Source code for pint.scripts.event_optimize_MCMCFitter

#!/usr/bin/env python -W ignore::FutureWarning -W ignore::UserWarning -W ignore::DeprecationWarning
import argparse
import os
import sys

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as op
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import pint.logging
from loguru import logger as log

import pint.fermi_toas as fermi
import pint.models
import pint.toa as toa
from pint.mcmc_fitter import MCMCFitterBinnedTemplate
from pint.observatory.satellite_obs import get_satellite_observatory
from pint.sampler import EmceeSampler
from pint.scripts.event_optimize import marginalize_over_phase, read_gaussfitfile

__all__ = ["main"]
# np.seterr(all='raise')

# initialization values
# Should probably figure a way to make these not global variables
maxpost = -9e99
numcalls = 0

[docs]def main(argv=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="PINT tool for MCMC optimization of timing models using event data.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument("eventfile", help="event file to use") parser.add_argument("parfile", help="par file to read model from") parser.add_argument("gaussianfile", help="gaussian file that defines template") parser.add_argument("--ft2", help="Path to FT2 file.", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--weightcol", help="name of weight column (or 'CALC' to have them computed)", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--nwalkers", help="Number of MCMC walkers", type=int, default=200 ) parser.add_argument( "--burnin", help="Number of MCMC steps for burn in ", type=int, default=100, ) parser.add_argument( "--nsteps", help="Number of MCMC steps to compute", type=int, default=1000, ) parser.add_argument( "--minMJD", help="Earliest MJD to use", type=float, default=54680.0 ) parser.add_argument( "--maxMJD", help="Latest MJD to use", type=float, default=57250.0 ) parser.add_argument( "--phs", help="Starting phase offset [0-1] (def is to measure)", type=float ) parser.add_argument( "--phserr", help="Error on starting phase", type=float, default=0.03 ) parser.add_argument( "--minWeight", help="Minimum weight to include", type=float, default=0.05, ) parser.add_argument( "--wgtexp", help="Raise computed weights to this power (or 0.0 to disable any rescaling of weights)", type=float, default=0.0, ) parser.add_argument( "--testWeights", help="Make plots to evalute weight cuts?", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--doOpt", help="Run initial scipy opt before MCMC?", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--initerrfact", help="Multiply par file errors by this factor when initializing walker starting values", type=float, default=0.1, ) parser.add_argument( "--priorerrfact", help="Multiple par file errors by this factor when setting gaussian prior widths", type=float, default=10.0, ) parser.add_argument( "--usepickle", help="Read events from pickle file, if available?", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--log-level", type=str, choices=("TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"), default=pint.logging.script_level, help="Logging level", dest="loglevel", ) global nwalkers, nsteps, ftr args = parser.parse_args(argv) log.remove() log.add( sys.stderr, level=args.loglevel, colorize=True, format=pint.logging.format, filter=pint.logging.LogFilter(), ) eventfile = args.eventfile parfile = args.parfile gaussianfile = args.gaussianfile weightcol = args.weightcol if args.ft2 is not None: # Instantiate Fermi observatory once so it gets added to the observatory registry get_satellite_observatory("Fermi", args.ft2) nwalkers = args.nwalkers burnin = args.burnin nsteps = args.nsteps if burnin >= nsteps: log.error("burnin must be < nsteps") sys.exit(1) nbins = 256 # For likelihood calculation based on gaussians file outprof_nbins = 256 # in the text file, for, for instance minMJD = args.minMJD maxMJD = args.maxMJD # Usually set by coverage of IERS file minWeight = args.minWeight do_opt_first = args.doOpt wgtexp = args.wgtexp # Read in initial model modelin = pint.models.get_model(parfile) # The custom_timing version below is to manually construct the TimingModel # class, which allows it to be pickled. This is needed for parallelizing # the emcee call over a number of threads. So far, it isn't quite working # so it is disabled. The code above constructs the TimingModel class # dynamically, as usual. # modelin = custom_timing(parfile) # Remove the dispersion delay as it is unnecessary # modelin.delay_funcs['L1'].remove(modelin.dispersion_delay) # Set the target coords for automatic weighting if necessary if "ELONG" in modelin.params: tc = SkyCoord( modelin.ELONG.quantity, modelin.ELAT.quantity, frame="barycentrictrueecliptic", ) else: tc = SkyCoord(modelin.RAJ.quantity, modelin.DECJ.quantity, frame="icrs") target = tc if weightcol == "CALC" else None # TODO: make this properly handle long double if not args.usepickle or ( not ( os.path.isfile(eventfile + ".pickle") or os.path.isfile(eventfile + ".pickle.gz") ) ): # Read event file and return list of TOA objects tl = fermi.load_Fermi_TOAs( eventfile, weightcolumn=weightcol, targetcoord=target, minweight=minWeight ) # Limit the TOAs to ones in selected MJD range and above minWeight tl = [ tl[ii] for ii in range(len(tl)) if ( tl[ii].mjd.value > minMJD and tl[ii].mjd.value < maxMJD and (weightcol is None or tl[ii].flags["weight"] > minWeight) ) ]"There are %d events we will use" % len(tl)) # Now convert to TOAs object and compute TDBs and posvels ts = toa.TOAs(toalist=tl) ts.filename = eventfile ts.compute_TDBs() ts.compute_posvels(ephem="DE421", planets=False) ts.pickle() else: # read the events in as a pickle file picklefile = toa._check_pickle(eventfile) if not picklefile: picklefile = eventfile ts = toa.TOAs(picklefile) if weightcol is not None: if weightcol == "CALC": weights = np.asarray([x["weight"] for x in ts.table["flags"]]) "Original weights have min / max weights %.3f / %.3f" % (weights.min(), weights.max()) ) # Rescale the weights, if requested (by having wgtexp != 0.0) if wgtexp != 0.0: weights **= wgtexp wmx, wmn = weights.max(), weights.min() # make the highest weight = 1, but keep min weight the same weights = wmn + ((weights - wmn) * (1.0 - wmn) / (wmx - wmn)) for ii, x in enumerate(ts.table["flags"]): x["weight"] = weights[ii] weights = np.asarray([x["weight"] for x in ts.table["flags"]]) "There are %d events, with min / max weights %.3f / %.3f" % (len(weights), weights.min(), weights.max()) ) else: weights = None"There are %d events, no weights are being used." % ts.ntoas) # Now load in the gaussian template and normalize it gtemplate = read_gaussfitfile(gaussianfile, nbins) gtemplate /= gtemplate.mean() # Set the priors on the parameters in the model, before # instantiating the emcee_fitter # Currently, this adds a gaussian prior on each parameter # with width equal to the par file uncertainty * priorerrfact, # and then puts in some special cases. # *** This should be replaced/supplemented with a way to specify # more general priors on parameters that need certain bounds phs = 0.0 if args.phs is None else args.phs sampler = EmceeSampler(nwalkers) ftr = MCMCFitterBinnedTemplate( ts, modelin, sampler, template=gtemplate, weights=weights, phs=phs, phserr=args.phserr, minMJD=minMJD, maxMJD=maxMJD, ) fitkeys, fitvals, fiterrs = ftr.get_fit_keyvals() # Use this if you want to see the effect of setting minWeight if args.testWeights:"Checking H-test vs weights") ftr.prof_vs_weights(use_weights=True) ftr.prof_vs_weights(use_weights=False) sys.exit() # Now compute the photon phases and see if we see a pulse phss = ftr.get_event_phases() maxbin, like_start = marginalize_over_phase( phss, gtemplate, weights=ftr.weights, minimize=True, showplot=False )"Starting pulse likelihood: %f" % like_start) if args.phs is None: fitvals[-1] = (1.0 - maxbin[0] / float(len(gtemplate))) % 1"Starting pulse phase: %f" % fitvals[-1]) else: "Measured starting pulse phase is %f, but using %f" % (1.0 - maxbin / float(len(gtemplate)), args.phs) ) fitvals[-1] = args.phs