
pint.models.tcb_conversion.scale_parameter(model, param, n, backwards)[source]
Scale a parameter x by a power of IFTE_K

x_tdb = x_tcb * IFTE_K**n

The power n depends on the “effective dimensionality” of the parameter as it appears in the timing model. Some examples are given bellow:

  1. F0 has effective dimensionality of frequency and n = 1

  2. F1 has effective dimensionality of frequency^2 and n = 2

  3. A1 has effective dimensionality of time because it appears as A1/c in the timing model. Therefore, its n = -1

  4. DM has effective dimensionality of frequency because it appears as DM*DMconst in the timing model. Therefore, its n = 1

  5. PBDOT is dimensionless and has n = 0. i.e., it is not scaled.



The timing model


The parameter name to be converted


The power of IFTE_K in the scaling factor


Whether to do TDB to TCB conversion.