"""Machinery to support PINT's list of observatories.
This code maintains a registry of observatories known to PINT.
Observatories are added to the registry when the objects are created.
For the observatories defined in PINT, these objects are created
when the relevant module is imported.
PINT's built-in observatories are loaded when anyone imports the modules
:mod:`pint.observatory.topo_obs` and
:mod:`pint.observatory.special_locations`. This automatically happens
when you call :func:`pint.observatory.Observatory.get`,
:func:`pint.observatory.get_observatory`, or
(:func:`pint.observatory.Observatory.names_and_aliases` to include aliases).
Satellite observatories are somewhat different, as they cannot be
created until the user supplies an orbit file. Once created, they will
appear in the list of known observatories.
Normal use of :func:`pint.toa.get_TOAs` will ensure that all imports have been
done, but if you are using a different subset of PINT these imports may be
import os
import textwrap
from collections import defaultdict
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
import astropy.coordinates
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
from loguru import logger as log
from pint.config import runtimefile
from pint.pulsar_mjd import Time
from pint.utils import interesting_lines
from pint.exceptions import (
# Include any files that define observatories here. This will start
# with the standard distribution files, then will read any system- or
# user-defined files. These can override the default settings by
# redefining an Observatory with the same name.
# TODO read the files from the other locations, if they exist
__all__ = [
# The default BIPM to use if not explicitly specified
# Should set this to the most recent available version
# Automated ways of doing this are possible (see find_latest_bipm below), but require network access.
# They are also fragile since URLs can chaange. So this should just be done manually every year or so.
bipm_default = "BIPM2023"
# Current URL for BIPM correction files is: https://webtai.bipm.org/ftp/pub/tai/ttbipm/
ttbipmxy_url = "https://webtai.bipm.org/ftp/pub/tai/ttbipm/TTBIPM.{}"
[docs]def find_latest_bipm():
"Check BIPM servers for the most recent version of TT(BIPMYYYY)"
year = int(bipm_default[4:])
while True:
f = astropy.utils.data.download_file(ttbipmxy_url.format(year), cache=True)
# latestyear is the last successfully loaded BIPM file
latestyear = year
except IOError:
if first:
log.error(f"Default BIPM {year} not found!")
log.error("Unknown exception in find_latest_bipm")
first = False
year += 1
log.info(f"Most recent BIPM year is {latestyear}")
return latestyear
pint_clock_env_var = "PINT_CLOCK_OVERRIDE"
# Global clock files shared by all observatories
_gps_clock = None
_bipm_clock_versions = {}
def _load_gps_clock():
global _gps_clock
if _gps_clock is None:
log.debug("Loading global GPS clock file")
_gps_clock = find_clock_file(
def _load_bipm_clock(bipm_version):
bipm_version = bipm_version.lower()
if bipm_version not in _bipm_clock_versions:
log.info(f"Loading BIPM clock version {bipm_version}")
# FIXME: error handling?
# FIXME: BIPM2019 and earlier come fromm the TEMPO2 repository and have a bogus last correction
# later ones are generated and don't; how to manage this?
bogus_last_correction = bipm_version.lower() <= "bipm2019"
_bipm_clock_versions[bipm_version] = find_clock_file(
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot find TT BIPM file for version '{bipm_version}'."
) from e
[docs]class Observatory:
"""Observatory locations and related site-dependent properties
For example, TOA time scales, clock corrections. Any new Observatory that
is declared will be automatically added to a registry that is keyed on
observatory name. Aside from their initial declaration (for examples, see
``pint/data/runtimefile/observatories.json``), Observatory instances should
generally be obtained only via the :func:`pint.observatory.Observatory.get`
function. This will query the registry based on observatory name (and any
defined aliases). A list of all registered names can be returned via
:func:`pint.observatory.Observatory.names`, or a list of names and aliases
can be returned via :func:`pint.observatory.Observatory.names_and_aliases`.
Observatories have names and aliases that are used in ``.tim`` and ``.par``
files to select them. They also have positions (possibly varying, in the
case of satellite observatories) and may have associated clock corrections
to relate times observed at the observatory clock to global time scales.
An Observatory has a boolean flag called apply_gps2utc.
