Source code for pint.templates.lcnorm

"""Handling normalization of light curves with an arbitrary number of primitive components.

This is done by treating each primitive's normalization parameter as
the square of a cartesian variable lying within or on an
n-dimensional ball of unit radius.

author: M. Kerr <>
import numpy as np

# can some of the code be reduced with inheritance here?
# TODO -- error propagation to norms

[docs]def isvector(x): return len(np.asarray(x).shape) > 0
[docs]class NormAngles: """Keep track of N angles (0 to pi/2) representing the coordinates inside a unit radius N-ball. Generally, the apportionment of the amplitudes of components is indicated by the position of the vector, while the overall normalization is given by the an additional angle, the sine of which provides the (squared) normalization. Parameters ---------- norms : tuple or array The amplitudes of a set of components; their sum must be <= 1. """ def __init__(self, norms, **kwargs): self.dim = len(norms) self.init() if not self._check_norms(norms): raise ValueError( "Provided norms ... \n%s\n ... do not satisfy constraints." % (str(norms)) ) self.p = self._get_angles(norms) self.__dict__.update(**kwargs) self._asarrays() def init(self): = np.asarray([True] * self.dim, dtype=bool) self.errors = np.zeros(self.dim) self.pnames = ["Ang%d" % (i + 1) for i in range(self.dim)] = "NormAngles" self.shortname = "None" def is_energy_dependent(self): return False def num_parameters(self, free=True): return np.sum( if free else len(
[docs] def get_free_mask(self): """Return a mask with True if parameters are free, else False.""" return
def copy(self): from copy import deepcopy return deepcopy(self) def _asarrays(self): for key in ["p", "free", "bounds", "errors", "slope", "slope_free"]: if hasattr(self, key): v = self.__dict__[key] if v is not None: self.__dict__[key] = np.asarray( v, dtype=bool if "free" in key else float ) def __str__(self): norms = self() errs = self.get_errors(free=False, propagate=True) dcderiv = 2 * np.sin(self.p[0]) * np.cos(self.p[0]) dcerr = self.errors[0] * abs(dcderiv) # for energy-dependence if self.is_energy_dependent(): M = self._eindep_gradient(log10_ens=3, free=False) eff_slopes = M @ self.slope eff_errors = ((M**2) @ self.slope_errors**2) ** 0.5 # CHECK def norm_string(i): fstring = "" if[i] else " [FIXED]" l1 = "P%d : %.4f +\\- %.4f%s" % (i + 1, norms[i], errs[i], fstring) if self.is_energy_dependent(): fstring = "" if self.slope_free[i] else " [FIXED]" l1 += "\n (Slope) : %.4f +\\- %.4f%s" % ( eff_slopes[i], eff_errors[i], fstring, ) return l1 s0 = ( "\nMixture Amplitudes\n------------------\n" + "\n".join([norm_string(i) for i in range(self.dim)]) + "\nDC : %.4f +\\- %.4f" % (1 - self.get_total(), dcerr) ) if self.is_energy_dependent(): s0 += "\n (Slope) : %.4f" % (-eff_slopes.sum()) return s0 def __len__(self): return self.dim def _make_p(self, log10_ens=3): if isvector(log10_ens): p = np.empty([self.dim, len(log10_ens)]) for i in range(self.dim): p[i] = self.p[i] else: p = self.p.copy() return None, p # TODO -- vectorize def _check_norms(self, norms, eps=1e-15): ok = True for n in norms: ok = ok and (n <= (1 + eps)) return ok and (sum(norms) <= (1 + eps)) def _get_angles(self, norms): """Determine the n-sphere angles from a set of normalizations.""" sines = sum(norms) ** 0.5 if sines > 1: if abs(sines - 1) < 1e-12: sines = 1 else: raise ValueError("Invalid norm specification") angles = [np.arcsin(sines)] norms = np.asarray(norms) ** 0.5 for i in range(self.dim - 1): t = norms[i] / sines if t > 1: if abs(t - 1) < 1e-12: t = 1 else: raise ValueError("Invalid norm specification") phi = np.arccos(t) sines *= np.sin(phi) angles.append(phi) return np.asarray(angles) def set_parameters(self, p, free=True): if free: self.p[] = p else: self.p[:] = p def get_parameters(self, free=True): return self.p[] if free else self.p def get_parameter_names(self, free=True): return [p for (p, b) in zip(self.pnames, if b]
