"""Tools for building chi-squared grids."""
import concurrent.futures
import copy
import multiprocessing
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
from loguru import logger as log
from tqdm import tqdm
except ModuleNotFoundError:
tqdm = None
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBar
from pint import fitter
__all__ = ["doonefit", "grid_chisq", "grid_chisq_derived"]
[docs]def hostinfo() -> str:
return subprocess.check_output("uname -a", shell=True)
[docs]def set_log(logger_: "loguru._logger.Logger") -> None:
global log
log = logger_
[docs]class WrappedFitter:
"""Worker class to compute one fit with specified parameters fixed but passing other parameters to fit_toas()"""
def __init__(self, ftr: fitter.Fitter, **fitargs) -> None:
"""Worker class to computes one fit with specified parameters fixed
ftr : pint.fitter.Fitter
fitargs :
additional arguments pass to fit_toas()
self.ftr = ftr
self.fitargs = fitargs
[docs] def doonefit(
self, parnames: List[str], parvalues: List[str], extraparnames: List[str] = []
) -> Tuple[float, List[float]]:
"""Worker process that computes one fit with specified parameters fixed
parnames : list
Names of the parameters to grid over
parvalues : list
List of parameter values to grid over (each should be 1D array of astropy.units.Quantity)
extraparnames : list, optional
Names of other parameters to return
chi2 : float
extraparvalues : list
# Make a full copy of the fitter to work with
myftr = copy.deepcopy(self.ftr)
# copy the log to all imported modules
# this makes them respect the logger settings
for m in sys.modules:
if m.startswith("pint") and hasattr(sys.modules[m], "log"):
setattr(sys.modules[m], "log", log)
parstrings = []
for parname, parvalue in zip(parnames, parvalues):
# Freeze the params we are going to grid over and set their values
# All other unfrozen parameters will be fitted for at each grid point
getattr(myftr.model, parname).frozen = True
getattr(myftr.model, parname).quantity = parvalue
parstrings.append(f"{parname} = {parvalue}")
log.debug(f"Running for {','.join(parstrings)} on {hostinfo()}")
chi2 = myftr.resids.chi2
except (fitter.InvalidModelParameters, fitter.StepProblem):
f"Fit may not be converged for {','.join(parstrings)}, but returning anyway"
chi2 = myftr.resids.chi2
except fitter.MaxiterReached:
f"Max iterations reached for {','.join(parstrings)}: returning NaN"
chi2 = np.NaN
except Exception as e:
f"Unexpected exception {e} for {','.join(parstrings)}: returning NaN"
chi2 = np.NaN
f"Computed chi^2={myftr.resids.chi2} for {','.join(parstrings)} on {hostinfo()}"
extraparvalues = []
for extrapar in extraparnames:
extraparvalues.append(getattr(myftr.model, extrapar).quantity)
return chi2, extraparvalues
[docs]def doonefit(
ftr: fitter.Fitter,
parnames: List[str],
parvalues: List[u.Quantity],
extraparnames: List[str] = [],
) -> Tuple[float, List[float]]:
"""Worker process that computes one fit with specified parameters fixed
ftr : pint.fitter.Fitter
parnames : list
Names of the parameters to grid over
parvalues : list
List of parameter values to grid over (each should be 1D array of astropy.units.Quantity)
extraparnames : list, optional
Names of other parameters to return
chi2 : float
extraparvalues : list
# Make a full copy of the fitter to work with
myftr = copy.deepcopy(ftr)
parstrings = []
for parname, parvalue in zip(parnames, parvalues):
# Freeze the params we are going to grid over and set their values
# All other unfrozen parameters will be fitted for at each grid point
getattr(myftr.model, parname).frozen = True
getattr(myftr.model, parname).quantity = parvalue
parstrings.append(f"{parname} = {parvalue}")
log.debug(f"Running for {','.join(parstrings)} on {hostinfo()} at {log.name}")
except (fitter.InvalidModelParameters, fitter.StepProblem):
f"Fit may not be converged for {','.join(parstrings)}, but returning anyway"
except fitter.MaxiterReached:
log.warning(f"Max iterations reached for {','.join(parstrings)}: returning NaN")
return np.NaN
f"Computed chi^2={myftr.resids.chi2} for {','.join(parstrings)} on {hostinfo()}"
extraparvalues = []
for extrapar in extraparnames:
extraparvalues.append(getattr(myftr.model, extrapar).quantity)
return myftr.resids.chi2, extraparvalues
[docs]def grid_chisq(
ftr: fitter.Fitter,
parnames: List[str],
parvalues: List[u.Quantity],
extraparnames: List[str] = [],
executor: Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] = None,
ncpu: Optional[int] = None,
chunksize: int = 1,
printprogress: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]:
"""Compute chisq over a grid of parameters
ftr : pint.fitter.Fitter
The base fitter to use.
