Source code for pint.observatory.satellite_obs

"""Observatories at special (non-Earth) locations."""

import astropy.constants as const
import as pyfits
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
from loguru import logger as log
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline

from pint.fits_utils import read_fits_event_mjds
from pint.observatory import bipm_default
from pint.observatory.special_locations import SpecialLocation
from pint.solar_system_ephemerides import objPosVel_wrt_SSB
from pint.utils import PosVel

[docs]def load_Fermi_FT2(ft2_filename): """Load data from a Fermi FT2 file The contents of the FT2 file are described here: The coordinates are X, Y, Z in the ECI (Earth-Centered Inertial) frame. I (@paulray) **believe** this is the same as astropy's GCRS <>, but this should be confirmed. Parameters ---------- ft2_filename : str Name of file to load Returns ------- astropy Table containing Time, x, y, z, v_x, v_y, v_z data """ # Load photon times from FT1 file hdulist = FT2_hdr = hdulist[1].header FT2_dat = hdulist[1].data"Opened FT2 FITS file {0}".format(ft2_filename)) # TIMESYS should be 'TT' # TIMEREF should be 'LOCAL', since no delays are applied timesys = FT2_hdr["TIMESYS"]"FT2 TIMESYS {0}".format(timesys)) timeref = FT2_hdr["TIMEREF"]"FT2 TIMEREF {0}".format(timeref)) # The X, Y, Z position are for the START time mjds_TT = read_fits_event_mjds(hdulist[1], timecolumn="START") mjds_TT = mjds_TT * u.d # SC_POS is in meters in X,Y,Z Earth-centered Inertial (ECI) coordinates SC_POS = FT2_dat.field("SC_POSITION") X = SC_POS[:, 0] * u.m Y = SC_POS[:, 1] * u.m Z = SC_POS[:, 2] * u.m try: # If available, get the velocities from the FT2 file SC_VEL = FT2_dat.field("SC_VELOCITY") Vx = SC_VEL[:, 0] * u.m / u.s Vy = SC_VEL[:, 1] * u.m / u.s Vz = SC_VEL[:, 2] * u.m / u.s except: # Otherwise, compute velocities by differentiation because FT2 does not have velocities # This is not the best way. Should fit an orbit and determine velocity from that. dt = mjds_TT[1] - mjds_TT[0]"FT2 spacing is {str(}") # Use "spacing" argument for gradient to handle nonuniform entries tt = Vx = np.gradient(X.value, tt) * u.m / u.s Vy = np.gradient(Y.value, tt) * u.m / u.s Vz = np.gradient(Z.value, tt) * u.m / u.s "Building FT2 table covering MJDs {0} to {1}".format( mjds_TT.min(), mjds_TT.max() ) ) return Table( [mjds_TT, X, Y, Z, Vx, Vy, Vz], names=("MJD_TT", "X", "Y", "Z", "Vx", "Vy", "Vz"), meta={"name": "FT2"}, )
[docs]def load_FPorbit(orbit_filename): """Load data from an (RXTE or NICER) FPorbit file Reads a FPorbit FITS file Parameters ---------- orbit_filename : str Name of file to load Returns ------- astropy Table containing Time, x, y, z, v_x, v_y, v_z data """ # Load orbit FITS file hdulist = #'orb file HDU name is {0}'.format(hdulist[1].name)) if hdulist[1].name not in ("ORBIT", "XTE_PE"): log.error( "NICER orb file first extension is {0}. It should be ORBIT".format( hdulist[1].name ) ) FPorbit_hdr = hdulist[1].header FPorbit_dat = hdulist[1].data"Opened FPorbit FITS file {0}".format(orbit_filename)) # TIMESYS should be 'TT' # TIMEREF should be 'LOCAL', since no delays are applied if "TIMESYS" not in FPorbit_hdr: log.warning("Keyword TIMESYS is missing. Assuming TT") timesys = "TT" else: timesys = FPorbit_hdr["TIMESYS"] log.debug("FPorbit TIMESYS {0}".format(timesys)) if "TIMEREF" not in FPorbit_hdr: log.warning("Keyword TIMESYS is missing. Assuming TT") timeref = "LOCAL" else: timeref = FPorbit_hdr["TIMEREF"] log.debug("FPorbit TIMEREF {0}".format(timeref)) mjds_TT = read_fits_event_mjds(hdulist[1]) mjds_TT = mjds_TT * u.d log.debug("FPorbit spacing is {0}".format((mjds_TT[1] - mjds_TT[0]).to(u.s))) X = FPorbit_dat.field("X") * u.m