Source code for pint.pint_matrix

""" pint_matrix module defines the pint matrix base class, the design matrix .  and the covariance matrix

import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations
import astropy.units as u
from collections import OrderedDict
from warnings import warn
import copy

import pint.utils as pu

__all__ = [

[docs]class PintMatrix: """PINT matrix is a base class for PINT fitters matrix. Parameters ---------- data : `numpy.ndarray` Matrix data. axis_labels : list of dictionary The labels of the axes. Each list element contains the names and indices of the labels for the dimension. [{dim0_label0: (start, end, unit), dim0_label1:(start, end, unit)}, {dim1_label0:...}] The start and end follows the python slice convention (i.e., end = size + 1). Note ---- TODO: 1. add index to label mapping """ def __init__(self, matrix, axis_labels): self.matrix = matrix self.axis_labels = axis_labels # Check dimensions if len(axis_labels) != self.matrix.ndim: raise ValueError( "Axis label dimension does not match the matrix dimension." ) # Check label index overlap TODO: should we allow overlap? self._check_index_overlap() def __getitem__(self, key): raise NotImplementedError( f"Cannot access elements of '{self.__class__}' directly. Use `get_label_matrix()` method to access via parameter name, or `matrix` property." ) @property def ndim(self): return self.matrix.ndim @property def shape(self): return self.matrix.shape @property def labels(self): labels = [] for dim in range(len(self.axis_labels)): labels.append(self.get_axis_labels(dim)) return labels @property def label_units(self): units = [] for dim in range(len(self.axis_labels)): units.append(self.get_axis_labels(dim)) return units
[docs] def diag(self, k=0): """ Extract a diagonal. Parameters ---------- k: int (optional) Diagonal in question. The default is 0. Use k>0 for diagonals above the main diagonal, and k<0 for diagonals below the main diagonal. Returns ------- out : ndarray The extracted diagonal. """ return np.diag(self.matrix, k=k)
[docs] def get_label_names(self, axis=None): """Return only the names of the labels along the specified axis if requested. Parameters ---------- axis: int (optional) axis for the label lookup Returns ------- labels : list of label names for all dimensions, or just along the specified axis """ labels = [] if axis is None: r = range(len(self.axis_labels)) else: if isinstance(axis, int): return [x[0] for x in self.get_axis_labels(axis)] else: # assume it's an iterable (how to check?) r = axis for dim in r: labels.append([x[0] for x in self.get_axis_labels(dim)]) return labels
[docs] def get_unique_label_names(self): """Return all unique label names (there may be duplications between axes). Returns ------- labels : set of unique label names across all dimensions TODO: preserve order? """ labels = self.get_label_names() unique_labels = [] for l in labels: unique_labels += l return set(unique_labels)
[docs] def get_label_size(self, label, axis=None): """Get the size of the a label for all axes, or just the specified axis. Parameters ---------- label: str Name of the label. axis: int (optional) axis for the label lookup Returns ------- sizes : list of (start,stop) indices for the given label across each dimension """ lb_sizes = [] lbs = self.get_label(label, axis=axis) for ii, lb in enumerate(lbs): size = lb[3] - lb[2] lb_sizes.append((ii, size)) return lb_sizes
def _check_index_overlap(self): for ii in range(self.ndim): axis_labels = self.get_axis_labels(ii) comb = combinations(axis_labels, 2) for cb in comb: if cb[0][1][0] <= cb[1][1][1] and cb[1][1][0] <= cb[0][1][1] - 1: raise ValueError("Label index in dim {} has" " overlap".format(ii)) def _get_label_start(self, label_entry): return label_entry[1][0]
[docs] def get_axis_labels(self, axis): """Get the axis labels for the specified axis Parameters ---------- axis: int axis for the label lookup Returns ------- labels : list of (name, (start,stop,unit) for the given axis """ dim_label = list(self.axis_labels[axis].items()) dim_label.sort(key=self._get_label_start) return dim_label
