
Timing model parameters encapsulated as objects.

Defines Parameter class for timing model parameters. These objects keep track of values, uncertainties, and units. They can hold a variety of types, both numeric - python floats and numpy longdoubles - and other - string, angles, times.

These classes also contain code to allow them to read and write values in both exact and human-readable forms, as well as detecting when they have occurred in .par files.

One major complication is that timing models can often have variable numbers of parameters: for example the DMX family of parameters can have one parameter for each group of TOAs in the input, allowing potentially very many. These are handled in two separate ways, as “prefix parameters” (pint.models.parameter.prefixParameter) and “mask parameters” (pint.models.parameter.maskParameter) depending on how they occur in the .par and .tim files.

See Supported Parameters for an overview, including a table of all the parameters PINT understands.


AngleParameter([name, value, description, ...])

Parameter in angle units.

MJDParameter([name, value, description, ...])

Parameters for MJD quantities.

Parameter([name, value, units, description, ...])

A single timing model parameter.

boolParameter([name, value, description, ...])

Boolean-valued parameter.

floatParameter([name, value, units, ...])

Parameter with float or long double value.

funcParameter([name, description, func, ...])

Parameter defined as a read-only function operating on other parameters that returns a float or long double value.

intParameter([name, value, description, ...])

Integer parameter values.

maskParameter(name[, index, key, key_value, ...])

Parameter that applies to a subset of TOAs.

pairParameter([name, index, value, ...])

Parameter type for parameters that need two input floats.

prefixParameter([parameter_type, name, ...])

Families of parameters identified by a prefix like DMX_0123.

strParameter([name, value, description, aliases])

String-valued parameter.