[docs] def set_errors(self, errs): """errs an array with the 1-sigma error estimates with shape equal to the number of free parameters.""" self.errors[:] = 0.0 self.errors[] = errs
[docs] def get_errors(self, free=True, propagate=True): """Get errors on components. If specified, propagate errors from the internal angle parameters to the external normalizations. """ if not propagate: return self.errors[] if free else self.errors g = self.gradient(log10_ens=3, free=free) ** 2 g *= self.errors**2 errors = g.sum(axis=1) ** 0.5 return errors
[docs] def get_bounds(self, free=True): """Angles are always [0,pi/2).""" PI2 = np.pi * 0.5 if free: return [[0, PI2] for x in if x] return [[0, PI2] for _ in]
def sanity_checks(self, eps=1e-6): return np.abs(self().sum() - np.sin(self.p[0]) ** 2) < eps
[docs] def __call__(self, log10_ens=3): """Return the squared value of the Cartesian coordinates. E.g., for a 4-sphere, return x0^2 = sin^2(a)*cos^2(b) x1^2 = sin^2(a)*sin^2(b)*cos^2(c) x2^2 = sin^2(a)*sin^2(b)*sin^2(c)*cos^2(d) x3^2 = sin^2(a)*sin^2(b)*sin^2(c)*sin^2(d) Recall that the normalization is *also* given as an angle, s.t. the vector lies within the unit sphere. These values are guaranteed to satisfy the constraint of a sum <= unity and so are suitable for normalizations of a light curve. NB this version should work with both scalar (log10_ens=3) and vector (log10_ens an array) versions. The shape is [nparam] for scalar and [nparam, nenergy] for vector. """ _, p = self._make_p(log10_ens=log10_ens) m = np.sin(p[0]) # normalization norms = np.empty_like(p) for i in range(1, self.dim): norms[i - 1] = m * np.cos(p[i]) m *= np.sin(p[i]) norms[self.dim - 1] = m norms = norms**2 # check normalization condition -- can fail numerically q = norms.sum(axis=0) if np.any(q > 1): if len(norms.shape) == 2: # for vector case, make sure we don't divide by sum of norms # except for cases where the norms actually exceed 1! q[q < 1] = 1 return norms * (1.0 / q)[None, :] return norms * (1.0 / q) return norms
def _eindep_gradient(self, log10_ens=3, free=False): _, p = self._make_p(log10_ens=log10_ens) n = self(log10_ens) if len(p.shape) == 1: m = np.zeros((self.dim, self.dim), dtype=float) else: m = np.zeros((self.dim, self.dim, p.shape[1]), dtype=float) s2p = np.sin(2 * p) # NB -- the gradient is always well defined, and numerical issues # here stem from the way the gradient is evaluated by first # calculating the normal. I *think* that any matrix element that # involves cot(p) where p-->0 will always be 0. Thus, simply set # the places where p is 0 to 0. mask = p % (0.5 * np.pi) != 0 sp = np.zeros(p.shape) cp = -s2p / np.cos(p) ** 2 # = -2*tan(p) cp[~mask] = 0 sp = np.zeros_like(cp) sp[mask] = s2p[mask] / np.sin(p[mask]) ** 2 # = 2*cot(p) # loop over normalizations for i in range(self.dim): for j in range(self.dim): if j > i + 1: break # these will always be sin^2 terms if j<=i # else, the last term is cosine for all but last norm, but we won't # get to it here because j==i is the last term then m[i, j] = n[i] * sp[j] if j <= i else n[i] * cp[j] return m[:,] if free else m
