Source code for pint.utils

"""Miscellaneous potentially-helpful functions.


- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.a1sini`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.companion_mass`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.gamma`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.mass_funct`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.mass_funct2`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.omdot`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.omdot_to_mtot`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.p_to_f`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.pbdot`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.pferrs`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.pulsar_B`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.pulsar_B_lightcyl`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.pulsar_age`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.pulsar_edot`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.pulsar_mass`
- :func:`~pint.derived_quantities.shklovskii_factor`

have moved to :mod:`pint.derived_quantities`.

- :func:`pint.simulation.calculate_random_models`

has moved to :mod:`pint.simulation`.


import configparser
import datetime
import getpass
import hashlib
import os
import platform
import re
import sys
import textwrap
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from warnings import warn
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from numdifftools import Hessian
from typing import (
import uncertainties

import astropy.constants as const
import astropy.coordinates as coords
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy import constants
from astropy.time import Time
from loguru import logger as log
from scipy.special import fdtrc
from scipy.linalg import cho_factor, cho_solve
from copy import deepcopy
import warnings

import pint
import pint.pulsar_ecliptic
from pint.toa_select import TOASelect
from pint.types import file_like, time_like, quantity_like

__all__ = [

COLOR_NAMES = ["black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white"]

# Actual exported tools

[docs]class PINTPrecisionError(RuntimeError): pass
# A warning is emitted in pint.pulsar_mjd if sufficient precision is not available
[docs]def check_longdouble_precision() -> bool: """Check whether long doubles have adequate precision. Returns True if long doubles have enough precision to use PINT for sub-microsecond timing on this machine. """ return np.finfo(np.longdouble).eps < 2e-19
[docs]def require_longdouble_precision() -> None: """Raise an exception if long doubles do not have enough precision. Raises RuntimeError if PINT cannot be run with high precision on this machine. """ if not check_longdouble_precision(): raise PINTPrecisionError( "PINT needs higher precision floating point than you have available. PINT uses the numpy longdouble type to represent modified Julian days, and this machine does not have sufficient numerical precision to represent sub-microsecond times with np.longdouble. On an M1 Mac you will need to use a Rosetta environment, or on a Windows machine you will need to us a different Python interpreter. Some PINT operations can work with reduced precision, but you have requested one that cannot." )
[docs]class PosVel: """Position/Velocity class. The class is used to represent the 6 values describing position and velocity vectors. Instances have 'pos' and 'vel' attributes that are numpy arrays of floats (and can have attached astropy units). The 'pos' and 'vel' params are 3-vectors of the positions and velocities respectively. The coordinates are generally assumed to be aligned with ICRF (J2000), i.e. they are in an inertial, not earth-rotating frame The 'obj' and 'origin' components are strings that can optionally be used to specify names for endpoints of the vectors. If present, addition/subtraction will check that vectors are being combined in a consistent way. Specifically, if two PosVel objects are added, the obj of one must equal the origin of the other (either way around). If the two vectors agree on both ends, then the result vector will choose the origin of the vector on the left. """ def __init__( self, pos: Union[List, np.ndarray, u.Quantity], vel: Union[List, np.ndarray, u.Quantity], obj: Optional[str] = None, origin: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if len(pos) != 3: raise ValueError(f"Position vector has length {len(pos)} instead of 3") self.pos = pos if isinstance(pos, u.Quantity) else np.asarray(pos) if len(vel) != 3: raise ValueError(f"Position vector has length {len(pos)} instead of 3") self.vel = vel if isinstance(vel, u.Quantity) else np.asarray(vel) if len(self.pos.shape) != len(self.vel.shape): # FIXME: could broadcast them, but have to be careful raise ValueError( f"pos and vel must have the same number of dimensions but are {self.pos.shape} and {self.vel.shape}" ) elif self.pos.shape != self.vel.shape: self.pos, self.vel = np.broadcast_arrays(self.pos, self.vel, subok=True) if (obj is None) != (origin is None): raise ValueError( "If one of obj and origin is specified, the other must be too." ) self.obj = obj self.origin = origin # FIXME: what about dtype compatibility? def _has_labels(self) -> bool: return (self.obj is not None) and (self.origin is not None) def __neg__(self) -> "PosVel": return PosVel(-self.pos, -self.vel, obj=self.origin, origin=self.obj) def __add__(self, other: "PosVel") -> "PosVel": obj = None origin = None if self._has_labels() and other._has_labels(): # here we check that the addition "makes sense", ie the endpoint # of self is the origin of other (or vice-versa) if self.obj == other.origin: origin = self.origin obj = other.obj elif self.origin == other.obj: origin = other.origin obj = self.obj else: raise ValueError( f"Attempting to add incompatible vectors: {self.origin}->{self.obj} + {other.origin}->{other.obj}" ) return PosVel( self.pos + other.pos, self.vel + other.vel, obj=obj, origin=origin ) def __sub__(self, other: "PosVel") -> "PosVel": return self.__add__(other.__neg__()) def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"PosVel({str(self.pos)}, {str(self.vel)} {self.origin}->{self.obj})" if self._has_labels() else f"PosVel({str(self.pos)}, {str(self.vel)})" ) def __getitem__(self, k: Union[int, Tuple]) -> "PosVel": """Allow extraction of slices of the contained arrays""" colon = slice(None, None, None) ix = (colon,) + k if isinstance(k, tuple) else (colon, k) return self.__class__( self.pos[ix], self.vel[ix], obj=self.obj, origin=self.origin )
[docs]def numeric_partial( f: Callable, args: Union[List, Tuple], ix: int = 0, delta: float = 1e-6 ) -> float: """Compute the partial derivative of f numerically. This uses symmetric differences to estimate the partial derivative of a function (that takes some number of numeric arguments and may return an array) with respect to one of its arguments. """ # r = np.array(f(*args)) args2 = list(args) args2[ix] = args[ix] + delta / 2.0 r2 = np.array(f(*args2)) args3 = list(args) args3[ix] = args[ix] - delta / 2.0 r3 = np.array(f(*args3)) return (r2 - r3) / delta
[docs]def numeric_partials( f: Callable, args: Union[List, Tuple], delta: float = 1e-6 ) -> float: """Compute all the partial derivatives of f numerically. Returns a matrix of the partial derivative of every return value with respect to every input argument. f is assumed to take a flat list of numeric arguments and return a list or array of values. """ r = [numeric_partial(f, args, i, delta) for i in range(len(args))] return np.array(r).T
[docs]def check_all_partials( f: Callable, args: Union[List, Tuple], delta: float = 1e-6, atol: float = 1e-4, rtol: float = 1e-4, ) -> None: """Check the partial derivatives of a function that returns derivatives. The function is assumed to return a pair (values, partials), where partials is supposed to be a matrix of the partial derivatives of f with respect to all its arguments. These values are checked against numerical partial derivatives. """ _, jac = f(*args) jac = np.asarray(jac) njac = numeric_partials(lambda *args: f(*args)[0], args, delta) try: np.testing.assert_allclose(jac, njac, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) except AssertionError: d = np.abs(jac - njac) / (atol + rtol * np.abs(njac)) print("fail fraction:", np.sum(d > 1) / float(np.sum(d >= 0))) worst_ix = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(d.reshape((-1,))), d.shape) print("max fail:", np.amax(d), "at", worst_ix) print("jac there:", jac[worst_ix], "njac there:", njac[worst_ix]) raise
[docs]def has_astropy_unit(x: Any) -> bool: """Test whether x has a unit attribute containing an astropy unit. This is useful, because different data types can still have units associated with them. """ return hasattr(x, "unit") and isinstance(x.unit, u.core.UnitBase)
# Define prefix parameter pattern prefix_pattern = [ re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]*\d+[a-zA-Z]+)(\d+)$"), # For the prefix like T2EFAC2 re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+)0*(\d+)$"), # For the prefix like F12 re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z0-9]+_)(\d+)$"), # For the prefix like DMXR1_3 # re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z]\d[a-zA-Z]+)(\d+)'), # for prefixes like PLANET_SHAPIRO2? ]
[docs]class PrefixError(ValueError): pass
[docs]def split_prefixed_name(name: str) -> Tuple[str, str, int]: """Split a prefixed name. Parameters ---------- name : str Prefixed name Returns ------- prefixPart : str The prefix part of the name indexPart : str The index part from the name indexValue : int The absolute index value Example ------- >>> split_prefixed_name("DMX_0123") ('DMX_', '0123', 123) >>> split_prefixed_name("T2EFAC17") ('T2EFAC', '17', 17) >>> split_prefixed_name("F12") ('F', '12', 12) >>> split_prefixed_name("DMXR1_2") ('DMXR1_', '2', 2) >>> split_prefixed_name("PEPOCH") Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "pint/", line 406, in split_prefixed_name raise PrefixError("Unrecognized prefix name pattern '%s'." % name) pint.utils.PrefixError: Unrecognized prefix name pattern 'PEPOCH'. """ for pt in prefix_pattern: try: prefix_part, index_part = pt.match(name).groups() break except AttributeError: continue else: raise PrefixError(f"Unrecognized prefix name pattern '{name}'.") return prefix_part, index_part, int(index_part)
[docs]def taylor_horner( x: quantity_like, coeffs: Union[List[u.Quantity], List[uncertainties.ufloat]], ) -> quantity_like: """Evaluate a Taylor series of coefficients at x via the Horner scheme. For example, if we want: 10 + 3*x/1! + 4*x^2/2! + 12*x^3/3! with x evaluated at 2.0, we would do:: In [1]: taylor_horner(2.0, [10, 3, 4, 12]) Out[1]: 40.0 Parameters ---------- x: float or numpy.ndarray or astropy.units.Quantity Input value; may be an array. coeffs: list of astropy.units.Quantity or uncertainties.ufloat Coefficient array; must have length at least one. The coefficient in position ``i`` is multiplied by ``x**i``. Each coefficient should just be a number, not an array. The units should be compatible once multiplied by an appropriate power of x. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray or astropy.units.Quantity Output value; same shape as input. Units as inferred from inputs. """ return taylor_horner_deriv(x, coeffs, deriv_order=0)
