Source code for pint.polycos

"""Polynomial coefficients for phase prediction

Polycos designed to predict the pulsar's phase and pulse-period over a
given interval using polynomial expansions.   

The pulse phase and frequency at time T are then calculated as:

.. math::

    \\Delta T = 1440(T-T_{\\rm mid})

    \\phi = \\phi_0 + 60 \Delta T f_0 + COEFF[1] + COEFF[2] \\Delta T + COEFF[3] \\Delta T^2 + \\ldots

    f({\\rm Hz}) = f_0 + \\frac{1}{60}\\left( COEFF[2] + 2 COEFF[3] \Delta T + 3 COEFF[4] \Delta T^2  + \\ldots \\right)

Read in polycos, predict phases:

    >>> from pint.polycos import Polycos
    >>> p =
    >>> p.eval_abs_phase(mjds)

Or, to generate polycos from a timing model:

    >>> from pint.models import get_model
    >>> from pint.polycos import Polycos
    >>> model = get_model(filename)
    >>> p = Polycos.generate_polycos(model, 50000, 50001, "AO", 144, 12, 1400)

import astropy.table as table
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from import registry
from astropy.time import Time
from collections import OrderedDict

from loguru import logger as log

    from tqdm import tqdm
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as e:

[docs] def tqdm(*args, **kwargs): return args[0] if args else kwargs.get("iterable", None)
import pint.toa as toa from pint.phase import Phase from pint.pulsar_mjd import data2longdouble from pint.utils import open_or_use MONTHS = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", ] __all__ = [ "PolycoEntry", "tempo_polyco_table_reader", "tempo_polyco_table_writer", "Polycos", ] MIN_PER_DAY = (1 *
[docs]class PolycoEntry: """One Polyco entry. Referenced from authored by - Paul S. Ray <> - Matthew Kerr <> Parameters --------- tmid : float Middle point of the time span in mjd mjdspan : int Time span in minutes rphase : float Reference phase f0 : float Reference spin frequency ncoeff : int Number of coefficients coeff : numpy.ndarray Polynomial coefficents """ def __init__(self, tmid, mjdspan, rph_int, rph_frac, f0, ncoeff, coeffs): self.tmid = data2longdouble(tmid) * self.mjdspan = data2longdouble(mjdspan / MIN_PER_DAY) * self.tstart = self.tmid - (self.mjdspan / 2) self.tstop = self.tmid + (self.mjdspan / 2) self.f0 = data2longdouble(f0) self.ncoeff = ncoeff self.rphase = Phase(rph_int, rph_frac) self.coeffs = data2longdouble(coeffs) def __str__(self): return ( "Middle Point mjd : " + repr(self.tmid) + "\n" + "Time Span in mjd : " + repr(self.mjdspan) + "\n" + "Time Start in mjd : " + repr(self.tstart) + "\n" + "Time Stop in mjd : " + repr(self.tstop) + "\n" + "Reference Phase : " + repr(self.rphase) + "\n" + "Reference Freq in Hz : " + repr(self.f0) + "\n" + "Number of Coefficients : " + repr(self.ncoeff) + "\n" + "Coefficients : " + repr(self.coeffs) )
[docs] def evalabsphase(self, t): """Return the phase at time t, computed with this polyco entry Parameters ---------- t : float or numpy.ndarray Input times Returns ------- pint.phase.Phase """ dt = (data2longdouble(t) - self.tmid.value) * MIN_PER_DAY # Compute polynomial by factoring out the dt's phase = Phase( self.coeffs[self.ncoeff - 1] ) # Compute phase using two long double for i in range(self.ncoeff - 2, -1, -1): pI = Phase(dt * pF = Phase(dt * phase.frac) c = Phase(self.coeffs[i]) phase = pI + pF + c # Add DC term phase += self.rphase + Phase(dt * 60.0 * self.f0) return phase
[docs] def evalphase(self, t): """Return the phase at time t, computed with this polyco entry Parameters ---------- t : float or numpy.ndarray Input times Returns ------- pint.phase.Phase """ return self.evalabsphase(t).frac
[docs] def evalfreq(self, t): """Return the freq at time t, computed with this polyco entry Parameters ---------- t : float or numpy.ndarray Input times Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Frequency (in Hz) """ dt = (data2longdouble(t) - self.tmid.value) * MIN_PER_DAY s = data2longdouble(0.0) for i in range(1, self.ncoeff): s += data2longdouble(i) * self.coeffs[i] * dt ** (i - 1) return self.f0 + s / 60.0
