Source code for pint.models.binary_dd

"""Damour and Deruelle binary model."""
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u, constants as c

from pint import Tsun
from pint.models.parameter import floatParameter, funcParameter, intParameter
from pint.models.pulsar_binary import PulsarBinary
from pint.models.stand_alone_psr_binaries.DD_model import DDmodel
from pint.models.stand_alone_psr_binaries.DDS_model import DDSmodel
from pint.models.stand_alone_psr_binaries.DDGR_model import DDGRmodel
from pint.models.stand_alone_psr_binaries.DDH_model import DDHmodel
import pint.derived_quantities

# these would be doable with lambda functions
# but then the instances would not pickle
def _sini_from_shapmax(SHAPMAX):
    return 1 - np.exp(-SHAPMAX)

def _mp_from_mtot(MTOT, M2):
    return MTOT - M2

def _m2_from_h3_stigma(H3, STIGMA):
    return (H3 / Tsun / STIGMA**3) * u.Msun

def _sini_from_stigma(STIGMA):
    return 2 * STIGMA / (1 + STIGMA**2)

[docs]class BinaryDD(PulsarBinary): """Damour and Deruelle binary model. This binary model is described in `Damour and Deruelle 1986 <>`_ It is a parametrized post-Keplerian model that supports additional effects and post-Keplerian parameters compared to :class:`pint.models.binary_bt.BinaryBT`. It does not assume General Relativity in order to infer values for any post-Keplerian parameters. The actual calculations for this are done in :class:`pint.models.stand_alone_psr_binaries.DD_model.DDmodel`. Parameters supported: .. paramtable:: :class: pint.models.binary_dd.BinaryDD """ register = True def __init__( self, ): super().__init__() self.binary_model_name = "DD" self.binary_model_class = DDmodel self.add_param( floatParameter( name="A0", value=0.0, units="s", description="DD model aberration parameter A0", ) ) self.add_param( floatParameter( name="B0", value=0.0, units="s", description="DD model aberration parameter B0", ) ) self.add_param( floatParameter( name="GAMMA", value=0.0, units="second", description="Time dilation & gravitational redshift", ) ) self.add_param( floatParameter( name="DR", value=0.0, units="", description="Relativistic deformation of the orbit", ) ) self.add_param( floatParameter( name="DTH", aliases=["DTHETA"], value=0.0, units="", description="Relativistic deformation of the orbit", ) )
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate the input parameters.""" super().validate() self.check_required_params(["T0", "A1"]) # If any *DOT is set, we need T0 for p in ("PBDOT", "OMDOT", "EDOT", "A1DOT"): if hasattr(self, p) and getattr(self, p).value is None: getattr(self, p).value = 0.0 getattr(self, p).frozen = True if hasattr(self, "GAMMA") and self.GAMMA.value is None: self.GAMMA.value = 0.0 self.GAMMA.frozen = True # If eccentricity is zero, freeze some parameters to 0 # OM = 0 -> T0 = TASC if self.ECC.value == 0 or self.ECC.value is None: for p in ("ECC", "OM", "OMDOT", "EDOT"): if hasattr(self, p): getattr(self, p).value = 0.0 getattr(self, p).frozen = True
[docs]class BinaryDDS(BinaryDD): """Damour and Deruelle model with alternate Shapiro delay parameterization. This extends the :class:`pint.models.binary_dd.BinaryDD` model with :math:`SHAPMAX = -\log(1-s)` instead of just :math:`s=\sin i`, which behaves better for :math:`\sin i` near 1. It does not (yet) implement the higher-order delays and lensing correction. The actual calculations for this are done in :class:`pint.models.stand_alone_psr_binaries.DDS_model.DDSmodel`. It supports all the parameters defined in :class:`pint.models.pulsar_binary.PulsarBinary` and :class:`pint.models.binary_dd.BinaryDD` plus: SHAPMAX :math:`-\log(1-\sin i)` It also converts: SINI into a read-only parameter Parameters supported: .. paramtable:: :class: pint.models.binary_dd.BinaryDDS References ---------- - Kramer et al. (2006), Science, 314, 97 [ksm+2006]_ - Rafikov and Lai (2006), PRD, 73, 063003 [rl2006]_ .. [ksm+2006] .. [rl2006] """ register = True def __init__( self, ): super().__init__() self.binary_model_name = "DDS" self.binary_model_class = DDSmodel self.add_param( floatParameter( name="SHAPMAX", value=0.0, description="Function of inclination angle" ) ) self.remove_param("SINI") self.add_param( funcParameter( name="SINI", units="", description="Sine of inclination angle", params=("SHAPMAX",), func=_sini_from_shapmax, ) )
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate parameters.""" super().validate() if ( hasattr(self, "SHAPMAX") and self.SHAPMAX.value is not None and not self.SHAPMAX.value > -np.log(2) ): raise ValueError(f"SHAPMAX must be > -log(2) ({self.SHAPMAX.quantity})")