If this is True then the observatory clock (after applying any local clock corrections)
is assumed to be in UTC(USNO)_GPS, meaning the value of UTC(USNO) distributed via GPS.
To get this to UTC, one needs to apply the corrections (C_0' = [UTC-UTC(USNO)_GPS]) from BIPM Circular T
Terrestrial observatories are generally instances of the
:class:`pint.observatory.topo_obs.TopoObs` class, which has a fixed
# This is a dict containing all defined Observatory instances,
# keyed on standard observatory name.
_registry = {}
# This is a dict mapping any defined aliases to the corresponding
# standard name.
_alias_map = {}
def __init__(
self._name = name.lower()
self._aliases = (
list(set(map(str.lower, aliases))) if aliases is not None else []
if aliases is not None:
Observatory._add_aliases(self, aliases)
self.fullname = fullname if fullname is not None else name
# If not specified elsewhere, assume UTC(GPS)->UTC correction should be applied
# Observatory specific settings are in observatories.json
self.apply_gps2utc = True if apply_gps2utc is None else apply_gps2utc
if name.lower() in Observatory._registry:
if not overwrite:
raise ValueError(
f"Observatory {name.lower()} already present and overwrite=False"
log.warning(f"Observatory '{name.lower()}' already present; overwriting...")
Observatory._register(self, name)
def _register(cls, obs, name):
"""Add an observatory to the registry using the specified name
(which will be converted to lower case). If an existing observatory
of the same name exists, it will be replaced with the new one.
The Observatory instance's name attribute will be updated for
cls._registry[name.lower()] = obs
def _add_aliases(cls, obs, aliases):
"""Add aliases for the specified Observatory. Aliases
should be given as a list. If any of the new aliases are already in
use, they will be replaced. Aliases are not checked against the
list of observatory names, but names always take precedence over
aliases when matching. After the new aliases are in place, the
aliases attribute is updated for all registered observatories
to ensure consistency."""
for a in aliases:
cls._alias_map[a.lower()] = obs.name
[docs] @staticmethod
def gps_correction(t, limits="warn"):
"""Compute the GPS clock corrections for times t.
t : astropy.time.Time
An array-valued Time object specifying the times at which to evaluate the
GPS clock correction.
log.info("Applying GPS to UTC clock correction (~few nanoseconds)")
return _gps_clock.evaluate(t, limits=limits)
[docs] @staticmethod
def bipm_correction(t, bipm_version=bipm_default, limits="warn"):
"""Compute the GPS clock corrections for times t.
t : astropy.time.Time
An array-valued Time object specifying the times at which to evaluate the
GPS clock correction.
log.info(f"Applying TT(TAI) to TT({bipm_version}) clock correction (~27 us)")
tt2tai = 32.184 * 1e6 * u.us
return (
_bipm_clock_versions[bipm_version.lower()].evaluate(t, limits=limits)
- tt2tai
[docs] @classmethod
def clear_registry(cls):
"""Clear registry for ground-based observatories."""
cls._registry = {}
cls._alias_map = {}
[docs] @classmethod
def names(cls):
"""List all observatories known to PINT."""
# Importing this module triggers loading all observatories
import pint.observatory.topo_obs # noqa
import pint.observatory.special_locations # noqa
return cls._registry.keys()
[docs] @classmethod
def names_and_aliases(cls):
"""List all observatories and their aliases"""
import pint.observatory.topo_obs # noqa
import pint.observatory.special_locations # noqa
return {oname: obs.aliases for oname, obs in cls._registry.items()}
# Note, name and aliases are not currently intended to be changed
# after initialization. If we want to allow this, we could add
# setter methods that update the registries appropriately.
def name(self):
return self._name
def aliases(self):
return self._aliases
[docs] @classmethod
def get(cls, name, apply_gps2utc=None, overwrite=False):
"""Returns the Observatory instance for the specified name/alias.
If the name has not been defined, an error will be raised. Aside
from the initial observatory definitions, this is in general the
only way Observatory objects should be accessed. Name-matching
is case-insensitive.