[docs] def evalfreqderiv(self, t): """Return the frequency derivative at time t. Parameters ---------- t : float or numpy.ndarray Input times Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Frequency derivative (in Hz/s) """ dt = (data2longdouble(t) - self.tmid.value) * MIN_PER_DAY s = data2longdouble(0.0) for i in range(2, self.ncoeff): # Change to long double s += ( data2longdouble(i) * data2longdouble(i - 1) * self.coeffs[i] * dt ** (i - 2) ) return s / (60.0 * 60.0)
# Read polycos file data to table
[docs]def tempo_polyco_table_reader(filename): """Read tempo style polyco file to an astropy table. Tempo style: The polynomial ephemerides are written to file 'polyco.dat'. Entries are listed sequentially within the file. The file format is:: ==== ======= ============================================ Line Columns Item ==== ======= ============================================ 1 1-10 Pulsar Name 11-19 Date (dd-mmm-yy) 20-31 UTC ( 32-51 TMID (MJD) 52-72 DM 74-79 Doppler shift due to earth motion (10^-4) 80-86 Log_10 of fit rms residual in periods 2 1-20 Reference Phase (RPHASE) 21-38 Reference rotation frequency (F0) 39-43 Observatory number 44-49 Data span (minutes) 50-54 Number of coefficients 55-75 Observing frequency (MHz) 76-80 Binary phase 3* 1-25 Coefficient 1 (COEFF(1)) 26-50 Coefficient 2 (COEFF(2)) 51-75 Coefficient 3 (COEFF(3)) ==== ======= ============================================ * Subsequent lines have three coefficients each, up to NCOEFF One polyco file could include more then one entry. The pulse phase and frequency at time T are then calculated as: .. math:: \\Delta T = 1440(T-T_{\\rm mid}) \\phi = \\phi_0 + 60 \Delta T f_0 + COEFF[1] + COEFF[2] \\Delta T + COEFF[3] \\Delta T^2 + \\ldots f({\\rm Hz}) = f_0 + \\frac{1}{60}\\left( COEFF[2] + 2 COEFF[3] \Delta T + 3 COEFF[4] \Delta T^2 + \\ldots \\right) Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the input poloco file. Returns ------- astropy.table.Table References ---------- """ entries = [] with open_or_use(filename, "r") as f: line = f.readline() while line != "": # First line fields = line.split() psrname = fields[0] date = fields[1] utc = float(fields[2]) tmid = np.longdouble(fields[3]) dm = float(fields[4]) doppler = float(fields[5]) logrms = float(fields[6]) # Second line fields = f.readline().split() refPhaseInt, refPhaseFrac = fields[0].split(".") refPhaseInt = np.longdouble(refPhaseInt) refPhaseFrac = np.longdouble(f".{refPhaseFrac}") if refPhaseInt < 0: refPhaseFrac = -refPhaseFrac refF0 = np.longdouble(fields[1]) obs = fields[2] mjdspan = int(fields[3]) nCoeff = int(fields[4]) obsfreq = float(fields[5]) try: binary_phase = float(fields[6]) f_orbit = float(fields[7]) is_binary = True except IndexError: is_binary = False # Read coefficients coeffs = [] for _ in range(-(nCoeff // -3)): line = f.readline() coeffs.extend(data2longdouble(c) for c in line.split()) coeffs = np.array(coeffs) entry = PolycoEntry( tmid, mjdspan, refPhaseInt, refPhaseFrac, refF0, nCoeff, coeffs ) entry_dict = OrderedDict() entry_dict["psr"] = psrname entry_dict["date"] = date entry_dict["utc"] = utc entry_dict["tmid"] = tmid entry_dict["dm"] = dm entry_dict["doppler"] = doppler entry_dict["logrms"] = logrms entry_dict["mjd_span"] = mjdspan entry_dict["t_start"] = entry.tstart entry_dict["t_stop"] = entry.tstop entry_dict["obs"] = obs entry_dict["obsfreq"] = obsfreq if is_binary: entry_dict["binary_phase"] = binary_phase entry_dict["f_orbit"] = f_orbit entry_dict["entry"] = entry entries.append(entry_dict) line = f.readline() return table.Table(entries, meta={"name": "Polyco Data Table"})