parnames : list
Names of the parameters to grid over
parvalues : list
List of parameter values to grid over (each should be 1D array of :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`)
extraparnames : list, optional
Names of other parameters to return
executor : concurrent.futures.Executor or None, optional
Executor object to run multiple processes in parallel
If None, will use default :class:`concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor`, unless overridden by ``ncpu=1``
ncpu : int, optional
If an existing Executor is not supplied, one will be created with this number of workers.
If 1, will run single-processor version
If None, will use :func:`multiprocessing.cpu_count`
chunksize : int
Size of the chunks for :class:`concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` parallel execution.
Ignored for :class:`concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor`
printprogress : bool, optional
Print indications of progress (requires :mod:`tqdm` for `ncpu`>1)
fitargs :
additional arguments pass to fit_toas()
np.ndarray : array of chisq values
extraout : dict of np.ndarray
Parameter values computed at each grid point for `extraparnames`
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pint.config
>>> import pint.gridutils
>>> from pint.fitter import WLSFitter
>>> from pint.models.model_builder import get_model, get_model_and_toas
>>> # Load in a basic dataset
>>> parfile = pint.config.examplefile("NGC6440E.par")
>>> timfile = pint.config.examplefile("NGC6440E.tim")
>>> m, t = get_model_and_toas(parfile, timfile)
>>> f = WLSFitter(t, m)
>>> # find the best-fit
>>> f.fit_toas()
>>> bestfit = f.resids.chi2
>>> # We'll do something like 3-sigma around the best-fit values of F0
>>> F0 = np.linspace(f.model.F0.quantity - 3 * f.model.F0.uncertainty,f.model.F0.quantity + 3 * f.model.F0.uncertainty,25)
>>> chi2_F0,_ = pint.gridutils.grid_chisq(f, ("F0",), (F0,))
A 2D example with a plot:
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pint.gridutils
>>> from pint.fitter import WLSFitter
>>> from pint.models.model_builder import get_model_and_toas
>>> import scipy.stats
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> # Load in a basic dataset
>>> parfile = pint.config.examplefile("NGC6440E.par")
>>> timfile = pint.config.examplefile("NGC6440E.tim")
>>> m, t = get_model_and_toas(parfile, timfile)
>>> f = WLSFitter(t, m)
>>> # find the best-fit
>>> f.fit_toas()
>>> bestfit = f.resids.chi2
>>> F0 = np.linspace(f.model.F0.quantity - 3 * f.model.F0.uncertainty,f.model.F0.quantity + 3 * f.model.F0.uncertainty,25)
>>> F1 = np.linspace(f.model.F1.quantity - 3 * f.model.F1.uncertainty,f.model.F1.quantity + 3 * f.model.F1.uncertainty,27)
>>> chi2grid = pint.gridutils.grid_chisq(f, ("F0", "F1"), (F0, F1))[0]
>>> # 1, 2, and 3 sigma confidence limits
>>> nsigma = np.arange(1, 4)
>>> # these are the CDFs going from -infinity to nsigma. So subtract away 0.5 and double for the 2-sided values
>>> CIs = (scipy.stats.norm().cdf(nsigma) - 0.5) * 2
>>> print(f"Confidence intervals for {nsigma} sigma: {CIs}")
>>> # chi^2 random variable for 2 parameters
>>> rv = scipy.stats.chi2(2)
>>> # the ppf = Percent point function is the inverse of the CDF
>>> contour_levels = rv.ppf(CIs)
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 9))
>>> # just plot the values offset from the best-fit values
>>> twod = ax.contour(F0 - f.model.F0.quantity,F1 - f.model.F1.quantity,chi2grid - bestfit,levels=contour_levels,colors="b")
>>> ax.errorbar(0, 0, xerr=f.model.F0.uncertainty.value, yerr=f.model.F1.uncertainty.value, fmt="ro")
>>> ax.set_xlabel("$\Delta F_0$ (Hz)", fontsize=24)
>>> ax.set_ylabel("$\Delta F_1$ (Hz/s)", fontsize=24)
>>> plt.show()
By default, it will create :class:`~concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor`
with ``max_workers`` equal to the desired number of cpus.