# Ensure that the observatory list has been read
# We can't do this in the import section above because this class
# needs to exist before that file is imported.
import pint.observatory.topo_obs # noqa
import pint.observatory.special_locations # noqa
if name == "":
raise KeyError("No observatory name or code provided")
# Be case-insensitive
name = name.lower()
# First see if name matches an already-registered observatory (or an alias)
if name in cls._registry:
site = cls._registry[name]
elif name in cls._alias_map:
site = cls._registry[cls._alias_map[name]]
site = None
if site is not None:
if overwrite and apply_gps2utc is not None:
# This will modify the Observatory object in the registry, so it will "stick" until overwritten
f"Observatory {name}: Overwriting apply_gps2utc={apply_gps2utc} in registry."
site.apply_gps2utc = apply_gps2utc
return site
# Then look in astropy
f"Observatory name {name} is not present in PINT observatory list; searching astropy..."
# the name was not found in the list of standard PINT observatories
# see if we can it from astropy
site_astropy = astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation.of_site(name)
except astropy.coordinates.errors.UnknownSiteException as e:
# turn it into the same error type as PINT would have returned
raise KeyError(f"Observatory name '{name}' is not defined") from e
# we need to import this here rather than up-top because of circular import issues
from pint.observatory.topo_obs import TopoObs
# add in metadata from astropy
obs = TopoObs(
origin=f"""astropy: '{site_astropy.info.meta["source"]}'""",
return cls._registry[name]
# The following methods define the basic API for the Observatory class.
# Any which raise NotImplementedError below must be implemented in
# derived classes.
[docs] def earth_location_itrf(self, time=None):
"""Returns observatory geocentric position as an astropy
EarthLocation object. For observatories where this is not
relevant, None can be returned.
The location is in the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF).
The realization of the ITRF is determined by astropy,
which uses ERFA (IAU SOFA).
The time argument is ignored for observatories with static
positions. For moving observatories (e.g. spacecraft), it
should be specified (as an astropy Time) and the position
at that time will be returned.
return None
[docs] def get_gcrs(self, t, ephem=None):
"""Return position vector of observatory in GCRS
t is an astropy.Time or array of astropy.Time objects
ephem is a link to an ephemeris file. Needed for SSB observatory
Returns a 3-vector of Quantities representing the position
in GCRS coordinates.
raise NotImplementedError
def timescale(self):
"""Returns the timescale that TOAs from this observatory will be in,
once any clock corrections have been applied. This should be a
string suitable to be passed directly to the scale argument of
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def clock_corrections(
"""Compute clock corrections for a Time array.
t: astropy.time.Time object
Array-valued Time to compute corrections for
include_bipm: bool
Whether to apply TT(TAI)->TT(BIPM) correction
bipm_version: str, optional
Which version of BIPM to apply (e.g. "BIPM2021")
limits: str, optional
Either "warn" or "error" to control behavior when times are outside
limits of known corrections.
Given an array-valued Time, return the clock corrections
as a numpy array, with units. These values are to be added to the
raw TOAs in order to refer them to the timescale specified by
# TODO this and derived methods should be changed to accept a TOA
# table in addition to Time objects. This will allow access to extra
# TOA metadata which may be necessary in some cases.
corr = np.zeros_like(t) * u.us
if self.apply_gps2utc:
corr += self.gps_correction(t, limits=limits)
if include_bipm and self.timescale.lower() != "tdb":
corr += self.bipm_correction(t, bipm_version, limits=limits)
return corr
[docs] def last_clock_correction_mjd(self, include_bipm=True, bipm_version=bipm_default):
"""Return the MJD of the last available clock correction.
Returns ``np.inf`` if no clock corrections are relevant.
t = np.inf
if self.apply_gps2utc:
t = min(t, _gps_clock.last_correction_mjd())
if include_bipm:
t = min(
return t
[docs] def get_TDBs(self, t, method="default", ephem=None, options=None):
"""This is a high level function for converting TOAs to TDB time scale.
Different method can be applied to obtain the result. Current supported
methods are ['default', 'ephemeris']
t: astropy.time.Time object
The time need for converting toas
method: str or callable, optional
Method of computing TDB
Astropy time.Time object built-in converter, uses FB90.
SpacecraftObs will include a topocentric correction term.
