Source code for pint.models.stand_alone_psr_binaries.binary_generic

"""Parent class for internal binary models."""

import astropy.constants as c
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

from loguru import logger as log

from erfa import DAYSEC as SECS_PER_DAY

from pint import Tsun, ls
from pint.models.stand_alone_psr_binaries.binary_orbits import OrbitPB


[docs]class PSR_BINARY: """A base (generic) object for psr binary models. In this class, a set of generally used binary parameters and several commonly used calculations are defined. For each binary model, the specific parameters and calculations are defined in the subclass. A binary model takes the solar system barycentric time (ssb time) as input. When a binary model is instantiated, the parameters are set to the default values and input time is not initialized. The update those values, method `.update_input()` should be used. Example of build a specific binary model class:: >>> from pint.models.stand_alone_psr_binaries.pulsar_binary import PSR_BINARY >>> import numpy >>> class foo(PSR_BINARY): def __init__(self): # This is to initialize the mother class attributes. super().__init__() self.binary_name = 'foo' # Add parameter that specific for my_binary, with default value and units self.param_default_value.update({'A0':0*u.second,'B0':0*u.second, 'DR':0*u.Unit(''),'DTH':0*u.Unit(''), 'GAMMA':0*u.second,}) self.set_param_values() # This is to set all the parameters to attributes self.binary_delay_funcs += [self.foo_delay] self.d_binarydelay_d_par_funcs += [self.d_foo_delay_d_par] # If you have intermediate value in the calculation self.dd_interVars = ['er','eTheta','beta','alpha','Dre','Drep','Drepp', 'nhat', 'TM2'] self.add_inter_vars(self.dd_interVars) def foo_delay(self): pass def d_foo_delay_d_par(self): pass >>> # To build a model instance >>> binary_foo = foo() >>> # binary_foo class has the default parameter value without toa input. >>> # Update the toa input and parameters >>> t = numpy.linspace(54200.0,55000.0,800) >>> parameters_dict = {'A0':0.5,'ECC':0.01} >>> binary_foo.update_input(t, parameters_dict) >>> # Now the binary delay and derivatives can be computed. To access the binary model class from pint platform, a pint pulsar binary wrapper is needed. See docstrings in the source code of pint/models/pulsar_binary class `PulsarBinary`. Included general parameters: @param PB: Binary period [days] @param ECC: Eccentricity @param A1: Projected semi-major axis (lt-sec) @param A1DOT: Time-derivative of A1 (lt-sec/sec) @param T0: Time of periastron passage (barycentric MJD) @param OM: Omega (longitude of periastron) [deg] @param EDOT: Time-derivative of ECC [0.0] @param PBDOT: Time-derivative of PB [0.0] @param XPBDOT: Rate of change of orbital period minus GR prediction @param OMDOT: Time-derivative of OMEGA [0.0] Intermediate variables calculation method are given here: Eccentric Anomaly E (not parameter ECC) Mean Anomaly M True Anomaly nu Eccentric ecc Longitude of periastron omega projected semi-major axis of orbit a1 TM2 """ def __init__( self, ): # Necessary parameters for all binary model self.binary_name = None self.param_default_value = { "PB": np.longdouble(10.0) *, "PBDOT": 0.0 * /, "ECC": 0.0 * u.Unit(""), "EDOT": 0.0 / u.second, "A1": 10.0 * ls, "A1DOT": 0.0 * ls / u.second, "T0": np.longdouble(54000.0) *, "OM": 0.0 * u.deg, "OMDOT": 0.0 * u.deg / u.year, "XPBDOT": 0.0 * /, "M2": 0.0 * u.M_sun, "SINI": 0 * u.Unit(""), "GAMMA": 0 * u.second, "FB0": 1.1574e-6 * u.Unit("") / u.second, } # For Binary phase calculation self.param_default_value.update( { "P0": 1.0 * u.second, "P1": 0.0 * u.second / u.second, "PEPOCH": np.longdouble(54000.0) *, } ) self.param_aliases = {"ECC": ["E"], "EDOT": ["ECCDOT"], "A1DOT": ["XDOT"]} self.binary_params = list(self.param_default_value.keys()) self.inter_vars = ["E", "M", "nu", "ecc", "omega", "a1", "TM2"] self.cache_vars = ["E", "nu"] self.binary_delay_funcs = [] self.d_binarydelay_d_par_funcs = [] self.orbits_cls = OrbitPB(self, ["PB", "PBDOT", "XPBDOT", "T0"]) @property def t(self): return self._t @t.setter def t(self, val): self._t = val if hasattr(self, "T0"): self._tt0 = self.get_tt0(self._t) @property def T0(self): return self._T0 @T0.setter def T0(self, val): self._T0 = val if hasattr(self, "_t"): self._tt0 = self.get_tt0(self._t) @property def tt0(self): return self._tt0
[docs] def update_input(self, **updates): """Update the toas and parameters.""" # Update toas if "barycentric_toa" in updates: self.t = np.atleast_1d(updates["barycentric_toa"]) # Update observatory position. if "obs_pos" in updates: self.obs_pos = np.atleast_1d(updates["obs_pos"]) if "psr_pos" in updates: self.psr_pos = np.atleast_1d(updates["psr_pos"]) # update parameters d_list = ["barycentric_toa", "obs_pos", "psr_pos"] parameters = {key: value for key, value in updates.items() if key not in d_list} self.set_param_values(parameters) # Switch the cache off # NOTE Having cache is needs to be very careful. for cv in self.cache_vars: setattr(self, f"_{cv}", None)
[docs] def set_param_values(self, valDict=None): """Set the parameters and assign values, If the valDict is not provided, it will set parameter as default value """ if valDict is None: for par in self.param_default_value.keys(): setattr(self, par.upper(), self.param_default_value[par]) else: for par in valDict.keys(): if par not in self.binary_params: # search for aliases parname = self.search_alias(par) if parname is None: raise AttributeError( f"Can not find parameter {par} in {self.binary_name} model" ) else: parname = par if valDict[par] is None: setattr(self, parname, self.param_default_value[parname]) continue if not hasattr(valDict[par], "unit"): bm_par = getattr(self, parname) val = ( valDict[par] * getattr(self, parname).unit if hasattr(bm_par, "unit") else valDict[par] ) else: val = valDict[par] setattr(self, parname, val)
[docs] def add_binary_params(self, parameter, defaultValue, unit=False): """Add one parameter to the binary class.""" if parameter not in self.binary_params: self.binary_params.append(parameter) if not hasattr(defaultValue, "unit") and unit: log.warning( f"Binary parameter values generally have units." f" Treating parameter {parameter} as a dimensionless quantity." ) self.param_default_value[parameter] = defaultValue * u.Unit("") else: self.param_default_value[parameter] = defaultValue setattr(self, parameter, self.param_default_value[parameter])
def add_inter_vars(self, interVars): if not isinstance(interVars, list): interVars = [interVars] for v in interVars: if v not in self.inter_vars: self.inter_vars.append(v) def search_alias(self, parname): for pn in self.param_aliases.keys(): return pn if parname in self.param_aliases[pn] else None
