Source code for pint.pintk.plk

Interactive emulator of tempo2 plk

import copy
import os
import sys

from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg
from pint.models.dispersion_model import Dispersion

from pint.models.parameter import funcParameter
import pint.pintk.pulsar as pulsar
import pint.pintk.colormodes as cm
from pint.models.astrometry import Astrometry

import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.filedialog as tkFileDialog
from tkinter import ttk

import pint.logging
from loguru import logger as log

from pint.residuals import WidebandDMResiduals

    from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import NavigationToolbar2Tk
except ImportError:
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import (
        NavigationToolbar2TkAgg as NavigationToolbar2Tk,

plotlabels = {
    "pre-fit": [
        "Pre-fit residual",
        "Pre-fit residual (phase)",
        "Pre-fit residual (us)",
    "post-fit": [
        "Post-fit residual",
        "Post-fit residual (phase)",
        "Post-fit residual (us)",
    "mjd": r"MJD",
    "orbital phase": "Orbital Phase",
    "serial": "TOA number",
    "day of year": "Day of the year",
    "year": "Year",
    "frequency": r"Observing Frequency (MHz)",
    "TOA error": r"TOA uncertainty ($\mu$s)",
    "rounded MJD": r"MJD",
    "model DM": "Model DM (pc/cm3)",
    "WB DM": "Wideband DM (pc/cm3)",
    "WB DM res": "Wideband DM residual (pc/cm3)",
    "WB DM err": "Wideband DM error (pc/cm3)",
    "elongation": r"Solar Elongation (deg)",

helpstring = """The following interactions are currently supported in the plotting pane in `pintk`:

Left click      Select a TOA (if close enough)
Right click     Delete a TOA (if close enough)
  z             Toggle from zoom mode to select mode or back
  r             Reset the pane - undo all deletions, selections, etc.
  k             Correct the pane (i.e. rescale the axes and plot)
  f             Perform a fit on the selected TOAs
  d             Delete (permanently) the selected TOAs
  t             Stash (temporarily remove) selected TOAs (or un-stash if nothing is selected) 
  u             Un-select all of the selected TOAs
  j             Jump the selected TOAs, or un-jump them if already jumped
  v             Jump all TOA clusters except those selected
  i             Print the prefit model as of this moment
  o             Print the postfit model as of this moment (if it exists)
  c             Print the postfit model parameter correlation matrix
  s             Print summary / derived parameters about the pulsar
  m             Print the range of MJDs with the highest density of TOAs
space           Print info about highlighted points (or all, if none are selected)
  x             Print chi^2 and rms info about highlighted points (or all, if none are selected)
  + (or =)      Increase pulse number for selected TOAs
  - (or _)      Decrease pulse number for selected TOAs
  > (or .)      Increase pulse number for TOAs to the right (i.e. later) of selection
  < (or ,)      Decrease pulse number for TOAs to the right (i.e. later) of selection
  q             Quit
  h             Print help

clickDist = 0.0005

# wideband and narrowband fitter options
wb_fitters = [
nb_fitters = [

icon_img = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "PINT_LOGO_128trans.gif")

