

Read tempo style polyco file to an astropy table.

Tempo style: The polynomial ephemerides are written to file ‘polyco.dat’. Entries are listed sequentially within the file. The file format is:

====  =======   ============================================
Line  Columns     Item
====  =======   ============================================
 1       1-10   Pulsar Name
        11-19   Date (dd-mmm-yy)
        20-31   UTC (
        32-51   TMID (MJD)
        52-72   DM
        74-79   Doppler shift due to earth motion (10^-4)
        80-86   Log_10 of fit rms residual in periods
 2       1-20   Reference Phase (RPHASE)
        21-38   Reference rotation frequency (F0)
        39-43   Observatory number
        44-49   Data span (minutes)
        50-54   Number of coefficients
        55-75   Observing frequency (MHz)
        76-80   Binary phase
 3*      1-25   Coefficient 1 (COEFF(1))
        26-50   Coefficient 2 (COEFF(2))
        51-75   Coefficient 3 (COEFF(3))
====  =======   ============================================
* Subsequent lines have three coefficients each, up to NCOEFF

One polyco file could include more then one entry.

The pulse phase and frequency at time T are then calculated as:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\Delta T = 1440(T-T_{\rm mid})\\\phi = \phi_0 + 60 \Delta T f_0 + COEFF[1] + COEFF[2] \Delta T + COEFF[3] \Delta T^2 + \ldots\\f({\rm Hz}) = f_0 + \frac{1}{60}\left( COEFF[2] + 2 COEFF[3] \Delta T + 3 COEFF[4] \Delta T^2 + \ldots \right)\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

filename (str) – Name of the input poloco file.

Return type:

