
A module implementing binned and unbinned likelihood for weighted and unweighted sets of photon phases. The model is encapsulated in LCTemplate, a mixture model.

LCPrimitives are combined to form a light curve (LCTemplate). LCFitter then performs a maximum likelihood fit to determine the light curve parameters.

LCFitter also allows fits to subsets of the phases for TOA calculation.

$Header: /nfs/slac/g/glast/ground/cvs/pointlike/python/uw/pulsar/,v 1.54 2017/03/24 18:48:51 kerrm Exp $

author: M. Kerr <>


approx_gradient(fitter[, eps])

Numerically approximate the gradient of an instance of one of the light curve fitters.

calc_step_size(logl, par[, minstep, maxstep])

get_errors(template, total[, n])

This is, I think, for making MC estimates of TOA errors.

hess_from_grad(grad, par[, step, iterations])

Use gradient to compute hessian.

hessian(m, mf, *args, **kwargs)

Calculate the Hessian; mf is the minimizing function, m is the model,args additional arguments for mf.


make_err_plot(template[, totals, n])

shifted(m[, delta])

Produce a copy of a binned profile shifted in phase by delta.

weighted_light_curve(nbins, phases, weights)

Return a set of bins, values, and errors to represent a weighted light curve.


LCFitter(template, phases[, weights, ...])

Class for fitting light curves.