# foreground text for labels etc
foreground = "black"
background = "#E9E9E9"

[docs]class State: """class used by revert to save the state of the system before each fit""" pass
[docs]class CreateToolTip: """ create a tooltip for a given widget From this page: """ def __init__(self, widget, text="widget info"): self.waittime = 500 # milliseconds self.wraplength = 180 # pixels self.widget = widget self.text = text self.widget.bind("<Enter>", self.enter) self.widget.bind("<Leave>", self.leave) self.widget.bind("<ButtonPress>", self.leave) = None = None def enter(self, event=None): self.schedule() def leave(self, event=None): self.unschedule() self.hidetip() def schedule(self): self.unschedule() = self.widget.after(self.waittime, self.showtip) def unschedule(self): id = = None if id: self.widget.after_cancel(id) def showtip(self, event=None): x = y = 0 x, y, cx, cy = self.widget.bbox("insert") x += self.widget.winfo_rootx() + 25 y += self.widget.winfo_rooty() + 20 # creates a toplevel window = tk.Toplevel(self.widget) # Leaves only the label and removes the app window"+%d+%d" % (x, y)) label = tk.Label(, text=self.text, justify="left", background="#ffffff", relief="solid", borderwidth=1, wraplength=self.wraplength, ) label.pack(ipadx=1) def hidetip(self): tw = = None if tw: tw.destroy()
[docs]class PlkFitBoxesWidget(tk.Frame): """ Allows one to select which parameters to fit for """ def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.configure(bg=background) self.boxChecked = None self.maxcols = 8
[docs] def setCallbacks(self, boxChecked): """ Set the callback functions """ self.boxChecked = boxChecked
[docs] def addFitCheckBoxes(self, model): """ Add the fitting checkboxes for the given model to the frame """ self.deleteFitCheckBoxes() self.compGrids = [] self.compCBs = [] self.compVisible = [] self.parVars = {} ii = 0 comps = model.components.keys() fitparams = [p for p in model.params if not getattr(model, p).frozen] for comp in comps: showpars = [ p for p in model.components[comp].params if ( p not in pulsar.nofitboxpars and model[p].quantity is not None and p in model.fittable_params and not isinstance(model[p], funcParameter) ) ] # Don't bother showing components without any fittable parameters if not showpars: continue self.compVisible.append(tk.IntVar()) self.compCBs.append( tk.Checkbutton( self, text=comp, variable=self.compVisible[ii], command=self.updateLayout, fg=foreground, bg=background, ) ) self.compGrids.append([]) for pp, par in enumerate(showpars): self.parVars[par] = tk.IntVar() self.compGrids[ii].append( tk.Checkbutton( self, text=par, variable=self.parVars[par], command=lambda p=par: self.changedFitCheckBox(p), bg=background, fg=foreground, ) ) if par in fitparams: # default DispersionDMX to off so graph not overwhelmed by parameters if comp != "DispersionDMX": self.compCBs[ii].select() self.compGrids[ii][pp].select() ii += 1 self.updateLayout()
def deleteFitCheckBoxes(self): for widget in self.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() def clear_grid(self): for widget in self.winfo_children(): widget.grid_forget() def updateLayout(self): self.clear_grid() rowCount = 0 for ii in range(len(self.compGrids)): self.compCBs[ii].grid(row=rowCount, column=0, sticky="W") if self.compVisible[ii].get(): for pp, cb in enumerate(self.compGrids[ii]): row = int(pp / self.maxcols) col = pp % self.maxcols + 1 cb.grid(row=rowCount + row, column=col, sticky="W") rowCount += int(len(self.compGrids[ii]) / self.maxcols) rowCount += 1 def changedFitCheckBox(self, par): if self.boxChecked is not None: self.boxChecked(par, bool(self.parVars[par].get()))'{par} will {"" if self.parVars[par].get() else "not "}be fit')
[docs]class PlkRandomModelSelect(tk.Frame): """ Allows one to select whether to fit with random models or not """ def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.configure(bg=background) self.boxChecked = None self.var = tk.IntVar() def addRandomCheckbox(self, master): self.clear_grid() checkbox = tk.Checkbutton( master, text="Random Models", variable=self.var, command=self.changedRMCheckBox, fg=foreground, bg=background, ) checkbox.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="N") checkbox_ttp = CreateToolTip( checkbox, "Display random timing models consistent with selected TOAs." ) if "zoom" in master.plkToolbar.mode: self.modeLabel = tk.Label( master, text="Mode: Zoom", fg=foreground, bg=background ) else: self.modeLabel = tk.Label( master, text="Mode: Select", fg=foreground, bg=background ) self.modeLabel.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="S")
[docs] def setCallbacks(self, boxChecked): """ Set the callback functions """ self.boxChecked = boxChecked
def clear_grid(self): for widget in self.winfo_children(): widget.grid_forget() def changedRMCheckBox(self): if self.var.get() == 1: log.debug("Random Models turned on.") else: log.debug("Random Models turned off.") def getRandomModel(self): return self.var.get() def changeMode(self, mode): if "zoom" in mode: self.modeLabel.config(text="Mode: Zoom", fg=foreground, bg=background) else: self.modeLabel.config(text="Mode: Select", fg=foreground, bg=background)
[docs]class PlkLogLevelSelect(tk.Frame): """ Allows one to select the log output level in the terminal """ def __init__(self, master): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.configure(bg=background) self.logLabel = tk.Label( self, text="Minimum Log Level: ", fg=foreground, bg=background ) self.logLabel.pack() self.logLevelSelect = ttk.Combobox(self) self.logLevelSelect.pack() self.logLevelSelect["values"] = ("TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR") self.logLevelSelect["state"] = "readonly" # user can't enter an option try: self.logLevelSelect.current( self.logLevelSelect["values"].index(master.init_loglevel) ) except ValueError: self.logLevelSelect.current(2) # Warning is default # bind user log level selection to function changing log level self.logLevelSelect.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.changeLogLevel) def changeLogLevel(self, event): newLevel = self.logLevelSelect.get() # get current value log.remove() log.add( sys.stderr, level=newLevel, colorize=True, format=pint.logging.format, filter=pint.logging.LogFilter(), )"Log level changed to {str(newLevel)}")