[docs] def get_label(self, label, axis=None): """Get the label entry and its dimension. If axis is specified, will only be along that axis Parameters ---------- label: str label to lookup axis: int, optional axis for the label lookup Returns ------- labels : list of (name, axis, start,stop,unit) for the given label """ # We assume the labels are unique in the matrix. all_label = [] for ii, dim in enumerate(self.axis_labels): if label in dim.keys(): if axis is None or axis == ii: all_label.append((label, ii) + dim[label]) if all_label == []: if axis is None: raise KeyError("Label {} is not in the matrix".format(label)) else: raise KeyError( "Label {} is not in the matrix in axis {}".format(label, axis) ) else: return all_label
[docs] def get_label_along_axis(self, axis, label_name): """Get the request label from on axis. DEPRECATED - use get_label(..., axis=axis) """ warn( "This method is deprecated. Use `parameter_covariance_matrix.get_label(..., axis=axis)[0]` instead of `parameter_covariance_matrix.get_label_along_axis(...)", category=DeprecationWarning, ) label_in_one_axis = self.axis_labels[axis] if label_name in label_in_one_axis.keys(): return (label_name, axis) + label_in_one_axis[label_name] else: raise ValueError( "Label '{}' is not in the axis {}".format(label_name, axis) )
[docs] def get_label_slice(self, labels): """Return the given label slices. Parameters ---------- labels: list of str labels to lookup Returns ------- slice, labels : slice into original matrix and labels of new (sliced) matrix """ dim_slices = dict([(d, slice(None)) for d in range(self.ndim)]) new_labels = dict([(d, {}) for d in range(self.ndim)]) for lb in labels: label_info = self.get_label(lb) label_size = self.get_label_size(lb) for d in range(self.ndim): if isinstance(dim_slices[d], list): # an entry already exists. Add to it start = len(dim_slices[d]) + 1 dim_slices[d] += list(range(label_info[d][2], label_info[d][3])) else: # start a new one start = 0 dim_slices[d] = list(range(label_info[d][2], label_info[d][3])) new_labels[d].update({lb: (start, start + label_size[d][1])}) return np.ix_(*list(dim_slices.values())), list(new_labels.values())
[docs] def get_label_matrix(self, labels): """Get a sub-matrix data according to the given labels. Parameters ---------- labels: list of str labels to lookup Returns ------- PintMatrix : new matrix with only the specified labels (or relevant subclass) """ slice, new_labels = self.get_label_slice(labels) return self.__class__(self.matrix[slice], new_labels)
[docs] def match_labels_along_axis(self, pint_matrix, axis): """Match one axis' labels index between the current matrix and input pint matrix. The labels will be matched along axes, not cross the axes. Parameters ---------- pint_matrix : `PintMatrix` object or its sub-classes. The input pint matrix for label matching. axis : int The matching axis. Return ------ Index map between the current labels and input matrix labels along axis. """ current_labels = self.get_axis_labels(axis) input_labels = pint_matrix.get_axis_labels(axis) curr_label_name = [cl[0] for cl in current_labels] input_label_name = [il[0] for il in input_labels] matched = list(set(curr_label_name).intersection(set(input_label_name))) match_index = {} for lb in matched: l1, ax1, idx1 = self.get_label(lb) l2, ax2, idx2 = pint_matrix.get_label(lb) match_index[lb] = [idx1, idx2] return match_index
def map_labels(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def append_along_axis(self, pint_matrix, axis): """Append one pint matrix on a given axis.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class DesignMatrix(PintMatrix): """A generic design matrix class for least square fitting. Parameters ---------- matrix : `numpy.ndarray` Design matrix values. axis_labels : list of dictionary The labels of the axes. Each list element contains the names and indices of the labels for the dimension. [{dim0_label0: (start, end, unit), dim0_label1:(start, end, unit)},{dim1_label0:...}] The start and end follows the python slice convention (i.e., end = size + 1). Note ---- Design matrix dim1 is the derivative quantities. Design matrix dim2 is the derivative parameters. TODO: 1. add index to unit mapping. """ def __init__(self, matrix, labels): super().__init__(matrix, labels) @property def param_units(self): param_lb = self.get_axis_labels(1) return [lb[1][2] for lb in param_lb] @property def derivative_quantity(self): param_lb = self.get_axis_labels(0) return [lb[0] for lb in param_lb] @property def derivative_params(self): param_lb = self.get_axis_labels(1) return [lb[0] for lb in param_lb]
