Source code for pint.fermi_toas

"""Work with Fermi TOAs."""

from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, EarthLocation
from astropy.time import Time
from import fits
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from loguru import logger as log

import pint.toa as toa
from pint.fits_utils import read_fits_event_mjds_tuples
from pint.observatory import get_observatory

# default TOA (event) uncertainty depending on facility
_default_uncertainty = 1 *

__all__ = ["load_Fermi_TOAs", "get_Fermi_TOAs"]

[docs]def calc_lat_weights(energies, angseps, logeref=4.1, logesig=0.5): """Compute photon weights based on PSF. This function computes photon weights based on the energy-dependent PSF, as defined in Philippe Bruel's SearchPulsation code. It was built by David Smith, based on some code from Lucas Guillemot. This computation uses only the PSF as a function of energy, not a full spectral model of the region, so is less exact than gtsrcprob. Parameters ---------- energies : np.array Array of photon energies in MeV angseps : array of astropy Angles Angular separations between photon direction and target This should be astropy Angle array, such as returned from SkyCoord_photons.separation(SkyCoord_target) logeref : Parameter from SearchPulsation optimization logesig : Parameter from SearchPulsation optimization Returns ------- np.array weights (probabilities that the photons came from the target, based on the PSF). """ # A few parameters that define the PSF shape psfpar0 = 5.445 psfpar1 = 0.848 psfpar2 = 0.084 norm = 1.0 gam = 2.0 scalepsf = 3.0 logE = np.log10(energies) sigma = ( np.sqrt( (psfpar0**2 * np.power(100.0 / energies, 2.0 * psfpar1) + psfpar2**2) ) / scalepsf ) fgeom = norm * np.power( 1 + * / 2.0 / gam / sigma / sigma, -gam ) return fgeom * np.exp(-np.power((logE - logeref) / np.sqrt(2.0) / logesig, 2.0))
[docs]def load_Fermi_TOAs( ft1name, weightcolumn=None, targetcoord=None, logeref=4.1, logesig=0.5, minweight=0.0, minmjd=-np.inf, maxmjd=np.inf, fermiobs="Fermi", errors=_default_uncertainty, ): """ Read photon event times out of a Fermi FT1 file and return a list of PINT :class:`~pint.toa.TOA` objects. Correctly handles raw FT1 files, or ones processed with gtbary to have barycentered or geocentered TOAs. Parameters ---------- weightcolumn : str Specifies the FITS column name to read the photon weights from. The special value 'CALC' causes the weights to be computed empirically as in Philippe Bruel's SearchPulsation code. targetcoord : astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord Source coordinate for weight computation if weightcolumn=='CALC' logeref : float Parameter for the weight computation if weightcolumn=='CALC' logesig : float Parameter for the weight computation if weightcolumn=='CALC' minweight : float If weights are loaded or computed, exclude events with smaller weights. minmjd : float Events with earlier MJDs are excluded. maxmjd : float Events with later MJDs are excluded. fermiobs: str The default observatory name is Fermi, and must have already been registered. The user can specify another name errors : astropy.units.Quantity or float, optional The uncertainty on the TOA; if it's a float it is assumed to be in microseconds Returns ------- toalist : list A list of :class:`~pint.toa.TOA` objects corresponding to the Fermi events. Note ---- This list should be converted into a :class:`~pint.toa.TOAs` object with :func:`pint.toa.get_TOAs_list` for most operations See Also -------- :func:`get_Fermi_TOAs` """ t = get_Fermi_TOAs( ft1name, weightcolumn=weightcolumn, targetcoord=targetcoord, logeref=logeref, logesig=logesig, minweight=minweight, minmjd=minmjd, maxmjd=maxmjd, fermiobs=fermiobs, errors=errors, ) return t.to_TOA_list()
