Source code for pint.templates.lcfitters

A module implementing binned and unbinned likelihood for weighted and
unweighted sets of photon phases.  The model is encapsulated in LCTemplate,
a mixture model.

LCPrimitives are combined to form a light curve (LCTemplate).
LCFitter then performs a maximum likelihood fit to determine the
light curve parameters.

LCFitter also allows fits to subsets of the phases for TOA calculation.

$Header: /nfs/slac/g/glast/ground/cvs/pointlike/python/uw/pulsar/,v 1.54 2017/03/24 18:48:51 kerrm Exp $

author: M. Kerr <>

import numpy as np
import scipy
from pint.eventstats import hm, hmw
from scipy.optimize import fmin, fmin_tnc, leastsq

SECSPERDAY = 86400.0

[docs]def isvector(x): return len(np.asarray(x).shape) > 0
[docs]def shifted(m, delta=0.5): """Produce a copy of a binned profile shifted in phase by delta.""" f = np.fft.fft(m, axis=-1) n = f.shape[-1] arg = np.fft.fftfreq(n) * (n * np.pi * 2.0j * delta) return np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.exp(arg) * f, axis=-1))
[docs]def weighted_light_curve(nbins, phases, weights, normed=False, phase_shift=0): """Return a set of bins, values, and errors to represent a weighted light curve.""" bins = np.linspace(0 + phase_shift, 1 + phase_shift, nbins + 1) counts = np.histogram(phases, bins=bins, density=False)[0] w1 = (np.histogram(phases, bins=bins, weights=weights, density=False)[0]).astype( float ) w2 = ( np.histogram(phases, bins=bins, weights=weights**2, density=False)[0] ).astype(float) errors = np.where(counts > 1, w2**0.5, counts) norm = w1.sum() / nbins if normed else 1.0 return bins, w1 / norm, errors / norm
[docs]class LCFitter: def __init__( self, template, phases, weights=None, log10_ens=3, times=1, binned_bins=1000, binned_ebins=8, phase_shift=0, ): """Class for fitting light curves. Arguments: template -- an instance of LCTemplate phases -- list of photon phases Keyword arguments: weights [None] optional photon weights log10_ens [None] optional photon energies (log10(E/MeV)) times [None] optional photon arrival times binned_bins [100] phase bins to use in binned likelihood binned_ebins [8] energy bins to use in binned likelihood phase_shift [0] set this if a phase shift has been applied """ self.template = template self.phases = np.asarray(phases) if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(phases), dtype=float) self.weights = weights self.log10_ens = np.asarray(log10_ens) self.times = times self.binned_bins = binned_bins self.binned_ebins = binned_ebins # TODO? self.phase_shift = phase_shift self.loglikelihood = self.unbinned_loglikelihood self.gradient = self.unbinned_gradient self._binned_setup() def __str__(self): if "ll" in self.__dict__.keys(): return "\nLog Likelihood for fit: %.2f\n" % (self.ll) + str(self.template) return str(self.template) def __getstate__(self): """Cannot pickle self.loglikelihood and self.gradient since these are instancemethod objects. See:""" result = self.__dict__.copy() # del result["loglikelihood"] # del result["gradient"] result.pop("loglikelihood") result.pop("gradient") return result def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state self.loglikelihood = self.unbinned_loglikelihood self.gradient = self.unbinned_gradient def is_energy_dependent(self): return self.template.is_energy_dependent() def _hist_setup(self): """Setup binning for a quick chi-squared fit.""" h = hmw(self.phases, self.weights) nbins = 25 if h > 100: nbins = 50 if h > 1000: nbins = 100 bins, counts, errors = weighted_light_curve( nbins, self.phases, self.weights, phase_shift=self.phase_shift ) mask = counts > 0 N = counts.sum() self.bg_level = 1 - (self.weights**2).sum() / N x = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1]) / 2 y = counts / N * nbins yerr = errors / N * nbins self.chistuff = x[mask], y[mask], yerr[mask] # now set up binning for binned likelihood def _binned_setup(self): nbins = self.binned_bins bins = np.linspace(0 + self.phase_shift, 1 + self.phase_shift, nbins + 1) # TODO -- revisit this slice approach and implement in a way that # doesn't require sorting. It seems very fragile. Looking at the # binned likelihood, we could keep the masks, select the weights, # and broadcast the single template term. a = np.argsort(self.phases) self.phases = self.phases[a] self.weights = self.weights[a] if isvector(self.log10_ens): self.log10_ens = self.log10_ens[a] self.counts_centers = [] self.slices = [] indices = np.arange(len(self.weights)) for i in range(nbins): mask = (self.phases >= bins[i]) & (self.phases < bins[i + 1]) if mask.sum() > 0: w = self.weights[mask] if w.sum() == 0: continue p = self.phases[mask] self.counts_centers.append((w * p).sum() / w.sum()) # self.counts_centers.append(0.5*(bins[i]+bins[i+1])) self.slices.append(slice(indices[mask].min(), indices[mask].max() + 1)) self.counts_centers = np.asarray(self.counts_centers) def unbinned_loglikelihood(self, p, *args, **kwargs): t = self.template params_ok = t.set_parameters(p) if not t.norm_ok(): return 2e20 if (not params_ok) and ("skip_bounds_check" not in kwargs): return 2e20 # TODO -- keep this formulation?? arg = 1 + self.weights * ( t(self.phases, log10_ens=self.log10_ens, use_cache=False) - 1 ) arg[arg <= 0] = 1e-300 return -np.log(arg).sum() # return -np.log(1 + self.weights * (t(self.phases,log10_ens=self.log10_ens,use_cache=False) - 1)).sum() def binned_loglikelihood(self, p, *args, **kwargs): t = self.template params_ok = t.set_parameters(p) if not t.norm_ok(): return 2e20 if (not params_ok) and ("skip_bounds_check" not in kwargs): return 2e20 template_terms = ( t(self.counts_centers, log10_ens=self.log10_ens, use_cache=False) - 1 ) phase_template_terms = np.empty_like(self.weights) for tt, sl in zip(template_terms, self.slices): phase_template_terms[sl] = tt # TODO -- keep this formulation?? arg = 1 + self.weights * phase_template_terms arg[arg <= 0] = 1e-300 return -np.log(arg).sum() # return -np.log(1 + self.weights * phase_template_terms).sum() def unbinned_gradient(self, p, *args, **kwargs): t = self.template params_ok = t.set_parameters(p) if not t.norm_ok(): return np.full(p.shape, 2e20) if (not params_ok) and ("skip_bounds_check" not in kwargs): return np.full(p.shape, 2e20) g, tmpl = t.gradient(self.phases, log10_ens=self.log10_ens, template_too=True) # numer = self.weights * t.gradient(self.phases,log10_ens=self.log10_ens) # denom = 1 + self.weights * (t(self.phases,log10_ens=self.log10_ens,use_cache=False) - 1) numer = self.weights * g denom = 1 + self.weights * (tmpl - 1) return -np.sum(numer / denom, axis=1) def binned_gradient(self, p, *args, **kwargs): t = self.template params_ok = t.set_parameters(p) if not t.norm_ok(): return np.full(p.shape, 2e20) if (not params_ok) and ("skip_bounds_check" not in kwargs): return np.full(p.shape, 2e20) nump = len(p) template_terms = ( t(self.counts_centers, log10_ens=self.log10_ens, use_cache=False) - 1 ) gradient_terms = t.gradient(self.counts_centers, log10_ens=self.log10_ens) phase_template_terms = np.empty_like(self.weights) phase_gradient_terms = np.empty([nump, len(self.weights)]) # distribute the central values to the unbinned phases/weights for tt, gt, sl in zip(template_terms, gradient_terms.transpose(), self.slices): phase_template_terms[sl] = tt for j in