[docs]def tempo_polyco_table_writer(polycoTable, filename="polyco.dat"): """Write tempo style polyco file from an astropy table. Tempo style polyco file: The polynomial ephemerides are written to file 'polyco.dat'. Entries are listed sequentially within the file. The file format is:: Line Columns Item ---- ------- ----------------------------------- 1 1-10 Pulsar Name 11-19 Date (dd-mmm-yy) 20-31 UTC ( 32-51 TMID (MJD) 52-72 DM 74-79 Doppler shift due to earth motion (10^-4) 80-86 Log_10 of fit rms residual in periods 2 1-20 Reference Phase (RPHASE) 21-38 Reference rotation frequency (F0) 39-43 Observatory number 44-49 Data span (minutes) 50-54 Number of coefficients 55-75 Observing frequency (MHz) 76-80 Binary phase 3* 1-25 Coefficient 1 (COEFF(1)) 26-50 Coefficient 2 (COEFF(2)) 51-75 Coefficient 3 (COEFF(3)) * Subsequent lines have three coefficients each, up to NCOEFF One polyco file could include more then one entry. The pulse phase and frequency at time T are then calculated as: .. math:: \\Delta T = 1440(T-T_{\\rm mid}) \\phi = \\phi_0 + 60 \Delta T f_0 + COEFF[1] + COEFF[2] \\Delta T + COEFF[3] \\Delta T^2 + \\ldots f({\\rm Hz}) = f_0 + \\frac{1}{60}\\left( COEFF[2] + 2 COEFF[3] \Delta T + 3 COEFF[4] \Delta T^2 + \\ldots \\right) Parameters ---------- polycoTable: astropy.table.Table Polycos style table filename : str or ~pathlib.Path or file-like Destination for the output polyco file. Default is 'polyco.dat'. References ---------- """ if len(polycoTable) == 0: err = "Empty polyco table! Please make sure polycoTable has data." raise ValueError(err) with open_or_use(filename, "w") as f: for table_entry in polycoTable: psr_name = table_entry["psr"] if psr_name[0] == "J": psr_name = psr_name[1:] spec1 = "{:10.10s} {:>9.9s}{:11.2f}{:20.11f}{:21.6f} {:6.3f}{:7.3f}\n" line1 = spec1.format( psr_name, table_entry["date"], table_entry["utc"], table_entry["tmid"], table_entry["dm"], table_entry["doppler"], table_entry["logrms"], ) entry = table_entry["entry"] ph = entry.rphase ph_frac = ph.frac[0].value + (ph.frac[0] < 0) excess = ph_frac - np.round(ph_frac, 6) rphstr_frac = "{:.6f}".format(np.round(ph_frac, 6))[1:] rphstr_int = "{:13d}".format(int([0]) - (ph.frac[0] < 0)) try: bin_phase = "{:7.4f}{:9.4f}".format( table_entry["binary_phase"], table_entry["f_orbit"] ) except KeyError: bin_phase = "" spec2 = "{:20s} {:17.12f}{:>5s}{:5d}{:5d}{:10.3f}{:16s}\n" line2 = spec2.format( rphstr_int + rphstr_frac, entry.f0, table_entry["obs"], table_entry["mjd_span"], entry.ncoeff, table_entry["obsfreq"], bin_phase, ) coeffs = entry.coeffs coeffs[0] += excess coeff_block = "" for i, coeff in enumerate(coeffs): coeff_block += "{:25.17e}".format(coeff) if (i + 1) % 3 == 0: coeff_block += "\n" f.write(line1 + line2 + coeff_block)
# default formats # need to define them here rather than at the top so that the reader/writer functions are defined _polycoFormats = [ { "format": "tempo", "read_method": tempo_polyco_table_reader, "write_method": tempo_polyco_table_writer, } ]
[docs]class Polycos: """A class for polycos model. Polyco is a fast phase calculator. It fits a set of data using polynomials and can predict phases at points in between. """ # loaded formats polycoFormats = [] @classmethod def _register(cls, formatlist=_polycoFormats): """ Register the table built-in reading and writing format Formats get added to the ```` registry Parameters ---------- formatlist : list, optional Each entry should be a ``dict`` with entries ``format``, ``read_method``, ``write_method`` """ for fmt in formatlist: if fmt["read_method"] is not None and fmt["write_method"] is None: cls.add_polyco_file_format(fmt["format"], "r", fmt["read_method"], None) elif fmt["read_method"] is None and fmt["write_method"] is not None: cls.add_polyco_file_format( fmt["format"], "w", None, fmt["write_method"] ) elif fmt["read_method"] is not None: cls.add_polyco_file_format( fmt["format"], "rw", fmt["read_method"], fmt["write_method"] ) def __init__(self, filename=None, format="tempo"): """Initialize polycos from a file Parameters --------- filename : str or ~pathlib.Path or file-like The name of the input polyco file. format : str, optional The format of the file. Default is 'tempo'. """ self.fileName = filename if filename is not None:"Reading polycos from '{filename}'") if format not in [f["format"] for f in self.polycoFormats]: raise ValueError( ( f"Unknown polyco file format '{format}" + "'\n" "Please use function 'Polyco.add_polyco_file_format()'" " to register the format\n" ) ) else: self.fileFormat = format self.polycoTable =, format=format) if len(self.polycoTable) == 0: raise ValueError("Zero polycos found for table")