[docs]def get_Fermi_TOAs( ft1name, weightcolumn=None, targetcoord=None, logeref=4.1, logesig=0.5, minweight=0.0, minmjd=-np.inf, maxmjd=np.inf, fermiobs="Fermi", ephem=None, planets=False, include_bipm=False, include_gps=False, errors=_default_uncertainty, ): """ Read photon event times out of a Fermi FT1 file and return a :class:`pint.toa.TOAs` object Correctly handles raw FT1 files, or ones processed with gtbary to have barycentered or geocentered TOAs. Parameters ---------- weightcolumn : str Specifies the FITS column name to read the photon weights from. The special value ``CALC`` causes the weights to be computed empirically as in Philippe Bruel's SearchPulsation code. targetcoord : astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord Source coordinate for weight computation if weightcolumn=='CALC' logeref : float Parameter for the weight computation if weightcolumn=='CALC' logesig : float Parameter for the weight computation if weightcolumn=='CALC' minweight : float If weights are loaded or computed, exclude events with smaller weights. minmjd : float Events with earlier MJDs are excluded. maxmjd : float Events with later MJDs are excluded. fermiobs: str The default observatory name is Fermi, and must have already been registered. The user can specify another name ephem : str, optional The name of the solar system ephemeris to use; defaults to "DE421". planets : bool, optional Whether to apply Shapiro delays based on planet positions. Note that a long-standing TEMPO2 bug in this feature went unnoticed for years. Defaults to False. include_bipm : bool, optional Use TT(BIPM) instead of TT(TAI) include_gps : bool, optional Apply GPS to UTC clock corrections errors : astropy.units.Quantity or float, optional The uncertainty on the TOA; if it's a float it is assumed to be in microseconds Returns ------- pint.toa.TOAs Examples ------- To create a :class:`pint.toa.TOAs` object, you need an event file and a spacecraft orbit file (called ``ft2file``):: >>> import pint.toa as toa >>> from pint.fermi_toas import get_Fermi_TOAs >>> from pint.observatory.satellite_obs import get_satellite_observatory >>> get_satellite_observatory("Fermi", ft2file, overwrite=True) >>> toas = get_Fermi_TOAs(eventfile, weightcolumn="PSRJ0030+0451", ephem="DE405") """ # Load photon times from FT1 file hdulist = ft1hdr = hdulist[1].header ft1dat = hdulist[1].data # TIMESYS will be 'TT' for unmodified Fermi LAT events (or geocentered), and # 'TDB' for events barycentered with gtbary # TIMEREF will be 'GEOCENTER' for geocentered events, # 'SOLARSYSTEM' for barycentered, # and 'LOCAL' for unmodified events timesys = ft1hdr["TIMESYS"]"TIMESYS {0}".format(timesys)) timeref = ft1hdr["TIMEREF"]"TIMEREF {0}".format(timeref)) # Read time column from FITS file mjds = read_fits_event_mjds_tuples(hdulist[1]) if len(mjds) == 0: log.error("No MJDs read from file!") raise energies = ft1dat.field("ENERGY") * u.MeV if weightcolumn is not None: if weightcolumn == "CALC": photoncoords = SkyCoord( ft1dat.field("RA") *, ft1dat.field("DEC") *, frame="icrs", ) weights = calc_lat_weights( ft1dat.field("ENERGY"), photoncoords.separation(targetcoord), logeref=logeref, logesig=logesig, ) else: weights = ft1dat.field(weightcolumn) if minweight > 0.0: idx = np.where(weights > minweight)[0] mjds = mjds[idx] energies = energies[idx] weights = weights[idx] if not isinstance(errors, u.Quantity): errors = errors * u.microsecond # limit the TOAs to ones in selected MJD range mjds_float = np.asarray([r[0] + r[1] for r in mjds]) idx = (minmjd < mjds_float) & (mjds_float < maxmjd) mjds = mjds[idx] energies = energies[idx] if weightcolumn is not None: weights = weights[idx] if timesys == "TDB":"Building barycentered TOAs") obs = "Barycenter" scale = "tdb" msg = "barycentric" location = None elif (timesys == "TT") and (timeref == "LOCAL"): assert timesys == "TT" try: get_observatory(fermiobs) except KeyError: log.error( f"{fermiobs} observatory not defined. Make sure you have specified an FT2 file!" ) raise obs = fermiobs scale = "tt" msg = "spacecraft local" location = None elif (timesys == "TT") and (timeref == "GEOCENTRIC"): obs = "Geocenter" scale = "tt" msg = "geocentric" location = EarthLocation(0, 0, 0) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized TIMEREF/TIMESYS.") f"Building {msg} TOAs, with MJDs in range {mjds[0, 0] + mjds[0, 1]} to {mjds[-1, 0] + mjds[-1, 1]}" ) if len(mjds.shape) == 2: t = Time( val=mjds[:, 0], val2=mjds[:, 1], format="mjd", scale=scale, location=location, ) else: t = Time(mjds, format="mjd", scale=scale, location=location) if weightcolumn is None: return toa.get_TOAs_array( t, obs, errors=errors, include_gps=include_gps, include_bipm=include_bipm, planets=planets, ephem=ephem, flags=[{"energy": str(e)} for e in energies.to_value(u.MeV)], ) else: return toa.get_TOAs_array( t, obs, errors=errors, include_gps=False, include_bipm=False, planets=planets, ephem=ephem, flags=[ {"energy": str(e), "weight": str(w)} for e, w in zip(energies.to_value(u.MeV), weights) ], )