However, if you are running this as a script you may need something like::
import multiprocessing
if __name__ == "__main__":
If an instantiated :class:`~concurrent.futures.Executor` is passed instead, it will be used as-is.
The behavior for different combinations of `executor` and `ncpu` is:
| `executor` | `ncpu` | result |
| existing object | any | uses existing executor |
| None | 1 | uses single-processor |
| None | None | creates default |
| | | executor with |
| | | ``cpu_count`` workers |
| None | >1 | creates default |
| | | executor with desired |
| | | number of workers |
Other ``Executors`` can be found for different computing environments:
* [1]_ for MPI
* [2]_ for SLURM or Condor
.. [1] https://mpi4py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/mpi4py.futures.html#mpipoolexecutor
.. [2] https://github.com/sampsyo/clusterfutures
# Save the current model so we can tweak it for gridding, then restore it at the end
savemod = ftr.model
gridmod = copy.deepcopy(ftr.model)
ftr.model = gridmod
# Freeze the params we are going to grid over
for parname in parnames:
getattr(ftr.model, parname).frozen = True
wftr = WrappedFitter(ftr, **fitargs)
if isinstance(executor, concurrent.futures.Executor):
# the executor has already been created
executor = executor
elif executor is None and (ncpu is None or ncpu > 1):
# make the default type of Executor
if ncpu is None:
ncpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
executor = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(
max_workers=ncpu, initializer=set_log, initargs=(log,)
# All other unfrozen parameters will be fitted for at each grid point
out = np.meshgrid(*parvalues)
chi2 = np.zeros(out[0].shape)
extraout = {}
for extrapar in extraparnames:
extraout[extrapar] = (
np.zeros(out[0].shape, dtype=getattr(ftr.model, extrapar).quantity.dtype)
* getattr(ftr.model, extrapar).quantity.unit
# at this point, if the executor is None then run single-processor version
if executor is not None:
with executor as e:
if printprogress and tqdm is not None:
result = list(
(parnames,) * len(out[0].flatten()),
list(zip(*[x.flatten() for x in out])),
(extraparnames,) * len(out[0].flatten()),
result = e.map(
(parnames,) * len(out[0].flatten()),
list(zip(*[x.flatten() for x in out])),
(extraparnames,) * len(out[0].flatten()),
it = np.ndindex(chi2.shape)
for i, r in zip(it, result):
chi2[i] = r[0]
for extrapar, extraparvalue in zip(extraparnames, r[1]):
extraout[extrapar][i] = extraparvalue
indices = list(np.ndindex(out[0].shape))
if printprogress:
if tqdm is not None:
indices = tqdm(indices, ascii=True)
indices = ProgressBar(indices)
for i in indices:
for parnum, parname in enumerate(parnames):
getattr(ftr.model, parname).quantity = out[parnum][i]
chi2[i] = ftr.resids.chi2
for extrapar in extraparnames:
extraout[extrapar] = getattr(ftr.model, extrapar).quantity
# Restore saved model
ftr.model = savemod
return chi2, extraout
[docs]def grid_chisq_derived(
ftr: fitter.Fitter,
parnames: List[str],
parfuncs: List[callable],
gridvalues: List[np.ndarray],
extraparnames: List[str] = [],
executor: Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] = None,
ncpu: Optional[int] = None,
chunksize: int = 1,
printprogress: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray], Dict[str, np.ndarray]]:
"""Compute chisq over a grid of derived parameters
ftr : pint.fitter.Fitter
The base fitter to use.
