Source code for pint.models.piecewise

"""Pulsar timing piecewise spin-down solution."""
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

from pint.models.parameter import prefixParameter
from pint.models.timing_model import MissingParameter, PhaseComponent
from pint.utils import split_prefixed_name, taylor_horner

[docs]class PiecewiseSpindown(PhaseComponent): """Pulsar spin-down piecewise solution. Parameters supported: .. paramtable:: :class: pint.models.piecewise.PiecewiseSpindown """ register = True category = "piecewise" @classmethod def _description_solution_epochstart(cls, x): return ("Start epoch of solution piece %d" % x,) @classmethod def _description_solution_epochstop(cls, x): return ("Stop epoch of solution piece %d" % x,) @classmethod def _description_solution_epoch(cls, x): return ("Epoch of solution piece %d" % x,) @classmethod def _description_solution_startphase(cls, x): return ("Starting phase of solution piece %d" % x,) @classmethod def _description_solution_frequency(cls, x): return "Frequency of solution piece %d" % x @classmethod def _description_solution_frequencyderivative(cls, x): return "Frequency-derivative of solution piece %d " % x @classmethod def _description_solution_secondfrequencyderivative(cls, x): return "Second frequency-derivative of solution piece %d " % x def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_param( prefixParameter( name="PWSTART_1", units="MJD", description_template=self._description_solution_epochstart, parameter_type="MJD", time_scale="tdb", ) ) self.add_param( prefixParameter( name="PWSTOP_1", units="MJD", description_template=self._description_solution_epochstop, parameter_type="MJD", time_scale="tdb", ) ) self.add_param( prefixParameter( name="PWEP_1", units="MJD", description_template=self._description_solution_epoch, parameter_type="MJD", time_scale="tdb", ) ) self.add_param( prefixParameter( name="PWPH_1", units="", value=0.0, description_template=self._description_solution_startphase, type_match="float", uncertainty=1, ) ) self.add_param( prefixParameter( name="PWF0_1", units="Hz", value=0.0, description_template=self._description_solution_frequency, type_match="float", ) ) self.add_param( prefixParameter( name="PWF1_1", units="Hz/s", value=0.0, description_template=self._description_solution_frequencyderivative, ) ) self.add_param( prefixParameter( name="PWF2_1", units="Hz/s^2", value=0.0, description_template=self._description_solution_secondfrequencyderivative, ) ) self.phase_funcs_component += [self.piecewise_phase] # self.phase_derivs_wrt_delay += [self.d_piecewise_phase_d_delay]
[docs] def setup(self): super().setup() self.pwsol_prop = [ "PWEP_", "PWSTART_", "PWSTOP_", "PWPH_", "PWF0_", "PWF1_", "PWF2_", ] self.pwsol_indices = [ getattr(self, y).index for x in self.pwsol_prop for y in self.params if x in y ] # for idx in set(self.pwsol_indices): # for param in self.pwsol_prop: # if not hasattr(self, param + "%d" % idx): # param0 = getattr(self, param + "1") # self.add_param(param0.new_param(idx)) # getattr(self, param + "%d" % idx).value = 0.0 # self.register_deriv_funcs( # getattr(self, "d_phase_d_" + param[0:-1]), param + "%d" % idx # ) for idx in set(self.pwsol_indices): for param in self.pwsol_prop: if param.startswith("PWF") or param.startswith("PWPH"): self.register_deriv_funcs(self.d_phase_d_F, f"{param}{idx}")
