
pint.models.tcb_conversion.convert_tcb_tdb(model, backwards=False)[source]

This function performs a partial conversion of a model specified in TCB to TDB. While this should be sufficient as a starting point, the resulting parameters are only approximate and the model should be re-fit.

This is based on the transform plugin of tempo2.

The following parameters are converted to TDB:
  1. Spin frequency, its derivatives and spin epoch

  2. Sky coordinates, proper motion and the position epoch

  3. DM, DM derivatives and DM epoch

  4. Keplerian binary parameters and FB1

The following parameters are NOT converted although they are in fact affected by the TCB to TDB conversion:

  1. Parallax

2. TZRMJD and TZRFRQ 2. DMX parameters 3. Solar wind parameters 4. Binary post-Keplerian parameters including Shapiro delay

parameters (except FB1)

  1. Jumps and DM Jumps

  2. FD parameters

  3. EQUADs

  4. Red noise parameters including FITWAVES, powerlaw red noise and powerlaw DM noise parameters