Y = FPorbit_dat.field("Y") * u.m Z = FPorbit_dat.field("Z") * u.m Vx = FPorbit_dat.field("Vx") * u.m / u.s Vy = FPorbit_dat.field("Vy") * u.m / u.s Vz = FPorbit_dat.field("Vz") * u.m / u.s "Building FPorbit table covering MJDs {0} to {1}".format( mjds_TT.min(), mjds_TT.max() ) ) FPorbit_table = Table( [mjds_TT, X, Y, Z, Vx, Vy, Vz], names=("MJD_TT", "X", "Y", "Z", "Vx", "Vy", "Vz"), meta={"name": "FPorbit"}, ) # Make sure table is sorted by time log.debug("Sorting FPorbit table") FPorbit_table.sort("MJD_TT") good = np.diff(FPorbit_table["MJD_TT"]) > 0 if not np.all(good): log.warning("The orbit table has duplicate entries. Please check.") good = np.concatenate((good, [True])) FPorbit_table = FPorbit_table[good] # Now delete any bad entries where the positions are 0.0 idx = np.where( np.logical_and(FPorbit_table["X"] != 0.0, FPorbit_table["Y"] != 0.0) )[0] if len(idx) != len(FPorbit_table): log.warning( "Dropping {0} zero entries from FPorbit table".format( len(FPorbit_table) - len(idx) ) ) FPorbit_table = FPorbit_table[idx] return FPorbit_table
[docs]def load_nustar_orbit(orb_filename): """Load data from a NuSTAR orbit file Parameters ---------- orb_filename : str Name of file to load Returns ------- astropy.table.Table containing Time, x, y, z, v_x, v_y, v_z data """ # Load photon times from FT1 file if "_orb" in orb_filename: log.warning( "The NuSTAR orbit file you are providing is known to give" "a solution precise only to the ~0.5ms level. Use the " "pipeline-produced attitude-orbit file ('*.attorb.gz') for" "better precision." ) hdulist = orb_hdr = hdulist[1].header orb_dat = hdulist[1].data"Opened orb FITS file {0}".format(orb_filename)) # TIMESYS should be 'TT' # TIMEREF should be 'LOCAL', since no delays are applied timesys = orb_hdr["TIMESYS"]"orb TIMESYS {0}".format(timesys)) try: timeref = orb_hdr["TIMEREF"] except KeyError: timeref = "LOCAL""orb TIMEREF {0}".format(timeref)) # The X, Y, Z position are for the START time mjds_TT = read_fits_event_mjds(hdulist[1]) mjds_TT = mjds_TT * u.d # SC_POS is in meters in X,Y,Z Earth-centered Inertial (ECI) coordinates SC_POS = orb_dat.field("POSITION") X = SC_POS[:, 0] * Y = SC_POS[:, 1] * Z = SC_POS[:, 2] * SC_VEL = orb_dat.field("VELOCITY") Vx = SC_VEL[:, 0] * / u.s Vy = SC_VEL[:, 1] * / u.s Vz = SC_VEL[:, 2] * / u.s "Building orb table covering MJDs {0} to {1}".format( mjds_TT.min(), mjds_TT.max() ) ) return Table( [mjds_TT, X, Y, Z, Vx, Vy, Vz], names=("MJD_TT", "X", "Y", "Z", "Vx", "Vy", "Vz"), meta={"name": "orb"}, )
[docs]def load_orbit(obs_name, orb_filename): """Generalized function to load one or more orbit files. Parameters ---------- obs_name : str Observatory name. (Fermi, NICER, RXTE, and NuSTAR are valid.) orb_filename : str An FT2-like file tabulating orbit position. If the first character is @, interpreted as a metafile listing multiple orbit files. Returns ------- orb_table: astropy.table.Table A table containing entries MJD_TT, X, Y, Z, Vx, Vy, Vz """ if str(orb_filename).startswith("@"): # Read multiple orbit files names fnames = [ll.strip() for ll in open(orb_filename[1:]).readlines()] orb_list = [load_orbit(obs_name, fn) for fn in fnames] full_orb = vstack(orb_list) # Make sure full table is sorted full_orb.sort("MJD_TT") return full_orb lower_name = obs_name.lower() if "fermi" in lower_name: return load_Fermi_FT2(orb_filename) elif "nicer" in lower_name: return load_FPorbit(orb_filename) elif "ixpe" in lower_name: return load_FPorbit(orb_filename) elif "xte" in lower_name: return load_FPorbit(orb_filename) elif "nustar" in lower_name: return load_nustar_orbit(orb_filename) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized satellite observatory {obs_name}.")