range(nump): phase_gradient_terms[j, sl] = gt[j] numer = self.weights * phase_gradient_terms denom = 1 + self.weights * (phase_template_terms) return -(numer / denom).sum(axis=1) def chi(self, p, *args): x, y, yerr = self.chistuff bg = self.bg_level if not self.template.shift_mode and np.any(p < 0): return 2e100 * np.ones_like(x) / len(x) args[0].set_parameters(p) return (bg + (1 - bg) * self.template(x) - y) / yerr def quick_fit(self): t = self.template p0 = t.get_parameters().copy() chi0 = (self.chi(t.get_parameters(), t) ** 2).sum() f = leastsq(self.chi, t.get_parameters(), args=(t)) chi1 = (self.chi(t.get_parameters(), t) ** 2).sum() print(chi0, chi1, " chi numbers") if chi1 > chi0: print(self) print("Failed least squares fit -- reset and proceed to likelihood.") t.set_parameters(p0) def _fix_state(self, restore_state=None): old_state = [] counter = 0 for p in self.template.primitives: for i in range(len(p.p)): old_state.append([i]) if restore_state is not None:[i] = restore_state[counter] elif i < (len(p.p) - 1):[i] = False counter += 1 return old_state def _set_unbinned(self, unbinned=True): if unbinned: self.loglikelihood = self.unbinned_loglikelihood self.gradient = self.unbinned_gradient else: self.loglikelihood = self.binned_loglikelihood self.gradient = self.binned_gradient def fit( self, quick_fit_first=False, unbinned=True, use_gradient=True, ftol=1e-5, overall_position_first=False, positions_first=False, estimate_errors=False, prior=None, unbinned_refit=True, try_bootstrap=True, quiet=False, ): # NB use of priors currently not supported by quick_fit, positions first, etc. self._set_unbinned(unbinned) if (prior is not None) and (len(prior) > 0): fit_func = lambda x: self.loglikelihood(x) + prior(x) grad_func = lambda x: self.gradient(x) + prior.gradient(x) else: fit_func = self.loglikelihood grad_func = self.gradient if overall_position_first: """do a brute force scan over profile down to <1mP.""" def logl(phase): self.template.set_overall_phase(phase) return self.loglikelihood(self.template.get_parameters()) # coarse grained dom = np.linspace(0, 1, 101) cod = [logl(x) for x in 0.5 * (dom[1:] + dom[:-1])] idx = np.argmin(cod) # fine grained dom = np.linspace(dom[idx], dom[idx + 1], 101) cod = [logl(x) for x in dom] # set to best fit phase shift ph0 = dom[np.argmin(cod)] self.template.set_overall_phase(ph0) if positions_first: print("Running positions first") restore_state = self._fix_state() quick_fit_first=quick_fit_first, estimate_errors=False, unbinned=unbinned, use_gradient=use_gradient, positions_first=False, quiet=quiet, ) self._fix_state(restore_state) # an initial chi squared fit to find better seed values if quick_fit_first: self.quick_fit() ll0 = -fit_func(self.template.get_parameters()) p0 = self.template.get_parameters().copy() if use_gradient: f = self.fit_tnc(fit_func, grad_func, ftol=ftol, quiet=quiet) else: f = self.fit_fmin(fit_func, ftol=ftol) if (ll0 > self.ll) or (ll0 == 2e20) or (np.isnan(ll0)): if ( unbinned_refit and np.isnan(ll0) and (not unbinned) and (self.binned_bins * 2) < 400 ): print( "Did not converge using %d bins... retrying with %d bins..." % (self.binned_bins, self.binned_bins * 2) ) self.template.set_parameters(p0) self.ll = ll0 self.fitvals = p0 self.binned_bins *= 2 self._hist_setup() return quick_fit_first=quick_fit_first, unbinned=unbinned, use_gradient=use_gradient, positions_first=positions_first, estimate_errors=estimate_errors, prior=prior, ) self.bad_p = self.template.get_parameters().copy() self.bad_ll = self.ll print("Failed likelihood fit -- resetting parameters.") if np.isnan(ll0): print(" (Condition: LL = NaN)") if ll0 > self.ll: print(" (Condition: LL did not improve)") if ll0 == -2e20: print(" (Condition: LL set to -infty)") self.template.set_parameters(p0) self.ll = ll0 self.fitvals = p0 return False if ( estimate_errors and not self.hess_errors(use_gradient=use_gradient) and try_bootstrap ): self.bootstrap_errors(set_errors=True) if not quiet: print("Improved log likelihood by %.2f" % (self.ll - ll0)) return True