[docs]def taylor_horner_deriv( x: quantity_like, coeffs: Union[List[u.Quantity], List[uncertainties.ufloat]], deriv_order: int = 1, ) -> quantity_like: """Evaluate the nth derivative of a Taylor series. For example, if we want: first order of (10 + 3*x/1! + 4*x^2/2! + 12*x^3/3!) with respect to x evaluated at 2.0, we would do:: In [1]: taylor_horner_deriv(2.0, [10, 3, 4, 12], 1) Out[1]: 15.0 Parameters ---------- x: float or numpy.ndarray or astropy.units.Quantity Input value; may be an array. coeffs: list of astropy.units.Quantity or uncertainties.ufloat Coefficient array; must have length at least one. The coefficient in position ``i`` is multiplied by ``x**i``. Each coefficient should just be a number, not an array. The units should be compatible once multiplied by an appropriate power of x. deriv_order: int The order of the derivative to take (that is, how many times to differentiate). Must be non-negative. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray or astropy.units.Quantity Output value; same shape as input. Units as inferred from inputs. """ assert deriv_order >= 0 result = 0.0 if hasattr(coeffs[-1], "unit"): if not hasattr(x, "unit"): x = x * u.Unit("") result *= coeffs[-1].unit / x.unit der_coeffs = coeffs[deriv_order::] fact = len(der_coeffs) for coeff in der_coeffs[::-1]: result = result * x / fact + coeff fact -= 1.0 return result
[docs]@contextmanager def open_or_use(f: file_like, mode: Literal["r", "rb", "w", "wb"] = "r") -> Iterator: """Open a filename or use an open file. Specifically, if f is a string, try to use it as an argument to open. Otherwise just yield it. In particular anything that is not a subclass of ``str`` will be passed through untouched. """ if isinstance(f, (str, bytes, Path)): with open(f, mode) as fl: yield fl else: yield f
[docs]def lines_of(f: Any) -> Iterator: """Iterate over the lines of a file, an open file, or an iterator. If ``f`` is a string, try to open a file of that name. Otherwise treat it as an iterator and yield its values. For open files, this results in the lines one-by-one. For lists or other iterators it just yields them right through. """ with open_or_use(f) as fo: yield from fo
[docs]def interesting_lines(lines: Iterable, comments: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterator[str]: """Iterate over lines skipping whitespace and comments. Each line has its whitespace stripped and then it is checked whether it .startswith(comments) . This means comments can be a string or a list of strings. """ if comments is None: cc = () elif isinstance(comments, (str, bytes)): cc = (comments,) else: cc = tuple(comments) for c in cc: cs = c.strip() if not cs or not c.startswith(cs): raise ValueError( "Unable to deal with comments that start with whitespace, " "but comment string {!r} was requested.".format(c) ) for ln in lines: ln = ln.strip() if not ln: continue if ln.startswith(cc): continue yield ln
[docs]def pmtot(model: "pint.models.TimingModel") -> u.Quantity: """Compute and return the total proper motion from a model object Calculates total proper motion from the parameters of the model, in either equatorial or ecliptic coordinates. Note that in both cases, pulsar timing codes define the proper motion in the longitude coordinate to be the the actual angular rate of change of position on the sky rather than the change in coordinate value, so PMRA = (d(RAJ)/dt)*cos(DECJ). This is different from the astrometry community where mu_alpha = d(alpha)/dt. Thus, we don't need to include cos(DECJ) or cos(ELAT) in our calculation. Parameters ---------- model: pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel Returns ------- pmtot : astropy.units.Quantity Returns total proper motion with units of ``u.mas/u.yr`` Raises ------ AttributeError If no Astrometry component is found in the model """ if "AstrometryEcliptic" in model.components.keys(): return np.sqrt(model.PMELONG.quantity**2 + model.PMELAT.quantity**2).to( u.mas / u.yr ) elif "AstrometryEquatorial" in model.components.keys(): return np.sqrt(model.PMRA.quantity**2 + model.PMDEC.quantity**2).to( u.mas / u.yr ) else: raise AttributeError("No Astrometry component found")
[docs]class dmxrange: """Internal class for building DMX ranges""" def __init__(self, lofreqs: List[float], hifreqs: List[float]): """lofreqs and hifreqs are lists of MJDs that are in the low or high band respectively""" self.los = lofreqs self.his = hifreqs self.min = min(lofreqs + hifreqs) - 0.001 * u.d self.max = max(lofreqs + hifreqs) + 0.001 * u.d def sum_print(self) -> None: print( "{:8.2f}-{:8.2f} ({:8.2f}): NLO={:5d} NHI={:5d}".format( self.min.value, self.max.value, self.max - self.min, len(self.los), len(self.his), ) )
[docs]def dmx_ranges_old( toas: "pint.toa.TOAs", divide_freq: u.Quantity = 1000.0 * u.MHz, offset: u.Quantity = 0.01 * u.d, max_diff: u.Quantity = 15.0 * u.d, verbose: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, "pint.models.Component"]: """Compute initial DMX ranges for a set of TOAs This is a rudimentary translation of $TEMPO/utils/dmx_ranges/ Parameters ---------- toas : pint.toa.TOAs divide_freq : Quantity, MHz Requires TOAs above and below this freq for a good DMX range offset : Quantity, days The buffer to include around each DMX range. Warning, may cause bins to overlap?!? max_diff : Quantity, days Maximum duration of a DMX bin verbose : bool If True, print out verbose information about the DMX ranges including par file lines. Returns ------- mask : bool array Array with True for all TOAs that got assigned to a DMX bin component : TimingModel.Component object A DMX Component class with the DMX ranges included """ import pint.models.parameter from pint.models.timing_model import Component MJDs = toas.get_mjds() freqs = toas.table["freq"] loMJDs = MJDs[freqs < divide_freq] hiMJDs = MJDs[freqs > divide_freq] # Round off the dates to 0.1 days and only keep unique values so we ignore closely spaced TOAs loMJDs = np.unique(loMJDs.round(1)) hiMJDs = np.unique(hiMJDs.round(1))"There are {len(hiMJDs)} dates with freqs > {divide_freq} MHz")"There are {len(loMJDs)} dates with freqs < {divide_freq} MHz\n") DMXs = [] good_his = set([]) bad_los = [] # Walk through all of the low freq obs for ii, loMJD in enumerate(loMJDs): # find all the high freq obs within max_diff days # of the low freq obs hi_close = hiMJDs[np.fabs(hiMJDs - loMJD) < max_diff] # and where they are closer to this loMJD compared to the # other nearby ones if ii > 0: diffs = np.fabs(hi_close - loMJD) lodiffs = np.fabs(hi_close - loMJDs[ii - 1]) hi_close = hi_close[diffs < lodiffs] if ii < len(loMJDs) - 1: diffs = np.fabs(hi_close - loMJD) hidiffs = np.fabs(hi_close - loMJDs[ii + 1]) hi_close = hi_close[diffs < hidiffs] if len(hi_close): # add a DMXrange DMXs.append(dmxrange([loMJD], list(hi_close))) good_his = good_his.union(set(hi_close)) else: bad_los.append(loMJD) bad_los = set(bad_los) saved_los = [] # print bad_los # Now walk through the DMXs and see if we can't fit a bad_lo freq in for bad_lo in bad_los: absmindiff = 2 * max_diff ind = 0 for ii, DMX in enumerate(DMXs): if ( np.fabs(bad_lo - DMX.min) < max_diff and np.fabs(bad_lo - DMX.max) < max_diff ): mindiff = min(np.fabs(bad_lo - DMX.min), np.fabs(bad_lo - DMX.max)) if mindiff < absmindiff: absmindiff = mindiff ind = ii if absmindiff < max_diff: # print DMXs[ind].min, DMXs[ind].max, bad_lo DMXs[ind].los.append(bad_lo) # update the min and max vals DMXs[ind].min = min(DMXs[ind].los + DMXs[ind].his) DMXs[ind].max = max(DMXs[ind].los + DMXs[ind].his) saved_los.append(bad_lo) # These are the low-freq obs we can't save bad_los -= set(saved_los) bad_los = sorted(list(bad_los)) # These are the high-freq obs we can't save bad_his = set(hiMJDs) - good_his bad_his = sorted(list(bad_his)) if verbose: print("\n These are the 'good' ranges for DMX and days are low/high freq:") for DMX in DMXs: DMX.sum_print() print("\nRemove high-frequency data from these days:") for hibad in bad_his: print("{:8.2f}".format(hibad.value)) print("\nRemove low-frequency data from these days:") for lobad in bad_los: print("{:8.2f}".format(lobad.value)) print("\n Enter the following in your parfile") print("-------------------------------------") print("DMX {:.2f}".format(max_diff.value)) oldmax = 0.0 for ii, DMX in enumerate(DMXs): print("DMX_{:04d} 0.0 {}".format(ii + 1, 1)) print("DMXR1_{:04d} {:10.4f}".format(ii + 1, (DMX.min - offset).value)) print("DMXR2_{:04d} {:10.4f}".format(ii + 1, (DMX.max + offset).value)) if DMX.min < oldmax: print("Ack! This shouldn't be happening!") oldmax = DMX.max # Init mask to all False mask = np.zeros_like(MJDs.value, dtype=bool) # Mark TOAs as True if they are in any DMX bin for DMX in DMXs: mask[np.logical_and(MJDs > DMX.min - offset, MJDs < DMX.max + offset)] = True"{mask.sum()} out of {len(mask)} TOAs are in a DMX bin") # Instantiate a DMX component dmx_class = Component.component_types["DispersionDMX"] dmx_comp = dmx_class() # Add parameters for ii, DMX in enumerate(DMXs): if ii == 0: # Already have DMX_0001 in component, so just set parameters dmx_comp.DMX_0001.value = 0.0 dmx_comp.DMX_0001.frozen = False dmx_comp.DMXR1_0001.value = (DMX.min - offset).value dmx_comp.DMXR2_0001.value = (DMX.max + offset).value else: # Add the DMX parameters dmx_par = pint.models.parameter.prefixParameter( parameter_type="float", name="DMX_{:04d}".format(ii + 1), value=0.0, units=u.pc /**3, frozen=False, ) dmx_comp.add_param(dmx_par, setup=True) dmxr1_par = pint.models.parameter.prefixParameter( parameter_type="mjd", name="DMXR1_{:04d}".format(ii + 1), value=(DMX.min - offset).value, units=u.d, ) dmx_comp.add_param(dmxr1_par, setup=True) dmxr2_par = pint.models.parameter.prefixParameter( parameter_type="mjd", name="DMXR2_{:04d}".format(ii + 1), value=(DMX.max + offset).value, units=u.d, ) dmx_comp.add_param(dmxr2_par, setup=True) # Validate component dmx_comp.validate() return mask, dmx_comp
[docs]def dmx_ranges( toas: "pint.toa.TOAs", divide_freq=1000.0 * u.MHz, binwidth=15.0 * u.d, verbose=False, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, "pint.models.timing_model.Component"]: """Compute initial DMX ranges for a set of TOAs This is an alternative algorithm for computing DMX ranges Parameters ---------- divide_freq : Quantity, MHz Requires TOAs above and below this freq for a good DMX range offset : Quantity, days The buffer to include around each DMX range. Warning, may cause bins to overlap?!? max_diff : Quantity, days Maximum duration of a DMX bin verbose : bool If True, print out verbose information about the DMX ranges including par file lines. Returns ------- mask : bool array Array with True for all TOAs that got assigned to a DMX bin component : TimingModel.Component object A DMX Component class with the DMX ranges included """ import pint.models.parameter from pint.models.timing_model import Component MJDs = toas.get_mjds() freqs = toas.table["freq"].quantity DMXs = [] prevbinR2 = MJDs[0] - 0.001 * u.d while np.any(MJDs > prevbinR2): # Consider all TOAs with times after the last bin up through a total span of binwidth # Get indexes that should be in this bin # If there are no more MJDs to process, we are done. startMJD = MJDs[MJDs > prevbinR2][0] binidx = np.logical_and(MJDs > prevbinR2, MJDs <= startMJD + binwidth) if not np.any(binidx): break binMJDs = MJDs[binidx] binfreqs = freqs[binidx] loMJDs = binMJDs[binfreqs < divide_freq] hiMJDs = binMJDs[binfreqs >= divide_freq] # If we have freqs below and above the divide, this is a good bin if np.any(binfreqs < divide_freq) and np.any(binfreqs > divide_freq): DMXs.append(dmxrange(list(loMJDs), list(hiMJDs))) else: # These TOAs cannot be used pass prevbinR2 = binMJDs.max() if verbose: print( "\n These are the good DMX ranges with number of TOAs above/below the dividing freq:" ) for DMX in DMXs: DMX.sum_print() # Init mask to all False mask = np.zeros_like(MJDs.value, dtype=bool) # Mark TOAs as True if they are in any DMX bin for DMX in DMXs: mask[np.logical_and(MJDs >= DMX.min, MJDs <= DMX.max)] = True"{mask.sum()} out of {len(mask)} TOAs are in a DMX bin") # Instantiate a DMX component dmx_class = Component.component_types["DispersionDMX"] dmx_comp = dmx_class() # Add parameters for ii, DMX in enumerate(DMXs): if ii == 0: # Already have DMX_0001 in component, so just set parameters dmx_comp.DMX_0001.value = 0.0 dmx_comp.DMX_0001.frozen = False dmx_comp.DMXR1_0001.value = DMX.min.value dmx_comp.DMXR2_0001.value = DMX.max.value else: # Add the DMX parameters dmx_par = pint.models.parameter.prefixParameter( parameter_type="float", name="DMX_{:04d}".format(ii + 1), value=0.0, units=u.pc /**3, frozen=False, ) dmx_comp.add_param(dmx_par, setup=True) dmxr1_par = pint.models.parameter.prefixParameter( parameter_type="mjd", name="DMXR1_{:04d}".format(ii + 1), value=DMX.min.value, units=u.d, ) dmx_comp.add_param(dmxr1_par, setup=True) dmxr2_par = pint.models.parameter.prefixParameter( parameter_type="mjd", name="DMXR2_{:04d}".format(ii + 1), value=DMX.max.value, units=u.d, ) dmx_comp.add_param(dmxr2_par, setup=True) # Validate component dmx_comp.validate() return mask, dmx_comp
[docs]def dmx_setup( t: Union["pint.toa.TOAs", u.Quantity, Time], minwidth: u.Quantity = 10 * u.d, mintoas: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[u.Quantity, u.Quantity, np.ndarray]: """Set up DMX bins with a minimal binning strategy The nominal binwidth will be >=`minwidth`, but will always include >=`mintoas` TOAs. No dividing based on observing frequency is done. Parameters ---------- t : `pint.toa.TOAs` or astropy.units.Quantity or astropy.time.Time Input TOAs to divide. If Quantity, assume MJD minwidth : astropy.units.Quantity Minimum bin width mintoas : int Minimum number of TOAs in a bin Returns ------- R1 : astropy.units.Quantity Start times of the bins R2 : astropy.units.Quantity Stop times of the bins N : np.ndarray Number of TOAs in each bin Example ------- To use the output of this function:: >>> R1, R2, N = dmx_setup(t) >>> model.add_component(pint.models.dispersion_model.DispersionDMX()) >>> model.DMXR1_0001.value = R1[0].value >>> model.DMXR2_0001.value = R2[0].value >>> model.add_DMX_ranges(R1[1:].value, R2[1:].value, frozens=False) Since the first DMX range already exists, we update those values before adding the other ranges. """ if isinstance(t, Time): MJDs = np.sort(t.mjd * u.d) elif isinstance(t, u.Quantity): MJDs = np.sort(t) else: # assume TOAs, although we don't want to check explicitly to avoid circular imports MJDs = np.sort(t.get_mjds()) itoa = 0 idmx = 0 R1 = [] R2 = [] while itoa < len(MJDs) - 1: if idmx == 0: R1.append(MJDs[itoa]) else: R1.append(R2[-1]) R2.append(R1[idmx] + minwidth) itoa = np.where(MJDs <= R2[-1])[0].max() while ((MJDs >= R1[idmx]) & (MJDs < R2[idmx])).sum() < mintoas: itoa += 1 if itoa < len(MJDs): R2[idmx] = MJDs[itoa] + 1 * u.d else: R2[idmx] = MJDs[itoa - 1] + 1 * u.d break idmx += 1 if (R2[-1] - R1[-1] < minwidth) or ( ((MJDs >= R1[-1]) & (MJDs < R2[-1])).sum() < mintoas ): # in case the last bin is too short R2[-2] = R2[-1] R1.pop() R2.pop() R1 = np.array([x.value for x in R1]) * u.d R2 = np.array([x.value for x in R2]) * u.d N = np.zeros(len(R1), dtype=int) for idmx in range(len(R1)): N[idmx] = ((MJDs >= R1[idmx]) & (MJDs < R2[idmx])).sum() return R1, R2, N
[docs]def xxxselections( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", toas: "pint.toa.TOAs", prefix: str = "DM" ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Map DMX/SWX/other selections to TOAs Parameters ---------- model : pint.models.TimingModel toas : pint.toa.TOAs prefix : str Name of selection Returns ------- dict : keys are XXX indices, values are the TOAs selected for each index """ if not any(p.startswith(f"{prefix}X") for p in model.params): return {} toas_selector = TOASelect(is_range=True) X_mapping = model.get_prefix_mapping(f"{prefix}X_") XR1_mapping = model.get_prefix_mapping(f"{prefix}XR1_") XR2_mapping = model.get_prefix_mapping(f"{prefix}XR2_") condition = {} for ii in X_mapping: r1 = getattr(model, XR1_mapping[ii]).quantity r2 = getattr(model, XR2_mapping[ii]).quantity condition[X_mapping[ii]] = (r1.mjd, r2.mjd) return toas_selector.get_select_index(condition, toas["mjd_float"])
[docs]def dmxselections( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", toas: "pint.toa.TOAs" ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Map DMX selections to TOAs Parameters ---------- model : pint.models.TimingModel toas : pint.toa.TOAs Returns ------- dict : keys are DMX indices, values are the TOAs selected for each index """ toas_selector = TOASelect(is_range=True) DMX_mapping = model.get_prefix_mapping("DMX_") DMXR1_mapping = model.get_prefix_mapping("DMXR1_") DMXR2_mapping = model.get_prefix_mapping("DMXR2_") condition = {} for ii in DMX_mapping: r1 = getattr(model, DMXR1_mapping[ii]).quantity r2 = getattr(model, DMXR2_mapping[ii]).quantity condition[DMX_mapping[ii]] = (r1.mjd, r2.mjd) return toas_selector.get_select_index(condition, toas["mjd_float"])
[docs]def dmxstats( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", toas: "pint.toa.TOAs", file: IO = sys.stdout ) -> None: """Print DMX statistics Based off dmxparse by P. Demorest ( Parameters ---------- model : pint.models.TimingModel toas : pint.toa.TOAs file : a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout """ mjds = toas.get_mjds() freqs = toas.table["freq"] selected = np.zeros(len(toas), dtype=np.bool_) DMX_mapping = model.get_prefix_mapping("DMX_") select_idx = dmxselections(model, toas) for ii in DMX_mapping: if f"DMX_{ii:04d}" in select_idx: selection = select_idx[f"DMX_{ii:04d}"] selected[selection] = True print( "DMX_{:04d}: NTOAS={:5d}, MJDSpan={:14.4f}, FreqSpan={:8.3f}-{:8.3f}".format( ii, len(selection), (mjds[selection].max() - mjds[selection.min()]), freqs[selection].min() * u.MHz, freqs[selection].max() * u.MHz, ), file=file, ) else: print( "DMX_{:04d}: NTOAS={:5d}, MJDSpan={:14.4f}, FreqSpan={:8.3f}-{:8.3f}".format( ii, 0, 0 * u.d, 0 * u.MHz, 0 * u.MHz ), file=file, ) if not np.all(selected): print(f"{(1-selected).sum()} TOAs not selected in any DMX window", file=file)
[docs]def dmxparse( fitter: "pint.fitter.Fitter", save: bool = False ) -> Dict[str, Union[u.Quantity, List]]: """Run dmxparse in python using PINT objects and results. Based off dmxparse by P. Demorest ( Parameters ---------- fitter PINT fitter used to get timing residuals, must have already run a fit save : bool or str or file-like object, optional If not False or None, saves output to specified file in the format of the TEMPO version. If ``True``, assumes output file is ``dmxparse.out`` Returns ------- dict : ``dmxs`` : mean-subtraced dmx values ``dmx_verrs`` : dmx variance errors ``dmxeps`` : center mjds of the dmx bins ``r1s`` : lower mjd bounds on the dmx bins ``r2s`` : upper mjd bounds on the dmx bins ``bins`` : dmx bins ``mean_dmx`` : mean dmx value ``avg_dm_err`` : uncertainty in average dmx Raises ------ RuntimeError If the model has no DMX parameters, or if there is a parsing problem """ # We get the DMX values, errors, and mjds (same as in getting the DMX values for DMX v. time) # Get number of DMX epochs try: DMX_mapping = fitter.model.get_prefix_mapping("DMX_") except ValueError as e: raise RuntimeError("No DMX values in model!") from e dmx_epochs = [f"{x:04d}" for x in DMX_mapping.keys()] DMX_keys = list(DMX_mapping.values()) DMXs = np.zeros(len(dmx_epochs)) DMX_Errs = np.zeros(len(dmx_epochs)) DMX_R1 = np.zeros(len(dmx_epochs)) DMX_R2 = np.zeros(len(dmx_epochs)) mask_idxs = np.zeros(len(dmx_epochs), dtype=np.bool_) # Get DMX values (will be in units of 10^-3 pc cm^-3) for ii, epoch in enumerate(dmx_epochs): DMXs[ii] = getattr(fitter.model, "DMX_{:}".format(epoch)).value mask_idxs[ii] = getattr(fitter.model, "DMX_{:}".format(epoch)).frozen DMX_Errs[ii] = getattr(fitter.model, "DMX_{:}".format(epoch)).uncertainty_value DMX_R1[ii] = getattr(fitter.model, "DMXR1_{:}".format(epoch)).value DMX_R2[ii] = getattr(fitter.model, "DMXR2_{:}".format(epoch)).value DMX_center_MJD = (DMX_R1 + DMX_R2) / 2 # If any value need to be masked, do it if True in mask_idxs: log.warning( "Some DMX bins were not fit for, masking these bins for computation." ) DMX_Errs =, mask=mask_idxs) DMX_keys_ma =, mask=mask_idxs) else: DMX_keys_ma = None # Make sure that the fitter has a covariance matrix, otherwise return the initial values if hasattr(fitter, "parameter_covariance_matrix"): # now get the full parameter covariance matrix from pint # access by label name to make sure we get the right values # make sure they are sorted in ascending order cc = fitter.parameter_covariance_matrix.get_label_matrix( sorted([f"DMX_{x}" for x in dmx_epochs]) ) n = len(DMX_Errs) - np.sum(mask_idxs) # Find error in mean DM DMX_mean = np.mean(DMXs) DMX_mean_err = np.sqrt(cc.matrix.sum()) / float(n) # Do the correction for varying DM m = np.identity(n) - np.ones((n, n)) / float(n) cc =, cc.matrix), m) DMX_vErrs = np.zeros(n) # We also need to correct for the units here for i in range(n): DMX_vErrs[i] = np.sqrt(cc[i, i]) # If array was masked, we need to add values back in where they were masked if DMX_keys_ma is not None: # Only need to add value to DMX_vErrs DMX_vErrs = np.insert(DMX_vErrs, np.where(mask_idxs)[0], None) else: log.warning( "Fitter does not have covariance matrix, returning values from model" ) DMX_mean = np.mean(DMXs) DMX_mean_err = np.mean(DMX_Errs) DMX_vErrs = DMX_Errs # Check we have the right number of params if len(DMXs) != len(DMX_Errs) or len(DMXs) != len(DMX_vErrs): raise RuntimeError("Number of DMX entries do not match!") # Output the results' if save is not None and save: if isinstance(save, bool): save = "dmxparse.out" lines = [ f"# Mean DMX value = {DMX_mean:+.6e} \n", f"# Uncertainty in average DM = {DMX_mean_err:.5e} \n", f"# Columns: DMXEP DMX_value DMX_var_err DMXR1 DMXR2 %s_bin \n", ] lines.extend( f"{DMX_center_MJD[k]:.4f} {DMXs[k] - DMX_mean:+.7e} {DMX_vErrs[k]:.3e} {DMX_R1[k]:.4f} {DMX_R2[k]:.4f} {DMX_keys[k]} \n" for k in range(len(dmx_epochs)) ) with open_or_use(save, mode="w") as dmxout: dmxout.writelines(lines) if isinstance(save, (str, Path)): log.debug(f"Wrote dmxparse output to '{save}'") # return the new mean subtracted values mean_sub_DMXs = DMXs - DMX_mean # Get units to multiply returned arrays by DMX_units = getattr(fitter.model, "DMX_{:}".format(dmx_epochs[0])).units DMXR_units = getattr(fitter.model, "DMXR1_{:}".format(dmx_epochs[0])).units return { "dmxs": mean_sub_DMXs * DMX_units, "dmx_verrs": DMX_vErrs * DMX_units, "dmxeps": DMX_center_MJD * DMXR_units, "r1s": DMX_R1 * DMXR_units, "r2s": DMX_R2 * DMXR_units, "bins": DMX_keys, "mean_dmx": DMX_mean * DMX_units, "avg_dm_err": DMX_mean_err * DMX_units, }
[docs]def get_prefix_timerange( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", prefixname: str ) -> Tuple[Time, ...]: """Get time range for a prefix quantity like DMX or SWX Parameters ---------- model: pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel prefixname : str Something like ``DMX_0001`` or ``SWX_0005`` Returns ------- tuple Each element is astropy.time.Time Example ------- To match a range between SWX and DMX, you can do: >>> m.add_DMX_range(*(59077.33674631197, 59441.34020807681), index=1, frozen=False) Which sets ``DMX_0001`` to cover the same time range as ``SWX_0002`` """ prefix, index, indexnum = split_prefixed_name(prefixname) r1 = prefix.replace("_", "R1_") + index r2 = prefix.replace("_", "R2_") + index return getattr(model, r1).quantity, getattr(model, r2).quantity