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename, format="tempo"): """Read polyco file to a table. Parameters --------- filename : str or ~pathlib.Path or file-like The name of the input polyco file. format : str, optional The format of the file. Default is 'tempo'. Return --------- Polycos """ return Polycos(filename, format=format)
[docs] @classmethod def add_polyco_file_format( cls, formatName, methodMood, readMethod=None, writeMethod=None ): """ Add a polyco file format and its reading/writing method to the class. Then register it to the table reading. Parameters --------- formatName : str The name for the format. methodMood : str One of ['r', 'w', 'rw']. readMethod : function The method for reading the file format. writeMethod : function The method for writting the file to disk. Notes ----- The read/write methods should correspond to what are needed by :meth:`` and :meth:``, respectively """ assert methodMood.lower() in ["r", "w", "rw"] # Check if the format already exist. if ( formatName in [f["format"] for f in cls.polycoFormats] or formatName in registry.get_formats()["Format"] ): return pFormat = {"format": formatName} if methodMood == "r": if readMethod is None: raise ValueError("Argument readMethod should not be 'None'.") pFormat["read_method"] = readMethod pFormat["write_method"] = writeMethod log.debug(f"Registering Polyco format '{formatName}' with mode='r'") registry.register_reader( pFormat["format"], table.Table, pFormat["read_method"] ) elif methodMood == "w": if writeMethod is None: raise ValueError("Argument writeMethod should not be 'None'.") pFormat["read_method"] = readMethod pFormat["write_method"] = writeMethod log.debug(f"Registering Polyco format '{formatName}' with mode='w'") registry.register_writer( pFormat["format"], table.Table, pFormat["write_method"] ) elif methodMood == "rw": if readMethod is None or writeMethod is None: raise ValueError( "Argument readMethod and writeMethod " "should not be 'None'." ) pFormat["read_method"] = readMethod pFormat["write_method"] = writeMethod log.debug(f"Registering Polyco format '{formatName}' with mode='rw'") registry.register_reader( pFormat["format"], table.Table, pFormat["read_method"] ) registry.register_writer( pFormat["format"], table.Table, pFormat["write_method"] ) cls.polycoFormats.append(pFormat)
[docs] def read_polyco_file(self, filename, format="tempo"): """Read polyco file to a table. Included for backward compatibility. It is better to use :meth:``. Parameters --------- filename : str or ~pathlib.Path or file-like The name of the input polyco file. format : str, optional The format of the file. Default is 'tempo'. Return --------- Polycos """ raise DeprecationWarning( "Use `` rather than `p.read_polyco_file()`" ) self.fileName = filename if format not in [f["format"] for f in self.polycoFormats]: raise ValueError( "Unknown polyco file format '" + format + "'\n" "Please use function 'Polyco.add_polyco_file_format()'" " to register the format\n" ) else: self.fileFormat = format self.polycoTable =, format=format) if len(self.polycoTable) == 0: raise ValueError("Zero polycos found for table")
def __len__(self): return len(self.polycoTable) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.polycoTable[item]