[docs] def gradient(self, log10_ens=3, free=False): """Return a matrix giving the value of the partial derivative of the ith normalization with respect to the jth angle, i.e. M_ij = dn_i/dphi_j This is the relevant quantity because it is the angles that are actually fit for, so this allows the application of the chain rule. Because of the way the normalizations are defined, the ith normalization only depends on the (i+1)th first angles, so the upper half of M_ij is zero (see break statement below). For taking higher derivatives, it is convenient to express the derivative as so: -d(cos^2(x)) = d(sin^2(x)) = sin(2x) So that any non-zero derivative can be expressed by taking the norm, dividing by sin^2/cos^2 as appropriate, and multiplying by +/- sin(2x). Then higher derivatives simply pop out a factor of +/-2 and toggle sin/cos. """ return self._eindep_gradient(log10_ens=log10_ens, free=free)
[docs] def hessian(self, log10_ens=3, free=False): """Return a matrix giving the value of the 2nd partial derivative of the ith normalization with respect to the jth and kth angles, M_ijk = dn2_i/dphi_j/dphi_k See above notes for gradient. In general, the cases are j < k <= i; just calculate as gradient, getting two sin(2x) terms j = k <= i; in this case, pick up a single 2*cos(2x) instead """ m = np.zeros([self.dim, self.dim, self.dim], dtype=float) n = self() p = self.p s2p = np.sin(2 * p) c2p = np.cos(2 * p) cp = -s2p / np.cos(p) ** 2 sp = s2p / np.sin(p) ** 2 # loop over normalizations for i in range(self.dim): for j in range(self.dim): if j > i + 1: break for k in range(self.dim): if k > i + 1: break if (j <= i) and (k <= i): m[i, j, k] = ( n[i] * sp[j] * sp[k] if j != k else n[i] * 2 * c2p[j] / np.sin(p[j]) ** 2 ) elif j != k: if j == i + 1: m[i, j, k] = n[i] * cp[j] * sp[k] elif k == i + 1: m[i, j, k] = n[i] * sp[j] * cp[k] else: # both are the cos^2 term, so we get a -2*cos m[i, j, k] = n[i] * (-2) * c2p[j] / np.cos(p[j]) ** 2 return m[:,,] if free else m
[docs] def get_total(self): """Return the amplitude of all norms.""" return np.sin(self.p[0]) ** 2
[docs] def set_total(self, val): """Set overall normalization of the represented components.""" norms = self() self.p = self._get_angles(norms * (val / norms.sum()))
def set_single_norm(self, index, val): norms = self() norms[index] = val if not self._check_norms(norms): raise ValueError( "Provided norms ... \n%s\n ... do not satisfy constraints." % (str(norms)) ) self.p = self._get_angles(norms)
[docs] def delete_component(self, index): """Remove a component and return resulting object. Pulsed normalization is preserved, and NormAngles or ENormAngles is return as appropriate. """ mask = np.ones(self.dim, dtype=bool) mask[index] = False norms = self() newnorms = norms[mask] * norms.sum() / norms[mask].sum() n = self.__class__(newnorms)[:] =[mask] n.errors[:] = self.errors[mask] if n.is_energy_dependent(): print( "Warning! Energy-dependence will be slightly altered when changing components." ) n.slope[:] = self.slope[mask] n.slope_free[:] = self.slope_free[mask] n.slope_errors[:] = self.slope_errors[mask] # get desired energy slopes for new object (approximate) M = self._eindep_gradient(log10_ens=3, free=False) effective_slopes = (M @ self.slope)[mask] M = n._eindep_gradient(log10_ens=3, free=False) n.slope[:] = np.linalg.inv(M) @ effective_slopes return n