[docs]class PlkFitterSelect(tk.Frame): """ Allows one to select the fitter """ def __init__(self, master): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.configure(bg=background) self.fitterLabel = tk.Label(self, text="Fitter: ", fg=foreground, bg=background) self.fitterLabel.pack() self.fitterSelect = ttk.Combobox(self) self.fitterSelect.pack() self.fitterSelect["values"] = [] self.fitterSelect["state"] = "readonly" # user can't enter an option # bind user fitter selection to function changing fitter self.fitterSelect.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.changeFitter) def updateFitterChoices(self, wideband): self.fitterSelect["values"] = wb_fitters if wideband else nb_fitters def changeFitter(self, event): self.fitter = self.fitterSelect.get() # get current value"Selected {self.fitter}")
[docs]class PlkColorModeBoxes(tk.Frame): """ Allows one to select the color mode for the plot's TOAs. """ def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.configure(bg=background) self.boxChecked = None def addColorModeCheckbox(self, colorModes): self.checkboxes = [] self.checkboxStatus = tk.StringVar() self.label = tk.Label(self, text="Color Modes", fg=foreground, bg=background) for index, mode in enumerate(colorModes): self.checkboxes.append( tk.Radiobutton( self, text=mode.mode_name, variable=self.checkboxStatus, value=mode.mode_name, command=lambda m=mode: self.applyChanges(m), fg=foreground, bg=background, ) ) if mode.mode_name == "default": # default mode should be selected at start-up self.checkboxes[index].select() if mode.mode_name == "jump": if self.master.psr.fitted: model = self.master.psr.postfit_model else: model = self.master.psr.prefit_model if "PhaseJump" not in model.components: self.checkboxes[index].configure(state="disabled") self.updateLayout()
[docs] def setCallbacks(self, boxChecked): """ Set the callback functions """ self.boxChecked = boxChecked
def applyChanges(self, mode): mode.displayInfo() self.boxChecked(mode.mode_name) def clear_grid(self): for widget in self.winfo_children(): widget.grid_forget() def updateLayout(self): self.clear_grid() self.label.grid(row=0, column=0) for rowCount, ii in enumerate(range(len(self.checkboxes)), start=1): self.checkboxes[ii].grid(row=rowCount, column=0, sticky="W")
[docs]class PlkXYChoiceWidget(tk.Frame): """ Allows one to choose which quantities to plot against one another """ def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.configure(bg=background) self.xvar = tk.StringVar() self.yvar = tk.StringVar() # This will be set in PlkWidget.setPulsar and PlkWidget.update methods. self.wideband = False self.initPlkXYChoice() def initPlkXYChoice(self): labellength = 3 label = tk.Label(self, text="X", fg=foreground, bg=background) label.grid(row=0, column=1) label = tk.Label(self, text="Y", fg=foreground, bg=background) label.grid(row=0, column=2) self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=3) self.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) self.xbuttons = [] self.ybuttons = [] for ii, choice in enumerate(pulsar.plot_labels): label = tk.Label(self, text=choice, fg=foreground, bg=background) label.grid(row=ii + 1, column=0) self.xbuttons.append( tk.Radiobutton( self, variable=self.xvar, value=choice, command=self.updateChoice, bg=background, ) ) self.xbuttons[ii].grid(row=ii + 1, column=1) self.ybuttons.append( tk.Radiobutton( self, variable=self.yvar, value=choice, command=self.updateChoice, bg=background, ) ) self.ybuttons[ii].grid(row=ii + 1, column=2) def setChoice(self, xid="mjd", yid="pre-fit"): for ii, choice in enumerate(pulsar.plot_labels): if choice.lower() == xid: self.xbuttons[ii].select() if choice.lower() == yid: self.ybuttons[ii].select() model = ( self.master.psr.postfit_model if self.master.psr.fitted else self.master.psr.prefit_model ) if choice == "elongation" and not any( isinstance(x, Astrometry) for x in model.components.values() ): self.xbuttons[ii].configure(state="disabled") self.ybuttons[ii].configure(state="disabled") elif choice == "orbital phase" and not model.is_binary: self.xbuttons[ii].configure(state="disabled") self.ybuttons[ii].configure(state="disabled") if choice == "frequency" and ( (len(np.unique(self.master.psr.all_toas["freq"])) <= 1) or np.any(np.isinf(self.master.psr.all_toas["freq"])) ): self.xbuttons[ii].configure(state="disabled") self.ybuttons[ii].configure(state="disabled") if choice == "model DM" and not any( isinstance(x, Dispersion) for x in model.components.values() ): self.xbuttons[ii].configure(state="disabled") self.ybuttons[ii].configure(state="disabled") if ( choice in ["WB DM", "WB DM res", "WB DM err"] and not self.master.psr.all_toas.is_wideband() ): self.xbuttons[ii].configure(state="disabled") self.ybuttons[ii].configure(state="disabled")
[docs] def setCallbacks(self, updatePlot): """ Set the callback functions """ self.updatePlot = updatePlot
def plotIDs(self): return self.xvar.get(), self.yvar.get() def updateChoice(self): self.setChoice(xid=self.xvar.get(), yid=self.yvar.get()) if self.updatePlot is not None: self.updatePlot()
[docs]class PlkToolbar(NavigationToolbar2Tk): """ A modification of the stock Matplotlib toolbar to perform the necessary selections/un-selections on points """ toolitems = [ t for t in NavigationToolbar2Tk.toolitems if t[0] in ("Home", "Back", "Forward", "Pan", "Zoom", "Save") ]
[docs]class PlkActionsWidget(tk.Frame): """ Shows action items like re-fit, write par, write tim, etc. """ def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) # self.configure(bg=background) self.fit_callback = None self.clearAll_callback = None self.writePar_callback = None self.writeTim_callback = None self.saveFig_callback = None self.revert_callback = None self.initPlkActions() def initPlkActions(self): self.fitbutton = tk.Button( self, text="Fit",, underline=0, bg=background, fg=foreground, ) self.fitbutton.grid(row=0, column=0) fitbutton_ttp = CreateToolTip( self.fitbutton, "Fit the selected TOAs to the current model." ) button1 = tk.Button( self, text="Revert", command=self.revert, bg=background, fg=foreground, ) button1.grid(row=0, column=1) button1_ttp = CreateToolTip(button1, "Undo the last model fit.") button2 = tk.Button( self, text="Write par", command=self.writePar, bg=background, fg=foreground, ) button2.grid(row=0, column=2) button2_ttp = CreateToolTip( button2, "Write the post-fit parfile to a file of your choice." ) button3 = tk.Button( self, text="Write tim", command=self.writeTim, bg=background, fg=foreground, ) button3.grid(row=0, column=3) button3_ttp = CreateToolTip( button3, "Write the current TOAs table to a .tim file of your choice." ) button4 = tk.Button( self, text="Reset", command=self.reset, underline=0, bg=background, fg=foreground, ) button4.grid(row=0, column=4) button4_ttp = CreateToolTip( button4, "Reset everything to the beginning of the session. Be Careful!" )