[docs] def binary_delay(self): """Returns total pulsar binary delay. Returns ------- float Pulsar binary delay in the units of second """ bdelay = np.longdouble(np.zeros(len(self.t))) * u.s for bdf in self.binary_delay_funcs: bdelay += bdf() return bdelay
[docs] def d_binarydelay_d_par(self, par): """Get the binary delay derivatives respect to parameters. Parameters ---------- par : str Parameter name. """ # search for aliases if par not in self.binary_params and self.search_alias(par) is None: raise AttributeError( f"Can not find parameter {par} in {self.binary_name} model" ) # Get first derivative in the delay derivative function result = self.d_binarydelay_d_par_funcs[0](par) if len(self.d_binarydelay_d_par_funcs) > 1: for df in self.d_binarydelay_d_par_funcs[1:]: result += df(par) return result
[docs] def prtl_der(self, y, x): """Find the partial derivatives in binary model pdy/pdx Parameters ---------- y : str Name of variable to be differentiated x : str Name of variable the derivative respect to Returns ------- np.array The derivatives pdy/pdx """ if y not in self.binary_params + self.inter_vars: errorMesg = f"{y} is not in binary parameter and variables list." raise ValueError(errorMesg) if x not in self.inter_vars + self.binary_params: errorMesg = f"{x} is not in binary parameters and variables list." raise ValueError(errorMesg) # derivative to itself if x == y: return np.longdouble(np.ones(len(self.tt0))) * u.Unit("") # Get the unit right yAttr = getattr(self, y) xAttr = getattr(self, x) U = [None, None] for i, attr in enumerate([yAttr, xAttr]): if hasattr(attr, "units"): # If attr is a PINT Parameter class type U[i] = attr.units elif hasattr(attr, "unit"): # If attr is a Quantity type U[i] = attr.unit elif hasattr(attr, "__call__"): # If attr is a method U[i] = attr().unit else: raise TypeError(f"{type(attr)}can not get unit") # U[i] = 1*U[i] # commonU = list(set(U[i].unit.bases).intersection([u.rad,u.deg])) # if commonU != []: # strU = U[i].unit.to_string() # for cu in commonU: # scu = cu.to_string() # strU = strU.replace(scu,'1') # U[i] = U[i].to(strU, equivalencies=u.dimensionless_angles()).unit yU = U[0] xU = U[1] # Call derivative functions derU = yU / xU if hasattr(self, f"d_{y}_d_{x}"): dername = f"d_{y}_d_{x}" result = getattr(self, dername)() elif hasattr(self, f"d_{y}_d_par"): dername = f"d_{y}_d_par" result = getattr(self, dername)(x) else: result = np.longdouble(np.zeros(len(self.tt0))) if hasattr(result, "unit"): return, equivalencies=u.dimensionless_angles()) else: return result * derU
[docs] def compute_eccentric_anomaly(self, eccentricity, mean_anomaly): """Solve the Kepler Equation, E - e * sin(E) = M Parameters ---------- eccentricity : array_like Eccentricity of binary system mean_anomaly : array_like Mean anomaly of the binary system Returns ------- array_like The eccentric anomaly in radians, given a set of mean_anomalies in radians. """ if hasattr(eccentricity, "unit"): # FIXME: isn't this an error? e = np.longdouble(eccentricity).value else: e = eccentricity if any(e < 0) or any(e >= 1): raise ValueError("Eccentricity should be in the range of [0,1).") if hasattr(mean_anomaly, "unit"): ma = np.longdouble(mean_anomaly).value else: ma = mean_anomaly k = lambda E: E - e * np.sin(E) - ma # Kepler Equation dk = lambda E: 1 - e * np.cos(E) # derivative Kepler Equation U = ma while np.max(abs(k(U))) > 5e-15: # Newton-Raphson method U = U - k(U) / dk(U) return U * u.rad