[docs]class DesignMatrixMaker: """Class for pint design matrix maker class. Parameters ---------- derivative_quantity : str The differentiated quantity name. It will be used to search for the derivative functions. For instance, if derivative_quantity = 'phase', it will search for the 'd_phase_d_param' function in the model. quantity_unit : `astropy.units.unit` object The unit of the derivative quantity. """ def __new__(cls, derivative_quantity=None, quantity_unit=None): # Set argument to None to enable the deepcopy. target_cls = None if derivative_quantity is not None: target_cls = design_matrix_maker_map.get(derivative_quantity.lower(), None) # If there is no matching maker, use the current one. if target_cls is not None: cls = target_cls return super().__new__(cls) def __init__(self, derivative_quantity=None, quantity_unit=None): self.derivative_quantity = derivative_quantity self.quantity_unit = quantity_unit # The derivative function should be a wrapper function like d_phase_d_param() if derivative_quantity is None: raise ValueError("Argument 'derivative_quantity' can not be None.") self.deriv_func_name = "d_{}_d_param".format(self.derivative_quantity)
[docs] def __call__( self, data, model, derivative_params, offset=False, offset_padding=0.0 ): """A general method to make design matrix. Parameters ---------- data : `pint.toa.TOAs` object or other data object The data point where the derivatives are evaluated. model : `pint.models.TimingModel` object The model that provides the derivatives. derivative_params : list The parameter list for the derivatives 'd_quantity_d_param'. offset : bool, optional Add the implicit offset to the beginning of design matrix. Default is False. This is to match the current phase offset in the design matrix. This option will be ignored if a `PhaseOffset` component is present in the timing model. offset_padding : float, optional if including offset, the value for padding. """ # Get derivative functions deriv_func = getattr(model, self.deriv_func_name) # Check if the derivate quantity a phase derivative offset = offset and "PhaseOffset" not in model.components params = ["Offset"] if offset else [] params += derivative_params labels = [] M = np.zeros((len(data), len(params))) labels.append({self.derivative_quantity: (0, M.shape[0], self.quantity_unit)}) labels_dim2 = {} for ii, param in enumerate(params): if param == "Offset": M[:, ii] = offset_padding param_unit = u.Unit("") else: param_unit = getattr(model, param).units q = deriv_func(data, param).to(self.quantity_unit / param_unit) # This will strip the units M[:, ii] = q labels_dim2[param] = (ii, ii + 1, param_unit) labels.append(labels_dim2) return DesignMatrix(M, labels)
[docs]class PhaseDesignMatrixMaker(DesignMatrixMaker): """A specific class for making phase design matrix."""
[docs] def __call__(self, data, model, derivative_params, offset=True, offset_padding=1.0): """Create the phase design matrix. Parameters ---------- data : `pint.toa.TOAs` object or other data object The data point where the derivatives are evaluated. model : `pint.models.TimingModel` object The model that provides the derivatives. derivative_params : list The parameter list for the derivatives 'd_quantity_d_param'. offset : bool, optional Add the the implicit offset to the beginning of design matrix. Default is True. This option will be ignored if a `PhaseOffset` component is present in the timing model. offset_padding : float, optional if including offset, the value for padding. Default is 1.0 """ deriv_func = getattr(model, self.deriv_func_name) # Check if the derivate quantity a phase derivative offset = offset and "PhaseOffset" not in model.components params = ["Offset"] if offset else [] params += derivative_params labels = [] M = np.zeros((data.ntoas, len(params))) labels.append({self.derivative_quantity: (0, M.shape[0], self.quantity_unit)}) labels_dim2 = {} delay = model.delay(data) for ii, param in enumerate(params): if param == "Offset": M[:, ii] = offset_padding param_unit = u.Unit("") else: param_unit = getattr(model, param).units # Since this is the phase derivative, we know the quantity unit. q = deriv_func(data, delay, param).to(u.Unit("") / param_unit) # NOTE Here we have negative sign here. Since in pulsar timing # the residuals are calculated as (Phase - int(Phase)), which is different # from the conventional definition of least square definition (Data - model) # We decide to add minus sign here in the design matrix, so the fitter # keeps the conventional way. M[:, ii] = -q labels_dim2[param] = (ii, ii + 1, param_unit) labels.append(labels_dim2) mask = [] for ii, param in enumerate(params): if param == "Offset": continue mask.append(ii) M[:, mask] /= model.F0.value # TODO maybe use defined label is better labels[0] = { self.derivative_quantity: (0, M.shape[0], self.quantity_unit * u.s) } d_matrix = DesignMatrix(M, labels) return d_matrix
[docs]class TOADesignMatrixMaker(PhaseDesignMatrixMaker): """A simple design matrix maker subclassed from the PhaseDesignMatrixMaker. It changes the derivative quantity from phase to TOAs. """ def __init__(self, derivative_quantity, quantity_unit): self.derivative_quantity = derivative_quantity self.quantity_unit = quantity_unit # The derivative function should be a wrapper function like d_phase_d_param() self.deriv_func_name = "d_phase_d_param"
[docs] def __call__(self, data, model, derivative_params, offset=True, offset_padding=1.0): d_matrix = super().__call__( data, model, derivative_params, offset=offset, offset_padding=offset_padding ) return d_matrix
[docs]class NoiseDesignMatrixMaker(DesignMatrixMaker): """Specific design matrix for noise model. Note ---- TODO: give proper labels. """
[docs] def __call__(self, data, model): result = [] if len(model.basis_funcs) == 0: return None for nf in model.basis_funcs: result.append(nf(data)[0]) M = np.hstack([r for r in result]) labels = [ {"toa": (0, M.shape[0], u.s)}, {"toa_noise_params": (0, M.shape[1], u.s)}, ] return DesignMatrix(M, labels)
design_matrix_maker_map = { "phase": PhaseDesignMatrixMaker, "toa": TOADesignMatrixMaker, "toa_noise": NoiseDesignMatrixMaker, }
[docs]def combine_design_matrices_by_quantity(design_matrices): """A fast method to combine two design matrix along the derivative quantity. It requires the parameter list match each other. Parameters ---------- design_matrices: `pint_matrix.DesignMatrix` object The input design matrix. """ axis_labels = [{}, design_matrices[0].axis_labels[1]] all_matrix = [] for ii, d_matrix in enumerate(design_matrices): if d_matrix.derivative_params != design_matrices[0].derivative_params: raise ValueError( "Input design matrix's derivative parameters do " "not match the current derivative parameters." ) # only update the derivative quantity label. if ii == 0: axis_labels[0].update(d_matrix.axis_labels[0]) # Set the start index of next label, which is the current ending index offset = d_matrix.get_axis_labels(0)[-1][1][1] else: new_labels = [] old_labels = d_matrix.get_axis_labels(0) for olb in old_labels: # apply offset to the next label. new_labels.append( (olb[0], (olb[1][0] + offset, olb[1][1] + offset, olb[1][2])) ) off_set = new_labels[-1][1][1] axis_labels[0].update(dict(new_labels)) all_matrix.append(d_matrix.matrix) result = DesignMatrix(np.vstack(all_matrix), axis_labels) return result
[docs]def combine_design_matrices_by_param(matrix1, matrix2, padding=0.0): """A fast method to combine two design matrix along the param axis. Parameters ---------- matrix1 : `pint_matrix.DesignMatrix` object The input design matrices. matrix2 : `pint_matrix.DesignMatrix` object The input design matrices. padding : float, optional The padding number if the derivative quantity is independent from the parameters. Default is 0.0. """ # init the quantity axis. axis_labels = copy.deepcopy(matrix1.axis_labels) # Get the base matrix labels and indices. base_params = matrix1.derivative_params base_quantity_index = matrix1.axis_labels[0] # Check if the parameters has overlap. for d_param in matrix2.derivative_params: if d_param in base_params: raise ValueError( f"Unable to combine the two design matrices as they have duplicated parameter(s): '{d_param}'." ) # check if input design matrix has same quantity and padding. new_quantity_index = {} append_offset = matrix1.shape[0] base_matrix = matrix1.matrix for d_quantity in matrix2.derivative_quantity: quantity_label = matrix2.get_label_along_axis(0, d_quantity) if d_quantity in base_quantity_index.keys(): # Check quantity size d_quantity_size = quantity_label[3] - quantity_label[2] base_size = ( base_quantity_index[d_quantity][1] - base_quantity_index[d_quantity][0] ) if d_quantity_size != base_size: raise ValueError( "Input design matrix's label " "{} has different size with matrix " "{}".format(d_quantity, 0) ) else: # assign new index for combined matrix new_quantity_index[d_quantity] = ( base_quantity_index[d_quantity][0], base_quantity_index[d_quantity][1], ) else: # if quantity is not in the base matrix, append to the base matrix append_size = matrix2.get_label_size(d_quantity)[0][1] new_quantity_index[d_quantity] = ( append_offset, append_offset + append_size, ) append_offset += append_size append_data = np.zeros((append_size, matrix2.shape[1])) append_data.fill(padding) base_matrix = np.vstack((base_matrix, append_data)) axis_labels[0].update( {d_quantity: new_quantity_index[d_quantity] + (quantity_label[2],)} ) # Combine matrix # make default new matrix with the right size new_matrix = np.zeros((base_matrix.shape[0], matrix2.shape[1])) new_matrix.fill(padding) # Fill up the new_matrix with matrix2 for quantity, new_idx in new_quantity_index.items(): old_idx = matrix2.get_label_along_axis(0, d_quantity)[2:4] new_matrix[new_idx[0] : new_idx[1], :] = matrix2.matrix[ old_idx[0] : old_idx[1], : ] new_param_label = [] param_offset = matrix1.shape[1] for lb, lb_index in matrix2.axis_labels[1].items(): # change parameter index new_param_label.append( (lb, (lb_index[0] + param_offset, lb_index[1] + param_offset, lb_index[2])) ) param_offset += lb_index[1] - lb_index[0] axis_labels[1].update(dict(new_param_label)) # append the new matrix result = np.hstack([base_matrix, new_matrix]) return DesignMatrix(result, axis_labels)
[docs]class CovarianceMatrix(PintMatrix): """A class for symmetric covariance matrix.""" matrix_type = "covariance" def __init__(self, matrix, labels): # Check if the covariance matrix is symmetric. if matrix.shape[0] != matrix.shape[1]: raise ValueError("The input matrix is not symmetric.") # Check if the labels are symmetric if len(labels[0]) != len(labels[1]): raise ValueError("The input labels are not symmetric.") super().__init__(matrix, labels) def _colorize_from_value(self, x, base): """Return color setting/un-setting codes Parameters ---------- x : float the value of the parameter from the correlation matrix, +/-(0-1) base : string the base text that will be formatted and colorized """ absx = abs(x) if absx < 0.5: return base # default terminal text color elif absx < 0.9: return pu.colorize(base, "green") elif absx < 0.99: return pu.colorize(base, "yellow") elif absx < 0.999: return pu.colorize(base, "red") else: return pu.colorize(base, "red", attribute="reverse")
[docs] def prettyprint(self, prec=3, coordinatefirst=False, offset=False, usecolor=True): """ Return a version of the array formatted for printing (with labels etc). Parameters ---------- prec : int, optional precision of floating-point output coordinatefirst : bool, optional whether or not the output should be re-ordered to put the coordinates first (after the Offset, if present) offset : bool, optional whether the implicit phase offset (i.e. "Offset") should be shown usecolor : bool, optional use color for "problem" CorrelationMatrix params Return ------ str : matrix formatted for printing """ fps = self.get_label_names(axis=0) if coordinatefirst: # reorder so that RAJ/DECJ (or other coordinate pairs?) are first in the output # but actually include the phase zero-point first if it's there offsetfirst = "Offset" in fps if ("RAJ" in fps) and ("DECJ" in fps): coordinates = ["RAJ", "DECJ"] elif ("ELONG" in fps) and ("ELAT" in fps): coordinates = ["ELONG", "ELAT"] # TODO: allow for other coordinates if not ( (fps.index(coordinates[0]) == (0 + int(offsetfirst))) and (fps.index(coordinates[1]) == (1 + int(offsetfirst))) ): if offsetfirst: neworder = [fps.index("Offset")] start = 1 else: neworder = [] start = 0 for i in range(start, len(fps)): if fps[i] == coordinates[0]: neworder.append(0 + int(offsetfirst)) elif fps[i] == coordinates[1]: neworder.append(1 + int(offsetfirst)) else: neworder.append(i + 1 + int(offsetfirst)) # reorder the indices fps = [fps[i] for i in neworder] newmatrix = self.get_label_matrix(fps) cm = newmatrix.matrix else: # no reordering is needed cm = self.matrix else: cm = self.matrix if offset == False: nfps = fps.remove("Offset") cm = self.get_label_matrix(fps).matrix if self.matrix_type == "covariance": base = "{0: {width}.