[docs] def fit_position(self, unbinned=True, track=False, skip_coarse=False): """Fit overall template position. Return shift and its error. Parameters ---------- unbinned : bool Use unbinned likelihood; will be very slow for many photons. track : bool Limit best-fit solution to +/- 0.2 periods of zero phase. Helps to avoid 0.5period ambiguity for two-peaked profiles. Returns ------- delta_phi : float overall phase shift from template delta_phi_err : float estimated uncertainty on phase shift from likelihood hessian """ if not self.template.check_bounds(): raise ValueError("Template does not satisfy parameter bounds.") self._set_unbinned(unbinned) ph0 = self.template.get_location() def logl(phase): self.template.set_overall_phase(phase) return self.loglikelihood(self.template.get_parameters()) # coarse grained search if track: dom = np.append(np.linspace(0.0, 0.2, 25), np.linspace(0.8, 1.0, 25)[:-1]) else: if skip_coarse: dom = np.linspace(ph0 - 0.01, ph0 + 0.01, 21) else: dom = np.linspace(0, 1, 101) x0 = min(dom, key=logl) ph1 = fmin(logl, x0, full_output=True, disp=0, xtol=1e-6)[0][0] self.template.set_overall_phase(ph1) # estimate error by computing d2logl/dphi2 f0 = self.template(self.phases) f1 = self.template.derivative(self.phases, order=1) f2 = self.template.derivative(self.phases, order=2) w = self.weights den = 1 + w * (f0 - 1) d2 = np.sum(((w * f1) / den) ** 2 - w * f2 / den) return ph1 - ph0, d2**-0.5
[docs] def fit_background(self, unbinned=True): """Fit the background level, holding the ratios of the pulsed components fixed but varying their total normalization.""" self._set_unbinned(unbinned) def logl(p): if np.isscalar(p): self.template.norms.set_total(p) else: self.template.norms.set_total(p[0]) return self.loglikelihood(self.template.get_parameters()) old_total = self.template.norms.get_total() grid = np.linspace(0, 1, 51)[1:] gridbest = min(grid, key=logl) gmax = min(grid[-1], gridbest + 0.02) gmin = max(grid[0], gridbest - 0.02) grid = np.linspace(gmin, gmax, 51) gridbest = min(grid, key=logl) self.template.norms.set_total(gridbest) return gridbest
def fit_fmin(self, fit_func, ftol=1e-5): x0 = self.template.get_parameters() fit = fmin(fit_func, x0, disp=0, ftol=ftol, full_output=True) self.fitval = fit[0] self.ll = -fit[1] return fit def fit_cg(self): from scipy.optimize import fmin_cg return fmin_cg( self.loglikelihood, self.template.get_parameters(), fprime=self.gradient, args=(self.template,), full_output=1, disp=1, ) def fit_bfgs(self): from scipy.optimize import fmin_bfgs # bounds = self.template.get_bounds() fit = fmin_bfgs( self.loglikelihood, self.template.get_parameters(), fprime=self.gradient, args=(self.template,), full_output=1, disp=1, gtol=1e-5, norm=2, ) self.template.set_errors(np.diag(fit[3]) ** 0.5) self.fitval = fit[0] self.ll = -fit[1] self.cov_matrix = fit[3] return fit def fit_tnc(self, fit_func, grad_func, ftol=1e-5, quiet=False): x0 = self.template.get_parameters() bounds = self.template.get_bounds() fit = fmin_tnc( fit_func, x0, fprime=grad_func, ftol=ftol, pgtol=1e-5, bounds=bounds, maxfun=5000, messages=8, disp=0 if quiet else 1, ) self.fitval = fit[0] self.ll = -fit_func(self.template.get_parameters()) return fit def fit_l_bfgs_b(self): from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b x0 = self.template.get_parameters() bounds = self.template.get_bounds() return fmin_l_bfgs_b( self.loglikelihood, x0, fprime=self.gradient, bounds=bounds, factr=1e-5 )