[docs] def setCallbacks(self, fit, reset, writePar, writeTim, revert): """ Callback functions """ self.fit_callback = fit self.revert_callback = revert self.writePar_callback = writePar self.writeTim_callback = writeTim self.reset_callback = reset
def setFitButtonText(self, text): self.fitbutton.config(text=text) def fit(self): if self.fit_callback is not None: self.fit_callback() def revert(self): if self.revert_callback is not None: self.revert_callback()"Revert clicked") def writePar(self): if self.writePar_callback is not None: self.writePar_callback()"Write Par clicked") def writeTim(self): if self.writeTim_callback is not None: self.writeTim_callback()"Write Tim clicked") def reset(self): if self.reset_callback is not None: self.reset_callback()"Reset clicked")
[docs]class PlkWidget(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.configure(bg=background) self.init_loglevel = kwargs.get("loglevel") self.initPlk() self.initPlkLayout() self.current_state = State() self.state_stack = [] self.update_callbacks = None = False self.move = False self.psr = None self.color_modes = [ cm.DefaultMode(self), cm.FreqMode(self), cm.ObsMode(self), cm.NameMode(self), cm.JumpMode(self), ] self.current_mode = "default" def initPlk(self): self.fitboxesWidget = PlkFitBoxesWidget(master=self) self.xyChoiceWidget = PlkXYChoiceWidget(master=self) self.actionsWidget = PlkActionsWidget(master=self) self.randomboxWidget = PlkRandomModelSelect(master=self) self.logLevelWidget = PlkLogLevelSelect(master=self) self.fitterWidget = PlkFitterSelect(master=self) self.colorModeWidget = PlkColorModeBoxes(master=self) self.plkDpi = 100 self.plkFig = plt.Figure(dpi=self.plkDpi) self.plkCanvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.plkFig, self) self.plkCanvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self.canvasClickEvent) self.plkCanvas.mpl_connect("button_release_event", self.canvasReleaseEvent) self.plkCanvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", self.canvasMotionEvent) self.plkCanvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", self.canvasKeyEvent) self.plkToolbar = PlkToolbar(self.plkCanvas, tk.Frame(self)) # This makes the "Home" button reset the plot just like the 'k' key self.plkToolbar.children["!button"].config(command=self.updatePlot) # print(self.plkToolbar.toolitems) # for k in self.plkToolbar.children: # print(k, self.plkToolbar.children[k].config("text")[-1]) # .children["!checkbutton2"] is the Zoom button # print(self.plkToolbar.children["!checkbutton2"].config()) # print("zoom mode = '%s'" % self.plkToolbar.mode) self.plkAxes = self.plkFig.add_subplot(111) # 111 self.plkAx2x = self.plkAxes.twinx() self.plkAx2y = self.plkAxes.twiny() self.plkAxes.set_zorder(0.1) self.drawSomething() def drawSomething(self): self.plkAxes.clear() self.plkAxes.grid(True) self.plkAxes.set_xlabel("MJD") self.plkFig.tight_layout() self.plkToolbar.push_current() self.plkCanvas.draw() def initPlkLayout(self): self.plkToolbar.master.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="nesw") self.xyChoiceWidget.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky="nw") self.plkCanvas.get_tk_widget().grid(row=2, column=1, sticky="nesw") self.actionsWidget.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="W") self.logLevelWidget.grid(row=3, column=2, sticky="E") self.fitterWidget.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky="E") self.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=10) self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1) self.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=10) self.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=1)
[docs] def update(self): if self.psr is not None: self.psr.update_resids() self.selected = np.zeros(self.psr.all_toas.ntoas, dtype=bool) self.jumped = np.zeros(self.psr.all_toas.ntoas, dtype=bool) self.actionsWidget.setFitButtonText("Fit") self.fitboxesWidget.addFitCheckBoxes(self.psr.prefit_model) self.randomboxWidget.addRandomCheckbox(self) self.colorModeWidget.addColorModeCheckbox(self.color_modes) self.fitterWidget.updateFitterChoices(self.psr.all_toas.wideband) self.xyChoiceWidget.wideband = self.psr.all_toas.wideband self.xyChoiceWidget.setChoice() self.updatePlot(keepAxes=True) self.plkToolbar.update() # reset state stack self.state_stack = [self.base_state] self.current_state = State()
def setPulsar(self, psr, updates): self.psr = psr # self.selected & self.jumped = boolean arrays, len = all_toas, True = selected/jumped self.selected = np.zeros(self.psr.all_toas.ntoas, dtype=bool) self.jumped = np.zeros(self.psr.all_toas.ntoas, dtype=bool) # update jumped with any jump params already in the file self.updateAllJumped() self.update_callbacks = updates if not hasattr(self, "base_state"): self.base_state = State() self.base_state.psr = copy.deepcopy(self.psr) self.base_state.selected = copy.deepcopy(self.selected) self.state_stack.append(self.base_state) self.fitboxesWidget.setCallbacks(self.fitboxChecked) self.colorModeWidget.setCallbacks(self.updateGraphColors) self.xyChoiceWidget.wideband = self.psr.all_toas.wideband self.xyChoiceWidget.setCallbacks(self.updatePlot) self.actionsWidget.setCallbacks(, self.reset, self.writePar, self.writeTim, self.revert ) self.fitboxesWidget.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="W") self.fitboxesWidget.addFitCheckBoxes(self.psr.prefit_model) self.randomboxWidget.addRandomCheckbox(self) self.colorModeWidget.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=1, sticky="S") self.colorModeWidget.addColorModeCheckbox(self.color_modes) self.xyChoiceWidget.setChoice() self.fitterWidget.updateFitterChoices(self.psr.all_toas.wideband) self.fitterWidget.fitterSelect.current( self.fitterWidget.fitterSelect["values"].index(self.psr.fit_method) ) self.fitterWidget.fitter = self.psr.fit_method self.updatePlot(keepAxes=False) self.plkToolbar.update() def call_updates(self, psr_update=False): if self.update_callbacks is not None: for ucb in self.update_callbacks: if psr_update: ucb(self.psr) else: ucb() def updateGraphColors(self, color_mode): self.current_mode = color_mode self.updatePlot(keepAxes=True)
