Source code for pint.pintk.pulsar

"""A wrapper around pulsar functions for `pintk` to use.

This object will be shared between widgets in the main frame
and will contain the pre/post fit model, toas,
pre/post fit residuals, and other useful information.
self.selected_toas = selected toas, self.all_toas = all toas in tim file

import copy

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

import pint.fitter
import pint.models
from pint.pulsar_mjd import Time
from pint.simulation import (
from pint.residuals import Residuals
from pint.toa import get_TOAs, merge_TOAs
from pint.utils import FTest, akaike_information_criterion

import pint.logging
from loguru import logger as log

plot_labels = [
    "orbital phase",
    "day of year",
    "TOA error",
    "rounded MJD",
    "model DM",
    "WB DM",
    "WB DM res",
    "WB DM err",

# Some parameters we do not want to add a fitting checkbox for:
nofitboxpars = [

[docs]class Pulsar: """Wrapper class for a pulsar. Contains the toas, model, residuals, and fitter """ def __init__(self, parfile=None, timfile=None, ephem=None, fitter="GLSFitter"): super().__init__()"Loading pulsar parfile: {str(parfile)}") if parfile is None or timfile is None: raise ValueError("No valid pulsar model and/or TOAs to load") self.parfile = parfile self.timfile = timfile self.prefit_model = pint.models.get_model( self.parfile, allow_tcb=True, allow_T2=True, ) if ephem is not None: f"Overriding model ephemeris {self.prefit_model.EPHEM.value} with {ephem}" ) self.prefit_model.EPHEM.value = ephem self.all_toas = get_TOAs( self.timfile, model=self.prefit_model, usepickle=True, ) self.all_toas.table.sort("index") self.all_toas.get_clusters(add_column=True) # Make sure that if we used a model, that any phase jumps from # the parfile have their flags updated in the TOA table if "PhaseJump" in self.prefit_model.components: self.prefit_model.jump_params_to_flags(self.all_toas) # turns pre-existing jump flags in toas.table['flags'] into parameters in parfile self.prefit_model.jump_flags_to_params(self.all_toas) self.selected_toas = copy.deepcopy(self.all_toas) print("The prefit model as a parfile:") print(self.prefit_model.as_parfile()) # adds extra prefix params for fitting self.add_model_params() self.all_toas.print_summary() self.use_pulse_numbers = False self.fitted = False self.update_resids() print( "RMS pre-fit PINT residuals are %.3f us\n" % self.prefit_resids.rms_weighted().to( ) # Set of indices from original list that are deleted self.deleted = set([]) if fitter == "notdownhill": self.fit_method = self.getDefaultFitter(downhill=False) f"Since wideband={self.all_toas.wideband} and correlated={self.prefit_model.has_correlated_errors}, selecting fitter={self.fit_method}" ) elif fitter == "downhill": self.fit_method = self.getDefaultFitter(downhill=True) f"Since wideband={self.all_toas.wideband} and correlated={self.prefit_model.has_correlated_errors}, selecting Downhill fitter={self.fit_method}" ) else: self.fit_method = fitter self.fitter = None self.stashed = None # for temporarily stashing some TOAs self.faketoas1 = None # for random models self.faketoas = None # for random models @property def name(self): return getattr(self.prefit_model, "PSR").value def __getitem__(self, key): try: return getattr(self.prefit_model, key) except AttributeError: log.error(f"Parameter {key} was not found in pulsar model {}") return None def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.prefit_model.params def reset_model(self): self.prefit_model = pint.models.get_model(self.parfile) self.add_model_params() self.postfit_model = None self.postfit_resids = None self.fitted = False self.update_resids() def reset_TOAs(self): self.all_toas = get_TOAs(self.timfile, model=self.prefit_model, usepickle=True) # Make sure that if we used a model, that any phase jumps from # the parfile have their flags updated in the TOA table if "PhaseJump" in self.prefit_model.components: self.prefit_model.jump_params_to_flags(self.all_toas) # turns pre-existing jump flags in toas.table['flags'] into parameters in parfile self.prefit_model.jump_flags_to_params(self.all_toas) self.selected_toas = copy.deepcopy(self.all_toas) self.deleted = set([]) self.stashed = None self.update_resids() def resetAll(self): self.prefit_model = pint.models.get_model(self.parfile) self.postfit_model = None self.postfit_resids = None self.fitted = False self.use_pulse_numbers = False self.reset_TOAs() def _delete_TOAs(self, toa_table): del_inds = np.in1d(toa_table["index"], np.array(list(self.deleted))) return toa_table[~del_inds] if del_inds.sum() < len(toa_table) else None def delete_TOAs(self, indices, selected): # note: indices should be a list or an array self.deleted |= set(indices) # update the deleted indices if selected is not None: self.selected_toas.table = self._delete_TOAs(self.selected_toas.table) # Now delete from all_toas self.all_toas.table = self._delete_TOAs(self.all_toas.table) if self.selected_toas.table is None: # all selected were deleted self.selected_toas = copy.deepcopy(self.all_toas) selected = np.zeros(self.selected_toas.ntoas, dtype=bool) else: # Make a new selected list by adding a value if the table # index at that position is not in the new indices to # delete, with a value that is the same as the previous # selected array newselected = [ sel for idx, sel in zip(self.all_toas.table["index"], selected) if idx not in indices ] selected = np.asarray(newselected, dtype=bool) self.selected_toas = self.all_toas[selected] # delete the TOAs from the stashed list also if self.stashed: self.stashed.table = self._delete_TOAs(self.stashed.table) return selected def update_resids(self): # update the pre and post fit residuals using all_toas track_mode = "use_pulse_numbers" if self.use_pulse_numbers else None self.prefit_resids = Residuals( self.all_toas, self.prefit_model, subtract_mean=False, track_mode=track_mode ) if self.selected_toas.ntoas and self.selected_toas.ntoas != self.all_toas.ntoas: self.selected_prefit_resids = Residuals( self.selected_toas, self.prefit_model, subtract_mean=False, track_mode=track_mode, ) else: self.selected_prefit_resids = self.prefit_resids if self.fitted: self.postfit_resids = Residuals( self.all_toas, self.postfit_model, subtract_mean=False, track_mode=track_mode, ) if ( self.selected_toas.ntoas > 0 and self.selected_toas.ntoas != self.all_toas.ntoas ): self.selected_postfit_resids = Residuals( self.selected_toas, self.postfit_model, subtract_mean=False, track_mode=track_mode, ) else: self.selected_postfit_resids = self.postfit_resids
[docs] def orbitalphase(self): """ For a binary pulsar, calculate the orbital phase. Otherwise, return an array of unitless quantities of zeros """ if not self.prefit_model.is_binary: log.warning("This is not a binary pulsar") return u.Quantity(np.zeros(self.all_toas.ntoas)) toas = self.all_toas if self.fitted: phase = self.postfit_model.orbital_phase(toas, anom="mean") else: phase = self.prefit_model.orbital_phase(toas, anom="mean") return phase / (2 * np.pi * u.rad)
[docs] def dayofyear(self): """ Return the day of the year for all the TOAs of this pulsar """ t = Time(self.all_toas.get_mjds(), format="mjd") year = Time(np.floor(t.decimalyear), format="decimalyear") return np.asarray(t.mjd - year.mjd) <<
[docs] def year(self): """ Return the decimal year for all the TOAs of this pulsar """ t = Time(self.all_toas.get_mjds(), format="mjd") return np.asarray(t.decimalyear) << u.year
[docs] def add_model_params(self): """This automatically adds the next available unfit prefix parameters to the model so they show up on the GUI """ m = self.prefit_model # Add next spin freq deriv if "Spindown" in m.components: c = m.components["Spindown"] n = len(c.get_prefix_mapping_component("F")) if f"F{n-1}" in m.free_params and not hasattr(m, f"F{n}"): c.add_param(m.F0.new_param(n), setup=True) log.debug(f"Adding F{n} to prefit model") p = getattr(m, f"F{n}") p.quantity = 0.0 * p.units p.frozen = True # Add next orbital freq deriv if "BinaryBT" in m.components: c = m.components["BinaryBT"] n = len(c.get_prefix_mapping_component("FB")) if f"FB{n-1}" in m.free_params and not hasattr(m, f"FB{n}"): c.add_param(m.FB0.new_param(n), setup=True) log.debug(f"Adding FB{n} to prefit model") p = getattr(m, f"FB{n}") p.quantity = 0.0 * p.units p.frozen = True # Add dispersion expansion component if "DispersionDM" in m.components: c = m.components["DispersionDM"] n = len(c.get_prefix_mapping_component("DM")) + 1 # DM1 is always added, but might be unset if n == 2 and m.DM1.value is None: p = m.DM1 p.quantity = 0.0 * p.units p.frozen = True if f"DM{n-1}" in m.free_params and not hasattr(m, f"DM{n}"): c.add_param(m.DM1.new_param(n), setup=True) log.debug(f"Adding DM{n} to prefit model") p = getattr(m, f"DM{n}") p.quantity = 0.0 * p.units p.frozen = True m.setup() # Not sure if this is necessary m.validate()
