Source code for pint.plot_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import astropy
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.time
from loguru import logger as log

__all__ = ["phaseogram", "phaseogram_binned", "plot_priors"]

[docs]def phaseogram( mjds_in, phases, weights=None, title=None, bins=100, rotate=0.0, size=5, alpha=0.25, width=6, maxphs=2.0, plotfile=None, ): """Make a nice 2-panel phaseogram Makes a phaseogram of photons with phases, with a point for each photon that can have a transparency determined by an array of weights. Parameters ---------- mjds_in : array or astropy.units.Quantity or astropy.time.Time Assumes units of days if bare numerical array, otherwise will convert Quantity or Time into days. phases : array Phases for each photon, assumes range is [0,1) """ # If mjds_in is a Time() then pull out the MJD values and make a quantity if type(mjds_in) == astropy.time.core.Time: mjds = mjds_in.mjd * u.d # If mjds_in have no units, assume days elif type(mjds_in) != astropy.units.quantity.Quantity: mjds = mjds_in * u.d else: mjds = mjds_in years = ( - 51544.0) / 365.25 + 2000.0 phss = phases + rotate phss[phss >= 1.0] -= 1.0 plt.figure(figsize=(width, 8)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (0, 0)) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (1, 0), rowspan=2) wgts = None if weights is None else np.concatenate((weights, weights)) h, x, p = ax1.hist( np.concatenate((phss, phss + 1.0)), int(maxphs * bins), range=[0, maxphs], weights=wgts, color="k", histtype="step", fill=False, lw=2, ) ax1.set_xlim([0.0, maxphs]) # show 1 or more pulses ax1.set_ylim([0.0, 1.1 * h.max()]) if weights is not None: ax1.set_ylabel("Weighted Counts") else: ax1.set_ylabel("Counts") if title is not None: ax1.set_title(title) if weights is None: ax2.scatter(phss, mjds, s=size, color="k", alpha=alpha) ax2.scatter(phss + 1.0, mjds, s=size, color="k", alpha=alpha) else: colarray = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, w] for w in weights]) ax2.scatter(phss, mjds, s=size, color=colarray) ax2.scatter(phss + 1.0, mjds, s=size, color=colarray) ax2.set_xlim([0.0, maxphs]) # show 1 or more pulses ax2.set_ylim([mjds.min().value, mjds.max().value]) ax2.set_ylabel("MJD") ax2.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax2.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) ax2r = ax2.twinx() ax2r.set_ylim([years.min(), years.max()]) ax2r.set_ylabel("Year") ax2r.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax2r.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) ax2.set_xlabel("Pulse Phase") plt.tight_layout() if plotfile is not None: plt.savefig(plotfile) plt.close() else:
[docs]def phaseogram_binned( mjds_in, phases, weights=None, title=None, bins=64, rotate=0.0, size=5, alpha=0.25, width=6, maxphs=2.0, plotfile=None, ): """ Make a nice 2-panel phaseogram Makes a binned phaseogram of photons with phases, where the contribution to each bin can be determined by an array of weights. Parameters ---------- mjds_in : array or astropy.units.Quantity or astropy.time.Time Assumes units of days if bare numerical array, otherwise will convert Quantity or Time into days. phases : array Phases for each photon, assumes range is [0,1) """ # If mjds_in is a Time() then pull out the MJD values and make a quantity if type(mjds_in) == astropy.time.core.Time: mjds = mjds_in.mjd * u.d # If mjds_in has no units, assume days elif type(mjds_in) != astropy.units.quantity.Quantity: mjds = mjds_in * u.d else: mjds = mjds_in years = ( - 51544.0) / 365.25 + 2000.0 phss = phases + rotate phss[phss >= 1.0] -= 1.0 plt.figure(figsize=(width, 8)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (0, 0)) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (1, 0), rowspan=2) wgts = None if weights is None else np.concatenate((weights, weights)) h, x, p = ax1.hist( np.concatenate((phss, phss + 1.0)), int(maxphs * bins), range=[0, maxphs], weights=wgts, color="k", histtype="step", fill=False, lw=2, ) ax1.set_xlim([0.0, maxphs]) # show 1 or more pulses ax1.set_ylim([0.0, 1.1 * h.max()]) if weights is not None: ax1.set_ylabel("Weighted Counts") else: ax1.set_ylabel("Counts") if title is not None: ax1.set_title(title) SCATTER = False if SCATTER: if weights is None: ax2.scatter(phss, mjds, s=size, color="k", alpha=alpha) ax2.scatter(phss + 1.0, mjds, s=size, color="k", alpha=alpha) else: colarray = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, w] for w in weights]) ax2.scatter(phss, mjds, s=size, color=colarray) ax2.scatter(phss + 1.0, mjds, s=size, color=colarray) else: profile = np.zeros(bins, dtype=np.float_) ntoa = 64 toadur = (mjds.max() - mjds.min()) / ntoa mjdstarts = mjds.min() + toadur * np.arange(ntoa, dtype=np.float_) mjdstops = mjdstarts + toadur # Loop over blocks to process a = [] for tstart, tstop in zip(mjdstarts, mjdstops): # Clear profile array profile = profile * 0.0 idx = (mjds > tstart) & (mjds < tstop) if weights is not None: for ph, ww in zip(phases[idx], weights[idx]): ibin = int(ph * bins) profile[ibin] += ww else: for ph in phases[idx]: ibin = int(ph * bins) profile[ibin] += 1 a.extend(profile[i] for i in range(bins)) a = np.array(a) b = a.reshape(ntoa, bins) c = np.hstack([b, b]) ax2.imshow( c, interpolation="nearest", origin="lower",, extent=[0, 2.0, mjds.min().value, mjds.max().value], aspect="auto", ) ax2.set_xlim([0.0, maxphs]) # show 1 or more pulses ax2.set_ylim([mjds.min().value, mjds.max().value]) ax2.set_ylabel("MJD") ax2.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax2.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) ax2r = ax2.twinx() ax2r.set_ylim([years.min(), years.max()]) ax2r.set_ylabel("Year") ax2r.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax2r.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) ax2.set_xlabel("Pulse Phase") plt.tight_layout() if plotfile is not None: plt.savefig(plotfile) plt.close() else:
[docs]def plot_priors( model, chains, maxpost_fitvals=None, fitvals=None, burnin=100, bins=100, scale=False, ): """Plot of priors and the post-MCMC histogrammed samples Show binned samples, prior probability distribution and an initial gaussian probability distribution plotted with 2 sigma, maximum posterior and original fit values marked. Parameters ---------- model : pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel The initial timing model for fitting chains : dict Post MCMC integration chains that contain the fitter keys and post MCMC samples, which are histogrammed and normalized. Thinning the samples from the chains is not supported. Can be created using :meth:`pint.sampler.EmceeSampler.chains_to_dict` maxpost_fitvals : list, optional The maximum posterior values returned from MCMC integration for each fitter key. Plots a vertical dashed line to denote the maximum posterior value in relation to the histogrammed samples. If the values are not provided, then the lines are not plotted fitvals : list, optional The original parameter fit values. Plots vertical dashed lines to denote the original parameter fit values in relation to the histogrammed samples. If the values are not provided, then the lines are not plotted. burnin : int The number of steps that are the burnin in the MCMC integration bins : int Number of bins used in the histogram scale : bool If True, the priors will be scaled to the peak of the histograms. If False, the priors will be plotted independent of the histograms. In certain cases, such as broad priors, the priors or histograms might not be apparent on the same plot due to one being significantly larger than the other. The scaling is for visual purposes to clearly plot the priors with the samples """ values = [] keys = [] for k, v in chains.items(): keys.append(k), values.append(v) priors = [] x_range = [] counts = [] for i in range(len(keys[:-1])): values[i] = values[i][burnin:].flatten() x_range.append(np.linspace(values[i].min(), values[i].max(), num=bins)) priors.append(getattr(model, keys[i]).prior.pdf(x_range[i])) a, x = np.histogram(values[i], bins=bins, density=True) counts.append(a) fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(keys), figsize=(8, 11), constrained_layout=True) for i, p in enumerate(keys): if i != len(keys[:-1]): axs[i].set_xlabel( f"{str(p)}: Mean Value = " + "{:.9e}".format(values[i].mean()) + " (" + str(getattr(model, p).units) + ")" ) axs[i].axvline( -2 * values[i].std(), color="b", linestyle="--", label="2 sigma" ) axs[i].axvline(2 * values[i].std(), color="b", linestyle="--") axs[i].hist( values[i] - values[i].mean(), bins=bins, density=True, label="Samples" ) if scale: axs[i].plot( x_range[i] - values[i].mean(), priors[i] * counts[i].max() / priors[i].max(), label="Prior Probability", color="g", ) else: axs[i].plot( x_range[i] - values[i].mean(), priors[i], label="Prior Probability", color="g", ) if maxpost_fitvals is not None: axs[i].axvline( maxpost_fitvals[i] - values[i].mean(), color="c", linestyle="--", label="Maximum Likelihood Value", ) if fitvals is not None: axs[i].axvline( fitvals[i] - values[i].mean(), color="m", linestyle="--", label="Original Parameter Fit Value", ) else: handles, labels = axs[0].get_legend_handles_labels() axs[i].set_axis_off() axs[i].legend(handles, labels)