[docs] def get_tt0(self, barycentricTOA): """tt0 = barycentricTOA - T0""" if barycentricTOA is None or self.T0 is None: return None T0 = self.T0 if not hasattr(barycentricTOA, "unit") or barycentricTOA.unit is None: barycentricTOA = barycentricTOA * return (barycentricTOA - T0).to("second")
[docs] def ecc(self): """Calculate eccentricity with EDOT""" if hasattr(self, "_tt0"): return self.ECC + (self.tt0 * self.EDOT).decompose() return self.ECC
def d_ecc_d_T0(self): result = np.empty(len(self.tt0)) result.fill(-self.EDOT.value) return result * u.Unit(self.EDOT.unit) def d_ecc_d_ECC(self): return np.longdouble(np.ones(len(self.tt0))) * u.Unit("") def d_ecc_d_EDOT(self): return self.tt0 def a1(self): return self.A1 + self.tt0 * self.A1DOT if hasattr(self, "_tt0") else self.A1 def d_a1_d_A1(self): return np.longdouble(np.ones(len(self.tt0))) * u.Unit("") def d_a1_d_T0(self): result = np.empty(len(self.tt0)) result.fill(-self.A1DOT.value) return result * u.Unit(self.A1DOT.unit) def d_a1_d_A1DOT(self): return self.tt0 def d_a1_d_par(self, par): if par not in self.binary_params: errorMesg = f"{par} is not in binary parameter list." raise ValueError(errorMesg) par_obj = getattr(self, par) try: func = getattr(self, f"d_a1_d_{par}") except AttributeError: func = lambda: np.zeros(len(self.tt0)) * self.A1.unit / par_obj.unit return func() def pb(self): return self.orbits_cls.pbprime()
[docs] def d_pb_d_par(self, par): """derivative for pbprime respect to binary parameter. Parameters ---------- par : string parameter name Returns ------- Derivative of M respect to par """ if par not in self.binary_params: errorMesg = f"{par} is not in binary parameter list." raise ValueError(errorMesg) par_obj = getattr(self, par) result = self.orbits_cls.d_pbprime_d_par(par) return / par_obj.unit)
def pbdot(self): return self.orbits_cls.pbdot_orbit() def orbits(self): return self.orbits_cls.orbits()
[docs] def M(self): """Orbit phase.""" return self.orbits_cls.orbit_phase()
[docs] def d_M_d_par(self, par): """derivative for M respect to binary parameter. Parameters ---------- par : string parameter name Returns ------- Derivative of M respect to par """ if par not in self.binary_params: errorMesg = f"{par} is not in binary parameter list." raise ValueError(errorMesg) par_obj = getattr(self, par) result = self.orbits_cls.d_orbits_d_par(par) with u.set_enabled_equivalencies(u.dimensionless_angles()): result ="") / par_obj.unit) return result
[docs] def E(self): """Eccentric Anomaly""" if not hasattr(self, "_E") or self._E is None: self._E = self.compute_eccentric_anomaly(self.ecc(), self.M()) return self._E
# Analytically calculate derivatives.
[docs] def d_E_d_T0(self): """Analytic derivative d(E-e*sinE)/dT0 = dM/dT0 dE/dT0(1-cosE*e)-de/dT0*sinE = dM/dT0 dE/dT0(1-cosE*e)+eDot*sinE = dM/dT0 """ RHS = self.prtl_der("M", "T0") E = self.E() EDOT = self.EDOT ecc = self.ecc() with u.set_enabled_equivalencies(u.dimensionless_angles()): return (RHS - EDOT * np.sin(E)) / (1.0 - np.cos(E) * ecc)
def d_E_d_ECC(self): E = self.E() return np.sin(E) / (1.0 - self.ecc() * np.cos(E)) def d_E_d_EDOT(self): return self.tt0 * self.d_E_d_ECC()
