Source code for pint.models.wave

"""Delays expressed as a sum of sinusoids."""
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

from pint.models.parameter import MJDParameter, floatParameter, prefixParameter
from pint.models.timing_model import PhaseComponent, MissingParameter

[docs]class Wave(PhaseComponent): """Delays expressed as a sum of sinusoids. Historically, used for decomposition of timing noise into a series of sine/cosine components. For consistency with the implementation in tempo2, this signal is treated as a time series, but trivially converted into phase by multiplication by F0, which could makes changes to PEPOCH fragile if there is strong spin frequency evolution. Parameters supported: .. paramtable:: :class: pint.models.wave.Wave """ register = True category = "wave" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_param( MJDParameter( name="WAVEEPOCH", description="Reference epoch for wave solution", time_scale="tdb", ) ) self.add_param( floatParameter( name="WAVE_OM", description="Base frequency of wave solution", units="1/d", ) ) self.add_param( prefixParameter( name="WAVE1", units="s", description="Wave components", type_match="pair", long_double=True, parameter_type="pair", ) ) self.phase_funcs_component += [self.wave_phase]
[docs] def setup(self): super().setup() self.wave_terms = list(self.get_prefix_mapping_component("WAVE").keys()) self.num_wave_terms = len(self.wave_terms)
[docs] def validate(self): super().validate() self.setup() if self.WAVEEPOCH.quantity is None: if self._parent.PEPOCH.quantity is None: raise MissingParameter( "Wave", "WAVEEPOCH", "WAVEEPOCH or PEPOCH are required if " "WAVE_OM is set.", ) else: self.WAVEEPOCH.quantity = self._parent.PEPOCH.quantity if (not hasattr(self._parent, "F0")) or (self._parent.F0.quantity is None): raise MissingParameter( "Wave", "F0", "F0 is required if WAVE entries are present." ) self.wave_terms.sort() wave_in_order = list(range(1, max(self.wave_terms) + 1)) if self.wave_terms != wave_in_order: diff = list(set(wave_in_order) - set(self.wave_terms)) raise MissingParameter("Wave", "WAVE%d" % diff[0])
[docs] def print_par(self, format="pint"): result = "" wave_terms = ["WAVE%d" % ii for ii in range(1, self.num_wave_terms + 1)] result += self.WAVEEPOCH.as_parfile_line(format=format) result += self.WAVE_OM.as_parfile_line(format=format) for ft in wave_terms: par = getattr(self, ft) result += par.as_parfile_line(format=format) return result
[docs] def add_wave_component(self, amps, index=None): """Add Wave Component Parameters ---------- index : int Interger label for Wave components. amps : tuple of float or astropy.quantity.Quantity Sine and cosine amplitudes Returns ------- index : Index that has been assigned to new Wave component """ #### If index is None, increment the current max Wave index by 1. Increment using WAVE if index is None: dct = self.get_prefix_mapping_component("WAVE") index = np.max(list(dct.keys())) + 1 i = f"{int(index):04d}" if int(index) in self.get_prefix_mapping_component("WAVE"): raise ValueError( f"Index '{index}' is already in use in this model. Please choose another" ) for amp in amps: if isinstance(amp, u.quantity.Quantity): amp = amp.to_value(u.s) self.add_param( prefixParameter( name=f"WAVE{index}", value=amps, units="s", description="Wave components", type_match="pair", long_double=True, parameter_type="pair", ) ) self.setup() self.validate() return f"{index}"
def wave_phase(self, toas, delays): times = 0 wave_names = ["WAVE%d" % ii for ii in range(1, self.num_wave_terms + 1)] wave_terms = [getattr(self, name) for name in wave_names] wave_om = self.WAVE_OM.quantity base_phase = ( wave_om * ( toas.table["tdbld"] * - self.WAVEEPOCH.value * - ) ).value for k, wave_term in enumerate(wave_terms): wave_a, wave_b = wave_term.quantity wave_phase = (k + 1) * base_phase times += wave_a * np.sin(wave_phase) times += wave_b * np.cos(wave_phase) return ((times) * self._parent.F0.quantity).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)