[docs] def fitboxChecked(self, parchanged, newstate): """ When a fitbox is (un)checked, this callback function is called @param parchanged: Which parameter has been (un)checked @param newstate: The new state of the checkbox (True if model should be fit) """ getattr(self.psr.prefit_model, parchanged).frozen = not newstate if self.psr.fitted: getattr(self.psr.postfit_model, parchanged).frozen = not newstate if parchanged.startswith("JUMP"): self.updateJumped(parchanged) self.call_updates() self.updatePlot(keepAxes=True)
[docs] def unselect(self): """ Undo a selection (but not deletes) """ self.psr.selected_toas = copy.deepcopy(self.psr.all_toas) self.selected = np.zeros(self.psr.selected_toas.ntoas, dtype=bool) self.updatePlot(keepAxes=True) self.call_updates()
[docs] def fit(self): """ fit the selected points using the current pre-fit model """ if self.psr is not None: # check jumps wont cancel fit, if so, exit here if self.check_jump_invalid(): return None if self.psr.fitted: # append the current state to the state stack self.current_state.psr = copy.deepcopy(self.psr) self.current_state.selected = self.selected self.state_stack.append(copy.deepcopy(self.current_state)) self.psr.fit_method = self.fitterWidget.fitter if self.randomboxWidget.getRandomModel(): self.psr.random_models(self.selected) self.current_state.selected = copy.deepcopy(self.selected) self.actionsWidget.setFitButtonText("Re-fit") self.fitboxesWidget.addFitCheckBoxes(self.psr.prefit_model) self.randomboxWidget.addRandomCheckbox(self) self.colorModeWidget.addColorModeCheckbox(self.color_modes) xid, yid = self.xyChoiceWidget.plotIDs() self.xyChoiceWidget.setChoice(xid=xid, yid="post-fit") self.jumped = np.zeros(self.psr.all_toas.ntoas, dtype=bool) self.updateAllJumped() self.updatePlot(keepAxes=False) self.call_updates()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset all plot changes for this pulsar """ self.psr.use_pulse_numbers = False self.psr.reset_TOAs() self.psr.fitted = False self.psr = copy.deepcopy(self.base_state.psr) self.selected = np.zeros(self.psr.all_toas.ntoas, dtype=bool) self.jumped = np.zeros(self.psr.all_toas.ntoas, dtype=bool) self.updateAllJumped() self.actionsWidget.setFitButtonText("Fit") self.fitboxesWidget.addFitCheckBoxes(self.base_state.psr.prefit_model) self.randomboxWidget.addRandomCheckbox(self) self.colorModeWidget.addColorModeCheckbox(self.color_modes) self.xyChoiceWidget.setChoice() self.updatePlot(keepAxes=False) self.plkToolbar.update() self.current_state = State() self.state_stack = [self.base_state] self.call_updates(psr_update=True)
[docs] def writePar(self, format="pint"): """ Write the fit parfile to ea file """ filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(title="Choose output par file") try: with open(filename, "w") as fout: if self.psr.fitted: fout.write(self.psr.postfit_model.as_parfile(format=format))"Saved post-fit parfile to {filename} in {format} format") else: fout.write(self.psr.prefit_model.as_parfile(format=format)) log.warning( f"Pulsar has not been fitted! Saving pre-fit parfile to {filename} in {format} format" ) except Exception: if filename in [(), ""]: print("Write Par cancelled.") else: log.error(f"Could not save parfile to filename:\t{filename}")
[docs] def writeTim(self, format="tempo2"): """ Write the current timfile to a file """ # remove jump flags from toas (don't want model-specific jumps being saved) for dict in self.psr.all_toas.table["flags"]: if "jump" in dict.keys(): del dict["jump"] filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(title="Choose output tim file") try:"Choose output file {filename}") self.psr.all_toas.write_TOA_file(filename, format=format)"Wrote TOAs to {filename} with format {format}") except Exception: if filename in [(), ""]: print("Write Tim cancelled.") else: log.error(f"Could not save file to filename:\t{filename}")
[docs] def revert(self): """ revert to the state of the model and toas right before the last fit """ if len(self.state_stack) > 0 and self.psr.fitted and self.psr is not None: c_state = self.state_stack.pop() self.psr = c_state.psr self.selected = c_state.selected self.selected = self.psr.delete_TOAs(self.psr.deleted, self.selected) self.updateAllJumped() self.fitboxesWidget.addFitCheckBoxes(self.psr.prefit_model) self.randomboxWidget.addRandomCheckbox(self) self.colorModeWidget.addColorModeCheckbox(self.color_modes) if len(self.state_stack) == 0: self.state_stack.append(self.base_state) self.actionsWidget.setFitButtonText("Fit") self.psr.update_resids() self.updatePlot(keepAxes=False) else: log.warning("No model to revert to")
[docs] def updatePlot(self, keepAxes=False): """ Update the plot/figure @param keepAxes: Set to True whenever we want to preserve zoom """ if self.psr is not None: # Get a mask for the plotting points # msk = self.psr.mask('plot') # Get the IDs of the X and Y axis self.xid, self.yid = self.xyChoiceWidget.plotIDs() # Retrieve the data x, self.xerrs = self.psr_data_from_label(self.xid) y, self.yerrs = self.psr_data_from_label(self.yid) if x is not None and y is not None: self.xvals = x self.yvals = y if "fit" in self.yid and not hasattr(self, "y_unit"): ymin, ymax = self.determine_yaxis_units(miny=y.min(), maxy=y.max()) self.y_unit = ymin.unit self.yvals = self.yerrs = self.plotResiduals(keepAxes=keepAxes) else: raise ValueError("Nothing to plot!") self.plkFig.tight_layout() self.plkCanvas.draw()
[docs] def plotErrorbar(self, selected, color): """ For some reason, xvals will not plot unless unitless. Tried using quantity_support and time_support, which plots x & yvals, but then yerrs fails - cannot find work-around in this case. """ self.plkAxes.errorbar( self.xvals[selected].value, self.yvals[selected], yerr=self.yerrs[selected], fmt=".", color=color, )