[docs] def d_E_d_par(self, par): """derivative for E respect to binary parameter. Parameters ---------- par : string parameter name Returns ------- Derivative of E respect to par """ if par not in self.binary_params: errorMesg = f"{par} is not in binary parameter list." raise ValueError(errorMesg) par_obj = getattr(self, par) try: return getattr(self, f"d_E_d_{par}")() except AttributeError: if par in self.orbits_cls.orbit_params: d_M_d_par = self.d_M_d_par(par) return d_M_d_par / (1.0 - np.cos(self.E()) * self.ecc()) else: E = self.E() return np.zeros(len(self.tt0)) * E.unit / par_obj.unit return func()
[docs] def nu(self): """True anomaly (Ae)""" if not hasattr(self, "_nu") or self._nu is None: ecc = self.ecc() nu = 2 * np.arctan( np.sqrt((1.0 + ecc) / (1.0 - ecc)) * np.tan(self.E() / 2.0) ) # Normalize True anomaly to on orbit. nu[nu < 0] += 2 * np.pi * u.rad nu2 = 2 * np.pi * self.orbits() * u.rad + nu - self.M() self._nu = nu2 return self._nu
def d_nu_d_E(self): nu = E = self.E() ecc = self.ecc() brack1 = (1 + ecc * np.cos(nu)) / (1 - ecc * np.cos(E)) brack2 = np.sin(E) / np.sin(nu) return brack1 * brack2 def d_nu_d_ecc(self): ecc = self.ecc() E = self.E() return np.sin(E) ** 2 / (ecc * np.cos(E) - 1) ** 2 / np.sin(
[docs] def d_nu_d_T0(self): """Analytic calculation. dnu/dT0 = dnu/de*de/dT0+dnu/dE*dE/dT0 de/dT0 = -EDOT """ with u.set_enabled_equivalencies(u.dimensionless_angles()): return self.d_nu_d_ecc() * (-self.EDOT) + self.d_nu_d_E() * self.d_E_d_T0()
# def d_nu_d_PB(self): # """dnu(e,E)/dPB = dnu/de*de/dPB+dnu/dE*dE/dPB # de/dPB = 0 # dnu/dPB = dnu/dE*dE/dPB # """ # return self.d_nu_d_E()*self.d_E_d_PB() # # # def d_nu_d_PBDOT(self): # """dnu(e,E)/dPBDOT = dnu/de*de/dPBDOT+dnu/dE*dE/dPBDOT # de/dPBDOT = 0 # dnu/dPBDOT = dnu/dE*dE/dPBDOT # """ # return self.d_nu_d_E()*self.d_E_d_PBDOT() # # # def d_nu_d_XPBDOT(self): # """dnu/dPBDOT = dnu/dE*dE/dPBDOT # """ # return self.d_nu_d_E()*self.d_E_d_XPBDOT()
[docs] def d_nu_d_ECC(self): """Analytic calculation. dnu(e,E)/dECC = dnu/de*de/dECC+dnu/dE*dE/dECC de/dECC = 1 dnu/dPBDOT = dnu/dE*dE/dECC+dnu/de """ return self.d_nu_d_ecc() + self.d_nu_d_E() * self.d_E_d_ECC()
def d_nu_d_EDOT(self): return self.tt0 * self.d_nu_d_ECC()
[docs] def d_nu_d_par(self, par): """derivative for nu respect to binary parameter. Parameters ---------- par : string parameter name Returns ------- Derivative of nu respect to par """ if par not in self.binary_params: errorMesg = f"{par} is not in binary parameter list." raise ValueError(errorMesg) par_obj = getattr(self, par) try: return getattr(self, f"d_nu_d_{par}")() except AttributeError: if par in self.orbits_cls.orbit_params: return self.d_nu_d_E() * self.d_E_d_par(par) nu = return np.zeros(len(self.tt0)) * nu.unit / par_obj.unit
def omega(self): PB = self.pb().to("second") OMDOT = self.OMDOT OM = self.OM return OM + OMDOT * self.tt0
[docs] def d_omega_d_par(self, par): """derivative for omega respect to user input Parameter. Parameters ---------- par : string parameter name Returns ------- Derivative of omega respect to par """ if par not in self.binary_params: errorMesg = f"{par} is not in binary parameter list." raise ValueError(errorMesg) par_obj = getattr(self, par) OMDOT = self.OMDOT OM = self.OM if par not in ["OM", "OMDOT", "T0"]: return np.longdouble(np.zeros(len(self.tt0))) * self.OM.unit / par_obj.unit dername = f"d_omega_d_{par}" return getattr(self, dername)()
[docs] def d_omega_d_OM(self): """dOmega/dOM = 1""" return np.longdouble(np.ones((len(self.tt0)))) * u.Unit("")
