Miscellaneous potentially-helpful functions.
Check for validity of assumptions in ELL1 binary model |
Run F-test. |
Adds a dummy distance to a SkyCoord object for applying proper motion |
Compute the Akaike information criterion (AIC). |
Compute the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). |
Check the partial derivatives of a function that returns derivatives. |
Check whether long doubles have adequate precision. |
Set-up a CMWaveX model based on either an array of user-provided frequencies or the wave number frequency calculation. |
Colorizes a string (including unicode strings) for printing on the terminal |
Compute a unique hash of a file. |
Convert dispersion measure to a different value of the DM constant. |
Divide input times into years relative to t0 |
Set-up a DMWaveX model based on either an array of user-provided frequencies or the wave number frequency calculation. |
Compute initial DMX ranges for a set of TOAs |
Compute initial DMX ranges for a set of TOAs |
Set up DMX bins with a minimal binning strategy |
Run dmxparse in python using PINT objects and results. |
Map DMX selections to TOAs |
Print DMX statistics |
Find the optimal number of harmonics for WaveX/DMWaveX using the Akaike Information Criterion. |
Identify matching index(es) for a prefix parameter like DMX |
Find first time of Solar conjuction after t0 and approximate elongation at conjunction |
Get time range for a prefix quantity like DMX or SWX |
Get all time ranges and indices for a prefix quantity like DMX or SWX |
Return the unit associated with a parameter |
Return the WaveX amplitudes for a timing model. |
Return the WaveX frequencies for a timing model. |
An iterator to step over identical items in a |
Test whether x has a unit attribute containing an astropy unit. |
Returns an informative string about the current state of PINT. |
Iterate over lines skipping whitespace and comments. |
Iterate over the lines of a file, an open file, or an iterator. |
List parameters understood by PINT. |
Merge two DMX bins |
Normalize each row of the design matrix. |
Compute the partial derivative of f numerically. |
Compute all the partial derivatives of f numerically. |
Open a filename or use an open file. |
Parse an |
Convert a CMWaveX representation of red noise to a PLChromNoise representation. |
Convert a DMWaveX representation of red noise to a PLDMNoise representation. |
Convert a WaveX representation of red noise to a PLRedNoise representation. |
Compute and return the total proper motion from a model object |
Print example terminal colors and attributes for/using |
Removes a dummy distance from a SkyCoord object after applying proper motion |
Raise an exception if long doubles do not have enough precision. |
Compute an inner product of the form |
Split an existing DMX bin at the desired time |
Split a prefixed name. |
Split an existing SWX bin at the desired time |
Evaluate a Taylor series of coefficients at x via the Horner scheme. |
Evaluate the nth derivative of a Taylor series. |
Go from a Wave model to a WaveX model |
Go from a WaveX timing model to a Wave timing model. |
Set-up a WaveX model based on either an array of user-provided frequencies or the wave number frequency calculation. |
Compute weighted mean of input values |
Compute an inner product of the form |
Map DMX/SWX/other selections to TOAs |
Position/Velocity class. |
Internal class for building DMX ranges |