
Tools for working with pulse time-of-arrival (TOA) data.

In particular, single TOAs are represented by pint.toa.TOA objects, and if you want to manage a collection of these we recommend you use a pint.toa.TOAs object as this makes certain operations much more convenient. You probably want to load one with pint.toa.get_TOAs() (from a .tim file) or pint.toa.get_TOAs_array() (from a numpy.ndarray or astropy.time.Time object).



has moved to pint.simulation.


build_table(toas[, filename])

format_toa_line(toatime, toaerr, freq, obs)

Format TOA line for writing

get_TOAs(timfile[, ephem, include_bipm, ...])

Load and prepare TOAs for PINT use.

get_TOAs_array(times, obs[, scale, errors, ...])

Load and prepare TOAs for PINT use from an array of times.

get_TOAs_list(toa_list[, ephem, ...])

Load TOAs from a list of TOA objects.

load_pickle(toafilename[, picklefilename])

Load a pickle file, un-gzipping if necessary.

merge_TOAs(TOAs_list[, strict])

Merge a list of TOAs instances and return a new combined TOAs instance

read_toa_file(filename[, process_includes, ...])

Read TOAs from the given filename into a list.

save_pickle(toas[, picklefilename])

Write the TOAs to a .pickle.gz file.


FlagDict(*args, **kwargs)

TOA(MJD[, error, obs, freq, scale, flags])

A time of arrival (TOA) class.

TOAs([toafile, toalist, toatable, tzr])

A class of multiple TOAs, loaded from zero or more files.