[docs] def hess_errors(self, use_gradient=True): """Set errors from hessian. Fit should be called first...""" p = self.template.get_parameters() nump = len(p) self.cov_matrix = np.zeros([nump, nump], dtype=float) logl = lambda p: self.loglikelihood(p, skip_bounds_check=True) grad = lambda p: self.gradient(p, skip_counts_check=True) ss = calc_step_size(logl, p.copy()) if use_gradient: h1 = hess_from_grad(grad, p.copy(), step=ss) c1 = scipy.linalg.inv(h1) if np.all(np.diag(c1) > 0): self.cov_matrix = c1 else: print("Could not estimate errors from hessian.") return False else: h1 = hessian(self.template, logl, delta=ss) try: c1 = scipy.linalg.inv(h1) except scipy.linalg.LinAlgError: print("Hessian matrix was singular! Aborting.") return False d = np.diag(c1) if np.all(d > 0): self.cov_matrix = c1 # attempt to refine h2 = hessian(self.template, logl, delt=d**0.5) try: c2 = scipy.linalg.inv(h2) except scipy.linalg.LinAlgError: print("Second try at hessian matrix was singular! Aborting.") return False if np.all(np.diag(c2) > 0): self.cov_matrix = c2 else: print("Could not estimate errors from hessian.") return False self.template.set_errors(np.diag(self.cov_matrix) ** 0.5) return True
def bootstrap_errors(self, nsamp=100, fit_kwargs={}, set_errors=False): p0 = self.phases w0 = self.weights param0 = self.template.get_parameters().copy() n = len(p0) results = np.empty([nsamp, len(self.template.get_parameters())]) fit_kwargs["estimate_errors"] = False # never estimate errors if "unbinned" not in fit_kwargs.keys(): fit_kwargs["unbinned"] = True counter = 0 for i in range(nsamp * 2): if counter == nsamp: break if i == (2 * nsamp - 1): self.phases = p0 self.weights = w0 raise ValueError("Could not construct bootstrap sample. Giving up.") a = (np.random.rand(n) * n).astype(int) self.phases = p0[a] if w0 is not None: self.weights = w0[a] if not fit_kwargs["unbinned"]: self._hist_setup() if**fit_kwargs): results[counter, :] = self.template.get_parameters() counter += 1 self.template.set_parameters(param0) if set_errors: self.template.set_errors(np.std(results, axis=0)) self.phases = p0 self.weights = w0 return results def write_template(self, outputfile="template.gauss"): s = self.template.prof_string(outputfile=outputfile) def plot( self, nbins=50, fignum=2, axes=None, plot_components=False, template=None, line_color="blue", comp_color=None, plot_eavg=True, log10_erange=None, optimize_display_phase=True, ): import pylab as pl if comp_color is None: comp_color = line_color weights = self.weights log10_ens = self.log10_ens phases = self.phases if template is None: template = self.template if optimize_display_phase: template = template.copy() dphi = template.get_display_point(do_rotate=True) phases = np.mod(phases + dphi, 1) plot_log_en = 3 if (log10_erange is not None) and (log10_ens is not None): lo, hi = log10_erange mask = (log10_ens >= lo) & (log10_ens < hi) if weights is not None: weights = weights[mask] phases = phases[mask] log10_ens = log10_ens[mask] plot_log_en = 0.5 * (lo + hi) if axes is None: fig = pl.figure(fignum) axes = fig.add_subplot(111) axes.hist( phases, bins=np.linspace(0, 1, nbins + 1), histtype="step", ec="C3", density=True, lw=1, weights=weights, ) if weights is not None: bg_level = 1 - (weights**2).sum() / weights.sum() axes.axhline(bg_level, color="k") x, w1, errors = weighted_light_curve(nbins, phases, weights, normed=True) x = (x[:-1] + x[1:]) / 2 axes.errorbar(x, w1, yerr=errors, capsize=0, marker="", ls=" ", color="red") else: bg_level = 0 h = np.histogram(phases, bins=np.linspace(0, 1, nbins + 1)) x = (h[1][:-1] + h[1][1:]) / 2 n = float(h[0].sum()) / nbins axes.errorbar( x, h[0] / n, yerr=h[0] ** 0.5 / n, capsize=0, marker="", ls=" ", color="C3", ) def avg_energy(func): if not plot_eavg: return func(dom) if not isvector(log10_ens): return func(dom) h = np.histogram(log10_ens, weights=weights, bins=20) wt = h[0] * (1.0 / h[0].sum()) hc = 0.5 * (h[1][:-1] + h[1][1:]) rvals = np.zeros_like(dom) for x, w in zip(hc, wt): rvals += w * func(dom, log10_ens=x) return rvals dom = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) cod = avg_energy(template) * (1 - bg_level) + bg_level axes.plot(dom, cod, color=line_color, lw=1) if plot_components: for i in range(len(template.primitives)): def f(ph, log10_ens=3): return template.single_component(i, dom, log10_ens=log10_ens) cod = avg_energy(f) * (1 - bg_level) + bg_level axes.plot(dom, cod, color=comp_color, lw=1, ls="--") pl.axis([0, 1, pl.axis()[2], max(pl.axis()[3], cod.max() * 1.05)]) axes.set_ylabel("Normalized Profile") axes.set_xlabel("Phase") axes.grid(True) return bg_level def plot_ebands( self, nband=4, fignum=2, plot_zoom=True, equalize_y=False, **plot_kwargs ): import pylab as pl pl.close(fignum) fig = pl.figure(fignum, (4.5 + 4.5 * int(plot_zoom), 7)) if "fignum" in plot_kwargs: plot_kwargs.pop("fignum") log10_ebands = self.get_ebands(nband) if len(log10_ebands) == 0: raise ValueError("No energy information available.") toggle = int(plot_zoom) axes = [] axzooms = [] maxy = 0 for i in range(nband): lo, hi = log10_ebands[i : i + 2] ax = pl.subplot(nband, 1 + toggle, i * (1 + toggle) + 1) axes.append(ax) plot_kwargs["log10_erange"] = [lo, hi] plot_kwargs["axes"] = ax self.plot(**plot_kwargs) maxy = max(ax.axis()[-1], maxy) ax.text( 0.03, ax.axis()[-1] * 0.88, "%.2f--%.2f GeV" % (10**lo * 1e-3, 10**hi * 1e-3), ) if plot_zoom: axzoom = pl.subplot(nband, 1 + toggle, i * (1 + toggle) + 2) plot_kwargs["axes"] = axzoom bg_level = self.plot(**plot_kwargs) axzoom.axis([0, 1, bg_level - 0.2, bg_level + 1.0]) axzoom.set_ylabel("") axzoom.tick_params( labelleft=False, labelright=True, labelbottom=i == (nband - 1) ) if i >= nband - 1: axzoom.set_xticks([0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]) axzoom.set_xlabel("") axzoom.set_ylabel("") axzooms.append(axzoom) if i < (nband - 1): ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False) ax.set_xlabel("") ax.set_ylabel("") if equalize_y: for ax in axes: old_axis = list(ax.axis()) old_axis[-1] = maxy ax.axis(tuple(old_axis)) try: fig.supylabel("Normalized Profile") fig.supxlabel("Phase") except AttributeError: axes[-1].set_xlabel("Phase") if axzooms: axzooms[-1].set_xlabel("Phase") for ax in axes: ax.set_ylabel("Normalized Profile") pl.tight_layout() pl.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) pl.subplots_adjust(wspace=0) def get_ebands(self, nband=3): if not isvector(self.log10_ens): return [] t = self.template(self.phases, log10_ens=self.log10_ens) if self.weights is None: logl = np.log(t) else: logl = np.log(1 + self.weights * (t - 1)) a = np.argsort(self.log10_ens) logl = logl[a] logl = np.cumsum(logl) logl *= 1.0 / logl[-1] indices = np.searchsorted(logl, np.arange(nband)[1:] / nband) indices = np.append(0, indices) indices = np.append(indices, -1) log10_ens = self.log10_ens[a][indices] # round boundaries down/up to nearest 0.1 log10_ens[0] = np.floor(log10_ens[0] * 10) * 0.1 log10_ens[-1] = np.ceil(log10_ens[-1] * 10) * 0.1 return log10_ens def plot_residuals(self, nbins=50, fignum=3): import pylab as pl edges = np.linspace(0, 1, nbins + 1) lct = self.template cod = np.asarray( [lct.integrate(e1, e2) for e1, e2 in zip(edges[:-1], edges[1:])] ) * len(self.phases) pl.figure(fignum) counts = np.histogram(self.phases, bins=edges)[0] pl.errorbar( x=(edges[1:] + edges[:-1]) / 2, y=counts - cod, yerr=counts**0.5, ls=" ", marker="o", color="red", ) pl.axhline(0, color="blue") pl.ylabel("Residuals (Data - Model)") pl.xlabel("Phase") pl.grid(True)