JPL ephemeris included TDB-TT correction. Not currently
This callable is called with the parameter t as its first
parameter; additional keyword arguments can be supplied
in the options argument
ephem: str, optional
The ephemeris to get he TDB-TT correction. Required for the
'ephemeris' method.
options: dict or None
Options to pass to a custom callable.
if t.isscalar:
t = Time([t])
if t.scale == "tdb":
return t
# Check the method. This pattern is from numpy minimize
meth = "_custom" if callable(method) else method.lower()
if options is None:
options = {}
if meth == "_custom":
options = dict(options)
return method(t, **options)
if meth == "default":
return self._get_TDB_default(t, ephem)
elif meth == "ephemeris":
if ephem is None:
raise ValueError(
"A ephemeris file should be provided to get"
" the TDB-TT corrections."
return self._get_TDB_ephem(t, ephem)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown method '{method}'.")
def _get_TDB_default(self, t, ephem):
return t.tdb
def _get_TDB_ephem(self, t, ephem):
"""Read the ephem TDB-TT column.
This column is provided by DE4XXt version of ephemeris.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def posvel(self, t, ephem, group=None):
"""Return observatory position and velocity for the given times.
Position is relative to solar system barycenter; times are
(astropy array-valued Time objects).
# TODO this and derived methods should be changed to accept a TOA
# table in addition to Time objects. This will allow access to extra
# TOA metadata which may be necessary in some cases.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def get_observatory(name, apply_gps2utc=None):
"""Convenience function to get observatory object with options.
This function will simply call the ``Observatory.get`` method but
will overwrite the apply_gps2utc setting, if requested.
Name-matching is case-insensitive.
If the observatory is not present in the PINT list, will fallback to astropy.
name : str
The name of the observatory
apply_gps2utc : bool or None
Whether to apply BIPM Circular T to convert UTC(USNO)_GPS to UTC.
Default is None, which will use the the value set in observatories.json or True if not set there.
Specifying True or False here will override.
.. note:: This function can and should be expanded if more clock
file switches/options are added at a public API level.
if apply_gps2utc is None:
return Observatory.get(name)
# If we are overriding the gps2utc setting then site and update apply_gps2utc
# Otherwise, will just use default setting for this site.
return Observatory.get(name, apply_gps2utc=apply_gps2utc, overwrite=True)
[docs]def earth_location_distance(loc1, loc2):
"""Compute the distance between two EarthLocations."""
return (
sum((u.Quantity(loc1.to_geocentric()) - u.Quantity(loc2.to_geocentric())) ** 2)
) ** 0.5
[docs]def compare_t2_observatories_dat(t2dir=None):
"""Read a tempo2 observatories.dat file and compare with PINT
Produces a report including lines that can be added to PINT's
observatories.json to add any observatories unknown to PINT.
t2dir : str, optional
Path to the TEMPO2 runtime dir; if not provided, look in the
TEMPO2 environment variable.
The dictionary has two entries, under the keys "different" and "missing"; each is
a list of observatories found in the TEMPO2 files that disagree with what PINT
expects. Each entry in these lists is again a dict, with various properties of the
observatory, including a line that might be suitable for starting an entry in the
PINT observatory list.
if t2dir is None:
t2dir = os.getenv("TEMPO2")
if t2dir is None:
raise ValueError(
"TEMPO2 directory not provided and TEMPO2 environment variable not set"
filename = os.path.join(t2dir, "observatory", "observatories.dat")
report = defaultdict(list)
with open(filename) as f:
for line in interesting_lines(f, comments="#"):
x, y, z, full_name, short_name = line.split()
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(f"unrecognized line '{line}'") from e
x, y, z = float(x), float(y), float(z)
full_name, short_name = full_name.lower(), short_name.lower()
topo_obs_entry = textwrap.dedent(
"{full_name}": {{
"aliases": [
"itrf_xyz": [
obs = get_observatory(full_name)
except KeyError:
obs = get_observatory(short_name)
except KeyError:
dict(name=full_name, topo_obs_entry=topo_obs_entry)
loc = EarthLocation.from_geocentric(x * u.m, y * u.m, z * u.m)
oloc = obs.earth_location_itrf()
d = earth_location_distance(loc, oloc)
if d > 1 * u.m:
obs.tempo_code if hasattr(obs, "tempo_code") else ""
# Check whether TEMPO alias - first two letters - works and is distinct from others?
# Check all t2 aliases also work for PINT?
# Check ITOA code?
# Check time corrections?
return report
[docs]def compare_tempo_obsys_dat(tempodir=None):
"""Read a tempo obsys.dat file and compare with PINT.