ftr.fitvals[-1] = fitvals[-1] ftr.phaseogram(plotfile=ftr.model.PSR.value + "_pre.png") plt.close() # Write out the starting pulse profile vs, xs = np.histogram( ftr.get_event_phases(), outprof_nbins, range=[0, 1], weights=ftr.weights ) f = open(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_prof_pre.txt", "w") for x, v in zip(xs, vs): f.write("%.5f %12.5f\n" % (x, v)) f.close() # Try normal optimization first to see how it goes if do_opt_first: result = op.minimize(ftr.minimize_func, np.zeros_like(ftr.fitvals)) newfitvals = np.asarray(result["x"]) * ftr.fiterrs + ftr.fitvals like_optmin = -result["fun"]"Optimization likelihood: %f" % like_optmin) ftr.set_params(dict(zip(ftr.fitkeys, newfitvals))) ftr.phaseogram() else: like_optmin = -np.inf # Set up the initial conditions for the emcee walkers. Use the # scipy.optimize newfitvals instead if they are better ndim = ftr.n_fit_params if like_start > like_optmin: pos = None else: pos = [ newfitvals + ftr.fiterrs * args.initerrfact * np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers) ] pos[0] = ftr.fitvals ftr.fit_toas( maxiter=nsteps, pos=pos, priorerrfact=args.priorerrfact, errfact=args.initerrfact, ) def plot_chains(chain_dict, file=False): npts = len(chain_dict) fig, axes = plt.subplots(npts, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 9)) for ii, name in enumerate(chain_dict.keys()): axes[ii].plot(chain_dict[name], color="k", alpha=0.3) axes[ii].set_ylabel(name) axes[npts - 1].set_xlabel("Step Number") fig.tight_layout() if file: fig.savefig(file) plt.close() else: plt.close() chains = sampler.chains_to_dict(ftr.fitkeys) plot_chains(chains, file=ftr.model.PSR.value + "_chains.png") # Make the triangle plot. # samples = sampler.sampler.chain[:, burnin:, :].reshape((-1, ftr.n_fit_params)) samples = np.transpose( sampler.sampler.get_chain(discard=burnin), (1, 0, 2) ).reshape((-1, ftr.n_fit_params)) try: import corner fig = corner.corner( samples, labels=ftr.fitkeys, bins=50, truths=ftr.maxpost_fitvals, plot_contours=True, ) fig.savefig(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_triangle.png") plt.close() except ImportError: pass # Plot the scaled prior probability alongside the initial gaussian probability distribution and the histogrammed samples ftr.plot_priors(chains, burnin, scale=True) plt.savefig(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_priors.png") plt.close() # Make a phaseogram with the 50th percentile values # ftr.set_params(dict(zip(ftr.fitkeys, np.percentile(samples, 50, axis=0)))) # Make a phaseogram with the best MCMC result ftr.set_params(dict(zip(ftr.fitkeys[:-1], ftr.maxpost_fitvals[:-1]))) ftr.phaseogram(plotfile=ftr.model.PSR.value + "_post.png") plt.close() # Write out the output pulse profile vs, xs = np.histogram( ftr.get_event_phases(), outprof_nbins, range=[0, 1], weights=ftr.weights ) f = open(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_prof_post.txt", "w") for x, v in zip(xs, vs): f.write("%.5f %12.5f\n" % (x, v)) f.close() # Write out the par file for the best MCMC parameter est f = open(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_post.par", "w") f.write(ftr.model.as_parfile()) f.close() # Print the best MCMC values and ranges ranges = map( lambda v: (v[1], v[2] - v[1], v[1] - v[0]), zip(*np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84], axis=0)), )"Post-MCMC values (50th percentile +/- (16th/84th percentile):") for name, vals in zip(ftr.fitkeys, ranges):"%8s:" % name + "%25.15g (+ %12.5g / - %12.5g)" % vals) # Put the same stuff in a file f = open(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_results.txt", "w") f.write("Post-MCMC values (50th percentile +/- (16th/84th percentile):\n") for name, vals in zip(ftr.fitkeys, ranges): f.write("%8s:" % name + " %25.15g (+ %12.5g / - %12.5g)\n" % vals) f.write("\nMaximum likelihood par file:\n") f.write(ftr.model.as_parfile()) f.close() import pickle pickle.dump(samples, open(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_samples.pickle", "wb"))