[docs] def plotResiduals(self, keepAxes=False): """ Update the plot, given all the plotting info """ if keepAxes: xmin, xmax = self.plkAxes.get_xlim() ymin, ymax = self.plkAxes.get_ylim() else: xave = 0.5 * (np.max(self.xvals) + np.min(self.xvals)) xmin = xave - 1.10 * (xave - np.min(self.xvals)) xmax = xave + 1.10 * (np.max(self.xvals) - xave) if self.yerrs is None: yave = 0.5 * (np.max(self.yvals) + np.min(self.yvals)) ymin = yave - 1.10 * (yave - np.min(self.yvals)) ymax = yave + 1.10 * (np.max(self.yvals) - yave) else: yave = 0.5 * ( np.max(self.yvals + self.yerrs) + np.min(self.yvals - self.yerrs) ) ymin = yave - 1.10 * (yave - np.min(self.yvals - self.yerrs)) ymax = yave + 1.10 * (np.max(self.yvals + self.yerrs) - yave) xmin, xmax = xmin.value, xmax.value # determine if y-axis units need scaling and scale accordingly if "fit" in self.yid: # ymin, ymax = self.determine_yaxis_units(miny=ymin, maxy=ymax) # self.y_unit = ymin.unit if type(self.yvals) == u.quantity.Quantity: self.yvals = if type(ymin) == u.quantity.Quantity: ymin, ymax =, else: if type(ymin) == u.quantity.Quantity: ymin, ymax = ymin.value, ymax.value self.plkAxes.clear() self.plkAx2x.clear() self.plkAx2y.clear() self.plkAxes.grid(True) # plot residuals in appropriate color scheme for mode in self.color_modes: if self.current_mode == mode.mode_name: mode.plotColorMode() self.plkAxes.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) self.plkAxes.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) self.plkAx2y.set_visible(False) self.plkAx2x.set_visible(False) # clears the views stack and puts the scaled view on top, fixes toolbar problems # self.plkToolbar._views.clear() self.plkToolbar.push_current() if self.xid in ["pre-fit", "post-fit"]: self.plkAxes.set_xlabel(plotlabels[self.xid][0]) m = ( self.psr.prefit_model if self.xid == "pre-fit" or not self.psr.fitted else self.psr.postfit_model ) if hasattr(m, "F0"): self.plkAx2y.set_visible(True) self.plkAx2y.set_xlabel(plotlabels[self.xid][1]) f0 = self.plkAx2y.set_xlim(xmin * f0, xmax * f0) self.plkAx2y.xaxis.set_major_locator( mpl.ticker.FixedLocator(self.plkAxes.get_xticks() * f0) ) else: self.plkAxes.set_xlabel(plotlabels[self.xid]) if self.yid in ["pre-fit", "post-fit"]: self.plkAxes.set_ylabel( plotlabels[self.yid][0] + " (" + str(self.y_unit) + ")" ) try: r = ( self.psr.prefit_resids if self.yid == "pre-fit" or not self.psr.fitted else self.psr.postfit_resids ) if self.y_unit == f0 = r.get_PSR_freq().to(u.MHz).value elif self.y_unit == f0 = r.get_PSR_freq().to(u.kHz).value else: f0 = r.get_PSR_freq().to(u.Hz).value self.plkAx2x.set_visible(True) self.plkAx2x.set_ylabel(plotlabels[self.yid][1]) self.plkAx2x.set_ylim(ymin * f0, ymax * f0) self.plkAx2x.yaxis.set_major_locator( mpl.ticker.FixedLocator(self.plkAxes.get_yticks() * f0) ) except: pass # If fitting orbital phase, plot the conjunction if self.xid == "orbital phase": m = ( self.psr.prefit_model if self.xid == "pre-fit" or not self.psr.fitted else self.psr.postfit_model ) if m.is_binary: print( "The black vertical line is when superior conjunction occurs." ) # Get the time of conjunction after T0 or TASC tt = m.T0.value if hasattr(m, "T0") else m.TASC.value mjd = m.conjunction(tt) pb = m.pb()[0].to_value("day") phs = (mjd - tt) / pb self.plkAxes.plot([phs, phs], [ymin, ymax], "k-") else: self.plkAxes.set_ylabel(plotlabels[self.yid]) self.plkAxes.set_title(, y=1.1) # plot random models if self.psr.fitted == True and self.randomboxWidget.getRandomModel() == 1:"Plotting random models") f_toas = self.psr.faketoas rs = self.psr.random_resids # look at axes, allow random models to plot on x-axes other than MJD xid, yid = self.xyChoiceWidget.plotIDs() if xid == "year": t = Time(f_toas.get_mjds(), format="mjd") f_toas_plot = np.asarray(t.decimalyear) << u.year else: f_toas_plot = f_toas.get_mjds() scale = 1 if self.yvals.unit == scale = 10**6 elif self.yvals.unit == scale = 10**3 # Want to plot things in sorted order so that lines are smooth sort_inds = np.argsort(f_toas_plot) f_toas_plot = f_toas_plot[sort_inds] for i in range(len(rs)): self.plkAxes.plot( f_toas_plot, rs[i][sort_inds] * scale, "-k", alpha=0.3 )
[docs] def determine_yaxis_units(self, miny, maxy): """Checks range of residuals and converts units if range sufficiently large/small.""" diff = maxy - miny if diff > 0.2 * u.s: maxy = miny = elif diff > 0.2 * maxy = miny = else: maxy = miny = return miny, maxy
[docs] def print_info(self): """ Write information about the current selection, or all points """ # Select all the TOAs if not are selected selected = self.selected if np.sum(self.selected) else ~self.selected # xvals, yvals, index, obs, freq, error MJD flags header = ( f"\n{self.xid: ^10} {self.yid: ^10} {'index': ^7} {'Obs': ^7} " + f"{'Freq (MHz)': ^11} {'Error (us)': ^11} {'MJD': ^20} flags" ) print(header) print("-" * (len(header) + 8)) xs = self.xvals[selected].value ys = self.yvals[selected].value inds = self.psr.all_toas.table["index"][selected] obss = self.psr.all_toas.table["obs"][selected] freqs = self.psr.all_toas.table["freq"][selected] errors = self.psr.all_toas.table["error"][selected] MJDs = self.psr.all_toas.table["mjd_float"][selected] flags = self.psr.all_toas.table["flags"][selected] for x, y, ind, obs, freq, err, MJD, flag in zip( xs, ys, inds, obss, freqs, errors, MJDs, flags ): print( f"{x:^10.4f} {y:^10.4f} {ind:^7} {obs:^7} {freq:^11.4f} {err:^11.3f} {MJD:^20.15f} {flag}" ) self.print_chi2()
[docs] def print_chi2(self): """Print chi^2 about just the selected points""" # Select all the TOAs if not are selected selected = self.selected if np.sum(self.selected) else ~self.selected self.psr.print_chi2(selected)
[docs] def psr_data_from_label(self, label): """ Given a label, get the corresponding data from the pulsar @param label: The label for the data we want @return: data, error """ data, error = None, None if label == "pre-fit": if self.psr.fitted: # TODO: may want to include option for prefit resids to include jumps data = error = self.psr.prefit_resids_no_jumps.get_data_error().to( return data, error data = error = self.psr.prefit_resids.get_data_error().to( elif label == "post-fit": if self.psr.fitted: data = else: log.warning("Pulsar has not been fitted yet! Giving pre-fit residuals") data = error = self.psr.postfit_resids.get_data_error().to( elif label == "mjd": data = self.psr.all_toas.get_mjds() error = self.psr.all_toas.get_errors() elif label == "orbital phase": data = self.psr.orbitalphase() error = None elif label == "serial": data = np.arange(self.psr.all_toas.ntoas) * u.m / u.m error = None elif label == "day of year": data = self.psr.dayofyear() error = None elif label == "year": data = self.psr.year() error = None elif label == "frequency": data = self.psr.all_toas.get_freqs() error = None elif label == "TOA error": data = self.psr.all_toas.get_errors().to( error = None elif label == "rounded MJD": data = np.floor(self.psr.all_toas.get_mjds() + 0.5 * u.d) error = self.psr.all_toas.get_errors().to(u.d) elif label == "model DM": if self.psr.fitted: data = self.psr.postfit_model.total_dm(self.psr.all_toas) else: data = self.psr.prefit_model.total_dm(self.psr.all_toas) error = None elif label == "WB DM": if self.psr.all_toas.wideband: data = self.psr.all_toas.get_dms().to(pint.dmu) error = self.psr.all_toas.get_dm_errors().to(pint.dmu) else: log.warning("Cannot plot WB DMs for NB TOAs.") data = None error = None elif label == "WB DM res": if self.psr.all_toas.wideband: if self.psr.fitter is not None: data = else: data = ( WidebandDMResiduals(self.psr.all_toas, self.psr.prefit_model) .calc_resids() .to(pint.dmu) ) error = self.psr.all_toas.get_dm_errors().to(pint.dmu) else: log.warning("Cannot plot WB DM resids for NB TOAs.") data = None error = None elif label == "WB DM err": if self.psr.all_toas.wideband: data = self.psr.all_toas.get_dm_errors().to(pint.dmu) else: log.warning("Cannot plot WB DM errors for NB TOAs.") data = None error = None elif label == "elongation": data = np.degrees( self.psr.prefit_model.sun_angle(self.psr.all_toas, also_distance=False) ) error = None return data, error