parnames : list
Names of the parameters (available in `ftr`) to grid over
parfuncs : list
List of functions to convert `gridvalues` to quantities accessed through `parnames`
gridvalues : list
List of underlying grid values to grid over (each should be 1D array of astropy.units.Quantity)
extraparnames : list, optional
Names of other parameters to return
executor : concurrent.futures.Executor or None, optional
Executor object to run multiple processes in parallel
If None, will use default :class:`concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor`, unless overridden by ``ncpu=1``
ncpu : int, optional
If an existing Executor is not supplied, one will be created with this number of workers.
If 1, will run single-processor version
If None, will use :func:`multiprocessing.cpu_count`
chunksize : int
Size of the chunks for :class:`concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` parallel execution.
Ignored for :class:`concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor`
printprogress : bool, optional
Print indications of progress (requires :mod:`tqdm` for `ncpu`>1)
fitargs :
additional arguments pass to fit_toas()
np.ndarray : array of chisq values
parvalues : list of np.ndarray
Parameter values computed from `gridvalues` and `parfuncs`
extraout : dict of np.ndarray
Parameter values computed at each grid point for `extraparnames`
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pint.config
>>> import pint.gridutils
>>> from pint.fitter import WLSFitter
>>> from pint.models.model_builder import get_model, get_model_and_toas
# Load in a basic dataset
>>> parfile = pint.config.examplefile("NGC6440E.par")
>>> timfile = pint.config.examplefile("NGC6440E.tim")
>>> m, t = get_model_and_toas(parfile, timfile)
>>> f = WLSFitter(t, m)
# find the best-fit
>>> f.fit_toas()
>>> bestfit = f.resids.chi2
# do a grid for F0 and tau
>>> F0 = np.linspace(f.model.F0.quantity - 3 * f.model.F0.uncertainty,f.model.F0.quantity + 3 * f.model.F0.uncertainty,15,)
>>> tau = np.linspace(8.1, 8.3, 13) * 100 * u.Myr
>>> chi2grid_tau, params = pint.gridutils.grid_chisq_derived(f,("F0", "F1"),(lambda x, y: x, lambda x, y: -x / 2 / y),(F0, tau))
By default, it will create :class:`~concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor`
with ``max_workers`` equal to the desired number of cpus.
However, if you are running this as a script you may need something like::
import multiprocessing
if __name__ == "__main__":
If an instantiated :class:`~concurrent.futures.Executor` is passed instead, it will be used as-is.
The behavior for different combinations of `executor` and `ncpu` is:
| `executor` | `ncpu` | result |
| existing object | any | uses existing executor |
| None | 1 | uses single-processor |
| None | None | creates default |
| | | executor with |
| | | ``cpu_count`` workers |
| None | >1 | creates default |
| | | executor with desired |
| | | number of workers |
Other ``Executors`` can be found for different computing environments:
* [1]_ for MPI
* [2]_ for SLURM or Condor
.. [1] https://mpi4py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/mpi4py.futures.html#mpipoolexecutor
.. [2] https://github.com/sampsyo/clusterfutures
if isinstance(executor, concurrent.futures.Executor):
# the executor has already been created
executor = executor
elif executor is None and (ncpu is None or ncpu > 1):
# make the default type of Executor
if ncpu is None:
ncpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
executor = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=ncpu)
# Save the current model so we can tweak it for gridding, then restore it at the end
savemod = ftr.model
gridmod = copy.deepcopy(ftr.model)
ftr.model = gridmod
# Freeze the params we are going to grid over
for parname in parnames:
getattr(ftr.model, parname).frozen = True
wftr = WrappedFitter(ftr, **fitargs)
# All other unfrozen parameters will be fitted for at each grid point
grid = np.meshgrid(*gridvalues)
chi2 = np.zeros(grid[0].shape)
out = []
# convert the gridded values to the actual parameter values
for j in range(len(parfuncs)):
