Source code for pint.models.frequency_dependent

"""Frequency-dependent delays to model profile evolution."""
from warnings import warn

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

from pint.models.parameter import prefixParameter
from pint.models.timing_model import DelayComponent, MissingParameter

[docs]class FD(DelayComponent): """A timing model for frequency evolution of pulsar profiles. This model expresses the delay as a polynomial function of the logarithm of observing frequency. This is intended to compensate for the delays introduced by frequency-dependent profile structure when a frequency-independent template profile is used. Parameters supported: .. paramtable:: :class: pint.models.frequency_dependent.FD """ @classmethod def _description_template(cls, x): return f"{x} term of frequency dependent coefficients" register = True category = "frequency_dependent" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_param( prefixParameter( name="FD1", units="second", value=0.0, description="Polynomial coefficient of log-frequency-dependent delay", # descriptionTplt=lambda x: ( # "%d term of frequency" " dependent coefficients" % x # ), descriptionTplt=self._description_template, # unitTplt=lambda x: "second", type_match="float", ) ) self.delay_funcs_component += [self.FD_delay]
[docs] def setup(self): super().setup() # Check if FD terms are in order. FD_mapping = self.get_prefix_mapping_component("FD") self.num_FD_terms = len(FD_mapping) # set up derivative functions for val in FD_mapping.values(): self.register_deriv_funcs(self.d_delay_FD_d_FDX, val)
[docs] def validate(self): super().validate() FD_terms = sorted(self.get_prefix_mapping_component("FD").keys()) FD_in_order = list(range(1, max(FD_terms) + 1)) if FD_terms != FD_in_order: diff = list(set(FD_in_order) - set(FD_terms)) raise MissingParameter("FD", "FD%d" % diff[0])
[docs] def FD_delay(self, toas, acc_delay=None): """Calculate frequency dependent delay. Z. Arzoumanian, The NANOGrav Nine-year Data Set: Observations, Arrival Time Measurements, and Analysis of 37 Millisecond Pulsars, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 813, Issue 1, article id. 65, 31 pp.(2015). Eq.(2): FD_delay = sum_i(c_i * (log(obs_freq/1GHz))^i) """ tbl = toas.table try: bfreq = self._parent.barycentric_radio_freq(toas) except AttributeError: warn("Using topocentric frequency for frequency dependent delay!") bfreq = tbl["freq"] return self.FD_delay_frequency(bfreq)
[docs] def FD_delay_frequency(self, freq): """Compute the FD delay at an array of frequencies.""" FD_mapping = self.get_prefix_mapping_component("FD") log_freq = np.log( non_finite = np.invert(np.isfinite(log_freq)) log_freq[non_finite] = 0.0 FD_coeff = [ getattr(self, FD_mapping[ii]).value for ii in range(self.num_FD_terms, 0, -1) ] FD_coeff += [0.0] # Zeroth term of polynomial FD_delay = np.polyval(FD_coeff, log_freq) return FD_delay * self.FD1.units
[docs] def d_delay_FD_d_FDX(self, toas, param, acc_delay=None): """This is a derivative function for FD parameter""" tbl = toas.table try: bfreq = self._parent.barycentric_radio_freq(toas) except AttributeError: warn( "Using topocentric frequency for frequency dependent delay derivative!" ) bfreq = tbl["freq"] log_freq = np.log(bfreq / (1 * u.GHz)) non_finite = np.invert(np.isfinite(log_freq)) log_freq[non_finite] = 0.0 FD_par = getattr(self, param) FD_term = FD_par.index FD_mapping = self.get_prefix_mapping_component("FD") if FD_term > self.num_FD_terms: raise ValueError("FD model has no FD%d term" % FD_term) # make the selected FD coefficient 1, others 0 FD_coeff = np.zeros(len(FD_mapping) + 1) FD_coeff[-1 - FD_term] = np.longdouble(1.0) d_delay_d_FD = np.polyval(FD_coeff, log_freq) return d_delay_d_FD * u.second / FD_par.units
[docs] def print_par(self, format="pint"): result = "" FD_mapping = self.get_prefix_mapping_component("FD") for FD in FD_mapping.values(): FD_par = getattr(self, FD) result += FD_par.as_parfile_line(format=format) return result