[docs] def coordToPoint(self, cx, cy): """ Given a set of x-y coordinates, get the TOA index (i.e. current TOA table row) closest to it """ ind = None if self.psr is not None: x = self.xvals.value y = self.yvals.value xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.plkAxes.axis() dist = ((x - cx) / (xmax - xmin)) ** 2.0 + ((y - cy) / (ymax - ymin)) ** 2.0 ind = np.argmin(dist) log.debug( f"Closest: TOA index {self.psr.all_toas.table['index'][ind]} (plot index {ind}): " f"({self.xvals[ind]:.4f}, {self.yvals[ind]:.3g}) at d={dist[ind]:.3g}" ) if dist[ind] > clickDist: log.warning("Not close enough to a point") ind = None return ind
[docs] def check_jump_invalid(self): """checks if jumps will cancel the attempted fit""" if "PhaseJump" not in self.psr.prefit_model.components: return False self.updateAllJumped() sel = ~self.selected if self.selected.sum() == 0 else self.selected if np.all(self.jumped[sel]): log.warning( "TOAs being fit must not all be jumped." "Remove or uncheck at least one jump in the selected TOAs before fitting." ) return True
[docs] def updateJumped(self, jump_name): """update self.jumped for the jump given""" # if removing a jump, add_jump returns a boolean array rather than a name if type(jump_name) == list: self.jumped[jump_name] = False return None elif type(jump_name) != str: log.error( jump_name, "Return value for the jump name is not a string, jumps not updated", ) return None num = jump_name[4:] # string value jump_select = [ ("jump" in dict and dict["jump"] == num) for dict in self.psr.all_toas.table["flags"] ]"JUMP{num} contains {sum(jump_select)} TOAs for fit.") self.jumped[jump_select] = ~self.jumped[jump_select]
[docs] def updateAllJumped(self): """Update self.jumped for all active JUMPs""" self.jumped = np.zeros(self.psr.all_toas.ntoas, dtype=bool) for param in self.psr.prefit_model.params: if ( param.startswith("JUMP") and getattr(self.psr.prefit_model, param).frozen == False ): self.updateJumped(param)
[docs] def canvasClickEvent(self, event): """ Call this function when the figure/canvas is clicked """ log.debug(f"You clicked in the canvas (button = {event.button})") self.plkCanvas.get_tk_widget().focus_set() if event.inaxes == self.plkAxes: = True self.pressEvent = event
[docs] def canvasMotionEvent(self, event): """ Call this function when mouse is moved in the figure/canvas """ if event.inaxes == self.plkAxes and self.move = True # Draw bounding box x0, x1 = self.pressEvent.x, event.x y0, y1 = self.pressEvent.y, event.y height = self.plkFig.bbox.height y0 = height - y0 y1 = height - y1 if hasattr(self, "brect"): self.plkCanvas._tkcanvas.delete(self.brect) self.brect = self.plkCanvas._tkcanvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1)
[docs] def canvasReleaseEvent(self, event): """ Call this function when the figure/canvas is released """ if if self.move: self.clickAndDrag(event) else: self.stationaryClick(event) = False self.move = False
[docs] def stationaryClick(self, event): """ Call this function when the mouse is clicked but not moved """ log.debug(f"You stationary clicked (button = {event.button})") if event.inaxes == self.plkAxes: ind = self.coordToPoint(event.xdata, event.ydata) if ind is not None: if event.button == 3: # Right click deletes closest TOA # Adapt to TOA index rather than plot index, they differ when TOAs are already deleted toa_ind = self.psr.all_toas.table["index"][ind] sudo_select_mask = np.zeros_like(self.selected).astype(bool) sudo_select_mask[ind] = True jumped_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.jumped) unselect_jump_stat = jumped_copy[~sudo_select_mask] # Check if it is jumped if jumped_copy[ind]: # Means its jumped, so unjump it jump_name = self.psr.add_jump(sudo_select_mask) self.updateJumped(jump_name) if type(jump_name) != list: log.error(f"Mistakenly added new jump {jump_name}") else: f"Existing jump removed for {np.array(jump_name).astype(int).sum()} toas and deleted them" ) # Now delete it self.selected = self.psr.delete_TOAs([toa_ind], self.selected) self.updateAllJumped() self.jumped |= unselect_jump_stat self.psr.update_resids() self.updatePlot(keepAxes=True) self.call_updates() if event.button == 1: # Left click is select self.selected[ind] = not self.selected[ind] self.updatePlot(keepAxes=True) # if point is being selected (instead of unselected) or # point is unselected but other points remain selected if self.selected[ind] or any(self.selected): # update selected_toas object w/ selected points self.psr.selected_toas = self.psr.all_toas[self.selected] self.psr.update_resids() self.call_updates()
[docs] def clickAndDrag(self, event): """ Call this function when the mouse is clicked and dragged """ log.debug(f"You clicked and dragged in mode '{self.plkToolbar.mode}'") # The following is for a selection if not in zoom mode if "zoom" not in self.plkToolbar.mode and event.inaxes == self.plkAxes: xmin, xmax = self.pressEvent.xdata, event.xdata ymin, ymax = self.pressEvent.ydata, event.ydata if xmin > xmax: xmin, xmax = xmax, xmin if ymin > ymax: ymin, ymax = ymax, ymin selected = (self.xvals.value > xmin) & (self.xvals.value < xmax) selected &= (self.yvals.value > ymin) & (self.yvals.value < ymax) self.selected |= selected self.updatePlot(keepAxes=True) self.plkCanvas._tkcanvas.delete(self.brect) if any(self.selected): self.psr.selected_toas = self.psr.all_toas[self.selected] self.psr.update_resids() self.call_updates() else: # This just removes the rectangle from the zoom click and drag self.plkCanvas._tkcanvas.delete(self.brect)