extraout = {}
for extrapar in extraparnames:
extraout[extrapar] = (
np.zeros(grid[0].shape, dtype=getattr(ftr.model, extrapar).quantity.dtype)
* getattr(ftr.model, extrapar).quantity.unit
# at this point, if the executor is None then run single-processor version
if executor is not None:
with executor as e:
if printprogress and tqdm is not None:
result = list(
# (ftr,) * len(out[0].flatten()),
(parnames,) * len(out[0].flatten()),
list(zip(*[x.flatten() for x in out])),
(extraparnames,) * len(out[0].flatten()),
result = e.map(
# (ftr,) * len(out[0].flatten()),
(parnames,) * len(out[0].flatten()),
list(zip(*[x.flatten() for x in out])),
(extraparnames,) * len(out[0].flatten()),
it = np.ndindex(chi2.shape)
for i, r in zip(it, result):
chi2[i] = r[0]
for extrapar, extraparvalue in zip(extraparnames, r[1]):
extraout[extrapar][i] = extraparvalue
indices = list(np.ndindex(grid[0].shape))
if printprogress:
if tqdm is not None:
indices = tqdm(indices, ascii=True)
indices = ProgressBar(indices)
for i in indices:
for parnum, parname in enumerate(parnames):
getattr(ftr.model, parname).quantity = out[parnum][i]
chi2[i] = ftr.resids.chi2
for extrapar in extraparnames:
extraout[extrapar] = getattr(ftr.model, extrapar).quantity
# Restore saved model
ftr.model = savemod
return chi2, out, extraout
[docs]def tuple_chisq(
ftr: fitter.Fitter,
parnames: List[str],
parvalues: List[np.ndarray],
extraparnames: List[str] = [],
executor: Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] = None,
ncpu: Optional[int] = None,
chunksize: int = 1,
printprogress: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]:
"""Compute chisq over a list of parameter tuples
ftr : pint.fitter.Fitter
The base fitter to use.
parnames : list
Names of the parameters to grid over
parvalues : list
List of parameter values to grid over (each should be tuple of :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`)
extraparnames : list, optional
Names of other parameters to return
executor : concurrent.futures.Executor or None, optional
Executor object to run multiple processes in parallel
If None, will use default :class:`concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor`, unless overridden by ``ncpu=1``
ncpu : int, optional
If an existing Executor is not supplied, one will be created with this number of workers.
If 1, will run single-processor version
If None, will use :func:`multiprocessing.cpu_count`
chunksize : int
Size of the chunks for :class:`concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` parallel execution.
Ignored for :class:`concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor`
printprogress : bool, optional
Print indications of progress (requires :mod:`tqdm` for `ncpu`>1)
fitargs :
additional arguments pass to fit_toas()
np.ndarray : array of chisq values
extraout : dict of np.ndarray
Parameter values computed at each point for `extraparnames`
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pint.config
>>> import pint.gridutils
>>> from pint.fitter import WLSFitter
>>> from pint.models.model_builder import get_model, get_model_and_toas
# Load in a basic dataset
>>> parfile = pint.config.examplefile("NGC6440E.par")
>>> timfile = pint.config.examplefile("NGC6440E.tim")
>>> m, t = get_model_and_toas(parfile, timfile)
>>> f = WLSFitter(t, m)
# find the best-fit
>>> f.fit_toas()
>>> bestfit = f.resids.chi2
# We'll do something like 3-sigma around the best-fit values of F0
>>> F0 = np.linspace(f.model.F0.quantity - 3 * f.model.F0.uncertainty,f.model.F0.quantity + 3 * f.model.F0.uncertainty,25)
>>> F1 = np.ones(len(F0))*f.model.F1.quantity
>>> chi2_F0,extra = pint.gridutils.tuple_chisq(f, ("F0","F1",), parvalues, extraparnames=("DM",))
By default, it will create :class:`~concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor`
with ``max_workers`` equal to the desired number of cpus.
However, if you are running this as a script you may need something like::
import multiprocessing
if __name__ == "__main__":
If an instantiated :class:`~concurrent.futures.Executor` is passed instead, it will be used as-is.