[docs] def d_omega_d_OMDOT(self): """dOmega/dOMDOT = tt0""" return self.tt0
[docs] def d_omega_d_T0(self): """dOmega/dPB = dnu/dPB*k+dk/dPB*nu""" result = np.empty(len(self.tt0)) result.fill(-self.EDOT.value) return result * u.Unit(self.EDOT.unit)
def TM2(self): return self.M2.value * Tsun def d_TM2_d_M2(self): return Tsun / (1.0 * u.Msun) def pbprime(self): return self.pb() - self.pbdot() * self.tt0 def P(self): return self.P0 + self.P1 * (self.t - self.PEPOCH).to("second") def t0(self): return self.t - self.PEPOCH def Doppler(self): a1 = self.a1() / c.c return 2 * np.pi * a1 / (self.pbprime() * np.sqrt(1 - self.ecc() ** 2)) def d_Pobs_d_P0(self): geom = -np.sin( * np.sin( + ( np.cos( + self.ecc() ) * np.cos( ds = self.Doppler() * geom return 1.0 + ds def d_Pobs_d_P1(self): geom = -np.sin( * np.sin( + ( np.cos( + self.ecc() ) * np.cos( ds = self.Doppler() * geom return self.t0() * (1 + ds) def d_Pobs_d_A1(self): geom = -np.sin( * np.sin( + ( np.cos( + self.ecc() ) * np.cos( return ( 2 * np.pi * self.P() * geom / (self.pbprime() * np.sqrt(1 - self.ecc() ** 2)) ) def d_Pobs_d_PB(self): geom1 = -np.sin( * np.sin( + ( np.cos( + self.ecc() ) * np.cos( geom2 = -np.cos( * np.sin( - np.sin( * np.cos( ) pref1 = ( -self.P() * 2 * np.pi * self.a1() / (self.pbprime() ** 2 * np.sqrt(1 - self.ecc() ** 2)) * self.SECS_PER_DAY ) pref2 = self.P() * self.Doppler() * self.d_nu_d_PB() return pref1 * geom1 + pref2 * geom2 def d_Pobs_d_PBDOT(self): geom1 = -np.sin( * np.sin( + ( np.cos( + self.ecc() ) * np.cos( geom2 = -np.cos( * np.sin( - np.sin( * np.cos( ) pref1 = ( self.P() * self.tt0 * 2 * np.pi * self.a1() / (self.pbprime() ** 2 * np.sqrt(1 - self.ecc() ** 2)) ) pref2 = self.P() * self.Doppler() * self.d_nu_d_PBDOT() return pref1 * geom1 + pref2 * geom2 def d_Pobs_d_OM(self): geom = -np.sin( * np.cos( - ( np.cos( + self.ecc() ) * np.sin( return self.P() * self.Doppler() * geom * self.DEG2RAD def d_Pobs_d_ECC(self): geom1 = -np.sin( * np.sin( + ( np.cos( + self.ecc() ) * np.cos( geom2 = -np.cos( * np.sin( - np.sin( * np.cos( ) pref1 = ( self.P() * self.ecc() * 2 * np.pi * self.a1() / (self.pbprime() * (1 - self.ecc() ** 2) ** (1.5)) ) pref2 = self.P() * self.Doppler() * self.d_nu_d_ECC() return ( pref1 * geom1 + pref2 * geom2 + self.P0 * self.Doppler() * np.cos( ) def d_Pobs_d_T0(self): geom1 = -np.sin( * np.sin( + ( np.cos( + self.ecc() ) * np.cos( geom2 = -np.cos( * np.sin( - np.sin( * np.cos( ) pref1 = ( -self.P() * self.pbdot() * 2 * np.pi * self.a1() / (self.pbprime() ** 2 * np.sqrt(1 - self.ecc() ** 2)) * self.SECS_PER_DAY ) pref2 = self.P() * self.Doppler() * self.d_nu_d_T0() return pref1 * geom1 + pref2 * geom2 def d_Pobs_d_EDOT(self): return self.tt0 * self.d_Pobs_d_ECC() def d_Pobs_d_OMDOT(self): return self.tt0 * self.d_Pobs_d_OM() / self.SECS_PER_YEAR def d_Pobs_d_A1DOT(self): return self.tt0 * self.d_Pobs_d_A1() ############## Calculation for design matrix ################ def Pobs_designmatrix(self, params): npars = len(params) M = np.zeros((len(self.t), npars)) for ii, par in enumerate(params): dername = f"d_Pobs_d_{par}" M[:, ii] = getattr(self, dername)() return M def delay_designmatrix(self, params): npars = len(params) M = np.zeros((len(self.t), npars)) for ii, par in enumerate(params): dername = f"d_delay_d_{par}" M[:, ii] = getattr(self, dername)() return M