This Jupyter notebook can be downloaded from bayesian-wideband-example.ipynb, or viewed as a python script at
PINT Bayesian Interface Example (Wideband)
import corner
import emcee
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pint.bayesian import BayesianTiming
from pint.config import examplefile
from pint.fitter import WidebandDownhillFitter
from pint.logging import setup as setup_log
from pint.models import get_model_and_toas
# Turn off log messages. They can slow down the processing.
# This is a simulated dataset.
m, t = get_model_and_toas(examplefile("test-wb-0.par"), examplefile("test-wb-0.tim"))
# Fit the model to the data to get the parameter uncertainties.
ftr = WidebandDownhillFitter(t, m)
m = ftr.model
# Now set the priors.
# I am cheating here by setting the priors around the maximum likelihood estimates.
# This is a bad idea for real datasets and can bias the estimates. I am doing this
# here just to make everything finish faster. In the real world, these priors should
# be informed by, e.g. previous (independent) timing solutions, pulsar search results,
# VLBI localization etc. Note that unbounded uniform priors don't work here.
prior_info = {}
for par in m.free_params:
param = getattr(m, par)
param_min = float(param.value - 10 * param.uncertainty_value)
param_max = float(param.value + 10 * param.uncertainty_value)
prior_info[par] = {"distr": "uniform", "pmin": param_min, "pmax": param_max}
# Set the EFAC and DMEFAC priors and unfreeze them.
# Don't do this before the fitting step. The fitter doesn't know
# how to deal with noise parameters.
prior_info["EFAC1"] = {"distr": "normal", "mu": 1, "sigma": 0.1}
prior_info["DMEFAC1"] = {"distr": "normal", "mu": 1, "sigma": 0.1}
m.EFAC1.frozen = False
m.EFAC1.uncertainty_value = 0.01
m.DMEFAC1.frozen = False
m.DMEFAC1.uncertainty_value = 0.01
# The likelihood function behaves better if `use_pulse_numbers==True`.
bt = BayesianTiming(m, t, use_pulse_numbers=True, prior_info=prior_info)
print("Number of parameters = ", bt.nparams)
print("Likelihood method = ", bt.likelihood_method)
Number of parameters = 8
Likelihood method = wls
nwalkers = 25
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, bt.nparams, bt.lnposterior)
# Start the sampler close to the maximul likelihood estimate.
maxlike_params = np.array([param.value for param in bt.params], dtype=float)
maxlike_errors = [param.uncertainty_value for param in bt.params]
start_points = (
np.repeat([maxlike_params], nwalkers).reshape(bt.nparams, nwalkers).T
+ np.random.randn(nwalkers, bt.nparams) * maxlike_errors
# ** IMPORTANT!!! **
# This is used to exclude the following time-consuming steps from the readthedocs build.
# Set this to False while actually using this example.
rtd = True
if not rtd:
print("Running emcee...")
chain_length = 1000
samples_emcee = sampler.get_chain(flat=True, discard=100)
# Plot the chains to make sure they have converged and the burn-in has been removed properly.
if not rtd:
for idx, param_chain in enumerate(samples_emcee.T):
plt.subplot(bt.nparams, 1, idx + 1)
if not rtd:
fig = corner.corner(
samples_emcee, labels=bt.param_labels, quantiles=[0.5], truths=maxlike_params