[docs] def canvasKeyEvent(self, event): """ A key is pressed. Handle all the shortcuts here """ log.debug(f"You pressed '{event.key}'") if event.key == "r": # Reset the pane self.reset() elif event.key == "k": # Rescale axes self.updatePlot(keepAxes=False) elif event.key == "q":"Exiting.") sys.exit() elif event.key == "f": elif event.key in ["-", "_"]: self.psr.add_phase_wrap(self.selected, -1) self.updatePlot(keepAxes=False) self.call_updates()"Pulse number for selected points decreased.") elif event.key in ["+", "="]: self.psr.add_phase_wrap(self.selected, 1) self.updatePlot(keepAxes=False) self.call_updates()"Pulse number for selected points increased.") elif event.key in [">", ".", "<", ","]: if np.sum(self.selected) > 0: later = ( self.psr.selected_toas.get_mjds().max() < self.psr.all_toas.get_mjds() ) if event.key in [">", "."]: self.psr.add_phase_wrap(later, 1) "Pulse numbers to the right (i.e. later in time) of selection were increased." ) else: self.psr.add_phase_wrap(later, -1) "Pulse numbers to the right (i.e. later in time) of selection were decreased." ) self.updatePlot(keepAxes=False) self.call_updates() elif event.key == "d": # Get the current state of jumped toas jumped_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.jumped) unselect_jump_status = jumped_copy[~self.selected] # First update the jump status and then delete them if np.any(jumped_copy & self.selected): # Which means that there is an overlap between selected and jumped TOAs jump_name = self.psr.add_jump(self.selected) self.updateJumped(jump_name) # Here jump_name has to be a list if type(jump_name) != list: log.error(f"Mistakenly added new jump {jump_name}") else: f"Existing jump removed for {np.array(jump_name).astype(int).sum()} toas and deleted them" ) # Delete the selected points self.selected = self.psr.delete_TOAs( self.psr.all_toas.table["index"][self.selected], self.selected ) self.updateAllJumped() # Restore the jumps back self.jumped |= unselect_jump_status self.psr.update_resids() self.updatePlot(keepAxes=True) self.call_updates() elif event.key == "u": self.unselect() elif event.key == "j": # jump the selected points, or unjump if already jumped jump_name = self.psr.add_jump(self.selected) self.updateJumped(jump_name) self.psr.selected_toas = copy.deepcopy(self.psr.all_toas) self.selected = np.zeros(self.psr.selected_toas.ntoas, dtype=bool) self.fitboxesWidget.addFitCheckBoxes(self.psr.prefit_model) self.randomboxWidget.addRandomCheckbox(self) self.colorModeWidget.addColorModeCheckbox(self.color_modes) self.updatePlot(keepAxes=True) self.call_updates() elif event.key == "v": # jump all clusters except the one(s) selected, or jump all clusters if none selected jumped_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.jumped) self.updateAllJumped() all_jumped = copy.deepcopy(self.jumped) self.jumped = jumped_copy clusters = list(self.psr.all_toas.table["clusters"]) # jump each cluster, check doesn't overlap with existing jumps and selected for num in np.arange(max(clusters) + 1): cluster_bool = [ num == cluster for cluster in self.psr.all_toas.table["clusters"] ] if True in [ a and b for a, b in zip(cluster_bool, self.selected) ] or True in [a and b for a, b in zip(cluster_bool, all_jumped)]: continue self.psr.selected_toas = self.psr.all_toas[cluster_bool] jump_name = self.psr.add_jump(cluster_bool) self.updateJumped(jump_name) if self.selected is not None and self.selected != [] and all(self.selected): self.psr.selected_toas = self.all_toas[self.selected] self.fitboxesWidget.addFitCheckBoxes(self.psr.prefit_model) self.randomboxWidget.addRandomCheckbox(self) self.colorModeWidget.addColorModeCheckbox(self.color_modes) self.updatePlot(keepAxes=True) self.call_updates() elif event.key == "t": # Stash/unstash selected TOAs if np.all( ~self.selected ): # if no TOAs are selected, attempt to unstash all TOAs if ( self.psr.stashed is None ): # if there is nothing in the stash, do nothing log.debug("Nothing to stash/unstash.") return None # otherwise, pull all TOAs out of the stash and set it to None log.debug( f"Unstashing {len(self.psr.stashed)-len(self.psr.all_toas)} TOAs" ) self.psr.all_toas = copy.deepcopy(self.psr.stashed) self.selected = np.zeros(self.psr.all_toas.ntoas, dtype=bool) self.psr.stashed = None self.updateAllJumped() self.psr.update_resids() self.updatePlot(keepAxes=False) else: # if TOAs are selected, add them to the stash if ( self.psr.stashed is None ): # if there is nothing in the stash, copy current TOAs to stash jumped_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.jumped) self.updateAllJumped() all_jumped = copy.deepcopy(self.jumped) self.jumped = jumped_copy if (self.selected & all_jumped).any(): # if any of the points are jumped, tell the user to delete the jump(s) first log.warning( "Cannot stash jumped TOAs. Delete interfering jumps before stashing TOAs." ) return None log.debug(f"Stashing {sum(self.selected)} TOAs") self.psr.stashed = copy.deepcopy(self.psr.all_toas) else: # if the stash isn't empty, remove selected from front-facing TOAs log.debug( f"Added {sum(self.selected)} TOAs to stash (stash now contains {len(self.psr.stashed.table)-len(self.psr.all_toas.table)+sum(self.selected)} TOAs)" ) if self.psr.fitted and self.psr.use_pulse_numbers: self.psr.all_toas.compute_pulse_numbers(self.psr.postfit_model) # remove the newly-stashed TOAs from the front-facing TOAs self.psr.all_toas.table = self.psr.all_toas.table[~self.selected] self.psr.selected_toas = copy.deepcopy(self.psr.all_toas) self.selected = np.zeros(self.psr.all_toas.ntoas, dtype=bool) self.updateAllJumped() self.psr.update_resids() self.updatePlot( keepAxes=False ) # We often stash at beginning or end of array self.call_updates() elif event.key == "c": if self.psr.fitted: self.psr.fitter.get_parameter_correlation_matrix( pretty_print=True, prec=3, usecolor=True ) elif event.key == "s": if self.psr.fitted: print(self.psr.fitter.get_summary()) elif event.key == "i": print("\n" + "-" * 40) print("Prefit model:") print("-" * 40) print(self.psr.prefit_model.as_parfile()) elif event.key == "o": if self.psr.fitted: print("\n" + "-" * 40) print("Postfit model:") print("-" * 40) print(self.psr.postfit_model.as_parfile()) else: log.warning("No postfit model to show") elif event.key == " ": self.print_info() elif event.key == "x": self.print_chi2() elif event.key == "h": print(helpstring) elif event.key == "m": print(self.psr.all_toas.get_highest_density_range()) elif event.key == "z": self.plkToolbar.zoom() self.randomboxWidget.changeMode(self.plkToolbar.mode)