[docs] def write_fit_summary(self): """ Summarize fitting results """ if self.fitted: wrms = self.selected_postfit_resids.rms_weighted() print("Post-Fit Chi2: %.8g" % self.selected_postfit_resids.chi2) print("Post-Fit DOF: %8d" % self.selected_postfit_resids.dof) print( "Post-Fit Reduced-Chi2: %.8g" % self.selected_postfit_resids.reduced_chi2 ) print("Post-Fit Weighted RMS: %.8g us" % print("------------------------------------") print( "%19s %24s\t%24s\t%16s %16s %16s" % ( "Parameter", "Pre-Fit", "Post-Fit", "Uncertainty", "Difference", "Diff/Unc", ) ) print("-" * 132) for key in self.prefit_model.free_params: line = "%8s " % key pre = getattr(self.prefit_model, key) post = getattr(self.postfit_model, key) line += "%10s " % ("" if post.units is None else str(post.units)) if post.quantity is not None: line += "%24s\t" % pre.str_quantity(pre.quantity) line += "%24s\t" % post.str_quantity(post.quantity) try: line += "%16.8g " % post.uncertainty.value except Exception: line += "%18s" % "" diff = post.value - pre.value line += "%16.8g " % diff if pre.uncertainty is not None and pre.uncertainty.value != 0.0: line += "%16.8g" % (diff / pre.uncertainty.value) print(line) else: log.warning("Pulsar has not been fitted yet!")
[docs] def add_phase_wrap(self, selected, phase): """ Add a phase wrap to selected points in the TOAs object Turn on pulse number tracking in the model, if it isn't already :param selected: boolean array to apply to toas, True = selected toa :param phase: phase difference to be added, i.e. -0.5, +2, etc. """ # Check if pulse numbers are in table already, if not, make the column if ( "pulse_number" not in self.all_toas.table.colnames or "pulse_number" not in self.selected_toas.table.colnames ): if self.fitted: self.all_toas.compute_pulse_numbers(self.postfit_model) self.selected_toas.compute_pulse_numbers(self.postfit_model) else: self.all_toas.compute_pulse_numbers(self.prefit_model) self.selected_toas.compute_pulse_numbers(self.prefit_model) if ( "delta_pulse_number" not in self.all_toas.table.colnames or "delta_pulse_number" not in self.selected_toas.table.colnames ): self.all_toas.table["delta_pulse_number"] = np.zeros(self.all_toas.ntoas) self.selected_toas.table["delta_pulse_number"] = np.zeros( self.selected_toas.ntoas ) # add phase wrap and update self.all_toas.table["delta_pulse_number"][selected] += phase self.use_pulse_numbers = True self.update_resids()
[docs] def add_jump(self, selected): """ jump the toas selected or un-jump them if already jumped :param selected: boolean array to apply to toas, True = selected toa """ # TODO: split into two functions if "PhaseJump" not in self.prefit_model.components: # if no PhaseJump component, add one"PhaseJump component added") a = pint.models.jump.PhaseJump() a.setup() self.prefit_model.add_component(a) retval = self.prefit_model.add_jump_and_flags( self.all_toas.table["flags"][selected] ) if self.fitted: self.postfit_model.add_component(a)"New jump {retval} added for {selected.sum()} toas.") return retval # if gets here, has at least one jump param already # and iif it doesn't overlap or cancel, add the param numjumps = self.prefit_model.components["PhaseJump"].get_number_of_jumps() if numjumps == 0: log.warning( "There are no jumps (maskParameter objects) in PhaseJump. Please delete the PhaseJump object and try again. " ) return None # delete the jump ad flags if the selected TOAs exactly overlap; # else just delete the jump flag from the selected TOAs for num in range(1, numjumps + 1): # create boolean array corresponding to TOAs to be jumped toas_jumped = [ "jump" in dict.keys() and str(num) in dict["jump"] for dict in self.all_toas.table["flags"] ] if