The behavior for different combinations of `executor` and `ncpu` is:
| `executor` | `ncpu` | result |
| existing object | any | uses existing executor |
| None | 1 | uses single-processor |
| None | None | creates default |
| | | executor with |
| | | ``cpu_count`` workers |
| None | >1 | creates default |
| | | executor with desired |
| | | number of workers |
Other ``Executors`` can be found for different computing environments:
* [1]_ for MPI
* [2]_ for SLURM or Condor
.. [1] https://mpi4py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/mpi4py.futures.html#mpipoolexecutor
.. [2] https://github.com/sampsyo/clusterfutures
if isinstance(executor, concurrent.futures.Executor):
# the executor has already been created
executor = executor
elif executor is None and (ncpu is None or ncpu > 1):
# make the default type of Executor
if ncpu is None:
ncpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
executor = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=ncpu)
# Save the current model so we can tweak it for gridding, then restore it at the end
savemod = ftr.model
gridmod = copy.deepcopy(ftr.model)
ftr.model = gridmod
# Freeze the params we are going to grid over
for parname in parnames:
getattr(ftr.model, parname).frozen = True
wftr = WrappedFitter(ftr, **fitargs)
# All other unfrozen parameters will be fitted for at each grid point
chi2 = np.zeros(len(parvalues))
extraout = {}
for extrapar in extraparnames:
extraout[extrapar] = (
np.zeros(chi2.shape, dtype=getattr(ftr.model, extrapar).quantity.dtype)
* getattr(ftr.model, extrapar).quantity.unit
# at this point, if the executor is None then run single-processor version
if executor is not None:
with executor as e:
if printprogress and tqdm is not None:
result = list(
(parnames,) * len(chi2),
(extraparnames,) * len(chi2),
result = e.map(
(parnames,) * len(chi2),
(extraparnames,) * len(chi2),
it = np.ndindex(chi2.shape)
for i, r in zip(it, result):
chi2[i] = r[0]
for extrapar, extraparvalue in zip(extraparnames, r[1]):
extraout[extrapar][i] = extraparvalue
indices = list(np.ndindex(chi2.shape))
if printprogress:
if tqdm is not None:
indices = tqdm(indices, ascii=True)
indices = ProgressBar(indices)
for i in indices:
for parnum, parname in enumerate(parnames):
getattr(ftr.model, parname).quantity = parvalues[i[0]][parnum]
chi2[i[0]] = ftr.resids.chi2
for extrapar in extraparnames:
extraout[extrapar][i[0]] = getattr(ftr.model, extrapar).quantity
# Restore saved model
ftr.model = savemod
return chi2, extraout
[docs]def tuple_chisq_derived(
ftr: fitter.Fitter,
parnames: List[str],
parfuncs: List[callable],
parvalues: List[np.ndarray],
extraparnames: List[str] = [],
executor: Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] = None,
ncpu: Optional[int] = None,
chunksize: int = 1,
printprogress: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]:
"""Compute chisq over a list of derived parameter tuples
ftr : pint.fitter.Fitter
The base fitter to use.
parnames : list
Names of the parameters (available in `ftr`) to grid over
parfuncs : list
List of functions to convert `gridvalues` to quantities accessed through `parnames`
parvalues : list
List of underlying parameter values to fit (each should be a tuple of astropy.units.Quantity)
extraparnames : list, optional
Names of other parameters to return
executor : concurrent.futures.Executor or None, optional
Executor object to run multiple processes in parallel
If None, will use default :class:`concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor`, unless overridden by ``ncpu=1``
ncpu : int, optional
If an existing Executor is not supplied, one will be created with this number of workers.
If 1, will run single-processor version
If None, will use :func:`multiprocessing.cpu_count`
chunksize : int
Size of the chunks for :class:`concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` parallel execution.