[docs] def rotate_for_display(self): """Rotate both internal phases and template to a nice phase. NB this will potentially break zero-phase references and will also necessitate re-binning if using binned mode. """ dphi = self.template.get_display_point(do_rotate=True) self.phases = np.mod(self.phases + dphi, 1) self._binned_setup()
[docs] def aic(self, template=None): """Return the Akaike information criterion for the current state. Note the sense of the statistic is such that more negative implies a better fit.""" if template is not None: template, self.template = self.template, template else: template = self.template nump = len(template.get_parameters()) ts = 2 * (nump + self()) self.template = template return ts
[docs] def bic(self, template=None): """Return the Bayesian information criterion for the current state. Note the sense of the statistic is such that more negative implies a better fit. This should work for energy-dependent templates provided the template and fitter match types.""" if template is not None: template, self.template = self.template, template else: template = self.template nump = len(self.template.get_parameters()) n = len(self.phases) if self.weights is None else self.weights.sum() ts = nump * np.log(n) + 2 * self() self.template = template return ts
[docs]def hessian(m, mf, *args, **kwargs): """Calculate the Hessian; mf is the minimizing function, m is the model,args additional arguments for mf.""" p = m.get_parameters().copy() p0 = p.copy() # sacrosanct copy delta = kwargs.get("delt", [0.01] * len(p)) hessian = np.zeros([len(p), len(p)]) for i in range(len(p)): delt = delta[i] for j in range( i, len(p) ): # Second partials by finite difference; could be done analytically in a future revision xhyh, xhyl, xlyh, xlyl = p.copy(), p.copy(), p.copy(), p.copy() xdelt = delt if p[i] >= 0 else -delt ydelt = delt if p[j] >= 0 else -delt xhyh[i] *= 1 + xdelt xhyh[j] *= 1 + ydelt xhyl[i] *= 1 + xdelt xhyl[j] *= 1 - ydelt xlyh[i] *= 1 - xdelt xlyh[j] *= 1 + ydelt xlyl[i] *= 1 - xdelt xlyl[j] *= 1 - ydelt hessian[i][j] = hessian[j][i] = ( mf(xhyh, m, *args) - mf(xhyl, m, *args) - mf(xlyh, m, *args) + mf(xlyl, m, *args) ) / (p[i] * p[j] * 4 * delt**2) mf( p0, m, *args ) # call likelihood with original values; this resets model and any other values that might be used later return hessian
[docs]def get_errors(template, total, n=100): """This is, I think, for making MC estimates of TOA errors.""" from scipy.optimize import fmin ph0 = template.get_location() def logl(phi, *args): phases = args[0] template.set_overall_phase(phi % 1) return -np.log(template(phases)).sum() errors = np.empty(n) fitvals = np.empty(n) errors_r = np.empty(n) delta = 0.01 mean = 0 for i in range(n): template.set_overall_phase(ph0) ph = template.random(total) results = fmin(logl, ph0, args=(ph,), full_output=1, disp=0) phi0, fopt = results[0], results[1] fitvals[i] = phi0 mean += logl(phi0 + delta, ph) - logl(phi0, ph) errors[i] = ( logl(phi0 + delta, ph) - fopt * 2 + logl(phi0 - delta, ph) ) / delta**2 my_delta = errors[i] ** -0.5 errors_r[i] = ( logl(phi0 + my_delta, ph) - fopt * 2 + logl(phi0 - my_delta, ph) ) / my_delta**2 print("Mean: %.2f" % (mean / n)) return fitvals - ph0, errors**-0.5, errors_r**-0.5