{prec}e}" lens = [max(len(fp) + 2, prec + 8) for fp in fps] else: # "correlation" base = "{0: {width}.{prec}f}" lens = [max(len(fp) + 2, prec + 4) for fp in fps] maxlen = max(lens) sout = "\nParameter {} matrix:\n".format(self.matrix_type) line = "{0:^{width}}".format("", width=maxlen) for fp, ln in zip(fps, lens): line += "{0:^{width}}".format(fp, width=ln) sout += line + "\n" for ii, fp1 in enumerate(fps): line = "{0:^{width}}".format(fp1, width=maxlen) for jj, (fp2, ln) in enumerate(zip(fps[: ii + 1], lens[: ii + 1])): x = cm[ii, jj] text = ( self._colorize_from_value(x, base) if usecolor and ii != jj else base ) line += text.format(x, width=ln, prec=prec) sout += line + "\n" sout += "\n" return sout
def __repr__(self): return self.prettyprint()
[docs] def to_correlation_matrix(self): """ Convert a covariance matrix to a correlation matrix. Extract the diagonal elements to use as the uncertainties, and divide through by those values. Return ------ correlation : `CorrelationMatrix` """ errors = np.sqrt((self.diag())) return CorrelationMatrix((self.matrix / errors).T / errors, self.axis_labels)
[docs]class CorrelationMatrix(CovarianceMatrix): """A class for symmetric correlation matrix.""" # identical to covariance matrix, but give it a different name for printing matrix_type = "correlation"
[docs]class CovarianceMatrixMaker: """Class for pint design matrix maker class. Parameters ---------- covariance_quantity : str The covariance quantity name. It will be used to search for the functions. For instance, if derivative_quantity = 'phase', it will search for the 'd_phase_d_param' function in the model. quantity_unit : `astropy.units.unit` object The unit of the derivative quantity. """ def __init__(self, covariance_quantity, quantity_unit): self.covariance_quantity = covariance_quantity self.quantity_unit = quantity_unit # The derivative function should be a wrapper function like d_phase_d_param() self.cov_func_name = "{}_covariance_matrix".format(self.covariance_quantity)
[docs] def __call__(self, data, model): """A general method to make design matrix. Parameters ---------- data : `pint.toa.TOAs` object or other data object The data point where the derivatives are evaluated. model : `pint.models.TimingModel` object The model that provides the derivatives. """ func = getattr(model, self.cov_func_name) M = func(data) label = [ {self.covariance_quantity: (0, M.shape[0], self.quantity_unit**2)} ] * 2 return CovarianceMatrix(M, label)
[docs]def combine_covariance_matrix(covariance_matrices, crossterm={}, crossterm_padding=0.0): """A fast method to combine two covariance matrix diagonaly. Parameters ---------- covariance_matrices : list of `CovarianceMatrix` object. The design matrices needs to combine. crossterm : dictionary, optional The padding matrix of the cross area of two type of covariance matrices. The input formate is {(label1, label2): numpy.ndarray}. Default is {}. crossterm_padding : float If the corss term is not give, use the given padding number. Default is 0.0. """ new_size = 0 new_label = [] offset = 0 for cm in covariance_matrices: # Since covariance matrix are symmtric, only use dim1 new_size += cm.shape[0] cm_labels = cm.get_axis_labels(1) label_entry = tuple() for cmlb in cm_labels: label_entry = ( cmlb[0], (offset + cmlb[1][0], offset + cmlb[1][1], cmlb[1][2]), ) new_label.append(label_entry) offset += cm.shape[0] if crossterm != {}: new_cm = np.zeros((new_size, new_size)) else: new_cm = np.empty((new_size, new_size)) new_cm.fill(crossterm_padding) # Assign numbers to the matrix for ii, lb1 in enumerate(new_label): for jj, lb2 in enumerate(new_label): if ii == jj: new_cm[ lb1[1][0] : lb1[1][1], lb2[1][0] : lb2[1][1] ] = covariance_matrices[ii].matrix else: if crossterm != {}: cross_m = crossterm.get((lb1, lb2), None) if cross_m is None: cross_m = crossterm.get((lb2, lb1), None).T new_cm[lb1[1][0] : lb1[1][1], lb2[1][0] : lb2[1][1]] = cross_m return CovarianceMatrix(new_cm, [OrderedDict(new_label)] * 2)