Produces a report including lines that can be added to PINT's
observatories.json to add any observatories unknown to PINT.
tempodir : str, optional
Path to the TEMPO runtime dir; if not provided, look in the
TEMPO environment variable.
The dictionary has two entries, under the keys "different" and "missing"; each is
a list of observatories found in the TEMPO files that disagree with what PINT
expects. Each entry in these lists is again a dict, with various properties of the
observatory, including a line that might be suitable for starting an entry in the
PINT observatory list.
if tempodir is None:
tempodir = os.getenv("TEMPO")
if tempodir is None:
raise ValueError(
"TEMPO directory not provided and TEMPO environment variable not set"
filename = os.path.join(tempodir, "obsys.dat")
report = defaultdict(list)
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
if line.strip().startswith("#"):
line_io = StringIO(line)
x = float(line_io.read(15))
y = float(line_io.read(15))
z = float(line_io.read(15))
icoord = line_io.read(1).strip()
icoord = int(icoord) if icoord else 0
obsnam = line_io.read(20).strip().lower()
tempo_code = line_io.read(1)
tempo_code = tempo_code if tempo_code != "-" else ""
itoa_code = line_io.read(2).strip()
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f"unrecognized line '{line}'")
if icoord:
loc = EarthLocation.from_geocentric(x * u.m, y * u.m, z * u.m)
def convert_angle(x):
s = np.sign(x)
x = np.abs(x)
return s * (
(x // 10000) * u.deg
+ ((x % 10000) // 100) * u.arcmin
+ (x % 100) * u.arcsec
loc = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(
-convert_angle(y), convert_angle(x), z * u.m
x, y, z = (a.to_value(u.m) for a in loc.to_geocentric())
name = obsnam.replace(" ", "_")
topo_obs_entry = textwrap.dedent(
"{name}": {{
"itrf_xyz": [
"tempo_code": "{tempo_code}",
"itoa_code": "{itoa_code}"
obs = get_observatory(itoa_code)
except KeyError:
obs = get_observatory(tempo_code)
except KeyError:
oloc = obs.earth_location_itrf()
d = earth_location_distance(loc, oloc)
if d > 1 * u.m:
obs.tempo_code if hasattr(obs, "tempo_code") else ""
# Check whether TEMPO alias - first two letters - works and is distinct from others?
# Check all t2 aliases also work for PINT?
# Check ITOA code?
# Check time corrections?
return report
[docs]def list_last_correction_mjds():
"""Print out a list of the last MJD each clock correction is good for.
Each observatory lists the clock files it uses and their last dates,
and a combined last date for the observatory. The last date for the
observatory is also limited by the date ranges covered by GPS and BIPM
tables, if appropriate.
Observatories for which PINT doesn't know how to find the clock corrections
are not listed. Observatories for which PINT knows where the clock correction
should be but can't find it are listed as MISSING.
for n in Observatory.names():
o = get_observatory(n)
m = o.last_clock_correction_mjd()
print(f"{n:<24} {Time(m, format='mjd').iso}")
except (ValueError, TypeError):
print(f"{n:<24} MISSING")
if not hasattr(o, "_clock"):
for c in o._clock:
f" {c.friendly_name:<20}"
f" {Time(c.last_correction_mjd(), format='mjd').iso}"
except (ValueError, TypeError):
print(f" {c.friendly_name:<20} MISSING")
[docs]def update_clock_files(bipm_versions=None):
"""Obtain an up-to-date version of all clock files.
This up-to-date version will be stored in the Astropy cache;
you can then export or otherwise preserve the Astropy cache
so it can be pre-loaded on systems that might not have
network access.