[docs]class BinaryDDGR(BinaryDD): """Damour and Deruelle model assuming GR to be correct It supports all the parameters defined in :class:`pint.models.pulsar_binary.PulsarBinary` and :class:`pint.models.binary_dd.BinaryDD` plus: MTOT Total mass XPBDOT Excess PBDOT beyond what GR predicts XOMDOT Excess OMDOT beyond what GR predicts It also reads but converts: SINI PBDOT OMDOT GAMMA DR DTH into read-only parameters The actual calculations for this are done in :class:`pint.models.stand_alone_psr_binaries.DDGR_model.DDGRmodel`. Parameters supported: .. paramtable:: :class: pint.models.binary_dd.BinaryDDGR References ---------- - Taylor and Weisberg (1989), ApJ, 345, 434 [tw89]_ .. [tw89] """ register = True def __init__( self, ): super().__init__() self.binary_model_name = "DDGR" self.binary_model_class = DDGRmodel self.add_param( floatParameter( name="MTOT", units=u.M_sun, description="Total system mass in units of Solar mass", ) ) self.add_param( floatParameter( name="XOMDOT", units="deg/year", description="Excess longitude of periastron advance compared to GR", long_double=True, ) ) self.add_param( floatParameter( name="XPBDOT", /, description="Excess Orbital period derivative respect to time compared to GR", unit_scale=True, scale_factor=1e-12, scale_threshold=1e-7, ) ) for p in ["OMDOT", "PBDOT", "GAMMA", "SINI", "DR", "DTH"]: self.remove_param(p) self.add_param( funcParameter( name="MP", units=u.M_sun, description="Pulsar mass", params=("MTOT", "M2"), func=_mp_from_mtot, ) ) self.add_param( funcParameter( name="OMDOT", units="deg/year", description="Rate of advance of periastron", long_double=True, params=("MP", "M2", "PB", "ECC"), func=pint.derived_quantities.omdot, ) ) self.add_param( funcParameter( name="SINI", units="", description="Sine of inclination angle", params=("MP", "M2", "PB", "A1"), func=pint.derived_quantities.sini, ) ) self.add_param( funcParameter( name="PBDOT", /, description="Orbital period derivative respect to time", unit_scale=True, scale_factor=1e-12, scale_threshold=1e-7, params=("MP", "M2", "PB", "ECC"), func=pint.derived_quantities.pbdot, ) ) self.add_param( funcParameter( name="GAMMA", units="second", description="Time dilation & gravitational redshift", params=("MP", "M2", "PB", "ECC"), func=pint.derived_quantities.gamma, ) ) self.add_param( funcParameter( name="DR", units="", description="Relativistic deformation of the orbit", params=("MP", "M2", "PB"), func=pint.derived_quantities.dr, ) ) self.add_param( funcParameter( name="DTH", aliases=["DTHETA"], units="", description="Relativistic deformation of the orbit", params=("MP", "M2", "PB"), func=pint.derived_quantities.dth, ) )
[docs] def setup(self): """Parameter setup.""" super().setup()
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate parameters.""" super().validate() aR = (c.G * self.MTOT.quantity * self.PB.quantity**2 / 4 / np.pi**2) ** ( 1.0 / 3 ) sini = ( self.A1.quantity * self.MTOT.quantity / aR / self.M2.quantity ).decompose() if sini > 1: raise ValueError( f"Inferred SINI must be <= 1 for DDGR model (MTOT={self.MTOT.quantity}, PB={self.PB.quantity}, A1={self.A1.quantity}, M2={self.M2.quantity} imply SINI={sini})" )
[docs] def update_binary_object(self, toas, acc_delay=None): super().update_binary_object(toas, acc_delay) self.binary_instance._updatePK()
[docs]class BinaryDDH(BinaryDD): """DD modified to use H3/STIGMA parameter for Shapiro delay. The actual calculations for this are done in :class:`pint.models.stand_alone_psr_binaries.DDH_model.DDHmodel`. Parameters supported: .. paramtable:: :class: pint.models.binary_dd.BinaryDDH Notes ----- This uses the full expression for the Shapiro delay, not the harmonic decomposition used in :class:`pint.models.stand_alone_psr_binaries.ELL1H_model.ELL1Hmodel`. References ---------- - Freire & Wex (2010), MNRAS, 409 (1), 199-212 [1]_ - Weisberg & Huang (2016), ApH, 829 (1), 55 [2]_ .. [1] .. [2] """ register = True def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.binary_model_name = "DDH" self.binary_model_class = DDHmodel self.add_param( floatParameter( name="H3", units="second", description="Shapiro delay parameter H3 as in Freire and Wex 2010 Eq(20)", long_double=True, ) ) self.add_param( floatParameter( name="STIGMA", units="", description="Shapiro delay parameter STIGMA as in Freire and Wex 2010 Eq(12)", long_double=True, aliases=["VARSIGMA", "STIG"], ) ) self.remove_param("M2") self.remove_param("SINI") self.add_param( funcParameter( name="SINI", units="", description="Sine of inclination angle", params=("STIGMA",), func=_sini_from_stigma, ) ) self.add_param( funcParameter( name="M2", units=u.Msun, description="Companion mass", params=("H3", "STIGMA"), func=_m2_from_h3_stigma, ) )
[docs] def setup(self): """Parameter setup.""" super().setup() self.update_binary_object(None)
[docs] def validate(self): """Parameter validation.""" super().validate()
# if self.H3.quantity is None: # raise MissingParameter("ELL1H", "H3", "'H3' is required for ELL1H model")