Ignored for :class:`concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor`
printprogress : bool, optional
Print indications of progress (requires :mod:`tqdm` for `ncpu`>1)
fitargs :
additional arguments pass to fit_toas()
np.ndarray : array of chisq values
outparvalues : list of tuples
Parameter values computed from `parvalues` and `parfuncs`
extraout : dict of np.ndarray
Parameter values computed at each point for `extraparnames`
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pint.config
>>> import pint.gridutils
>>> from pint.fitter import WLSFitter
>>> from pint.models.model_builder import get_model, get_model_and_toas
# Load in a basic dataset
>>> parfile = pint.config.examplefile("NGC6440E.par")
>>> timfile = pint.config.examplefile("NGC6440E.tim")
>>> m, t = get_model_and_toas(parfile, timfile)
>>> f = WLSFitter(t, m)
# find the best-fit
>>> f.fit_toas()
>>> bestfit = f.resids.chi2
# do a grid for F0 and tau
>>> F0 = np.linspace(f.model.F0.quantity - 3 * f.model.F0.uncertainty,f.model.F0.quantity + 3 * f.model.F0.uncertainty,15,)
# make sure it's the same length
>>> tau = np.linspace(8.1, 8.3, 15) * 100 * u.Myr
>>> parvalues = list(zip(F0,tau))
>>> chi2_tau, params, _ = pint.gridutils.tuple_chisq_derived(f,("F0", "F1"),(lambda x, y: x, lambda x, y: -x / 2 / y),(F0, tau))
By default, it will create :class:`~concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor`
with ``max_workers`` equal to the desired number of cpus.
However, if you are running this as a script you may need something like::
import multiprocessing
if __name__ == "__main__":
If an instantiated :class:`~concurrent.futures.Executor` is passed instead, it will be used as-is.
The behavior for different combinations of `executor` and `ncpu` is:
| `executor` | `ncpu` | result |
| existing object | any | uses existing executor |
| None | 1 | uses single-processor |
| None | None | creates default |
| | | executor with |
| | | ``cpu_count`` workers |
| None | >1 | creates default |
| | | executor with desired |
| | | number of workers |
Other ``Executors`` can be found for different computing environments:
* [1]_ for MPI
* [2]_ for SLURM or Condor
.. [1] https://mpi4py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/mpi4py.futures.html#mpipoolexecutor
.. [2] https://github.com/sampsyo/clusterfutures
if isinstance(executor, concurrent.futures.Executor):
# the executor has already been created
executor = executor
elif executor is None and (ncpu is None or ncpu > 1):
# make the default type of Executor
if ncpu is None:
ncpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
executor = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=ncpu)
# Save the current model so we can tweak it for gridding, then restore it at the end
savemod = ftr.model
gridmod = copy.deepcopy(ftr.model)
ftr.model = gridmod
# Freeze the params we are going to grid over
for parname in parnames:
getattr(ftr.model, parname).frozen = True
wftr = WrappedFitter(ftr, **fitargs)
# All other unfrozen parameters will be fitted for at each grid point
chi2 = np.zeros(len(parvalues))
out = []
# convert the tuples of values to the actual parameter values
for i in range(len(parvalues)):
out.append([f(*parvalues[i]) for f in parfuncs])
extraout = {}
for extrapar in extraparnames:
extraout[extrapar] = (
np.zeros(len(chi2), dtype=getattr(ftr.model, extrapar).quantity.dtype)
* getattr(ftr.model, extrapar).quantity.unit
# at this point, if the executor is None then run single-processor version
if executor is not None:
with executor as e:
if printprogress and tqdm is not None:
result = list(
(parnames,) * len(chi2),
(extraparnames,) * len(chi2),
result = e.map(
(parnames,) * len(chi2),
(extraparnames,) * len(chi2),
it = np.ndindex(chi2.shape)
for i, r in zip(it, result):
chi2[i] = r[0]
for extrapar, extraparvalue in zip(extraparnames, r[1]):
extraout[extrapar][i] = extraparvalue
indices = list(np.ndindex(chi2.shape))
if printprogress:
if tqdm is not None:
indices = tqdm(indices, ascii=True)
indices = ProgressBar(indices)
for i in indices:
for parnum, parname in enumerate(parnames):
getattr(ftr.model, parname).quantity = out[i[0]][parnum]
chi2[i[0]] = ftr.resids.chi2
for extrapar in extraparnames:
extraout[extrapar][i[0]] = getattr(ftr.model, extrapar).quantity
# Restore saved model
ftr.model = savemod
return chi2, out, extraout