np.array_equal(toas_jumped, selected): # if current jump exactly matches selected, remove it self.prefit_model.delete_jump_and_flags( self.all_toas.table["flags"], num ) if self.fitted: self.postfit_model.delete_jump_and_flags(None, num)"removed param", f"JUMP{str(num)}") return toas_jumped # Has to be some overlap between jumps and selected TOAs elif np.any(toas_jumped & selected): # if not, then they don't exactly match, delete the common subset jumped_selected = toas_jumped & selected # Post fit model and prefit model share the same TOA table, so as long as we # don't delete the jump altogether, modifying prefit model table flags is fine. self.prefit_model.delete_not_all_jump_toas( self.all_toas.table["flags"][jumped_selected], num ) f"Removed existing jump JUMP{str(num)} from {jumped_selected.astype(int).sum()} TOAs" ) return list(jumped_selected) # if here, then doesn't match anything # add jump flags to selected TOAs at their perspective indices in the TOA tables retval = self.prefit_model.add_jump_and_flags( self.all_toas.table["flags"][selected] )"New jump {retval} added for {selected.sum()} toas.") if ( self.fitted and self.prefit_model.components["PhaseJump"] != self.postfit_model.components["PhaseJump"] ): param = self.prefit_model.components[ "PhaseJump" ].get_jump_param_objects() # array of jump objects self.postfit_model.add_param_from_top( param[-1], "PhaseJump" ) # add last (newest) jump getattr(self.postfit_model, param[-1].name).frozen = False self.postfit_model.components["PhaseJump"].setup() return retval
def getDefaultFitter(self, downhill=False): if self.all_toas.wideband: return "WidebandDownhillFitter" if downhill else "WidebandTOAFitter" if self.prefit_model.has_correlated_errors: return "DownhillGLSFitter" if downhill else "GLSFitter" else: return "DownhillWLSFitter" if downhill else "WLSFitter" def print_chi2(self, selected): # Select all the TOAs if none are explicitly set if not np.any(selected): selected = ~selected if self.fitted: self.prefit_model = self.postfit_model self.prefit_resids = self.postfit_resids self.add_model_params() self.update_resids() wrms = self.selected_resids.rms_weighted() print("------------------------------------") print("Selected TOAs: %8d" % self.selected_toas.ntoas) print("Selected Chi2: %.8g" % self.selected_resids.chi2) print( "Selected Chi2/Ntoa: %.8g" % (self.selected_resids.chi2 / self.selected_toas.ntoas) ) print("Selected Weighted RMS: %.8g us" % print("------------------------------------")
[docs] def fit(self, selected, iters=4, compute_random=False): """ Run a fit using the specified fitter """ # Select all the TOAs if none are explicitly set if not np.any(selected): selected = ~selected if self.fitted: self.prefit_model = self.postfit_model self.prefit_resids = self.postfit_resids self.add_model_params() self.update_resids() # Have to change the fitter for each fit since TOAs and models change"Using {self.fit_method}") self.fitter = getattr(pint.fitter, self.fit_method)( self.selected_toas, self.prefit_model ) wrms = self.selected_prefit_resids.rms_weighted() print("\n------------------------------------") print(" Pre-Fit Chi2: %.8g" % self.selected_prefit_resids.chi2) print(" Pre-Fit reduced-Chi2: %.8g" % self.selected_prefit_resids.reduced_chi2) print(" Pre-Fit Weighted RMS: %.8g us" % print("------------------------------------") # Do the actual fit and mark things as being fit self.fitter.fit_toas(maxiter=iters) self.fitter.update_model() self.postfit_model = self.fitter.model self.fitted = True # Zero out all of the "delta_pulse_numbers" if they are set if np.any(self.all_toas.table["delta_pulse_number"]): self.all_toas.table["delta_pulse_number"] = np.zeros(self.all_toas.ntoas) self.selected_toas.table["delta_pulse_number"] = np.zeros( self.selected_toas.ntoas ) # Re-calculate the pulse numbers here self.all_toas.compute_pulse_numbers(self.postfit_model) self.selected_toas.compute_pulse_numbers(self.postfit_model) # Compute the residuals using correct pulse numbers self.update_resids() # Need this since it isn't updated using self.fitter.update_model() self.fitter.model.CHI2.value = self.selected_postfit_resids.chi2 # And print