Source code for pint.modelutils

from loguru import logger as log
from pint.models.astrometry import AstrometryEquatorial, AstrometryEcliptic

# FIXME: shouldn't this be in the AstrometryEquatorial and AstrometryEcliptic classes?

[docs]def model_ecliptic_to_equatorial(model, force=False): r"""Converts Astrometry model component, Ecliptic to Equatorial Parameters ---------- model: `pint.models.TimingModel` object current model with AstrometryEcliptic component force: boolean, optional will force conversion even if an equatorial component is already present Returns ------- model new model with AstrometryEquatorial component """ if "AstrometryEquatorial" not in model.components or force: if "AstrometryEquatorial" in model.components: log.warning( "Equatorial coordinates already present but re-calculating anyway" ) if "AstrometryEcliptic" not in model.components: raise AttributeError( "Requested conversion to equatorial coordinates, but no alternate coordinates found" ) c = model.coords_as_ICRS() a = AstrometryEquatorial() a.POSEPOCH = model.POSEPOCH a.PX = model.PX a.RAJ.quantity = c.ra a.DECJ.quantity = c.dec a.PMRA.quantity = c.pm_ra_cosdec a.PMDEC.quantity = c.pm_dec model.remove_component("AstrometryEcliptic") model.add_component(a) model.setup() model.validate() else: log.warning("Equatorial coordinates already present; not re-calculating") return model
[docs]def model_equatorial_to_ecliptic(model, force=False): """Converts Astrometry model component, Equatorial to Ecliptic Parameters ---------- model: `pint.models.TimingModel` object current model with AstrometryEquatorial component force: boolean, optional will force conversion even if an ecliptic component is already present Returns ------- model new model with AstrometryEcliptic component """ if "AstrometryEcliptic" not in model.components or force: if "AstrometryEcliptic" in model.components: log.warning( "Ecliptic coordinates already present but re-calculating anyway" ) if "AstrometryEquatorial" not in model.components: raise AttributeError( "Requested conversion to ecliptic coordinates, but no alternate coordinates found" ) c = model.coords_as_ECL() a = AstrometryEcliptic() a.POSEPOCH = model.POSEPOCH a.PX = model.PX a.ELONG.quantity = c.lon a.ELAT.quantity = a.PMELONG.quantity = c.pm_lon_coslat a.PMELAT.quantity = c.pm_lat model.remove_component("AstrometryEquatorial") model.add_component(a) model.setup() model.validate() else: log.warning("Ecliptic coordinates already present; not re-calculating") return model