
Functions for working with Keplerian orbits

All times are in days, distances in light-seconds, and masses in solar masses.


btx_parameters(asini, pb, eps1, eps2, tasc)

Attempt to convert parameters from ELL1 to BTX.

eccentric_from_mean(e, mean_anomaly)

Compute the eccentric anomaly from the mean anomaly.

inverse_kepler_2d(xv, m, t)

Compute the Keplerian parameters for the osculating orbit.

inverse_kepler_3d(xyv, m, t)

Inverse Kepler one-body calculation.

inverse_kepler_two_body(total_state, t)

kepler_2d(params, t)

Position and velocity of a particle in a Kepler orbit.

kepler_3d(params, t)

One-body Kepler problem in 3D.

kepler_two_body(params, t)

Set up two bodies in a Keplerian orbit

mass(a, pb)

Compute the mass of a particle in a Kepler orbit.

mass_partials(a, pb)

Compute the mass of a particle in a Kepler orbit, with partials.

true_from_eccentric(e, eccentric_anomaly)

Compute the true anomaly from the eccentric anomaly.


Kepler2DParameters(a, pb, eps1, eps2, t0)

Parameters to describe a one-object 2D Keplerian orbit.

Kepler3DParameters(a, pb, eps1, eps2, i, lan, t0)

Parameters to describe a one-object 3D Keplerian orbit.

KeplerTwoBodyParameters(a, pb, eps1, eps2, ...)

Parameters to describe a one-object 3D Keplerian orbit.