[docs]class SatelliteObs(SpecialLocation): """Generalized class for high-energy photon data and tabulated position/velocity. Note that this must be instantiated once for each satellite to be put into the Observatory registry. Parameters ---------- name: str Observatory name [Fermi, NICER, RXTE, NuSTAR] ft2name: str File name to read spacecraft position information from maxextrap: float Maximum minutes between a time and the closest S/C measurement. overwrite: bool Replace the entry in the observatory table. """ def __init__( self, name, ft2name, maxextrap=2, include_gps=True, include_bipm=True, bipm_version=bipm_default, overwrite=False, ): super().__init__( name, include_gps=include_gps, include_bipm=include_bipm, bipm_version=bipm_version, overwrite=overwrite, ) self.FT2 = load_orbit(name, ft2name) # Now build the interpolator. This extrapolation will fail quickly, # which is where maxextrap comes in. tt = self.FT2["MJD_TT"] self.X = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(tt, self.FT2["X"], ext="extrapolate") self.Y = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(tt, self.FT2["Y"], ext="extrapolate") self.Z = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(tt, self.FT2["Z"], ext="extrapolate") self.Vx = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(tt, self.FT2["Vx"], ext="extrapolate") self.Vy = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(tt, self.FT2["Vy"], ext="extrapolate") self.Vz = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(tt, self.FT2["Vz"], ext="extrapolate") self._geocenter = EarthLocation.from_geocentric(0.0 * u.m, 0.0 * u.m, 0.0 * u.m) self._maxextrap = maxextrap @property def timescale(self): return "tt" @property def tempo_code(self): return None
[docs] def earth_location_itrf(self, time=None): return self._geocenter
def _check_bounds(self, t): """Ensure t is within maxextrap of the closest S/C measurement. The purpose is to catch cases where there is missing S/C orbital information. A common case would be providing an "FT2" file that is shorter than the photon data, or building an FT2 file that is missing a chunk. Parameters ---------- t: an astropy.Time or array of astropy.Times Times to ensure are valid relative to S/C information. """ ft2_tt = self.FT2["MJD_TT"] in_tt = np.atleast_1d( i0 = np.searchsorted(ft2_tt, in_tt) i0 = np.clip(i0, 1, len(ft2_tt) - 1, out=i0) dright = np.abs(ft2_tt[i0] - in_tt) dleft = np.abs(ft2_tt[i0 - 1] - in_tt) min_duration = np.minimum(dright, dleft) if np.any(min_duration > (self._maxextrap / (60 * 24))): log.error( "Extrapolating S/C position by more than %d minutes!" % self._maxextrap ) raise ValueError("Bad extrapolation of S/C file.") def _get_TDB_default(self, t, ephem): # Add in correction term to t.tdb equal to r.v / c^2 vel = objPosVel_wrt_SSB("earth", t, ephem).vel pos = self.get_gcrs(t, ephem=ephem) dnom = const.c * const.c corr = ((pos[0] * vel[0] + pos[1] * vel[1] + pos[2] * vel[2]) / dnom).to(u.s) log.debug("\tTopocentric Correction:\t%s" % corr) return t.tdb + corr
[docs] def get_gcrs(self, t, ephem=None): """Return position vector of S/C in GCRS. Returns a 3-vector of Quantities representing the position in GCRS coordinates. Parameters ---------- t: an astropy.Time or array of astropy.Times """ self._check_bounds(t) return ( np.array([self.X(, self.Y(, self.Z(]) * self.FT2["X"].unit )
[docs] def posvel(self, t, ephem, group=None): """Return position and velocity vectors of satellite, wrt SSB. These positions and velocites are in inertial coordinates (i.e. aligned with ICRS) t is an astropy.Time or array of astropy.Times """ # Compute vector from SSB to Earth geo_posvel = objPosVel_wrt_SSB("earth", t, ephem) # Now add vector from Earth to satellite sat_posvel = self.posvel_gcrs(t, ephem) return geo_posvel + sat_posvel
[docs] def posvel_gcrs(self, t, ephem=None): """Return GCRS position and velocity vectors of S/C. t is an astropy.Time or array of astropy.Times """ self._check_bounds(t) # Compute vector from Earth to satellite sat_pos_geo = ( np.array([self.X(, self.Y(, self.Z(]) * self.FT2["X"].unit ) # log.debug("[{0}] sat_pos_geo {1}".format(, sat_pos_geo[:, 0])) sat_vel_geo = ( np.array([self.Vx(, self.Vy(, self.Vz(]) * self.FT2["Vx"].unit ) return PosVel(sat_pos_geo, sat_vel_geo, origin="earth",
[docs]def get_satellite_observatory(name, ft2name, **kwargs): """Factory to get/instantiate a SatelliteObs."" Parameters ---------- name: str Observatory name [Fermi, NICER, RXTE, NuSTAR] ft2name: str File name to read spacecraft position information from. """ # Default maximum extrapolation is 2 minutes, which is suitable for # recognized observatories. This factory can be used to set appropriate # values as new observatories are added. if "maxextrap" not in kwargs: kwargs["maxextrap"] = 2 return SatelliteObs(name, ft2name, **kwargs)