[docs] def add_component(self, norm=0.1): """Add a component and return resulting object. The normalization is specified as a fraction of the current pulsed normalization, such that the resulting NormAngles or ENormAngles object will have the same overall pulsed fraction at the pivot en. """ norms = self() pulsed = norms.sum() newnorms = np.append(norms * (1 - norm), norm * pulsed) n = self.__class__(newnorms)[:] = np.append(, True) n.errors[:] = np.append(self.errors, 0) if n.is_energy_dependent(): n.slope[:] = np.append(self.slope, 0) n.slope_free[:] = np.append(self.slope_free, True) n.slope_errors[:] = np.append(self.slope_errors, 0) ## get desired energy slopes for new object (approximate) M = self._eindep_gradient(log10_ens=3, free=False) effective_slopes = np.append((M @ self.slope) * (1 - norm), 0) M = n._eindep_gradient(log10_ens=3, free=False) n.slope[:] = np.linalg.inv(M) @ effective_slopes return n
def reorder_components(self, indices): # currently this is only APPROXIMATE, not sure if it's possible # to actually re-order them. Perhaps consider a mapping instead. if len(indices) != self.dim: raise ValueError("New indices do not match component count.") if self.is_energy_dependent(): print( "Warning! Energy-dependence will be slightly altered when re-ordering components." ) # save the linearized slopes before changing params M = self._eindep_gradient(log10_ens=3, free=False) effective_slopes = (M @ self.slope)[indices] self.p[:] = self._get_angles(self()[indices])[:] =[indices] self.errors[:] = self.errors[indices] if self.is_energy_dependent(): M = self._eindep_gradient(log10_ens=3, free=False) self.slope[:] = np.linalg.inv(M) @ effective_slopes self.slope_free[:] = self.slope_free[indices] ## TODO -- but I probably don't care about this much self.slope_errors[:] = self.slope_errors[indices] # TODO -- I don't think just swapping the order will work for # slopes, probably need to use the gradient to convert!
[docs] def eval_string(self): """Return a string that can be evaluated to instantiate a nearly- identical object.""" t = self() if len(t.shape) > 1: t = t[:, 0] # handle e-dep return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({list(t)},free={list(},slope={str(list(self.slope)) if hasattr(self, "slope") else None},slope_free={str(list(self.slope_free)) if hasattr(self, "slope_free") else None})'
[docs] def dict_string(self): """Round down to avoid input errors w/ normalization.""" t = self() if len(t.shape) > 1: t = t[:, 0] # handle e-dep def pretty_list(l, places=6, round_down=True): if round_down: r = np.round(l, decimals=places) r[r > np.asarray(l)] -= 10**-places else: r = l fmt = "%." + "%d" % places + "f" s = ", ".join([fmt % x for x in r]) return f"[{s}]" return [ f"name = {self.__class__.__name__}", f"norms = {pretty_list(t)}", f"free = {list(}", "slope = %s" % ( pretty_list(self.slope, round_down=False) if hasattr(self, "slope") else None ), f'slope_free = {str(list(self.slope_free)) if hasattr(self, "slope_free") else None}', ]
[docs]def numerical_gradient(norms, delta=1e-3): """Check the accuracy of analytic version. (HINT -- it checks out.)""" rvals = np.empty((norms.dim, norms.dim)) p = norms.p.copy() for i in range(norms.dim): norms.p[i] = p[i] + delta hi = norms() norms.p[i] = p[i] - delta lo = norms() rvals[:, i] = (hi - lo) / (2 * delta) norms.p[:] = p return rvals
[docs]def numerical_hessian(norms, delta=1e-3): rvals = np.empty((norms.dim, norms.dim, norms.dim)) p = norms.p.copy() for i in range(norms.dim): for j in range(i, norms.dim): norms.p[i] += delta norms.p[j] += delta hihi = norms() norms.p[:] = p norms.p[i] += delta norms.p[j] -= delta hilo = norms() norms.p[:] = p norms.p[i] -= delta norms.p[j] += delta lohi = norms() norms.p[:] = p norms.p[i] -= delta norms.p[j] -= delta lolo = norms() norms.p[:] = p rvals[:, i, j] = (hihi + lolo - hilo - lohi) / (4 * delta**2) rvals[:, j, i] = rvals[:, i, j] return rvals