[docs]def get_prefix_timeranges( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", prefixname: str ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Time, Time]: """Get all time ranges and indices for a prefix quantity like DMX or SWX Parameters ---------- model: pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel prefixname : str Something like ``DMX`` or ``SWX`` (no trailing ``_``) Returns ------- indices : np.ndarray starts : astropy.time.Time ends : astropy.time.Time """ if prefixname.endswith("_"): prefixname = prefixname[:-1] prefix_mapping = model.get_prefix_mapping(f"{prefixname}_") r1 = np.zeros(len(prefix_mapping)) r2 = np.zeros(len(prefix_mapping)) indices = np.zeros(len(prefix_mapping), dtype=np.int32) for j, index in enumerate(prefix_mapping.keys()): if ( getattr(model, f"{prefixname}R1_{index:04d}").quantity is not None and getattr(model, f"{prefixname}R2_{index:04d}").quantity is not None ): r1[j] = getattr(model, f"{prefixname}R1_{index:04d}").quantity.mjd r2[j] = getattr(model, f"{prefixname}R2_{index:04d}").quantity.mjd indices[j] = index return ( indices, Time(r1, format="pulsar_mjd"), Time(r2, format="pulsar_mjd"), )
[docs]def find_prefix_bytime( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", prefixname: str, t: Union[float, Time, u.Quantity] ) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: """Identify matching index(es) for a prefix parameter like DMX Parameters ---------- model: pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel prefixname : str Something like ``DMX`` or ``SWX`` (no trailing ``_``) t : astropy.time.Time or float or astropy.units.Quantity If not :class:`astropy.time.Time`, then MJD is assumed Returns ------- int or np.ndarray Index or indices that match """ if not isinstance(t, Time): t = Time(t, format="pulsar_mjd") indices, r1, r2 = get_prefix_timeranges(model, prefixname) matches = np.where((t >= r1) & (t < r2))[0] if len(matches) == 1: matches = int(matches) return indices[matches]
[docs]def merge_dmx( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", index1: int, index2: int, value: Literal["first", "second", "mean"] = "mean", frozen: bool = True, ) -> int: """Merge two DMX bins Parameters ---------- model: pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel index1: int index2 : int value : str, optional One of "first", "second", "mean". Determines value of new bin frozen : bool, optional Returns ------- int New DMX index """ assert value.lower() in ["first", "second", "mean"] tstart1, tend1 = get_prefix_timerange(model, f"DMX_{index1:04d}") tstart2, tend2 = get_prefix_timerange(model, f"DMX_{index2:04d}") tstart = min([tstart1, tstart2]) tend = max([tend1, tend2]) intervening_indices = find_prefix_bytime(model, "DMX", (tstart.mjd + tend.mjd) / 2) if len(np.setdiff1d(intervening_indices, [index1, index2])) > 0: for k in np.setdiff1d(intervening_indices, [index1, index2]): log.warning( f"Attempting to merge DMX_{index1:04d} and DMX_{index2:04d}, but DMX_{k:04d} is in between" ) if value.lower() == "first": dmx = getattr(model, f"DMX_{index1:04d}").quantity elif value.lower == "second": dmx = getattr(model, f"DMX_{index2:04d}").quantity elif value.lower() == "mean": dmx = ( getattr(model, f"DMX_{index1:04d}").quantity + getattr(model, f"DMX_{index2:04d}").quantity ) / 2 # add the new one before we delete previous ones to make sure we have >=1 present newindex = model.add_DMX_range(tstart, tend, dmx=dmx, frozen=frozen) model.remove_DMX_range([index1, index2]) return newindex
[docs]def split_dmx(model: "pint.models.TimingModel", time: Time) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Split an existing DMX bin at the desired time Parameters ---------- model : pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel time : astropy.time.Time Returns ------- index : int Index of existing bin that was split newindex : int Index of new bin that was added """ try: DMX_mapping = model.get_prefix_mapping("DMX_") except ValueError: raise RuntimeError("No DMX values in model!") dmx_epochs = [f"{x:04d}" for x in DMX_mapping.keys()] DMX_R1 = np.zeros(len(dmx_epochs)) DMX_R2 = np.zeros(len(dmx_epochs)) for ii, epoch in enumerate(dmx_epochs): DMX_R1[ii] = getattr(model, "DMXR1_{:}".format(epoch)).value DMX_R2[ii] = getattr(model, "DMXR2_{:}".format(epoch)).value ii = np.where((time.mjd > DMX_R1) & (time.mjd < DMX_R2))[0] if len(ii) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Time {time} not in any DMX bins") ii = ii[0] index = int(dmx_epochs[ii]) t1 = DMX_R1[ii] t2 = DMX_R2[ii] print(f"{ii} {t1} {t2} {time}") getattr(model, f"DMXR2_{index:04d}").value = time.mjd newindex = model.add_DMX_range( time.mjd, t2, dmx=getattr(model, f"DMX_{index:04d}").quantity, frozen=getattr(model, f"DMX_{index:04d}").frozen, ) return index, newindex
[docs]def split_swx(model: "pint.models.TimingModel", time: Time) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Split an existing SWX bin at the desired time Parameters ---------- model : pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel time : astropy.time.Time Returns ------- index : int Index of existing bin that was split newindex : int Index of new bin that was added """ try: SWX_mapping = model.get_prefix_mapping("SWXDM_") except ValueError: raise RuntimeError("No SWX values in model!") swx_epochs = [f"{x:04d}" for x in SWX_mapping.keys()] SWX_R1 = np.zeros(len(swx_epochs)) SWX_R2 = np.zeros(len(swx_epochs)) for ii, epoch in enumerate(swx_epochs): SWX_R1[ii] = getattr(model, "SWXR1_{:}".format(epoch)).value SWX_R2[ii] = getattr(model, "SWXR2_{:}".format(epoch)).value ii = np.where((time.mjd > SWX_R1) & (time.mjd < SWX_R2))[0] if len(ii) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Time {time} not in any SWX bins") ii = ii[0] index = int(swx_epochs[ii]) t1 = SWX_R1[ii] t2 = SWX_R2[ii] print(f"{ii} {t1} {t2} {time}") getattr(model, f"SWXR2_{index:04d}").value = time.mjd newindex = model.add_swx_range( time.mjd, t2, swxdm=getattr(model, f"SWXDM_{index:04d}").quantity, frozen=getattr(model, f"SWXDM_{index:04d}").frozen, ) return index, newindex
[docs]def wavex_setup( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", T_span: Union[float, u.Quantity], freqs: Optional[Iterable[Union[float, u.Quantity]]] = None, n_freqs: Optional[int] = None, freeze_params: bool = False, ) -> List[int]: """ Set-up a WaveX model based on either an array of user-provided frequencies or the wave number frequency calculation. Sine and Cosine amplitudes are initially set to zero User specifies T_span and either freqs or n_freqs. This function assumes that the timing model does not already have any WaveX components. See add_wavex_component() or add_wavex_components() to add WaveX components to an existing WaveX model. Parameters ---------- model : pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel T_span : float, astropy.quantity.Quantity Time span used to calculate nyquist frequency when using freqs Time span used to calculate WaveX frequencies when using n_freqs Usually to be set as the length of the timing baseline the model is being used for freqs : iterable of float or astropy.quantity.Quantity, None User inputed base frequencies n_freqs : int, None Number of wave frequencies to calculate using the equation: freq_n = 2 * pi * n / T_span Where n is the wave number, and T_span is the total time span of the toas in the fitter object freeze_params : bool, optional Whether the new parameters should be frozen Returns ------- indices : list Indices that have been assigned to new WaveX components """ from pint.models.wavex import WaveX if (freqs is None) and (n_freqs is None): raise ValueError( "WaveX component base frequencies are not specified. " "Please input either freqs or n_freqs" ) if (freqs is not None) and (n_freqs is not None): raise ValueError( "Both freqs and n_freqs are specified. Only one or the other should be used" ) if n_freqs is not None and n_freqs <= 0: raise ValueError("Must use a non-zero number of wave frequencies") model.add_component(WaveX()) if isinstance(T_span, u.quantity.Quantity): else: T_span *= u.d nyqist_freq = 1.0 / (2.0 * T_span) if freqs is not None: if isinstance(freqs, u.quantity.Quantity):**-1) else: freqs *= u.d**-1 if len(freqs) == 1: model.WXFREQ_0001.quantity = freqs else: freqs = np.array(freqs) freqs.sort() if min(np.diff(freqs)) < nyqist_freq: warnings.warn( "Wave frequency spacing is finer than frequency resolution of data" ) model.WXFREQ_0001.quantity = freqs[0] model.components["WaveX"].add_wavex_components(freqs[1:]) if n_freqs is not None: if n_freqs == 1: wave_freq = 1 / T_span model.WXFREQ_0001.quantity = wave_freq else: wave_numbers = np.arange(1, n_freqs + 1) wave_freqs = wave_numbers / T_span model.WXFREQ_0001.quantity = wave_freqs[0] model.components["WaveX"].add_wavex_components(wave_freqs[1:]) for p in model.params: if p.startswith("WXSIN") or p.startswith("WXCOS"): model[p].frozen = freeze_params return model.components["WaveX"].get_indices()
[docs]def dmwavex_setup( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", T_span: Union[float, u.Quantity], freqs: Optional[Iterable[Union[float, u.Quantity]]] = None, n_freqs: Optional[int] = None, freeze_params: bool = False, ) -> List[int]: """ Set-up a DMWaveX model based on either an array of user-provided frequencies or the wave number frequency calculation. Sine and Cosine amplitudes are initially set to zero User specifies T_span and either freqs or n_freqs. This function assumes that the timing model does not already have any DMWaveX components. See add_dmwavex_component() or add_dmwavex_components() to add components to an existing DMWaveX model. Parameters ---------- model : pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel T_span : float, astropy.quantity.Quantity Time span used to calculate nyquist frequency when using freqs Time span used to calculate WaveX frequencies when using n_freqs Usually to be set as the length of the timing baseline the model is being used for freqs : iterable of float or astropy.quantity.Quantity, None User inputed base frequencies n_freqs : int, None Number of wave frequencies to calculate using the equation: freq_n = 2 * pi * n / T_span Where n is the wave number, and T_span is the total time span of the toas in the fitter object freeze_params : bool, optional Whether the new parameters should be frozen Returns ------- indices : list Indices that have been assigned to new WaveX components """ from pint.models.dmwavex import DMWaveX if (freqs is None) and (n_freqs is None): raise ValueError( "DMWaveX component base frequencies are not specified. " "Please input either freqs or n_freqs" ) if (freqs is not None) and (n_freqs is not None): raise ValueError( "Both freqs and n_freqs are specified. Only one or the other should be used" ) if n_freqs is not None and n_freqs <= 0: raise ValueError("Must use a non-zero number of wave frequencies") model.add_component(DMWaveX()) if isinstance(T_span, u.quantity.Quantity): else: T_span *= u.d nyqist_freq = 1.0 / (2.0 * T_span) if freqs is not None: if isinstance(freqs, u.quantity.Quantity):**-1) else: freqs *= u.d**-1 if len(freqs) == 1: model.DMWXFREQ_0001.quantity = freqs else: freqs = np.array(freqs) freqs.sort() if min(np.diff(freqs)) < nyqist_freq: warnings.warn( "DMWaveX frequency spacing is finer than frequency resolution of data" ) model.DMWXFREQ_0001.quantity = freqs[0] model.components["DMWaveX"].add_dmwavex_components(freqs[1:]) if n_freqs is not None: if n_freqs == 1: wave_freq = 1 / T_span model.DMWXFREQ_0001.quantity = wave_freq else: wave_numbers = np.arange(1, n_freqs + 1) wave_freqs = wave_numbers / T_span model.DMWXFREQ_0001.quantity = wave_freqs[0] model.components["DMWaveX"].add_dmwavex_components(wave_freqs[1:]) for p in model.params: if p.startswith("DMWXSIN") or p.startswith("DMWXCOS"): model[p].frozen = freeze_params return model.components["DMWaveX"].get_indices()
def _translate_wave_freqs(om: Union[float, u.Quantity], k: int) -> u.Quantity: """ Use Wave model WAVEOM parameter to calculate a WaveX WXFREQ_ frequency parameter for wave number k Parameters ---------- om : float or astropy.quantity.Quantity Base frequency of Wave model solution - parameter WAVEOM If float is given default units of 1/d assigned k : int wave number to use to calculate WaveX WXFREQ_ frequency parameter Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity WXFREQ_ quantity in units 1/d that can be used in WaveX model """ if isinstance(om, u.quantity.Quantity):**-1) else: om *= u.d**-1 return (om * (k + 1)) / (2.0 * np.pi) def _translate_wavex_freqs(wxfreq: Union[float, u.Quantity], k: int) -> u.Quantity: """ Use WaveX model WXFREQ_ parameters and wave number k to calculate the Wave model WAVEOM frequency parameter. Parameters ---------- wxfreq : float or astropy.quantity.Quantity WaveX frequency from which the WAVEOM parameter will be calculated If float is given default units of 1/d assigned k : int wave number to use to calculate Wave WAVEOM parameter Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity WAVEOM quantity in units 1/d that can be used in Wave model """ if isinstance(wxfreq, u.quantity.Quantity):**-1) else: wxfreq *= u.d**-1 if len(wxfreq) == 1: return (2.0 * np.pi * wxfreq) / (k + 1.0) wave_om = [((2.0 * np.pi * wxfreq[i]) / (k[i] + 1.0)) for i in range(len(wxfreq))] return ( sum(wave_om) / len(wave_om) if np.allclose(wave_om, wave_om[0], atol=1e-3) else False )
[docs]def translate_wave_to_wavex( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", ) -> "pint.models.TimingModel": """ Go from a Wave model to a WaveX model WaveX frequencies get calculated based on the Wave model WAVEOM parameter and the number of WAVE parameters. WXFREQ_000k = [WAVEOM * (k+1)] / [2 * pi] WaveX amplitudes are taken from the WAVE pair parameters Paramters --------- model : pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel TimingModel containing a Wave model to be converted to a WaveX model Returns ------- pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel New timing model with converted WaveX model included """ from pint.models.wavex import WaveX new_model = deepcopy(model) wave_names = [ f"WAVE{ii}" for ii in range(1, model.components["Wave"].num_wave_terms + 1) ] wave_terms = [getattr(model.components["Wave"], name) for name in wave_names] wave_om = model.components["Wave"].WAVE_OM.quantity wave_epoch = model.components["Wave"].WAVEEPOCH.quantity new_model.remove_component("Wave") new_model.add_component(WaveX()) new_model.WXEPOCH.value = wave_epoch.value for k, wave_term in enumerate(wave_terms): wave_sin_amp, wave_cos_amp = wave_term.quantity wavex_freq = _translate_wave_freqs(wave_om, k) if k == 0: new_model.WXFREQ_0001.value = wavex_freq.value new_model.WXSIN_0001.value = -wave_sin_amp.value new_model.WXCOS_0001.value = -wave_cos_amp.value else: new_model.components["WaveX"].add_wavex_component( wavex_freq, wxsin=-wave_sin_amp, wxcos=-wave_cos_amp ) return new_model
[docs]def get_wavex_freqs( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", index: Optional[Union[float, int, List, np.ndarray]] = None, quantity: bool = False, ) -> List[Union[float, u.Quantity]]: """ Return the WaveX frequencies for a timing model. If index is specified, returns the frequencies corresponding to the user-provided indices. If index isn't specified, returns all WaveX frequencies in timing model Parameters ---------- model : pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel Timing model from which to return WaveX frequencies index : float, int, list, np.ndarray, None Number or list/array of numbers corresponding to WaveX frequencies to return quantity : bool If set to True, returns a list of astropy.quanitity.Quantity rather than a list of prefixParameters Returns ------- List of WXFREQ_ parameters """ if index is None: freqs = model.components["WaveX"].get_prefix_mapping_component("WXFREQ_") if len(freqs) == 1: values = getattr(model.components["WaveX"], freqs.values()) else: values = [ getattr(model.components["WaveX"], param) for param in freqs.values() ] elif isinstance(index, (int, float, np.int64)): idx_rf = f"{int(index):04d}" values = getattr(model.components["WaveX"], f"WXFREQ_{idx_rf}") elif isinstance(index, (list, set, np.ndarray)): idx_rf = [f"{int(idx):04d}" for idx in index] values = [getattr(model.components["WaveX"], f"WXFREQ_{ind}") for ind in idx_rf] else: raise TypeError( f"index most be a float, int, set, list, array, or None - not {type(index)}" ) if quantity: if len(values) == 1: values = [values[0].quantity] else: values = [v.quantity for v in values] return values
[docs]def get_wavex_amps( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", index: Optional[Union[float, int, List, np.ndarray]] = None, quantity: bool = False, ) -> List[Union[float, u.Quantity]]: """ Return the WaveX amplitudes for a timing model. If index is specified, returns the sine/cosine amplitudes corresponding to the user-provided indices. If index isn't specified, returns all WaveX sine/cosine amplitudes in timing model Parameters ---------- model : pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel Timing model from which to return WaveX frequencies index : float, int, list, np.ndarray, None Number or list/array of numbers corresponding to WaveX amplitudes to return quantity : bool If set to True, returns a list of tuples of astropy.quanitity.Quantity rather than a list of prefixParameters tuples Returns ------- List of WXSIN_ and WXCOS_ parameters """ if index is None: indices = ( model.components["WaveX"].get_prefix_mapping_component("WXSIN_").keys() ) if len(indices) == 1: values = getattr( model.components["WaveX"], f"WXSIN_{int(indices):04d}" ), getattr(model.components["WaveX"], f"WXCOS_{int(indices):04d}") else: values = [ ( getattr(model.components["WaveX"], f"WXSIN_{int(idx):04d}"), getattr(model.components["WaveX"], f"WXCOS_{int(idx):04d}"), ) for idx in indices ] elif isinstance(index, (int, float, np.int64)): idx_rf = f"{int(index):04d}" values = getattr(model.components["WaveX"], f"WXSIN_{idx_rf}"), getattr( model.components["WaveX"], f"WXCOS_{idx_rf}" ) elif isinstance(index, (list, set, np.ndarray)): idx_rf = [f"{int(idx):04d}" for idx in index] values = [ ( getattr(model.components["WaveX"], f"WXSIN_{ind}"), getattr(model.components["WaveX"], f"WXCOS_{ind}"), ) for ind in idx_rf ] else: raise TypeError( f"index most be a float, int, set, list, array, or None - not {type(index)}" ) if quantity: if isinstance(values, tuple): values = tuple(v.quantity for v in values) if isinstance(values, list): values = [(v[0].quantity, v[1].quantity) for v in values] return values
[docs]def translate_wavex_to_wave( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", ) -> "pint.models.TimingModel": """ Go from a WaveX timing model to a Wave timing model. WARNING: Not every WaveX model can be appropriately translated into a Wave model. This is dependent on the user's choice of frequencies in the WaveX model. In order for a WaveX model to be able to be converted into a Wave model, every WaveX frequency must produce the same value of WAVEOM in the calculation: WAVEOM = [2 * pi * WXFREQ_000k] / (k + 1) Paramters --------- model : pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel TimingModel containing a WaveX model to be converted to a Wave model Returns ------- pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel New timing model with converted Wave model included """ from pint.models.wave import Wave new_model = deepcopy(model) indices = model.components["WaveX"].get_indices() wxfreqs = get_wavex_freqs(model, indices, quantity=True) wave_om = _translate_wavex_freqs(wxfreqs, (indices - 1)) if wave_om == False: raise ValueError( "This WaveX model cannot be properly translated into a Wave model due to the WaveX frequencies not producing a consistent WAVEOM value" ) wave_amps = get_wavex_amps(model, index=indices, quantity=True) new_model.remove_component("WaveX") new_model.add_component(Wave()) new_model.WAVEEPOCH.quantity = model.WXEPOCH.quantity new_model.WAVE_OM.quantity = wave_om new_model.WAVE1.quantity = tuple(w * -1.0 for w in wave_amps[0]) if len(indices) > 1: for i in range(1, len(indices)): print(wave_amps[i]) wave_amps[i] = tuple(w * -1.0 for w in wave_amps[i]) new_model.components["Wave"].add_wave_component( wave_amps[i], index=indices[i] ) return new_model
[docs]def weighted_mean( arrin: np.ndarray, weights_in: np.ndarray, inputmean: Optional[float] = None, calcerr: bool = False, sdev: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[float, ...]: """Compute weighted mean of input values Calculate the weighted mean, error, and optionally standard deviation of an input array. By default error is calculated assuming the weights are 1/err^2, but if you send calcerr=True this assumption is dropped and the error is determined from the weighted scatter. Parameters ---------- arrin : array Array containing the numbers whose weighted mean is desired. weights: array A set of weights for each element in array. For measurements with uncertainties, these should be 1/sigma^2. inputmean: float, optional An input mean value, around which the mean is calculated. calcerr : bool, optional Calculate the weighted error. By default the error is calculated as 1/sqrt( weights.sum() ). If calcerr=True it is calculated as sqrt((w**2 * (arr-mean)**2).sum() )/weights.sum(). sdev : bool, optional If True, also return the weighted standard deviation as a third element in the tuple. Defaults to False. Returns ------- wmean, werr: tuple A tuple of the weighted mean and error. If sdev=True the tuple will also contain sdev: wmean,werr,wsdev Notes ----- Converted from IDL: 2006-10-23. Erin Sheldon, NYU Copied from PRESTO to PINT : 2020-04-18 """ arr = arrin weights = weights_in wtot = weights.sum() # user has input a mean value wmean = (weights * arr).sum() / wtot if inputmean is None else float(inputmean) # how should error be calculated? if calcerr: werr2 = (weights**2 * (arr - wmean) ** 2).sum() werr = np.sqrt(werr2) / wtot else: werr = 1.0 / np.sqrt(wtot) # should output include the weighted standard deviation? if sdev: wvar = (weights * (arr - wmean) ** 2).sum() / wtot wsdev = np.sqrt(wvar) return wmean, werr, wsdev else: return wmean, werr
[docs]@u.quantity_input def ELL1_check( A1:, E: u.dimensionless_unscaled, TRES:, NTOA: int, outstring=True ): """Check for validity of assumptions in ELL1 binary model Checks whether the assumptions that allow ELL1 to be safely used are satisfied. To work properly, we should have: :math:`asini/c e^4 \ll {\\rm timing precision} / \sqrt N_{\\rm TOA}` or :math:`A1 E^4 \ll TRES / \sqrt N_{\\rm TOA}` since the ELL1 model now includes terms up to O(E^3) Parameters ---------- A1 : astropy.units.Quantity Projected semi-major axis (aka ASINI) in `` E : astropy.units.Quantity (dimensionless) Eccentricity TRES : astropy.units.Quantity RMS TOA uncertainty NTOA : int Number of TOAs in the fit outstring : bool, optional Returns ------- bool or str Returns True if ELL1 is safe to use, otherwise False. If outstring is True then returns a string summary instead. """ lhs = A1 / const.c * E**4.0 rhs = TRES / np.sqrt(NTOA) if outstring: s = ( f"Checking applicability of ELL1 model -- \n" f" Condition is asini/c * ecc**4 << timing precision / sqrt(# TOAs) to use ELL1\n" f" asini/c * ecc**4 = {} \n" f" TRES / sqrt(# TOAs) = {} \n" ) if lhs * 50.0 < rhs: if outstring: s += " Should be fine.\n" return s return True elif lhs * 5.0 < rhs: if outstring: s += " Should be OK, but not optimal.\n" return s return True else: if outstring: s += " *** WARNING*** Should probably use BT or DD instead!\n" return s return False