[docs] @classmethod def generate_polycos( cls, model, mjdStart, mjdEnd, obs, segLength, ncoeff, obsFreq, maxha=12.0, method="TEMPO", numNodes=20, progress=True, ): """ Generate the polyco data. Parameters ---------- model : TimingModel TimingModel to generate the Polycos mjdStart : float, np.longdouble Start time of polycos in mjd mjdEnd : float, np.longdouble Ending time of polycos in mjd obs : str Observatory code segLength : int Length of polyco segement [minutes] ncoeff : int Number of coefficents obsFreq : float Observing frequency [MHz] maxha : float, optional. Maximum hour angle. Default 12.0. Only 12.0 is supported for now. method : str, optional Method to generate polycos. Only the ``TEMPO`` method is supported for now. numNodes : int, optional Number of nodes for fitting. It cannot be less then the number of coefficents. Default: 20 progress : bool, optional Whether or not to show the progress bar during calculation Return --------- Polycos """ mjdStart = data2longdouble(mjdStart) mjdEnd = data2longdouble(mjdEnd) segLength = int(segLength) # Use the planetary ephemeris specified in the model, if available. if model.EPHEM.value is not None: ephem = model.EPHEM.value else:"No ephemeris specified in model, using DE421 to generate polycos") ephem = "DE421" if maxha != 12.0: raise ValueError("Maximum hour angle != 12.0 is not supported.") # Make sure the number of nodes is bigger than number of coeffs. if numNodes < ncoeff: numNodes = ncoeff + 1 mjdSpan = data2longdouble(segLength / MIN_PER_DAY) # Generate "nice" MJDs for consistency with what tempo2 does tmids = np.arange( int(mjdStart * 24) * 60, int(mjdEnd * 24) * 60 + segLength, segLength ) tmids = data2longdouble(tmids) / MIN_PER_DAY if method != "TEMPO": raise NotImplementedError("Only TEMPO method has been implemented.") entryList = [] obsFreq = float(obsFreq) # Using tempo1 method to create polycos # If you want to disable the progress bar, add disable=True to the tqdm() call. for tmid in tqdm(tmids, disable=not progress): tStart = tmid - mjdSpan / 2 tStop = tmid + mjdSpan / 2 nodes = np.linspace(tStart, tStop, numNodes) toaMid = toa.get_TOAs_array( (np.modf(tmid)[1], np.modf(tmid)[0]), obs=obs, freqs=obsFreq, ephem=ephem, ) # toaMid = toa.get_TOAs_list( # [toa.TOA()], # ) refPhase = model.phase(toaMid, abs_phase=True) # Create node toas(Time sample using TOA class) # toaList = [ # toa.TOA( # (np.modf(toaNode)[1], np.modf(toaNode)[0]), # obs=obs, # freq=obsFreq, # ) # for toaNode in nodes # ] # toas = toa.get_TOAs_list(toaList, ephem=ephem) toas = toa.get_TOAs_array( (np.modf(nodes)[0], np.modf(nodes)[1]), obs=obs, freqs=obsFreq, ephem=ephem, ) ph = model.phase(toas, abs_phase=True) dt = (nodes - tmid) * MIN_PER_DAY rdcPhase = ph - refPhase rdcPhase = - (dt * model.F0.value * 60.0) + rdcPhase.frac dtd = dt.astype(float) # Truncate to double rdcPhased = rdcPhase.astype(float) coeffs = np.polyfit(dtd, rdcPhased, ncoeff - 1)[::-1] date, hms = Time(tmid, format="mjd", scale="utc").iso.split() yy, mm, dd = date.split("-") date = f"{dd}-{MONTHS[int(mm) - 1]}-{yy[-2:]}" hms = float(hms.replace(":", "")) entry = PolycoEntry( tmid, segLength,, refPhase.frac, model.F0.value, ncoeff, coeffs, ) entry_dict = OrderedDict() entry_dict["psr"] = model.PSR.value entry_dict["date"] = date entry_dict["utc"] = hms entry_dict["tmid"] = tmid entry_dict["dm"] = model.DM.value entry_dict["doppler"] = 0.0 entry_dict["logrms"] = 0.0 entry_dict["mjd_span"] = segLength entry_dict["t_start"] = entry.tstart entry_dict["t_stop"] = entry.tstop entry_dict["obs"] = obs entry_dict["obsfreq"] = obsFreq if model.is_binary: binphase = model.orbital_phase(toaMid, radians=False)[0] entry_dict["binary_phase"] = binphase b = model.get_components_by_category()["pulsar_system"][0] entry_dict["f_orbit"] = 1 / b.PB.value entry_dict["entry"] = entry entryList.append(entry_dict) pTable = table.Table(entryList, meta={"name": "Polyco Data Table"}) out = cls() out.polycoTable = pTable if len(out.polycoTable) == 0: raise ValueError("Zero polycos found for table") return out
[docs] def write_polyco_file(self, filename="polyco.dat", format="tempo"): """Write Polyco table to a file. Parameters --------- filename : str The name of the polyco file. Default is 'polyco.dat'. format : str The format of the file. Default is 'tempo'. """ if format not in [f["format"] for f in self.polycoFormats]: raise ValueError( ( f"Unknown polyco file format '{format}" + "'\n" "Please use function 'self.add_polyco_file_format()'" " to register the format\n" ) ) self.polycoTable.write(filename, format=format)