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate parameters input.""" super().validate() for idx in set(self.pwsol_indices): if not hasattr(self, "PWEP_%d" % idx): msg = "Piecewise solution Epoch is needed for Piece %d." % idx raise MissingParameter("PiecewiseSpindown", "PWEP_%d" % idx, msg) if not hasattr(self, "PWSTART_%d" % idx): msg = "Piecewise solution starting epoch is needed for Piece %d." % idx raise MissingParameter("PiecewiseSpindown", "PWSTART_%d" % idx, msg) if not hasattr(self, "PWSTOP_%d" % idx): msg = "Piecewise solution end epoch is needed for Piece %d." % idx raise MissingParameter("PiecewiseSpindown", "PWSTOP_%d" % idx, msg)
[docs] def print_par(self, format="pint"): result = "" for idx in set(self.pwsol_indices): for param in self.pwsol_prop: par = getattr(self, param + "%d" % idx) result += par.as_parfile_line(format=format) return result
def get_dt_and_affected(self, toas, delay, glepnm): tbl = toas.table glep = getattr(self, glepnm) idx = glep.index start = getattr(self, "PWSTART_%d" % idx).value stop = getattr(self, "PWSTOP_%d" % idx).value affected = (tbl["tdbld"] >= start) & (tbl["tdbld"] < stop) phsepoch_ld = glep.quantity.tdb.mjd_long dt = (tbl["tdbld"][affected] - phsepoch_ld) * - delay[affected] return dt, affected
[docs] def piecewise_phase(self, toas, delay): """Glitch phase function. delay is the time delay from the TOA to time of pulse emission at the pulsar, in seconds. returns an array of phases in long double """ phs = u.Quantity(np.zeros(toas.ntoas, dtype=np.longdouble)) glepnames = [x for x in self.params if x.startswith("PWEP_")] for glepnm in glepnames: glep = getattr(self, glepnm) idx = glep.index # dPH = getattr(self, "PWPH_%d" % idx).quantity # dF0 = getattr(self, "PWF0_%d" % idx).quantity # dF1 = getattr(self, "PWF1_%d" % idx).quantity # dF2 = getattr(self, "PWF2_%d" % idx).quantity dt, affected = self.get_dt_and_affected(toas, delay, glepnm) # fterms = [dPH, dF0, dF1, dF2] fterms = self.get_spin_terms(idx) phs[affected] += taylor_horner(, fterms) return
# def d_piecewise_phase_d_delay(self, toas, param, delay): # par = getattr(self, param) # unit = par.units # tbl = toas.table # ders = u.Quantity(np.zeros(toas.ntoas, dtype=np.longdouble) * (1 / u.second)) # glepnames = [x for x in self.params if x.startswith("PWEP_")] # for glepnm in glepnames: # glep = getattr(self, glepnm) # idx = glep.index # dF0 = getattr(self, "PWF0_%d" % idx).quantity # dF1 = getattr(self, "PWF1_%d" % idx).quantity # dF2 = getattr(self, "PWF2_%d" % idx).quantity # dt, affected = self.get_dt_and_affected(toas, delay, glepnm) # fterms = [0.0 * u.Unit("")] + [dF0, dF1, dF2] # d_pphs_d_delay = taylor_horner_deriv(, fterms) # ders[affected] = / u.second) # # return / unit) def get_spin_terms(self, order): return [getattr(self, f"PWPH_{order}").quantity] + [ getattr(self, f"PWF{ii}_{order}").quantity for ii in range(3) ]
[docs] def d_phase_d_F(self, toas, param, delay): """Calculate the derivative wrt to an spin term.""" par = getattr(self, param) unit = par.units pn, idxf, idxv = split_prefixed_name(param) order = split_prefixed_name(param[:4])[2] + 1 if param.startswith("PWF") else 0 # order = idxv + 1 fterms = self.get_spin_terms(idxv) # make the chosen fterms 1 others 0 fterms = [ft * np.longdouble(0.0) / unit for ft in fterms] fterms[order] += np.longdouble(1.0) glepnm = f"PWEP_{idxf}" res = u.Quantity(np.zeros(toas.ntoas, dtype=np.longdouble)) * (1 / unit) dt, affected = self.get_dt_and_affected(toas, delay, glepnm) d_pphs_d_f = taylor_horner(, fterms) res[affected] = / unit) return res