[docs]def FTest(chi2_1: float, dof_1: int, chi2_2: float, dof_2: int) -> float: """Run F-test. Compute an F-test to see if a model with extra parameters is significant compared to a simpler model. The input values are the (non-reduced) chi^2 values and the numbers of DOF for '1' the original model and '2' for the new model (with more fit params). The probability is computed exactly like Sherpa's F-test routine (in Ciao) and is also described in the Wikipedia article on the F-test: The returned value is the probability that the improvement in chi2 is due to chance (i.e. a low probability means that the new fit is quantitatively better, while a value near 1 means that the new model should likely be rejected). Parameters ----------- chi2_1 : float Chi-squared value of model with fewer parameters dof_1 : int Degrees of freedom of model with fewer parameters chi2_2 : float Chi-squared value of model with more parameters dof_2 : int Degrees of freedom of model with more parameters Returns -------- ft : float F-test significance value for the model with the larger number of components over the other. """ delta_chi2 = chi2_1 - chi2_2 if delta_chi2 > 0 and dof_1 != dof_2: delta_dof = dof_1 - dof_2 new_redchi2 = chi2_2 / dof_2 F = float((delta_chi2 / delta_dof) / new_redchi2) # fdtr doesn't like float128 return fdtrc(delta_dof, dof_2, F) elif dof_1 == dof_2: log.warning("Models have equal degrees of freedom, cannot perform F-test.") return np.nan else: log.warning( "Chi^2 for Model 2 is larger than Chi^2 for Model 1, cannot perform F-test." ) return 1.0
[docs]def add_dummy_distance( c: coords.SkyCoord, distance: u.Quantity = 1 * u.kpc ) -> coords.SkyCoord: """Adds a dummy distance to a SkyCoord object for applying proper motion Parameters ---------- c: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord current SkyCoord object without distance but with proper motion and obstime distance: astropy.units.Quantity, optional distance to supply Returns ------- cnew : astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord new SkyCoord object with a distance attached """ # import here to avoid circular imports import pint.pulsar_ecliptic if == {}: log.warning( f"No proper motions available for {c}: returning coordinates unchanged" ) return c if isinstance(c.frame, coords.builtin_frames.icrs.ICRS): return ( coords.SkyCoord( ra=c.ra, dec=c.dec, pm_ra_cosdec=c.pm_ra_cosdec, pm_dec=c.pm_dec, obstime=c.obstime, distance=distance, frame=coords.ICRS, ) if hasattr(c, "pm_ra_cosdec") else coords.SkyCoord( ra=c.ra, dec=c.dec, pm_ra_cosdec=c.pm_ra, pm_dec=c.pm_dec, obstime=c.obstime, distance=distance, frame=coords.ICRS, ) ) elif isinstance(c.frame, coords.builtin_frames.galactic.Galactic): return coords.SkyCoord( l=c.l, b=c.b, pm_l_cosb=c.pm_l_cosb, pm_b=c.pm_b, obstime=c.obstime, distance=distance, frame=coords.Galactic, ) elif isinstance(c.frame, pint.pulsar_ecliptic.PulsarEcliptic): return coords.SkyCoord( lon=c.lon,, pm_lon_coslat=c.pm_lon_coslat, pm_lat=c.pm_lat, obstime=c.obstime, distance=distance, obliquity=c.obliquity, frame=pint.pulsar_ecliptic.PulsarEcliptic, ) else: log.warning( f"Do not know coordinate frame for {c}: returning coordinates unchanged" ) return c
[docs]def remove_dummy_distance(c: coords.SkyCoord) -> coords.SkyCoord: """Removes a dummy distance from a SkyCoord object after applying proper motion Parameters ---------- c: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord current SkyCoord object with distance and with proper motion and obstime Returns ------- cnew : astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord new SkyCoord object with a distance removed """ # import here to avoid circular imports import pint.pulsar_ecliptic if == {}: log.warning( f"No proper motions available for {c}: returning coordinates unchanged" ) return c if isinstance(c.frame, coords.builtin_frames.icrs.ICRS): return ( coords.SkyCoord( ra=c.ra, dec=c.dec, pm_ra_cosdec=c.pm_ra_cosdec, pm_dec=c.pm_dec, obstime=c.obstime, frame=coords.ICRS, ) if hasattr(c, "pm_ra_cosdec") else coords.SkyCoord( ra=c.ra, dec=c.dec, pm_ra_cosdec=c.pm_ra, pm_dec=c.pm_dec, obstime=c.obstime, frame=coords.ICRS, ) ) elif isinstance(c.frame, coords.builtin_frames.galactic.Galactic): return coords.SkyCoord( l=c.l, b=c.b, pm_l_cosb=c.pm_l_cosb, pm_b=c.pm_b, obstime=c.obstime, frame=coords.Galactic, ) elif isinstance(c.frame, pint.pulsar_ecliptic.PulsarEcliptic): return coords.SkyCoord( lon=c.lon,, pm_lon_coslat=c.pm_lon_coslat, pm_lat=c.pm_lat, obstime=c.obstime, obliquity=c.obliquity, frame=pint.pulsar_ecliptic.PulsarEcliptic, ) else: log.warning( f"Do not know coordinate frame for {c}: returning coordinates unchanged" ) return c
[docs]def info_string( prefix_string: str = "# ", comment: Optional[str] = None, detailed: bool = False ) -> str: """Returns an informative string about the current state of PINT. Adds: * Creation date * PINT version * Username (given by the `gitpython`_ global configuration ```` if available, in addition to :func:`getpass.getuser`). * Host (given by :func:`platform.node`) * OS (given by :func:`platform.platform`) * plus a user-supplied comment (if present). Parameters ---------- prefix_string: str, default='# ' a string to be prefixed to the output (often to designate as a comment or similar) comment: str, optional a free-form comment string to be included if present detailed: bool, optional Include detailed version info on dependencies. Returns ------- str informative string Examples -------- >>> import pint.utils >>> print(pint.utils.info_string(prefix_string="# ",comment="Example comment")) # Created: 2021-07-21T09:39:45.606894 # PINT_version: 0.8.2+311.ge351099d # User: David Kaplan (dlk) # Host: margle-2.local # OS: macOS-10.14.6-x86_64-i386-64bit # Comment: Example comment Multi-line comments are allowed: >>> import pint.utils >>> print(pint.utils.info_string(prefix_string="C ", ... comment="Example multi-line comment\\nAlso using a different comment character")) C Created: 2021-07-21T09:40:34.172333 C PINT_version: 0.8.2+311.ge351099d C User: David Kaplan (dlk) C Host: margle-2.local C OS: macOS-10.14.6-x86_64-i386-64bit C Comment: Example multi-line comment C Comment: Also using a different comment character Full example of writing a par and tim file: >>> from pint.models import get_model_and_toas >>> # the locations of these may vary >>> timfile = "tests/datafile/NGC6440E.tim" >>> parfile = "tests/datafile/NGC6440E.par" >>> m, t = get_model_and_toas(parfile, timfile) >>> print(m.as_parfile(comment="Here is a comment on the par file")) # Created: 2021-07-22T08:24:27.101479 # PINT_version: 0.8.2+439.ge81c9b11.dirty # User: David Kaplan (dlk) # Host: margle-2.local # OS: macOS-10.14.6-x86_64-i386-64bit # Comment: Here is a comment on the par file PSR 1748-2021E EPHEM DE421 CLK UTC(NIST) ... >>> from pint.models import get_model_and_toas >>> import io >>> # the locations of these may vary >>> timfile = "tests/datafile/NGC6440E.tim" >>> parfile = "tests/datafile/NGC6440E.par" >>> m, t = get_model_and_toas(parfile, timfile) >>> f = io.StringIO(parfile) >>> t.write_TOA_file(f, comment="Here is a comment on the tim file") >>> >>> print(f.getvalue()) FORMAT 1 C Created: 2021-07-22T08:24:27.213529 C PINT_version: 0.8.2+439.ge81c9b11.dirty C User: David Kaplan (dlk) C Host: margle-2.local C OS: macOS-10.14.6-x86_64-i386-64bit C Comment: Here is a comment on the tim file unk 1949.609000 53478.2858714192189005 21.710 gbt -format Princeton -ddm 0.0 unk 1949.609000 53483.2767051885165973 21.950 gbt -format Princeton -ddm 0.0 unk 1949.609000 53489.4683897879295023 29.950 gbt -format Princeton -ddm 0.0 .... Notes ----- This can be called via :func:`~pint.toa.TOAs.write_TOA_file` on a :class:`~~pint.toa.TOAs` object, or :func:`~pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel.as_parfile` on a :class:`~pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel` object. .. _gitpython: """ # try to get the git user if defined try: import git # user-level git config c = git.GitConfigParser() username = c.get_value("user", option="name") + f" ({getpass.getuser()})" except (configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError, ImportError): username = getpass.getuser() info_dict = { "Created": f"{}", "PINT_version": pint.__version__, "User": username, "Host": platform.node(), "OS": platform.platform(), "Python": sys.version, } if detailed: from numpy import __version__ as numpy_version from scipy import __version__ as scipy_version from astropy import __version__ as astropy_version from erfa import __version__ as erfa_version from jplephem import __version__ as jpleph_version from matplotlib import __version__ as matplotlib_version from loguru import __version__ as loguru_version from pint import __file__ as pint_file info_dict.update( { "endian": sys.byteorder, "numpy_version": numpy_version, "numpy_longdouble_precision": np.dtype(np.longdouble).name, "scipy_version": scipy_version, "astropy_version": astropy_version, "pyerfa_version": erfa_version, "jplephem_version": jpleph_version, "matplotlib_version": matplotlib_version, "loguru_version": loguru_version, "Python_prefix": sys.prefix, "PINT_file": pint_file, } ) if "CONDA_PREFIX" in os.environ: conda_prefix = os.environ["CONDA_PREFIX"] info_dict.update( { "Environment": "conda", "conda_prefix": conda_prefix, } ) elif "VIRTUAL_ENV" in os.environ: venv_prefix = os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] info_dict.update( { "Environment": "virtualenv", "virtualenv_prefix": venv_prefix, } ) s = "".join(f"{key}: {val}\n" for key, val in info_dict.items()) s = textwrap.dedent(s) # remove blank lines s = os.linesep.join([x for x in s.splitlines() if x]) if comment is not None: if os.linesep in comment: s += os.linesep + os.linesep.join( [f"Comment: {x}" for x in comment.splitlines()] ) else: s += f"{os.linesep}Comment: {comment}" if (prefix_string is not None) and (len(prefix_string) > 0): s = os.linesep.join([prefix_string + x for x in s.splitlines()]) return s
[docs]def list_parameters(class_: Type = None) -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, List]]]: """List parameters understood by PINT. Parameters ---------- class_: type, optional If provided, produce a list of parameters understood by the Component type; if None, return a list of parameters understood by all Components known to PINT. Returns ------- list of dict Each entry is a dictionary describing one parameter. Dictionary values are all strings or lists of strings, and will include at least "name", "classes", and "description". """ if class_ is not None: from pint.models.parameter import ( boolParameter, intParameter, maskParameter, prefixParameter, strParameter, ) result = [] inst = class_() for p in inst.params: pm = getattr(inst, p) d = dict(, class_=f"{class_.__module__}.{class_.__name__}", description=pm.description, ) if pm.aliases: d["aliases"] = [a for a in pm.aliases if a !=] if pm.units: d["kind"] = pm.units.to_string() if not d["kind"]: d["kind"] = "number" elif isinstance(pm, boolParameter): d["kind"] = "boolean" elif isinstance(pm, strParameter): d["kind"] = "string" elif isinstance(pm, intParameter): d["kind"] = "integer" if isinstance(pm, prefixParameter): d["name"] = pm.prefix + "{number}" d["aliases"] = [a + "{number}" for a in pm.prefix_aliases] if isinstance(pm, maskParameter): d["name"] = pm.origin_name + " {flag} {value}" d["aliases"] = [a + " {flag} {value}" for a in pm.prefix_aliases] if "aliases" in d and not d["aliases"]: del d["aliases"] result.append(d) return result else: import pint.models.timing_model results = {} ct = pint.models.timing_model.Component.component_types.copy() ct["TimingModel"] = pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel for v in ct.values(): for d in list_parameters(v): n = d["name"] class_ = d.pop("class_") if n not in results: d["classes"] = [class_] results[n] = d else: r = results[n].copy() r.pop("classes") if r != d: raise ValueError( f"Parameter {d} in class {class_} does not match {results[n]}" ) results[n]["classes"].append(class_) return sorted(results.values(), key=lambda d: d["name"])
