
pint.utils.wavex_setup(model, T_span, freqs=None, n_freqs=None, freeze_params=False)[source]

Set-up a WaveX model based on either an array of user-provided frequencies or the wave number frequency calculation. Sine and Cosine amplitudes are initially set to zero

User specifies T_span and either freqs or n_freqs. This function assumes that the timing model does not already have any WaveX components. See add_wavex_component() or add_wavex_components() to add WaveX components to an existing WaveX model.

  • model (pint.models.timing_model.TimingModel) –

  • freqs (iterable of float or astropy.quantity.Quantity, None) – User inputed base frequencies

  • n_freqs (int, None) – Number of wave frequencies to calculate using the equation: freq_n = 2 * pi * n / T_span Where n is the wave number, and T_span is the total time span of the toas in the fitter object

  • T_span (float, astropy.quantity.Quantity) – Time span used to calculate nyquist frequency when using freqs Time span used to calculate WaveX frequencies when using n_freqs Usually to be set as the length of the timing baseline the model is being used for


indices – Indices that have been assigned to new WaveX components

Return type:
