TOAs = partial( get_event_TOAs, mission="swift", errors=_default_uncertainty["Swift"] ) get_Swift_TOAs.__doc__ = _get_event_docstring.format("Swift")