[docs]def colorize( text: str, fg_color: Optional[str] = None, bg_color: Optional[str] = None, attribute: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Colorizes a string (including unicode strings) for printing on the terminal For an example of usage, as well as a demonstration as to what the attributes and colors look like, check out :func:`~pint.utils.print_color_examples` Parameters ---------- text : string The text to colorize. Can include unicode. fg_color : _type_, optional Foreground color name. The color names (fg or bg) are one of: 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', or 'white'. bg_color : _type_, optional Background color name, by default None. Same choices as for `fg_color`. attribute : _type_, optional Text attribute, by default None. The text attributes are one of: 'normal', 'bold', 'subdued', 'italic', 'underscore', 'blink', 'reverse', or 'concealed'. Returns ------- string The colorized string using the defined text attribute. """ COLOR_FORMAT = "\033[%dm\033[%d;%dm%s\033[0m" FOREGROUND = dict(zip(COLOR_NAMES, list(range(30, 38)))) BACKGROUND = dict(zip(COLOR_NAMES, list(range(40, 48)))) ATTRIBUTE = dict(zip(TEXT_ATTRIBUTES, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8])) fg = FOREGROUND.get(fg_color, 39) bg = BACKGROUND.get(bg_color, 49) att = ATTRIBUTE.get(attribute, 0) return COLOR_FORMAT % (att, bg, fg, text)
[docs]def group_iterator(items: np.ndarray) -> Iterator[Tuple]: """An iterator to step over identical items in a :class:`numpy.ndarray` Example ------- This will step over all of the observatories in the TOAs. For each iteration it gives the observatory name and the indices that correspond to it: >>> t = pint.toa.get_TOAs("grouptest.tim") >>> for o, i in group_iterator(t["obs"]): >>> print(f"{o} {i}") """ for item in np.unique(items): yield item, np.where(items == item)[0]
[docs]def compute_hash(filename: file_like) -> bytes: """Compute a unique hash of a file. This is designed to keep around to detect changes, not to be cryptographically robust. It uses the SHA256 algorithm, which is known to be vulnerable to a length-extension attack. Parameters ---------- f : str or Path or file-like The source of input. If file-like, it should return ``bytes`` not ``str`` - that is, the file should be opened in binary mode. Returns ------- bytes A cryptographic hash of the input. """ h = hashlib.sha256() with open_or_use(filename, "rb") as f: # Reading in larger chunks saves looping without using # huge amounts of memory; and multiples of the hash # function block size are more efficient. blocks = 128 while block := * h.block_size): h.update(block) return h.digest()
[docs]def get_conjunction( coord: coords.SkyCoord, t0: Time, precision: Literal["low", "high"] = "low", ecl: str = "IERS2010", ) -> Time: """ Find first time of Solar conjuction after t0 and approximate elongation at conjunction Offers a low-precision version (based on analytic expression of Solar longitude) Or a higher-precision version (based on interpolating :func:`astropy.coordinates.get_sun`) Parameters ---------- coord : astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord t0 : astropy.time.Time precision : str, optional "low" or "high" precision ecl : str, optional Obliquity for PulsarEcliptic coordinates Returns ------- astropy.time.Time Time of conjunction astropy.units.Quantity Elongation at conjunction """ # import here to avoid circular import import pint.pulsar_ecliptic assert precision.lower() in ["low", "high"] coord = coord.transform_to(pint.pulsar_ecliptic.PulsarEcliptic(ecl=ecl)) # low precision version # use analytic form for Sun's ecliptic longitude # and interpolate tt = t0 + np.linspace(0, 365) * u.d # Allen's Astrophysical Quantities # Low precision solar coordinates (27.4.1) # number of days since J2000 n = tt.jd - 2451545 # mean longitude of Sun, corrected for abberation L = 280.460 * u.deg + 0.9854674 * u.deg * n # Mean anomaly g = 357.528 * u.deg + 0.9856003 * u.deg * n # Ecliptic longitude longitude = L + 1.915 * u.deg * np.sin(g) + 0.20 * u.deg * np.sin(2 * g) dlongitude = longitude - coord.lon dlongitude -= (dlongitude // (360 * u.deg)).max() * 360 * u.deg conjunction = Time(np.interp(0, dlongitude.value, tt.mjd), format="mjd") if precision.lower() == "low": return conjunction, # do higher precision # use astropy solar coordinates # start with 10 days on either side of the low precision value tt = conjunction + np.linspace(-10, 10) * u.d csun = coords.get_sun(tt) # this seems to be needed in old astropy csun = coords.SkyCoord(ra=csun.ra, dec=csun.dec) elongation = csun.separation(coord) # get min value and interpolate with a quadratic fit j = np.where(elongation == elongation.min())[0][0] x = tt.mjd[j - 3 : j + 4] y = elongation.value[j - 3 : j + 4] f = np.polyfit(x, y, 2) conjunction = Time(-f[1] / 2 / f[0], format="mjd") csun = coords.get_sun(conjunction) # this seems to be needed in old astropy csun = coords.SkyCoord(ra=csun.ra, dec=csun.dec) return conjunction, csun.separation(coord)
[docs]def divide_times(t: Time, t0: Time, offset: float = 0.5) -> np.ndarray: """ Divide input times into years relative to t0 Years are centered around the requested offset value Parameters ---------- t : astropy.time.Time t0 : astropy.time.Time Reference time offset : float, optional Offset value for division. A value of 0.5 divides the results into intervals [-0.5,0.5]. Returns ------- np.ndarray Array of indices for division Example ------- Divide into years around each conjunction >>> elongation = astropy.coordinates.get_sun(Time(t.get_mjds(), format="mjd")).separation(m.get_psr_coords()) >>> t0 = get_conjunction(m.get_psr_coords(), m.PEPOCH.quantity, precision="high")[0] >>> indices = divide_times(Time(t.get_mjds(), format="mjd"), t0) >>> plt.clf() >>> for i in np.unique(indices): plt.plot(t.get_mjds()[indices == i], elongation[indices == i].value, ".") """ dt = t - t0 values = ( + offset) // 1 return np.digitize(values, np.unique(values), right=True)
[docs]def convert_dispersion_measure( dm: u.Quantity, dmconst: Optional[u.Quantity] = None ) -> u.Quantity: """Convert dispersion measure to a different value of the DM constant. Parameters ---------- dm : astropy.units.Quantity DM measured according to the conventional value of the DM constant dmconst : astropy.units.Quantity Value of the DM constant. Default value is computed from CODATA physical constants. Returns ------- dm : astropy.units.Quantity DM measured according to the value of the DM constant computed from the latest values of the physical constants Notes ----- See for an explanation. """ if dmconst is None: e = eps0 = c = me = dmconst = e**2 / (8 * np.pi**2 * c * eps0 * me) return (dm * pint.DMconst / dmconst).to(pint.dmu)
[docs]def parse_time( input: Union[float, Time, u.Quantity, int, str], scale: str = "tdb", precision: int = 9, ) -> Time: """Parse an :class:`astropy.time.Time` object from a range of input types Parameters ---------- input : astropy.time.Time, astropy.units.Quantity, numpy.ndarray, float, int, str Value to parse scale : str, optional Scale of time for conversion precision : int, optional Precision for time Returns ------- astropy.time.Time """ if isinstance(input, Time): return input if input.scale == scale else getattr(input, scale) elif isinstance(input, u.Quantity): return Time(, format="pulsar_mjd", scale=scale, precision=precision ) elif isinstance(input, (np.ndarray, float, int)): return Time(input, format="pulsar_mjd", scale=scale, precision=precision) elif isinstance(input, str): return Time(input, format="pulsar_mjd_string", scale=scale, precision=precision) else: raise TypeError(f"Do not know how to parse times from {type(input)}")
[docs]def get_unit(parname: str) -> u.Unit: """Return the unit associated with a parameter Handles normal parameters, along with aliases and indexed parameters (e.g., `pint.models.parameter.prefixParameter` and `pint.models.parameter.maskParameter`) with an index beyond those currently initialized. This can be used without an existing :class:`~pint.models.TimingModel`. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of PINT parameter or alias Returns ------- astropy.u.Unit """ # import in the function to avoid circular dependencies from pint.models.timing_model import AllComponents ac = AllComponents() return ac.param_to_unit(parname)
[docs]def normalize_designmatrix(M, params): """Normalize each row of the design matrix. This is used while computing the GLS chi2 and the GLS fitting step. The normalized and unnormalized design matrices Mn and M are related by M = Mn @ S where S is a diagonal matrix containing the norms. This normalization is OK because the GLS operations (fitting step, chi2 computation etc.) involve the form M @ (M.T @ N.inv() @ M).inv() @ M.T and it is easy to see that the above expression doesn't change if we replace M -> Mn. Different parameters can have different units and numerically vastly different design matrix entries. The normalization step forces the design matrix entries to have similar numericall values and hence improves the numerical precision of the matrix operations. """ from pint.fitter import DegeneracyWarning norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(M**2, axis=0)) bad_params = [params[i] for i in np.where(norm == 0)[0]] if len(bad_params) > 0 and params is not None: warn( f"Parameter degeneracy found in designmatrix! The offending parameters are {bad_params}.", DegeneracyWarning, ) norm[norm == 0] = 1 return M / norm, norm
[docs]def akaike_information_criterion( model: "pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel", toas: "pint.toas.TOAs" ) -> float: """Compute the Akaike information criterion (AIC). The AIC is used for comparing different models for the given dataset. Given a model with best-fit parameters, the AIC is defined as AIC = 2*k - 2*ln(L) where k is the number of free parameters in the model and L is the maximum value of the likelihood for the model. Given n models with AIC values AIC1, ..., AICn, the preferred model is the one that minimizes the AIC value. If AIC_min is the minimum AIC value, then the i'th model can be said to be exp[AIC_min - AICi] times as probable as the favored model in minimizing information loss. See, e.g., Burnham & Anderson 2004 for further details. Unlike the F-test (:function:`~pint.utils.FTest`), the AIC does not require the models to be nested. See also :function:`~pint.utils.bayesian_information_criterion` for the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), a similar quantity used for model comparison. The main practical difference between AIC and BIC is that the BIC more heavily penalizes the number of free parameters. Parameters ---------- model: pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel The best-fit timing model toas: pint.toas.TOAs TOAs Returns ------- aic: float The Akaike information criterion """ from pint.residuals import Residuals if not toas.is_wideband(): k = ( len(model.free_params) if "PhaseOffset" in model.components else len(model.free_params) + 1 ) lnL = Residuals(toas, model).lnlikelihood() return 2 * (k - lnL) else: raise NotImplementedError( "akaike_information_criterion is not yet implemented for wideband data." )