This updates only the clock files that PINT knows how to use. To
grab everything in the repository you can use
bipm_versions : list of str or None
Include these versions of the BIPM TAI to TT clock corrections
in addition to whatever is in use. Typical values look like
# FIXME: allow forced downloads for non-expired files
if bipm_versions is not None:
o = get_observatory("AXIS")
# Load requested BIPM files
for v in bipm_versions:
# Load gps2utc.clk
t = Time.now()
for n in Observatory.names():
o = get_observatory(n)
if not hasattr(o, "clock_file"):
# For this purpose (pre-loading observatory clock files) no need for BIPM or GPS corrections
o.clock_corrections(t, use_bipm=False, limits="error")
except ClockCorrectionOutOfRange:
except NoClockCorrections:
log.info(f"Observatory {n} has no clock corrections")
# Both topo_obs and special_locations need this
[docs]def find_clock_file(
"""Locate and return a ClockFile in one of several places.
PINT looks for clock files in three places, in order:
1. The directory ``$PINT_CLOCK_OVERRIDE``
2. The global clock correction repository on the Internet (or a locally cached copy)
3. The directory ``pint.config.runtimefile('.')``
The first place the file is found is the one use; this allows you to force PINT to
use your own files in place of those in the global repository.
name : str
The name of the file, for example ``time_ao.dat``.
format : "tempo" or "tempo2"
The format of the file; this also determines where in the global repository
to look for it.
bogus_last_correction : bool
Whether the file contains a far-future value to help other programs'
interpolation cope.
url_base : str or None
Override the usual location to look for global clock corrections
(mostly useful for testing)
clock_dir : str or pathlib.Path or None
If None or "PINT", use the above procedure; if "TEMPO" or "TEMPO2" use
those programs' customary locations; if a path, look there specifically.
valid_beyond_ends : bool
If False, emit a warning or exception when evaluating the clock file past
the ends of the data it contains.
# Avoid import loop
from pint.observatory.clock_file import ClockFile, GlobalClockFile
from pint.observatory.global_clock_corrections import Index
if name == "":
raise ValueError("No filename supplied to find_clock_file")
if clock_dir is None or str(clock_dir).upper() == "PINT":
# Don't try loading it from a specific path
p = None
elif str(clock_dir).lower() == "tempo":
if "TEMPO" not in os.environ:
raise NoClockCorrections(
f"TEMPO environment variable not set but clock file {name} "
f"is supposed to be in the directory it points to"
p = Path(os.environ["TEMPO"]) / "clock" / name
elif str(clock_dir).lower() == "tempo2":
if "TEMPO2" not in os.environ:
raise NoClockCorrections(
f"TEMPO2 environment variable not set but clock file {name} "
f"is supposed to be in the directory it points to"
# Look in the TEMPO2 directory and nowhere else
p = Path(os.environ["TEMPO2"]) / "clock" / name
# assume it's a path and look in there
p = Path(clock_dir) / name
if p is not None:
log.info("Loading clock file {p} from specified location")
return ClockFile.read(
env_clock = None
global_clock = None
local_clock = None
if pint_clock_env_var in os.environ:
loc = Path(os.environ[pint_clock_env_var]) / name
if loc.exists():
# FIXME: more arguments?
env_clock = ClockFile.read(
# Could just return this but we want to emit
# a warning with an appropriate level of forcefulness
index = Index(url_base=url_base)
if name in index.files:
global_clock = GlobalClockFile(
loc = Path(runtimefile(name))
if loc.exists():
local_clock = ClockFile.read(
if env_clock is not None:
if global_clock is not None:
# FIXME: if we're not going to use the values from the global clock
# we could have saved downloading and parsing it
f"Clock file from {env_clock.filename} overrides global clock "
f"file {name} because of {pint_clock_env_var}"
log.info(f"Using clock file from {env_clock.filename}")
return env_clock
elif global_clock is not None:
log.info(f"Using global clock file for {name} with {bogus_last_correction=}")
return global_clock
elif local_clock is not None:
log.info(f"Using local clock file for {name}")
return local_clock
# Null clock file should return warnings/exceptions if ever you try to
# look up a data point in it
raise NoClockCorrections(f"No clock file for {name}")