the summary self.write_fit_summary() # Check to see if we should calculate an F-test if ( hasattr(self, "lastfit") and (len(self.postfit_model.free_params) > len(self.lastfit["free_params"])) and (self.lastfit["ntoas"] == self.fitter.toas.ntoas) ): prob = FTest( self.lastfit["chi2"], self.lastfit["dof"], self.selected_postfit_resids.chi2, self.selected_postfit_resids.dof, ) new_params = set(self.postfit_model.free_params) - set( self.lastfit["free_params"] ) print( f"F-test comparing post- to pre-fit models for addition of {new_params}:\n" f" P = {prob:.3g} that the improvement is due to noise." ) # plot the prefit without jumps pm_no_jumps = copy.deepcopy(self.prefit_model) for param in pm_no_jumps.params: if param.startswith("JUMP"): getattr(pm_no_jumps, param).value = 0.0 getattr(pm_no_jumps, param).frozen = True self.prefit_resids_no_jumps = Residuals(self.all_toas, pm_no_jumps) self.update_resids() self.prefit_resids_no_jumps = self.prefit_resids # Store some key params for possible F-testing self.lastfit = { "free_params": self.fitter.model.free_params, "dof": self.selected_postfit_resids.dof, "chi2": self.selected_postfit_resids.chi2, "ntoas": self.fitter.toas.ntoas, } # adds extra prefix params for fitting self.add_model_params() print( f"Akaike information criterion = {akaike_information_criterion(self.fitter.model, self.fitter.toas)}" )
[docs] def random_models(self, selected): """Compute and plot random models""""Computing random models based on parameter covariance matrix.") if [p for p in self.postfit_model.free_params if p.startswith("DM")]: log.warning( "Fitting for DM while using random models can cause strange behavior." ) # These are the currently selected TOAs in the fit sim_sel = copy.deepcopy(self.selected_toas) # These are single TOAs from each cluster of TOAs inds = np.zeros(sim_sel.ntoas, dtype=bool) inds[np.unique(sim_sel.get_clusters(), return_index=True)[1]] |= True sim_sel = sim_sel[inds] # Get the range of MJDs we are using in the fit mjds = sim_sel.get_mjds().value minselMJD, maxselMJD = mjds.min(), mjds.max() extra = 0.1 # Fraction beyond TOAs to plot or calculate random models if self.faketoas1 is None: mjds = self.all_toas.get_mjds().value minallMJD, maxallMJD = mjds.min(), mjds.max() spanMJD = maxallMJD - minallMJD # Select appropriate number of fake TOAs to generate. if spanMJD < 1000: Ntoas = 400 elif spanMJD < 4000: Ntoas = 750 else: Ntoas = 1500 log.debug( f"Generating {Ntoas} fake TOAs for the random models over MJD {minallMJD - extra * spanMJD} to {minallMJD + extra * spanMJD}" ) # By default we will use TOAs from the TopoCenter. This gets done only once. self.faketoas1 = make_fake_toas_uniform( minallMJD - extra * spanMJD, maxallMJD + extra * spanMJD, Ntoas, self.postfit_model, obs="coe", freq=1 * u.THz, # effectively infinite frequency include_bipm=sim_sel.clock_corr_info["include_bipm"], include_gps=sim_sel.clock_corr_info["include_gps"], ) self.faketoas1.compute_pulse_numbers(self.postfit_model) self.faketoas1.get_clusters(add_column=True) # Combine our TOAs toas = merge_TOAs([sim_sel, self.faketoas1]) zero_residuals(toas, self.postfit_model) # Get a selection array to select the non-fake TOAs refs = np.asarray(toas.get_flag_value("name")[0]) != "fake" # Compute the new random timing models rs = calculate_random_models( self.fitter, toas, Nmodels=15, keep_models=False, return_time=True, ) # Get a selection array for the fake TOAs that covers the fit TOAs (plus extra) mjds = toas.get_mjds().value spanMJD = maxselMJD - minselMJD toplot = np.bitwise_and( mjds > (minselMJD - extra * spanMJD), mjds < (maxselMJD + extra * spanMJD) ) # This is the mean of the reference resids for the selected TOAs if selected.sum(): # shorthand for having some selected ref_mean = self.postfit_resids.time_resids[selected][inds].mean() else: ref_mean = self.postfit_resids.time_resids[inds].mean() # This is the means of the corresponding resids from the random models ran_mean = rs[:, refs].mean(axis=1) # Now adjust each set of random resids so that the ran_mean == ref_mean rs -= ran_mean[:, np.newaxis] rs += ref_mean # And store the key things for plotting self.faketoas = toas self.random_resids = rs