[docs]def bayesian_information_criterion( model: "pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel", toas: "pint.toas.TOAs" ) -> float: """Compute the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). The BIC is used for comparing different models for the given dataset. Given a model with best-fit parameters, the AIC is defined as BIC = k*ln(N) - 2*ln(L) where k is the number of free parameters in the model, N is the number of data points/samples, and L is the maximum value of the likelihood for the model. Given n models with BIC values BIC1, ..., BICn, the preferred model is the one that minimizes the BIC value. The BIC is an approximation for the Bayesian evidence. It is computed by Taylor-expanding the log-likelihood function up to the second order in the vicinity of the maximum-likelihood point and assuming that the prior distribution doesn't vary appreciably in this neighbourhood. See, e.g., Burnham & Anderson 2004 for further details. Unlike the F-test (:function:`~pint.utils.FTest`), the BIC does not require the models to be nested. See also :function:`~pint.utils.akaike_information_criterion` for the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), a similar quantity used for model comparison. The main practical difference between AIC and BIC is that the BIC more heavily penalizes the number of free parameters. Parameters ---------- model: pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel The best-fit timing model toas: pint.toas.TOAs TOAs Returns ------- bic: float The Bayesian information criterion """ from pint.residuals import Residuals if not toas.is_wideband(): k = ( len(model.free_params) if "PhaseOffset" in model.components else len(model.free_params) + 1 ) lnN = len(toas) lnL = Residuals(toas, model).lnlikelihood() return k * lnN - 2 * lnL else: raise NotImplementedError( "bayesian_information_criterion is not yet implemented for wideband data." )
[docs]def sherman_morrison_dot( Ndiag: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray, w: float, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Compute an inner product of the form (x| C^-1 |y) where C = N + w |v)(v| , N is a diagonal matrix, and w is a positive real number, using the Sherman-Morrison identity C^-1 = N^-1 - ( w N^-1 |v)(v| N^-1 / (1 + w (v| N^-1 |v)) ) Additionally, det[C] = det[N] * (1 + w (v| N^-1 |v)) ) Paremeters ---------- Ndiag: array-like Diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix N v: array-like A vector that represents a rank-1 update to N w: float Weight associated with the rank-1 update x: array-like Vector 1 for the inner product y: array-like Vector 2 for the inner product Returns ------- result: float The inner product logdetC: float log-determinant of C """ Ninv = 1 / Ndiag Ninv_v = Ninv * v denom = 1 + w *, Ninv_v) numer = w *, Ninv_v) *, Ninv_v) result =, Ninv * y) - numer / denom logdet_C = np.sum(np.log(Ndiag.to_value(u.s**2))) + np.log( denom.to_value(u.dimensionless_unscaled) ) return result, logdet_C
[docs]def woodbury_dot( Ndiag: np.ndarray, U: np.ndarray, Phidiag: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Compute an inner product of the form (x| C^-1 |y) where C = N + U Phi U^T , N and Phi are diagonal matrices, using the Woodbury identity C^-1 = N^-1 - N^-1 - N^-1 U Sigma^-1 U^T N^-1 where Sigma = Phi^-1 + U^T N^-1 U Additionally, det[C] = det[N] * det[Phi] * det[Sigma] Paremeters ---------- Ndiag: array-like Diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix N U: array-like A matrix that represents a rank-n update to N Phidiag: array-like Weights associated with the rank-n update x: array-like Vector 1 for the inner product y: array-like Vector 2 for the inner product Returns ------- result: float The inner product logdetC: float log-determinant of C """ x_Ninv_y = np.sum(x * y / Ndiag) x_Ninv_U = (x / Ndiag) @ U y_Ninv_U = (y / Ndiag) @ U Sigma = np.diag(1 / Phidiag) + (U.T / Ndiag) @ U Sigma_cf = cho_factor(Sigma) x_Cinv_y = x_Ninv_y - x_Ninv_U @ cho_solve(Sigma_cf, y_Ninv_U) logdet_N = np.sum(np.log(Ndiag)) logdet_Phi = np.sum(np.log(Phidiag)) _, logdet_Sigma = np.linalg.slogdet(Sigma) logdet_C = logdet_N + logdet_Phi + logdet_Sigma return x_Cinv_y, logdet_C
def _get_wx2pl_lnlike( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", component_name: str, ignore_fyr: bool = True ) -> float: from pint.models.noise_model import powerlaw from pint import DMconst assert component_name in ["WaveX", "DMWaveX"] prefix = "WX" if component_name == "WaveX" else "DMWX" idxs = np.array(model.components[component_name].get_indices()) fs = np.array( [model[f"{prefix}FREQ_{idx:04d}"].quantity.to_value(u.Hz) for idx in idxs] ) f0 = np.min(fs) fyr = (1 / u.year).to_value(u.Hz) assert np.allclose( np.diff(np.diff(fs)), 0 ), "[DM]WaveX frequencies must be uniformly spaced." if ignore_fyr: year_mask = np.abs(((fs - fyr) / f0)) > 0.5 idxs = idxs[year_mask] fs = np.array( [model[f"{prefix}FREQ_{idx:04d}"].quantity.to_value(u.Hz) for idx in idxs] ) f0 = np.min(fs) scaling_factor = 1 if component_name == "WaveX" else DMconst / (1400 * u.MHz) ** 2 a = np.array( [ (scaling_factor * model[f"{prefix}SIN_{idx:04d}"].quantity).to_value(u.s) for idx in idxs ] ) da = np.array( [ (scaling_factor * model[f"{prefix}SIN_{idx:04d}"].uncertainty).to_value(u.s) for idx in idxs ] ) b = np.array( [ (scaling_factor * model[f"{prefix}COS_{idx:04d}"].quantity).to_value(u.s) for idx in idxs ] ) db = np.array( [ (scaling_factor * model[f"{prefix}COS_{idx:04d}"].uncertainty).to_value(u.s) for idx in idxs ] ) def powl_model(params: Tuple[float, float]) -> float: """Get the powerlaw spectrum for the WaveX frequencies for a given set of parameters. This calls the powerlaw function used by `PLRedNoise`/`PLDMNoise`. """ gamma, log10_A = params return (powerlaw(fs, A=10**log10_A, gamma=gamma) * f0) ** 0.5 def mlnlike(params: Tuple[float, ...]) -> float: """Negative of the likelihood function that acts on the `[DM]WaveX` amplitudes.""" sigma = powl_model(params) return 0.5 * np.sum( (a**2 / (sigma**2 + da**2)) + (b**2 / (sigma**2 + db**2)) + np.log(sigma**2 + da**2) + np.log(sigma**2 + db**2) ) return mlnlike
[docs]def plrednoise_from_wavex( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", ignore_fyr: bool = True ) -> "pint.models.TimingModel": """Convert a `WaveX` representation of red noise to a `PLRedNoise` representation. This is done by minimizing a likelihood function that acts on the `WaveX` amplitudes over the powerlaw spectral parameters. Parameters ---------- model: pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel The timing model with a `WaveX` component. ignore_fyr: bool Whether to ignore the frequency bin containinf 1 yr^-1 while fitting for the spectral parameters. Returns ------- pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel The timing model with a converted `PLRedNoise` component. """ from pint.models.noise_model import PLRedNoise mlnlike = _get_wx2pl_lnlike(model, "WaveX", ignore_fyr=ignore_fyr) result = minimize(mlnlike, [4, -13], method="Nelder-Mead") if not result.success: raise ValueError("Log-likelihood maximization failed to converge.") gamma_val, log10_A_val = result.x hess = Hessian(mlnlike) gamma_err, log10_A_err = np.sqrt( np.diag(np.linalg.pinv(hess((gamma_val, log10_A_val)))) ) tnredc = len(model.components["WaveX"].get_indices()) model1 = deepcopy(model) model1.remove_component("WaveX") model1.add_component(PLRedNoise()) model1.TNREDAMP.value = log10_A_val model1.TNREDGAM.value = gamma_val model1.TNREDC.value = tnredc model1.TNREDAMP.uncertainty_value = log10_A_err model1.TNREDGAM.uncertainty_value = gamma_err return model1
[docs]def pldmnoise_from_dmwavex( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", ignore_fyr: bool = False ) -> "pint.models.TimingModel": """Convert a `DMWaveX` representation of red noise to a `PLDMNoise` representation. This is done by minimizing a likelihood function that acts on the `DMWaveX` amplitudes over the powerlaw spectral parameters. Parameters ---------- model: pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel The timing model with a `DMWaveX` component. Returns ------- pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel The timing model with a converted `PLDMNoise` component. """ from pint.models.noise_model import PLDMNoise mlnlike = _get_wx2pl_lnlike(model, "DMWaveX", ignore_fyr=ignore_fyr) result = minimize(mlnlike, [4, -13], method="Nelder-Mead") if not result.success: raise ValueError("Log-likelihood maximization failed to converge.") gamma_val, log10_A_val = result.x hess = Hessian(mlnlike) H = hess((gamma_val, log10_A_val)) assert np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(H) > 0), "The Hessian is not positive definite!" Hinv = np.linalg.pinv(H) assert np.all( np.linalg.eigvals(Hinv) > 0 ), "The inverse Hessian is not positive definite!" gamma_err, log10_A_err = np.sqrt(np.diag(Hinv)) tndmc = len(model.components["DMWaveX"].get_indices()) model1 = deepcopy(model) model1.remove_component("DMWaveX") model1.add_component(PLDMNoise()) model1.TNDMAMP.value = log10_A_val model1.TNDMGAM.value = gamma_val model1.TNDMC.value = tndmc model1.TNDMAMP.uncertainty_value = log10_A_err model1.TNDMGAM.uncertainty_value = gamma_err return model1
[docs]def find_optimal_nharms( model: "pint.models.TimingModel", toas: "pint.toa.TOAs", component: Literal["WaveX", "DMWaveX"], nharms_max: int = 45, ) -> Tuple[int, np.ndarray]: """Find the optimal number of harmonics for `WaveX`/`DMWaveX` using the Akaike Information Criterion. Parameters ---------- model: `pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel` The timing model. Should not already contain `WaveX`/`DMWaveX` or `PLRedNoise`/`PLDMNoise`. toas: `pint.toa.TOAs` Input TOAs component: str Component name; "WaveX" or "DMWaveX" nharms_max: int Maximum number of harmonics Returns ------- nharms_opt: int Optimal number of harmonics aics: ndarray Array of normalized AIC values. """ from pint.fitter import Fitter assert component in ["WaveX", "DMWaveX"] assert ( component not in model.components ), f"{component} is already included in the model." assert ( "PLRedNoise" not in model.components and "PLDMNoise" not in model.components ), "PLRedNoise/PLDMNoise cannot be included in the model." model1 = deepcopy(model) ftr =, model1, downhill=False) ftr.fit_toas(maxiter=5) aics = [akaike_information_criterion(model1, toas)] model1 = ftr.model T_span = toas.get_mjds().max() - toas.get_mjds().min() setup_component = wavex_setup if component == "WaveX" else dmwavex_setup setup_component(model1, T_span, n_freqs=1, freeze_params=False) for _ in range(nharms_max): ftr =, model1, downhill=False) ftr.fit_toas(maxiter=5) aics.append(akaike_information_criterion(ftr.model, toas)) model1 = ftr.model if component == "WaveX": model1.components[component].add_wavex_component( (len(model1.components[component].get_indices()) + 1) / T_span, frozen=False, ) else: model1.components[component].add_dmwavex_component( (len(model1.components[component].get_indices()) + 1) / T_span, frozen=False, ) assert all(np.isfinite(aics)), "Infs/NaNs found in AICs!" return np.argmin(aics), np.array(aics) - np.min(aics)