[docs]def make_err_plot(template, totals=[10, 20, 50, 100, 500], n=1000): import pylab as pl fvals = [] errs = [] bins = np.arange(-5, 5.1, 0.25) for tot in totals: f, e = get_errors(template, tot, n=n) fvals += [f] errs += [e] pl.hist( f / e, bins=np.arange(-5, 5.1, 0.5), histtype="step", density=True, label="N = %d" % tot, ) g = lambda x: (np.pi * 2) ** -0.5 * np.exp(-(x**2) / 2) dom = np.linspace(-5, 5, 101) pl.plot(dom, g(dom), color="k") pl.legend() pl.axis([-5, 5, 0, 0.5])
[docs]def approx_gradient(fitter, eps=1e-6): """Numerically approximate the gradient of an instance of one of the light curve fitters. TODO -- potentially merge this with the code in lcprimitives""" func = fitter.template orig_p = func.get_parameters(free=True).copy() g = np.zeros([len(orig_p)]) weights = np.asarray([-1, 8, -8, 1]) / (12 * eps) def do_step(which, eps): p0 = orig_p.copy() p0[which] += eps # func.set_parameters(p0,free=False) return fitter.loglikelihood(p0) for i in range(len(orig_p)): # use a 4th-order central difference scheme for j, w in zip([2, 1, -1, -2], weights): g[i] += w * do_step(i, j * eps) func.set_parameters(orig_p, free=True) return g
[docs]def hess_from_grad(grad, par, step=1e-3, iterations=2): """Use gradient to compute hessian. Proceed iteratively to take steps roughly equal to the 1-sigma errors. The initial step can be: [scalar] use the same step for the initial iteration [array] specify a step for each parameters. """ def mdet(M): """Return determinant of M. Use a Laplace cofactor expansion along first row.""" n = M.shape[0] if n == 2: return M[0, 0] * M[1, 1] - M[0, 1] * M[1, 0] if n == 1: return M[0, 0] rvals = np.zeros(1, dtype=M.dtype) toggle = 1.0 for i in range(n): minor = np.delete(np.delete(M, 0, 0), i, 1) rvals += M[0, i] * toggle * mdet(minor) toggle *= -1 return rvals def minv(M): """Return inverse of M, using cofactor expansion.""" n = M.shape[0] C = np.empty_like(M) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): m = np.delete(np.delete(M, i, 0), j, 1) C[i, j] = (-1) ** (i + j) * mdet(m) det = (M[0, :] * C[0, :]).sum() return C.transpose() / det # why am I using a co-factor expansion? Reckon this would better be # done as Cholesky in any case minv = scipy.linalg.inv def make_hess(p0, steps): npar = len(par) hess = np.empty([npar, npar], dtype=p0.dtype) for i in range(npar): par[i] = p0[i] + steps[i] gup = grad(par) par[i] = p0[i] - steps[i] gdn = grad(par) par[:] = p0 hess[i, :] = (gup - gdn) / (2 * steps[i]) return hess p0 = par.copy() # sacrosanct if not (hasattr(step, "__len__") and len(step) == len(p0)): step = np.ones_like(p0) * step hessians = [make_hess(p0, step)] for i in range(iterations): steps = np.diag(minv(hessians[-1])) ** 0.5 mask = np.isnan(steps) if np.any(mask): steps[mask] = step[mask] hessians.append(make_hess(p0, steps)) g = grad(p0) # reset parameters for i in range(iterations, -1, -1): if not np.any(np.isnan(np.diag(minv(hessians[i])) ** 0.5)): return hessians[i].astype(float) return hessians[0].astype(float)
[docs]def calc_step_size(logl, par, minstep=1e-5, maxstep=1e-1): from scipy.optimize import bisect rvals = np.empty_like(par) p0 = par.copy() ll0 = logl(p0) def f(x, i): p0[i] = par[i] + x delta_ll = logl(p0) - ll0 - 0.5 p0[i] = par[i] return 0 if abs(delta_ll) < 0.05 else delta_ll for i in range(len(par)): if f(maxstep, i) <= 0: rvals[i] = maxstep else: try: rvals[i] = bisect(f, minstep, maxstep, args=(i)) except ValueError as e: print("Unable to compute a step size for parameter %d." % i) rvals[i] = maxstep logl(par) # reset parameters return rvals