[docs] def find_entry(self, t): """Find the right entry for the input time. Parameters --------- t: numpy.ndarray or float A time array in MJD. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Indices corresponding to the desired time(s) Raises ------ ValueError If the input time(s) are not covered by the polycos """ if not isinstance(t, (np.ndarray, list)): t = np.array([t]) # Check if polyco table exists if self.polycoTable is None: raise ValueError("polycoTable not set!") t_start = self.polycoTable["t_start"] t_stop = self.polycoTable["t_stop"] start_idx = np.searchsorted(t_start, t) - 1 stop_idx = np.searchsorted(t_stop, t) if not np.allclose(start_idx, stop_idx): raise ValueError("Some input times not covered by Polyco entries.") return start_idx
[docs] def eval_phase(self, t): """Polyco evaluation of fractional phase Parameters --------- t: numpy.ndarray or float An time array in MJD. Time sample should be in order Returns --------- numpy.ndarray Fractional phase Notes ----- Returns fractional part of :meth:`pint.polycos.Polycos.eval_abs_phase` """ if not isinstance(t, np.ndarray) and not isinstance(t, list): t = np.array([t]) return self.eval_abs_phase(t).frac
[docs] def eval_abs_phase(self, t): """ Polyco evaluate absolute phase for a time array. Parameters --------- t: numpy.ndarray or float An time array in MJD. Time sample should be in order Returns --------- pint.phase.Phase Polyco evaluated absolute phase for t. Notes ----- Calculates phase according to: .. math:: \\phi = \\phi_0 + 60 \\Delta T f_0 + COEFF[1] + COEFF[2] \Delta T + COEFF[3] \Delta T^2 + \\ldots Calculation done using :meth:`pint.polycos.PolycoEntry.evalabsphase` """ if not isinstance(t, (np.ndarray, list)): t = np.array([t]) entryIndex = self.find_entry(t) phaseInt = () phaseFrac = () # Compute phase for time in each entry for i in range(len(self.polycoTable)): mask = np.where(entryIndex == i) # Build mask for time in each entry t_in_entry = t[mask] if len(t_in_entry) == 0: continue # Calculate the phase as an array absp = self.polycoTable["entry"][i].evalabsphase(t_in_entry) phaseInt += (,) phaseFrac += (absp.frac,) # Maybe add sort function here, since the time has been masked. phaseInt = np.hstack(phaseInt).value phaseFrac = np.hstack(phaseFrac).value return Phase(phaseInt, phaseFrac)
[docs] def eval_spin_freq(self, t): """ Polyco evaluate spin frequency for a time array. Parameters --------- t: numpy.ndarray or float An time array in MJD. Time samples should be in order Returns --------- numpy.ndarray Polyco evaluated spin frequency [Hz] at time t. Notes ----- Calculates frequency according to: .. math:: f({\\rm Hz}) = f_0 + \\frac{1}{60}\\left(COEFF[2] + 2 \\Delta T COEFF[3] + 3 \\Delta T^2 COEFF[4] + \\ldots\\right) Calculation done using :meth:`pint.polycos.PolycoEntry.evalfreq` """ if not isinstance(t, np.ndarray) and not isinstance(t, list): t = np.array([t]) entryIndex = self.find_entry(t) spinFreq = np.zeros(len(t), dtype=np.longdouble) for i, idx in enumerate(entryIndex): spinFreq[i] = self[idx]["entry"].evalfreq(t[i]) return spinFreq
[docs] def eval_spin_freq_derivative(self, t): """ Polyco evaluate spin frequency derivative for a time array. Parameters --------- t: numpy.ndarray or float An time array in MJD. Time samples should be in order Returns --------- numpy.ndarray Polyco evaluated spin frequency derivative [Hz/s] at time t. Notes ----- Calculation done using :meth:`pint.polycos.PolycoEntry.evalfreqderiv` """ if not isinstance(t, np.ndarray) and not isinstance(t, list): t = np.array([t]) entryIndex = self.find_entry(t) spinFreqDeriv = np.zeros(len(t), dtype=np.longdouble) for i, idx in enumerate(entryIndex): spinFreqDeriv[i] = self[idx]["entry"].evalfreqderiv(t[i]) return spinFreqDeriv
# load the default registry on import Polycos._register()